The Pecking Order...

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A few opinions on a forum by complete strangers?
Grant Thomas calling Fraser a dog etc, the real world is full of public figures being praised or criticized. They make ample coin, and nobody is attacking their family, race, or their sexuality. Rediculous. They are men, not little girls.

Bullshit! How much coin is considered "ample" to warrant constant abuse Rippednew1?

Originally Posted by Pres
It goes without saying but the sad thing about forums such as these is that people will sit there under an alias and type things that they would never say to someone's face.

How true Pres :thumbsu:
Bullshit! How much coin is considered "ample" to warrant constant abuse Rippednew1?

How true Pres :thumbsu:
What is this so called abuse? Is it the Brown stuff, the Watt stuff or the Power stuff?
Is being critical of players ability abuse? Cant recall any real abuse really. Mostly frustration at terrible selectors.
Oh dear, slavery, sufferage and persecution of minorities. Master deflection, dude. I suppose you felt it necessary to support the dubious original contention of the thread.

Football is a game that has evolved with society, but has plenty of constants. Goals are worth six points, behinds are worth one, etc. Despite rolling rule changes, it's basis is fundamentally the same as when it started. Sure it's faster and more highly skilled, but that's evolution.

Players copped it from the crowds then, they cop it now. The method has also evolved (internet, etc), but it's still a fundamental part of the game, as I said before, part of the fabric. It is also a fundamental right of supporters.

Depression has indeed increased, but is that now grounds for supporters to give up a fundamental part of their participation in the game? Yeah, right.

FFS, the AFL stuffs up the game enough, the PC Police should take their bleeding hearts elsewhere.

Wasn't really a deflection, just pointing out that you should base a choice on what you see as right, not what has been common practice. I think it fundamentally says something about you as a person if you feel the need to abuse people you don't know on a consistent basis. Something about your own levels of self-esteem. But each to their own... some people get their jollies from anonymous abuse from behind a keyboard. Whatever pitches your trouser tent.

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What is this so called abuse? Is it the Brown stuff, the Watt stuff or the Power stuff?
Is being critical of players ability abuse? Cant recall any real abuse really. Mostly frustration at terrible selectors.

Or the coach perhaps? The ignorant singling out of one player for the entire side's woes is what I find rubbish. Same goes for blaming the coach for every ill. Alot of posting on this board has been over the top in relation to Power, no doubt about it. If it was left at footballing abilty critique's then that's one thing, but the OP's correct............our club's supporters, for some reason, NEED a whipping boy at all times, and alot of posts have gone beyond his footy ability.

Anyway, he's just an example.

I agree with the poster above who said "You should try sitting next to one of them", referring to our own supporters who go on and on with their criticism of our players, or one particular player. I sat next to one recently and was within a split second of knocking his head off! Gutless, pathetic SUPPORTING afaic.
Wasn't really a deflection, just pointing out that you should base a choice on what you see as right, not what has been common practice. I think it fundamentally says something about you as a person if you feel the need to abuse people you don't know on a consistent basis. Something about your own levels of self-esteem. But each to their own... some people get their jollies from anonymous abuse from behind a keyboard. Whatever pitches your trouser tent.
Some people pay money and watch our shit performances live. Some have supported the club a lot longer than Power, Watt and Laidley started cloggin up our list and being bent over in the sofest of fashions ever seen in football finals. You can waste your time and coin if you actually go and watch, but yeah we still are a rudderless ordinary outfit. At least wait a few weeks to see if we can scrape our sorry ass' off the bottom of the ladder.
Or the coach perhaps? The ignorant singling out of one player for the entire side's woes is what I find rubbish. Same goes for blaming the coach for every ill. Alot of posting on this board has been over the top in relation to Power, no doubt about it. If it was left at footballing abilty critique's then that's one thing, but the OP's correct............our club's supporters, for some reason, NEED a whipping boy at all times, and alot of posts have gone beyond his footy ability.

Anyway, he's just an example.

