Current The Strange Disappearance of Nicola Bulley - Lancashire

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Club Legend
Oct 23, 2021
AFL Club
West Coast
Can’t find a thread on here for this missing person case but it has me intrigued.

Police timeline from morning of disappearance​

8.43am – Bulley walked along a path by the River Wyre, having dropped her children off at school.
8:50am (approximately) – A dog walker – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her walking around the lower field with her dog. Their two dogs interacted briefly before the witness left the field via the river path.
8.53am – Bulley sent an email to her boss.
9.01am – She logged into a Teams call.
9.10am (approximately) – A witness – somebody who knows Bulley – saw her on the upper field walking her dog, Willow.
9.30am – The Teams call ended but Nicola stayed logged on.
9.35am (approximately) – Nicola’s mobile phone and Willow were found at a bench by the river by another dog walker.

Supt Sally Riley said: “We know that Nicola going missing has caused a great deal of concern for the wider local community, as well as obviously being an awful time for her family. This remains a missing person inquiry and at this time there is nothing to suggest any third-party involvement in Nicola’s disappearance.

Interesting to me is that in all the family appeals the partner does not appear and is barely mentioned anywhere in the media reports.
Can’t find a thread on here for this missing person case but it has me intrigued.

Police timeline from morning of disappearance​

8.43am – Bulley walked along a path by the River Wyre, having dropped her children off at school.
8:50am (approximately) – A dog walker – somebody who knows Nicola – saw her walking around the lower field with her dog. Their two dogs interacted briefly before the witness left the field via the river path.
8.53am – Bulley sent an email to her boss.
9.01am – She logged into a Teams call.
9.10am (approximately) – A witness – somebody who knows Bulley – saw her on the upper field walking her dog, Willow.
9.30am – The Teams call ended but Nicola stayed logged on.
9.35am (approximately) – Nicola’s mobile phone and Willow were found at a bench by the river by another dog walker.

Supt Sally Riley said: “We know that Nicola going missing has caused a great deal of concern for the wider local community, as well as obviously being an awful time for her family. This remains a missing person inquiry and at this time there is nothing to suggest any third-party involvement in Nicola’s disappearance.

Interesting to me is that in all the family appeals the partner does not appear and is barely mentioned anywhere in the media reports.
Was just reading about this case, very strange. I think it's been 8 days already? No sign of her having slipped into the water and no sign of a struggle. Odd.

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Was just reading about this case, very strange. I think it's been 8 days already? No sign of her having slipped into the water and no sign of a struggle. Odd.

They are still saying she slipped into the river because there are no signs of her leaving the river checking dashcam and home security systems.

Police investigating the disappearance of mother-of-two Nicola Bulley believe she fell into a river.

At 09:20 police believe her phone was on a bench while connected to a work Teams meeting, which ended 10 minutes later.
Detectives believe Ms Bulley vanished in that 10-minute window.

Supt Riley said police had looked through dashcam, CCTV and doorbell footage which allowed detectives to "eliminate any trace so far of Nicola having left the riverside".
She said this was "really important" for the investigation.
"We believe that Nicola was in the riverside area and remained at the riverside area," Supt Riley said.

"We remain open to any inquiries that might lead us to question that, but at this time we understand that she was by the river."

Supt Riley said an "issue" with Ms Bulley's dog may have led her to the water's edge.
"She puts her phone down to go and deal with the dog momentarily, and Nicola may have fallen in," she said.
"We assume the dog didn't get into the river, but we don't know why Nicola may have if she did."
Ms Riley said the dog was dry and that Ms Bulley could swim.
Supt Riley said an "issue" with Ms Bulley's dog may have led her to the water's edge.
"She puts her phone down to go and deal with the dog momentarily, and Nicola may have fallen in," she said.
"We assume the dog didn't get into the river, but we don't know why Nicola may have if she did."
Ms Riley said the dog was dry and that Ms Bulley could swim.

