Radio The Sounding Board with Craig Hutchison & Damian Barrett (Podcast)

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Does anyone actually listen to Damo's dish? I mean i guess it could be good, I've never listened to a second of it.
I have no idea at all, I listen to the main show and all the other little offshoots Hutchy pops out to try fudge the podcast listen numbers get nuked as soon as i get a notification about them
Just finished listening to it.
Most episodes go for about 40 minutes, this one went for over 50.
Gee McGuire likes the sound of his own voice and opinions.
Damo should give back to Hutchy half his payment as he didn’t add much as McChins just kept talking.
Saying all that, I didn’t mind it as a one off, the history of how broke the TV networks were in the 80’s and 90’s was interesting.
Think Damo's role was to cut Ed off or at least try and get him back on track before his war stories got to the point where he was standing on the terraces at Victoria Park in the 70s when....
Does anyone actually listen to Damo's dish? I mean i guess it could be good, I've never listened to a second of it.
I've accidentally heard bits of it on Player FM when the "main body" podcast finishes and automatically runs into the previous week's 'Dish'. I think Damo tries to make it funny, and Hutchy fake laughs through it
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