I agree with the poster above who said "You should try sitting next to one of them", referring to our own supporters who go on and on with their criticism of our players, or one particular player. I sat next to one recently and was within a split second of knocking his head off! Gutless, pathetic SUPPORTING afaic.
The abuse at games is a different matter imo, especially from North people.
Power has a right of reply on here, and if he dosent like the Power is shit stuff he can say so.
Would love to know what positives he brings TT?
Disliking certain players ability and their automatic selections is different from abuse. 1 decent game a month and the rangers are out and about is very frustrating.
Oriiginally Posted by Rippednew1
Some people pay money and watch our shit performances live. Some have supported the club a lot longer than Power, Watt and Laidley started cloggin up our list and being bent over in the sofest of fashions ever seen in football finals. You can waste your time and coin if you actually go and watch, but yeah we still are a rudderless ordinary outfit. At least wait a few weeks to see if we can scrape our sorry ass' off the bottom of the ladder.

Do you watch our games live at the ground? Or do you watch on tv alone?

Nobody here, or anywhere else, will excuse the finals thrashings. WTF has that got to do with the here and now though? The present side is almost completely turned over from those sides which were bundled out of the finals.

Laidley the premiership player clogging our list? Or Laidley the coach?

Either way, it has nothing to do with the OP, and your constant fallback option of blaming it all on the coach, even when a thread's not about our coaching, is starting to grate on me.....dunno about others. You use every thread as an opportunity to jump on your soapbox and shout stuff we hear from you in the bulk of your posts......"sack the's Power's fault" blah blah.

The "bottom of the ladder" has us one game from the top 4, in a season where our team's been decimated and pour kids have been thrust into the 1's to try and get up to the speed of the AFL, learn new game plans, and hopefully pull off a win or two.
The abuse at games is a different matter imo, especially from North people.
Power has a right of reply on here, and if he dosent like the Power is shit stuff he can say so.
Would love to know what positives he brings TT?
Disliking certain players ability and their automatic selections is different from abuse. 1 decent game a month and the rangers are out and about is very frustrating.

I'm far from a "Ranger" but I can see why he's played. I doubt that he's played and forgiven for his past crap performances either. He was dropped, remember. He was a late inclusion due to injury, and he played well. He's a better kick than some would recognise, for one. He's not our typical 5'11" tagger type. He's a tall midfielder with tagging ability, which allows us to mark opponents who've previously been too big for us. The main reason though is that he never tires. He runs from the first bounce till the final siren, never slowing down. We've lacked anyone able to do that, besides Simmo, Boomer, and Brady for years.

A finals team isn't made up of 9 Brad Sewells, 5 Luke Hodges, 4 Buddy's etc. It has the bit part players who play their role, shut down a player, do whatever's asked of them. Yes, he's had some shockers, but knowing some of the asst coaches (and the fact they're not at all idiots with their views on footy), I suspect they're trying to clean up his game as he COULD be valuable to us if he irons out a few things.........much like many players we have.
Some people pay money and watch our shit performances live. Some have supported the club a lot longer than Power, Watt and Laidley started cloggin up our list and being bent over in the sofest of fashions ever seen in football finals. You can waste your time and coin if you actually go and watch, but yeah we still are a rudderless ordinary outfit. At least wait a few weeks to see if we can scrape our sorry ass' off the bottom of the ladder.

okay... I'm sure I'm not the only one that's had it up to my eyeballs with your relentless tirade about the coach and sam power.
While there is a degree of freedom of speech on here, the prime motive of a forum is a) to share our views and b) to enjoy the insight other posters provide.
You take it upon yourself at ever opportunity to hijack threads with your repetitive spam about how the plight of our football team, the development of all our players, our injuries, the global financial crisis and Bindi f'ing Irwin on TV all being the fault of one Dean Laidley.
I honestly can't think of a single instance where I've enjoyed reading one of your posts, i mean hell, even the people who passionately believe Laidley isn't the man for us are sick of your lack of meaningful contribution to this forum.
I challenge you to find more than 3 people that appreciate your contributions and would not be happy to see you take an extended holiday from posting. I say 3 because i imagine that's about the number of aliases you keep =\
Do you watch our games live at the ground? Or do you watch on tv alone?

Nobody here, or anywhere else, will excuse the finals thrashings. WTF has that got to do with the here and now though? The present side is almost completely turned over from those sides which were bundled out of the finals.

