The Percieved Board / Coaching situation - Post Here no more individual threads

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What annoys me most about you is that you are wrong all the time.

OK, lets bump some of your idiotic threads from when you used to post as Bentleigh, shall we? Then we'll see who is wrong all the time, and it wont be me.
Re: What will you do if TW gets sacked?!?

Of course, but he isnt the next coach and when the next coach becomes the current coach, we will then see what he produces and deal with him either way.
You have a fav son as a coach who took you to the flag. Wait around for another year or 2 and if he doesnt produce, which he wont, you will see what can do clubs do, when they want success, they get the next coach. ;)

Terry Wallace was brought in to give you success, he's said from day one that success was a long way off.

Now, from about halfway through year 2 to the start of year 3 of his contract, tiger fans have been calling for his head, surely if the blokes is open and honest about how far off the mark the club is, you stick with him until such time that he's got his list/footy department/any off field structure in the sort of shape it needs to be to have a tilt at the flag?

All he's done in the 4 years he's been there is fix other people's mistakes. There's only one mistake of his that sticks out for mand that was recruiting Kent Kingsley, but that was only done to appease pressure from the ones in power who were hungry for imediate success. Once the bloke was recruited the pressure went and he couldn't get a game - that still has me bewildered.

But come on, give him a break, let him do what he came to club to do and if you don't make finals next year, then put the real acid on him, make him accampaignerable for the previous 5 years. Somehow, I can't see it happening - at least 3 sides in the final 8 from this year won't be there next year (Syd, Adel, Coll).

You might think supporters don't have much of an impact on a footy club's decisons as far as coaches go, but they're near on as important as the board, if the ferals aren't happy, the board aren't happy - if the board aren't happy the coach goes. Paul Roos was appointed coach because of supporter/member pressure.

I just think you're being very unfair on a bloke who's busting his gut for the club, who's done all the hard work, and now the benefit are starting to show, there's talk of sacking him!

People go on and on about stability, something RFC has lacked for 25 years, yet when the REAL chance for stability comes, now, people continue to try and rock the boat.

And as for my club, we've been very fortunate to have regular success, for this I'm greatful, but even now, I've got faith in Woosha turning it around. What i won't like is dis-honesty, if he keeps claiming we're a good chance for finals when we're clearly not, then we'll have some issues. Wallace has never claimed to have a list capable of playing finals - I don't asee the similarity.
Re: What will you do if TW gets sacked?!?

Terry Wallace was brought in to give you success, he's said from day one that success was a long way off.

Now, from about halfway through year 2 to the start of year 3 of his contract, tiger fans have been calling for his head, surely if the blokes is open and honest about how far off the mark the club is, you stick with him until such time that he's got his list/footy department/any off field structure in the sort of shape it needs to be to have a tilt at the flag?

All he's done in the 4 years he's been there is fix other people's mistakes. There's only one mistake of his that sticks out for mand that was recruiting Kent Kingsley, but that was only done to appease pressure from the ones in power who were hungry for imediate success. Once the bloke was recruited the pressure went and he couldn't get a game - that still has me bewildered.

But come on, give him a break, let him do what he came to club to do and if you don't make finals next year, then put the real acid on him, make him accampaignerable for the previous 5 years. Somehow, I can't see it happening - at least 3 sides in the final 8 from this year won't be there next year (Syd, Adel, Coll).

You might think supporters don't have much of an impact on a footy club's decisons as far as coaches go, but they're near on as important as the board, if the ferals aren't happy, the board aren't happy - if the board aren't happy the coach goes. Paul Roos was appointed coach because of supporter/member pressure.

I just think you're being very unfair on a bloke who's busting his gut for the club, who's done all the hard work, and now the benefit are starting to show, there's talk of sacking him!

People go on and on about stability, something RFC has lacked for 25 years, yet when the REAL chance for stability comes, now, people continue to try and rock the boat.

And as for my club, we've been very fortunate to have regular success, for this I'm greatful, but even now, I've got faith in Woosha turning it around. What i won't like is dis-honesty, if he keeps claiming we're a good chance for finals when we're clearly not, then we'll have some issues. Wallace has never claimed to have a list capable of playing finals - I don't asee the similarity.

Great post, there are enough Richmond Baggers out there without us joining in

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Re: What will you do if TW gets sacked?!?

Terry Wallace was brought in to give you success, he's said from day one that success was a long way off.