It's cold over there, if she fell in wearing a coat and a jumper underneath with boots that might have filled up that makes it really difficult even for a strong swimmer.
Assuming divers have gone in?
Yes, they've spent days in there. There were no marks at the waters edge consistent with someone slipping and if she sank like a stone, due to coats, boots etc, surely she can't have gone far?? Seems like they're ruling out lots of other possibilites though.
Assuming divers have gone in?

Nicola is presumed to have gone in to the river at St Michaels which isn't that far from it's end where it flows in to the Irish Sea, close enough it's tidal so while it might look like it's very serene and a bit of a pond in some of the pics, imo that's probably deceptive.
Nicola's case has been trending on twitter, many don't believe she fell in to the river with some suggestions she may have been taken out in a creepy van that was seen hanging about. The CCTV covering the bench to the gate wasn't working.

Nicola's case has been trending on twitter, many don't believe she fell in to the river with some suggestions she may have been taken out in a creepy van that was seen hanging about. The CCTV covering the bench to the gate wasn't working.

You wouldn't have thought a woman with a dog would be a target, especially as it seems there were plenty of other people about.
You wouldn't have thought a woman with a dog would be a target, especially as it seems there were plenty of other people about.

Nicola's family are coming out strongly against her falling in the river on the basis there is no evidence that she did, I think this is what's behind it. They don't want to see it resolved as her falling in to the river until all other possibilities are explored but the police last I looked, are still quite adamant that no other party was involved.

I don't know how long she'd had the dog for but it was a Springer Spaniel, they're water dogs so it's a bit odd to me that if she fell in to the river, the dog didn't go in after her. Her dog wasn't wet. So while I think falling in to a river in bulky clothing is real dangerous, there's that.

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Sadly I think she fell into the river and is now somewhere down stream. Probably due to a medical episode where she hit the water unconscious and had no chance to save herself.

The husband has an extremely strong alibi. Any abductor would need to be super efficient with the window of time afforded.

Just a freak accident imo.
At the moment I think she accidentally or on purpose entered the river. That seems the most likely scenario to me based on the information police have put out. But it’s certainly not clear and I remain open minded to other possibilities.
Quotes from the CEO of the specialist dive team - “This is not a fast, tidal river. So I would have expected her to have been found by the police divers by now."
“None of this rings right to me. My belief is she’s not in the river at all.”
Quotes from the CEO of the specialist dive team - “This is not a fast, tidal river. So I would have expected her to have been found by the police divers by now."
“None of this rings right to me. My belief is she’s not in the river at all.”

Slower moving then, it becomes tidal at St. Michael's but head of the dive team knows best. If they say she isn't there, then she probably isn't.

How did she get out without being seen must be the question.
She's been gone ten days.

In an update the force said: "We can say with confidence that by reviewing CCTV, Nicola has not left the field during the key times via Rowanwater, either through the site itself or via the piece of land at the side.

"Also, we can say that she did not return from the fields along Allotment Lane or via the path at the rear of the Grapes pub on to Garstang Road.

"Our inquiries now focus on the river path which leads from the fields back to Garstang Road - for that we need drivers and cyclists who travelled that way on the morning of 27 January to make contact."

I said before I couldnt see any defined slip path but another look there might be something. Where the 2 people are standing top left there seems to be a disturbance in the ground.

But going back on all that is the design of the bank should stop anybody slipping from reaching the water ie you would have to be travelling at a fair speed to hit the water
I said before I couldnt see any defined slip path but another look there might be something. Where the 2 people are standing top left there seems to be a disturbance in the ground.

But going back on all that is the design of the bank should stop anybody slipping from reaching the water ie you would have to be travelling at a fair speed to hit the water

This is the bench where her phone was found. If she fell in by accident, we might expect the phone to have been in one of those big jacket pockets. I can't see if it has pockets from the images but I've never known one of them not to have big side pockets.

This is the bench where her phone was found. If she fell in by accident, we might expect the phone to have been in one of those big jacket pockets. I can't see if it has pockets from the images but I've never known one of them not to have big side pockets.

View attachment 1601765

She was on a Teams call, might have had it sitting on the bench on loudspeaker and got up for <reason> and fell in

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