Laidley the premiership player clogging our list? Or Laidley the coach?

Either way, it has nothing to do with the OP, and your constant fallback option of blaming it all on the coach, even when a thread's not about our coaching, is starting to grate on me.....dunno about others. You use every thread as an opportunity to jump on your soapbox and shout stuff we hear from you in the bulk of your posts......"sack the's Power's fault" blah blah.

The "bottom of the ladder" has us one game from the top 4, in a season where our team's been decimated and pour kids have been thrust into the 1's to try and get up to the speed of the AFL, learn new game plans, and hopefully pull off a win or two.
Yep, get to most games.
7 years of failure and we are at a crossroad of rebuilding.
If we sign JYD this year we probably will be stuck with him for 3 more years at least.
NMFC is a strong reason as to why i even live in this state, so my patience with having JYD plod along for 10 years being a poor mans Malthouse inadvertantly keeping crowds away and lowering the value of our players is lower than others.
In my mind JYD will not take us to a flag and WHEN we sign him up(with our money) we are pushing the club closer to extinction imo.
okay... I'm sure I'm not the only one that's had it up to my eyeballs with your relentless tirade about the coach and sam power.
While there is a degree of freedom of speech on here, the prime motive of a forum is a) to share our views and b) to enjoy the insight other posters provide.
You take it upon yourself at ever opportunity to hijack threads with your repetitive spam about how the plight of our football team, the development of all our players, our injuries, the global financial crisis and Bindi f'ing Irwin on TV all being the fault of one Dean Laidley.
I honestly can't think of a single instance where I've enjoyed reading one of your posts, i mean hell, even the people who passionately believe Laidley isn't the man for us are sick of your lack of meaningful contribution to this forum.
I challenge you to find more than 3 people that appreciate your contributions and would not be happy to see you take an extended holiday from posting. I say 3 because i imagine that's about the number of aliases you keep =\
Do you go to games? Whats your input? Drivel?
Wasn't really a deflection, just pointing out that you should base a choice on what you see as right, not what has been common practice. I think it fundamentally says something about you as a person if you feel the need to abuse people you don't know on a consistent basis. Something about your own levels of self-esteem. But each to their own... some people get their jollies from anonymous abuse from behind a keyboard. Whatever pitches your trouser tent.

Aah, nice. You start a thread with an attitude sourced way atop a high horse. Pop back in from time to time in an attempt to demonstrate how you're above the baser attributes of supporters. Throw in some irrelevent jargons, eg. the plight of the suffragettes, to make yourself look really high-brow. Then BAM, go the man when you don't like what's said.

Sort of lessens your "I'm-so-superior" credibility, no?

anonymous abuse from behind a keyboard > anonymous smug superiority from behind a keyboard.
TT's posts pretty much resonate how I feel.
I understand if you don't like something don't read it. Thus, I try to stay away from Power threads, Laidley threads and more recently, LT threads in general. However, it can't be helped getting a little frustrated when other threads inadvertently end up being turned into threads you would otherwise ignore anyway.
To all those people who content themselves with baggin out the people in our club, I say at least stick to the relevant threads when doing so.

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Do you go to games? Whats your input? Drivel?

I get to the games I'm able to, I bought three memberships this year, and gave two away on a student income. I'm sending friends to the game on Saturday with my membership because I'm playing footy myself, and I've converted a few people into following north, some of them now passionately. What's more, I've grown to really enjoy this forum with some valuable and insightful posters such as GoKangas, RoyalBlue, Mr Reliable, TT, etc etc only to see it start to be dragged through crap by broken jukeboxes like yourself who seem to thrive on repeating yourself to the point of insanity. It makes me sad when i log on and all i find are a few threads with a various arrangement of "Laidley, fault, sack, drop, power and shit", and even the other threads have been hijacked... and i don't think i'm the only one. Did you find ANYONE who enjoys your contribution to this forum?