Now, from about halfway through year 2 to the start of year 3 of his contract, tiger fans have been calling for his head, surely if the blokes is open and honest about how far off the mark the club is, you stick with him until such time that he's got his list/footy department/any off field structure in the sort of shape it needs to be to have a tilt at the flag?

All he's done in the 4 years he's been there is fix other people's mistakes. There's only one mistake of his that sticks out for mand that was recruiting Kent Kingsley, but that was only done to appease pressure from the ones in power who were hungry for imediate success. Once the bloke was recruited the pressure went and he couldn't get a game - that still has me bewildered.

But come on, give him a break, let him do what he came to club to do and if you don't make finals next year, then put the real acid on him, make him accampaignerable for the previous 5 years. Somehow, I can't see it happening - at least 3 sides in the final 8 from this year won't be there next year (Syd, Adel, Coll).

You might think supporters don't have much of an impact on a footy club's decisons as far as coaches go, but they're near on as important as the board, if the ferals aren't happy, the board aren't happy - if the board aren't happy the coach goes. Paul Roos was appointed coach because of supporter/member pressure.

I just think you're being very unfair on a bloke who's busting his gut for the club, who's done all the hard work, and now the benefit are starting to show, there's talk of sacking him!

People go on and on about stability, something RFC has lacked for 25 years, yet when the REAL chance for stability comes, now, people continue to try and rock the boat.

And as for my club, we've been very fortunate to have regular success, for this I'm greatful, but even now, I've got faith in Woosha turning it around. What i won't like is dis-honesty, if he keeps claiming we're a good chance for finals when we're clearly not, then we'll have some issues. Wallace has never claimed to have a list capable of playing finals - I don't asee the similarity.

but what about when Woosha suggests that you arent tanking? is that dishonest? Yes...but we call it a no huh?

And as for TW. he has never claimed anything, he brings out the spin that means JS. Thats the ****ing issue. Ooops sorry, he did claim that JON is going to make all the doubters eat their words. That one is something I cant wait for. Oh and he also claimed that Meyer was something special when he first recruited him, along the lines of he is the best kick he has ever seen. You beauty hey? 4 year on and we havent really seen if he is and JON by my reckoning will still be developing in the 2s come 2011 iso the doubters forget the comment that TW made. You want BS, well you got it wall to wall with the spin doctor extraordinaire. Dont forget the KPIs and the graphs that he uses in show and tell too. They just rock. ;)
Re: What will you do if TW gets sacked?!?

Let me assure you, there is a high possibility of March giving Wallace the sack. But let me also assure you, plenty...and I mean plenty is being done behind the scenes to make sure Wallace gets an extension.

Action will be taken if Wallace gets the sack
Re: What will you do if TW gets sacked?!?

I think Wallace should coach until the end of next year. If we don't make the finals he should then get the sack, I we do then re-sign him for two more years. My only concern is that Wallace himself knows that making the finals next year will determine his fate and that he may trade away our future for a quick fix during this trading and drafting period.

The best way to go about this trading period is that Wallace make the decisions but someone else such as Craig Cameron must approve of the decision for it to go ahead.

If Wallace gets the sack I would not be too fussed if Wallace gets the sack. I am a bit 50/50 on how he has developed the side so far.
Patrick Smith Is He right?

