The Perth Thread - Part 4

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I did wonder why Leach highway was completely blocked off this morning at the Abernethy road/Belmont on ramp.

Had a Ford Ranger Raptor line me up for a deliberate head on that day later in the afternoon. My defensive driving skills were on point.

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It's almost a year since my trip west and I'm having Hillarys Boat Harbour withdrawals.

Not a week goes by where I don't think about it.

And of course the Breakwater has a bowling alley open not long after I leave.


I bet when I return, the roadworks will have migrated to another spot.

And I'll be privy to whatever changes abound near Armadale and Kelmscott.


Also, Carousel's too big now.
Whitford City's perfect.
I drove through Kelmscott for the first time in years this morning... man that place has a depressing, run-down vibe.

Yeah not a lot of liveliness from my first 2 visits there as I remember.

Armadale and Mt Nasura probably liven things up more.
It's almost a year since my trip west and I'm having Hillarys Boat Harbour withdrawals.

Not a week goes by where I don't think about it.

And of course the Breakwater has a bowling alley open not long after I leave.


I bet when I return, the roadworks will have migrated to another spot.

And I'll be privy to whatever changes abound near Armadale and Kelmscott.


Also, Carousel's too big now.
Whitford City's perfect.

Hillarys would be a nice spot to be at today and for the next few days.


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Do you use public transport to go to work?
I have plenty. Not of late because I ride a bike to work. When I did, I would walk to the train station because it was only 15 mins away. But there is a circular bus that goes to the station, just takes its sweet time, about 15 mins also. I have no doubt there are people in my area that drive the two minutes to the station rather than walk. If the bus was free and the parking more, I’m sure they would take the bus.

As I said, it wouldn’t work for everyone but reckon it would work for quite a few. Leave the car parks for those that really need it, encourage those parking for little more than convenience to take the bus.
Still rather pay that than add an hour to my journey each day by partaking in the bus system.
Have this argument with my workmates all the time.

I would rather (and do) pay $18 a day in parking a few times a week then to catch the bus for $5 a day. I almost never go exclusively straight home so the extra travel time added isn’t worth the $$ to me.
No matter your political alignment, surely people all agree that a good public transport system is essential for social, economic and environmental reasons?

The debate is how much intervention and money the government should have in it.
Anyone else been walking into inordinate numbers of spider webs lately or am I turning into Gwen Stefani?

We’ve had more than normal this year
One of them was massive and the spider who built it was just as impressive

Ruined his party though - got pest control out because the granddaughter was becoming obsessed with them
Anyone else had Water Corp in their street recently fixing leaks?

They've been in ours at least 5 times in the last couple of weeks. It seems as though when they fix one problem another weak point further down the street fails shortly after the system is re-pressurised. Either that or the components they are replacing are all failing at the same time.
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Given all the money this state has, the actual infrastructures really are in crisis state

Water pipes
Power poles
Country roads

Pretty disgraceful
saving for a rainy day - guess what Roger, it’s flipping pouring

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The Perth Thread - Part 4

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