Edit: and LuvTheKangas, I'm not really interested, you'll have to find a bite elsewhere
I get to the games I'm able to, I bought three memberships this year, and gave two away on a student income. I'm sending friends to the game on Saturday with my membership because I'm playing footy myself, and I've converted a few people into following north, some of them now passionately. What's more, I've grown to really enjoy this forum with some valuable and insightful posters such as GoKangas, RoyalBlue, Mr Reliable, TT, etc etc only to see it start to be dragged through crap by broken jukeboxes like yourself who seem to thrive on repeating yourself to the point of insanity. It makes me sad when i log on and all i find are a few threads with a various arrangement of "Laidley, fault, sack, drop, power and shit", and even the other threads have been hijacked... and i don't think i'm the only one. Did you find ANYONE who enjoys your contribution to this forum?

Edit: and LuvTheKangas, I'm not really interested, you'll have to find a bite elsewhere

Harsh, well harsh for the rest of us poor posters.:(
I'm far from a "Ranger" but I can see why he's played. I doubt that he's played and forgiven for his past crap performances either. He was dropped, remember. He was a late inclusion due to injury, and he played well. He's a better kick than some would recognise, for one. He's not our typical 5'11" tagger type. He's a tall midfielder with tagging ability, which allows us to mark opponents who've previously been too big for us. The main reason though is that he never tires. He runs from the first bounce till the final siren, never slowing down. We've lacked anyone able to do that, besides Simmo, Boomer, and Brady for years.

A finals team isn't made up of 9 Brad Sewells, 5 Luke Hodges, 4 Buddy's etc. It has the bit part players who play their role, shut down a player, do whatever's asked of them. Yes, he's had some shockers, but knowing some of the asst coaches (and the fact they're not at all idiots with their views on footy), I suspect they're trying to clean up his game as he COULD be valuable to us if he irons out a few things.........much like many players we have.

Some high quality posting in this thread by you mate, but i doubt Ripped will understand any of it.
Sorta related imo. If selections were better, whipping may not occur at all.
Correct. If Power were to be selected on merit (ie, when we have injuries to cover, or if he has a specific job that he's well equipped to do), he may not cop so much criticism. Most of the criticism comes from the glaringly obvious fact that he is a very limited player, who for some unfathomable reason is treated by Laidley as an A-grade champion, an automatic selection no matter who we are playing this week, and no matter how ineptly he played last week.
I get to the games I'm able to, I bought three memberships this year, and gave two away on a student income. I'm sending friends to the game on Saturday with my membership because I'm playing footy myself, and I've converted a few people into following north, some of them now passionately. What's more, I've grown to really enjoy this forum with some valuable and insightful posters such as GoKangas, RoyalBlue, Mr Reliable, TT, etc etc only to see it start to be dragged through crap by broken jukeboxes like yourself who seem to thrive on repeating yourself to the point of insanity. It makes me sad when i log on and all i find are a few threads with a various arrangement of "Laidley, fault, sack, drop, power and shit", and even the other threads have been hijacked... and i don't think i'm the only one. Did you find ANYONE who enjoys your contribution to this forum?

Edit: and LuvTheKangas, I'm not really interested, you'll have to find a bite elsewhere
Yeah right, anyone can spew any lines hey.
Is lucky all posters arent as toe the party line as you. This would be a very boring place if everyone spouted the coaches line at every opportunity, whilst offering nothing.
I watched the Champions League this morning in a pub with the Victorian Branch of the MU Supporters Club. Given how the game went they were none too happy. However, I've come to the conclusion that Sam Power is the John O'Shea of North. Despite the fact that Evra was been stitched up on the opposite side of the ground all the supporters could do was heap crap on the lesser talented O'Shea who was carrying out his roll to perfection.
Disagree. O'Shea is actually out of the best and starting 11, unlike Power.

Did Barca win incidentally? 2-0?
Thats one thing footy does probably better than anything including religion and brings out the opinion in every one of us......sensational!
Could nezzer be related to Daly? Seems to have pie connections.
Clever, puts the spotlight on the cloggers positively and negatively whilst diverting blame away from the coaches whilst blaming the supporters for everything. Like it.

Question: When Rippednew1 gets pwned on this forum (pretty common occurrence admittedly) does he have any tactic other than to accuse his vanquisher or being related to a member of the coaching department?

It's getting pretty old.

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The Pecking Order...

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