Either Wallace is up to it or not

Patrick Smith | September 04, 2008

IT is not easy working out exactly what Richmond has done well this season.
The board sacked football hot shot Greg Miller, the president Gary March publicly torched fellow director Tony Free, a major sponsor called it quits and now the club is lining Terry Wallace up for the chop.
About the only positive turn of events at the club was the leap up the ladder: the Tigers finished bottom with just three wins last year and then ninth this season with 11 wins.
We would invite you to at least celebrate that significant jump up the ladder, but March has told us it is not worth a single cheer never mind a merry jig. He has only given that performance a five out of 10. He argues that if you don't make the top eight then the season cannot be considered successful. Just why then he gives the season a five when ninth in a competition of 16 teams can hardly be a pass mark is quite beyond us.
If he applies his standards rigidly then a leap from 16th to ninth is still worth no more than a four. We might also conclude, rightly or wrongly, that the Richmond board knows nothing about football. The club directors still cannot work out whether coach Terry Wallace is any good even though he has been at the club for four and more years.
March has decreed that - in agreement with Wallace, and as though the coach had any option - the future of the coach will not be decided until halfway through next year, the last in Wallace's contract.
Surely it is fair to ask what will the club learn between now and June 2009 that was not bleeding obvious in late 2004 and all of 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008? Either it believes Wallace can do the job or it reckons he is a dingbat. If the directors are of the mind that he is a dunderhead then replace him now and not waste 2009. If they think he has the wherewithal to continue the improvement shown this year then the directors should offer him a new contract so he has the confidence to coach for the benefit of the club and not just his immediate future. Because there is a difference.
A coach fighting for his future is vulnerable - no matter how drenched in integrity he is - to taking an expedient option rather than the one best placed to strengthen the club not momentarily but permanently.
If the Richmond board of directors thinks it needs another six months to figure out if Wallace is the right coach for their club it is more an indication that they need to reassess their competency rather than that of Wallace.
All of this, of course, is predicated that Wallace wants to continue on after next year. He might not now that he has a good indication of the club's faith in him. There is the possibility, too, that he might just have had enough of coaching not only Richmond but anybody. He has just finished his 11th year as a senior coach and that is a long time on the front line.
The Tigers' managerial style this year has not been something they might boast about. First up, Miller. The club sacked the football department head at a critical time in the year with the Tigers very much a chance to make the finals. At the time March said: "What we wanted to do was not be behind the rest of the field. It's well documented there are a number of clubs out there looking for different people - Melbourne, Port Adelaide, West Coast - and what we didn't want to do is miss the best available person once we'd made the decision to move forward.
"All the key decisions that are made around football are made in October, but we felt that once we made the decision, we needed a new person to come into the organisation and we wanted that person in the chair to be part of those decisions."
That was back in July. Richmond is yet to name Miller's replacement while Melbourne, Port and West Coast (until Michael Voss decamped on Tuesday) have been busy filling their vacant positions.
While Wallace would not have been at all fussed by Miller's dismissal, nobody can be impressed by Richmond's handling of it. The Tigers also fluffed the management of Free, appointed to the board, effectively as football director. He commented inoffensively on Miller's dismissal on radio and was then publicly humiliated by March. The president all but indicated Free was talking out of school, had been too enthusiastic for his own good in pursuit of his brief. That Free did not walk away is evidence of a man hard to rattle.
It has been reported that Wallace has not been consulted on Miller's replacement. Well, at least March and the board have got that right. It would be untenable for Wallace to have any input in the appointment of the football department boss because he will become Wallace's boss.
Anybody at Richmond's centenary celebration dinner - now that was well run - could sense that the Tiger spirit is strong and that past players dearly want old Richmond people in charge of the club. If that mood is shaping the board's thinking then end Wallace's contract now and save itself the angst of publicly debating his future over summer and into winter next year. Richmond promises much next year and a distraction over its coach's future could be destructive.
The board can avoid all that by reappointing Wallace now so everybody at Richmond can work together, unencumbered by divisive headlines of the coach's tenure. If the Tigers don't do that, then good luck finding a better coach than Wallace.
It won't be easy

Is he right on the money on this one? I know most of us hate the media, but i read that article and it makes a lot of sense and that has me a little bit worried.......please tigers dont push the Button
Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

I think he's gotthe majority of it pretty right.

Point re resign now, or sack now - agree they probably just don't know yes. Whether that is a reflection of the managements abilities or not, I couldn't comment......

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Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

I think March was stupid announcing that Wallace's contract extension would be renewed mid next season, and in-fact I think it is STUPID to review any contract mid season.

If we have a repeat performance next year as this year but win one more game before coming home with a wet sail we could well find ourselves in the Finals but Wallace on the way out.... to me that would be ridiculous.

The five year contract was given to Wallace to rebuild the list which is where the debate should be...

Ask your selves do you think we are in a better position now then when Wallace took over?

Here is a March's take on Miller way back in July

RICHMOND president Gary March has defended the mid-season sacking of Greg Miller, saying they needed to move quickly.

Confirming he and Miller, the football director, had met on Sunday night to formalise the 55-year-old's departure, March said it was not in the club's interests to wait until after the season.

"What we wanted to do was not be behind the rest of the field," March said.

"It's well documented there are a number of clubs out there looking for different people - Melbourne, Port Adelaide, West Coast - and what we didn't want to do is miss the best available person once we'd made the decision to move forward.

"The timing was right now for us."

News that Miller's eventful six-year stay at Punt Rd was over was leaked to the media on Friday.

March said that while Miller was a "great football person", Richmond had decided it needed to go to a new level and recruit someone with a "different skill set".

