The Rage Page...... Post your non-footy frustrations

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Ignore that knob fella's. If you need spiritual advice, just go straight to the source himself, Jesus..

Apparently Joseph's booted him out and he's moved back to his mum's place just outside Kingaroy :D

I don't get his science either.... how the hell did he figure out that 6000 years = 6 God Days?!

You mean God is just 6 days old?!

Now RUL, if you go and read your scripture, take about ten years of bible lessons, you may just be able to work it out.

Oh shit, hang on, we only have five months? In that case, burn in hell you heathen!!! :D

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The Newell H'way is a disgrace for the volume of heavy traffic (trucks) on the road..

As a main inland h'way up to Qld from Vic, its one lane, trucks up your ginger wanting to pass, not many passing lanes...none between Forbes and Narrabri....

The NSW and Fed govt need a good kick up the backside for not making it a major decent link...e.g...2 lanes each way..

Its 10yrs since I've been on this road and it hasn't improved one iota!..
Don't say that too loud TFB... Abbott is convinced that's the way of the future:eek:

That's the biggest load of BS. Wireless broadband will collapse in a heap if everyone starts signing up for it, or you need antennas every 100 metres or so which I'm sure is going to go down well in the burbs. Definitely a hate of mine - the Liberals broadband "plan".
Can only hope the nbn is too fair along before any new governments come in and can it.

Do hope to see free unlimited wireless in all capital CBDs and major centres in the future which only a network such as the nbn will make possible.
Can only hope the nbn is too fair along before any new governments come in and can it.

Do hope to see free unlimited wireless in all capital CBDs and major centres in the future which only a network such as the nbn will make possible.

That's a caveat that a few Libs have used lately. I would think that now that lines have been laid on the mainland, that it is now too late to go back on the whole project. Especially considering there won't be an election until 2013 (all going well for the ALP, that is).

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Woolworths & Coles "multi-specials"...

Where does it end?

500 bags of peanuts for $500? Just give me a single damn bag for a $1. :mad:
Slightly less trivial than the last one. :eek:

The cop getting shot that happened at my local tavern Sunday night is one of the most disgusting, inhumane, low-life, in-bred, community shattering dog acts I've ever come accross. Reading about it just now made my blood boil.

The thought that my 2 year old son (and plenty of other kids) plays in the park where the gutless s.o.b.'s scarpered off through makes me feel physically ill. :mad:

/rant - I feel a lot better. :)
Slightly less trivial than the last one. :eek:

The cop getting shot that happened at my local tavern Sunday night is one of the most disgusting, inhumane, low-life, in-bred, community shattering dog acts I've ever come accross. Reading about it just now made my blood boil.

The thought that my 2 year old son (and plenty of other kids) plays in the park where the gutless s.o.b.'s scarpered off through makes me feel physically ill. :mad:

/rant - I feel a lot better. :)
Will be up on murder charge once they turn his life support off.

.Terrible , terrible thing to happen.Your heart aches for the family.
A complete non-issue compared to that poor police officer and his family but...

...trying to find a good rental property where we are allowed to bring our cat - RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE!

****ing discrimination. She bathes herself four times a day and pretty much sleeps for the rest. I bet the uni students or whoever gets the place instead would be lucky to bathe four times a week and will probably spend the rest of their time vomiting Jagermeister all over the carpet.
Woolworths :mad:

Their transformation of Dick Smith, using the same business practices as they do with groceries, particularly fresh produce.

They are buying up mass stock of console games, and cheap electronics, and having targeted specials of one or two items at prices that are either on, or below competitors costs, not to mention their own, in an effort to undermine the market. Once they take great enough market share, they can then release the back log of stock and set the market price to suit themselves, free of genuine competition. Their primary target is JB Hi-Fi.
The Victorian Nanny-state government now declaring it illegal to swear - subject to immediate fines...

I don't agree with the law to a large extent but it isn't really a change in the 'legality' of swearing, but more the enforcement of the law. Previously it would go through the court system and now it is an 'on the spot fine' offence.
The Victorian Nanny-state government now declaring it illegal to swear - subject to immediate fines...

I don't agree with the law to a large extent but it isn't really a change in the 'legality' of swearing, but more the enforcement of the law. Previously it would go through the court system and now it is an 'on the spot fine' offence.

Don't stress over it. The Vic govt (both ALP and Libs) tend to occassionally get ants in their pants over law enforcement issues (think back to when they wanted to fine every J-walker in the city!) and then it dies off as soon as it was brought up. It's political posturing of a new govt to make out as though their doing important jobs.

I'm more concerned about the mandatory jail terms of 16- and 17-year-olds for certain offences.

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The Rage Page...... Post your non-footy frustrations

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