"Football has changed dramatically over the past couple of years," March said.

"All the key decisions that are made around football are made in October, but we felt that once we made the decision, we needed a new person to come into the organisation and we wanted that person in the chair to be part of those decisions.

"All those football decisions are made by the football department and the head of football.

"They're not made by the board or other sub-committees so we felt we needed to get that person into the organisation and be part of our organisation going forward."

March paid benign tribute to the man his board sacked.

"Greg joined Richmond at a difficult time in our history. He joined when we were a highly unprofitable club, were unstable off the field, we had a poor list, poor facilities and Greg's been an integral part of rebuilding that list," he said.

"Greg came to our organisation at a time when he filled many roles and over the last couple of years that role has changed significantly and the board felt that with the changing nature of football and the resurgence of our club, that we required a different skill set going forward.

"Football is changing dramatically. We've improved our resources in that (football operations) area, we've added to it significantly and the club sought to have a different skill set going forward."

March admitted Miller's messy departure after last week's leak to the media could have been done better.

"Look it wasn't ideal. In an ideal world I would have sat down with Greg and would have discussed it and worked on his departure," the president said.

"I'm disappointed that it came out that way and I expressed that disappointment when I met with him yesterday. I'll deal with that over the coming weeks.

"We haven't had a leak out of this organisation in the three years I've been there. I'm disappointed we've had one in this case and we'll get to the bottom of that."

Miller said last night he was a victim of a trend where boards wanted more control over football departments.

"The board's got involved in a lot more appointments down the line and they're seeking more control of the coach and they want a football director that has that control," he told Fox Sports' On The Couch.

"Boards want more control, they want answers down the line. The coach is answerable to the footy director and the footy director is answerable to the board."

I cant find it but I read somewhere that March said that Wallace would be judged on how the list has been developed rather than ladder positions. THEN why the half year review.
Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

My view is that the club was ready to sack Wallace and a replacement was in the wings. This replacement was probably promised the job when we were 3 and half wins.
Now we have won 8 out of 11 and support for Wallace is high.

Key Issue is that Wallace was given 5 years to rebuild the list and March has said Ladder positions are not as important as list development...
Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

he still has ayar on the current contract.
he has done a reasonable job , not great & not terrible 7/10
why replace or renew the contract.

i totally agree with march on this one & we should wait untill rnd 15
to make a decision any extensions or replacment.

wallace should not be allowed to trade our 1st or 2nd picks just to get top up players to move up 1 or 2 plces on the ladder either.

we have spent the last 4 years on the correct path with the rebuild
why not continue on the same path.
Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

he still has ayar on the current contract.
he has done a reasonable job , not great & not terrible 7/10
why replace or renew the contract.

i totally agree with march on this one & we should wait untill rnd 15
to make a decision any extensions or replacment.

wallace should not be allowed to trade our 1st or 2nd picks just to get top up players to move up 1 or 2 plces on the ladder either.

we have spent the last 4 years on the correct path with the rebuild
why not continue on the same path.
In his Contract dont make the eight year 4 Gone that is the Problem!
Re: Patrick Smith Is He right?

My view is that the club was ready to sack Wallace and a replacement was in the wings. This replacement was probably promised the job when we were 3 and half wins.
Now we have won 8 out of 11 and support for Wallace is high.

I agree, it would explain everyone's behaviour.

Let's hope Nathan Buckley is in March's ear saying "hurry up, I want to coach them right away!" :D

If it's not Bucks then keep Terry...
I Have A Conspiracy Theory

OK folks hear me out on this one before sticking the boots in.

If you connect the dots you will see it too.

  • Free 'allegedly' spoke to Hardwick about a coaching position back in July. We all assumed it was as another assistant.
  • Wallace's main ally Miller was sacked around the same time, with the club saying they wanted to act quickly. Yet a couple of months down the track we still have not appointed anyone.
  • The board made its decision to sack Wallace after we lost the Centenary Game against the Blues. However it couldn't announce Hardwick as his replacement because they have agreed to keep it quiet until the Hawks season has finished.
  • As the Hawks are a fair chance to be involved right up to Grand Final day it would be difficult for Hardwick to complete a review of the list. That explains why the board, in particular March, have given list management responsibility to Cameron & Jackson instead of letting Wallace have control.
All this points to one thing: The Board Are Going To Sack Wallace!

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The Percieved Board / Coaching situation - Post Here no more individual threads

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