The things that I like about Phil Walsh

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All Australian
Aug 11, 2004
AFL Club
Other Teams
port adelaide sometimes
1. Adelaide now tackles as a group and their tackles stick.

2. The Adelaide game plan isn't centred around Patrick Dangerfield. For better or for worse, Bernie Vince put the heat on Dangerfield in Round 3 and restricted Patrick’s output to a relatively miserly 16 disposals but that left the gate open for Rory Sloane’s 31 disposals, Scott Thompson's’ 30, David Mackay’s 23, Richard Douglas’s 22, and a fair average for the rest. This was a good moment for Adelaide – confirming that as important as Paddy is, the team doesn't need any one player to define its game.

3. Coach Walsh maintained his strategy of starting Eddie Betts on the defensive edge of the square at centre bounces. Eddie has one job to do at these bounces and that’s to run through the centre chaos after the bounce and, if he’s lucky, he’ll be Adelaide’s seventh player at the scene after the bounce... running through in a straight line towards goal. Occasionally the ball spills out his way and occasionally he gets possession, and a quick give and Adelaide has a cheap forward-fifty entry.

If it’s not successful, Eddie continues to run through to assume his position in Adelaide’s attacking half. It’s such a simple strategy. Such a predictable early first chess move. On Saturday, there were nineteen goals and four starts to the quarters which meant that Eddie did this move 23 times. It worked on four occasions in the sense that he gained possession during his run-through.

Two of them, I think, created scores.

Eddie always runs to the right-hand side of the ruck contest, without exception. And that means that if Jacobs is winning the contest, he has to palm to his right if he wants to use the Eddie run-through option. If the coaches are finessing this concept, you’d then assume that the opponent’s centremen will cover Eddie’s rightside movement, which then creates an open zone on Jacobs’ left. Will Jacobs and the centremen then counter-bluff for a left-side palm?

We'll watch this one, with a great deal of interest.

4. Every player plays every position. I enjoy watching Tex Walker spending so much time in the back half. I enjoy the race back to scoring positions, the stretching of footy meaning. This style demands hard work and extreme sustained fitness. Walsh wouldn't attempt it unless he knew that his players were capable of achieving it. So far, Adelaide has been able to sustain this increased workload. I like that. The season is long. Can they sustain it through winter? We will see.

5. I especially enjoyed watching another lovely game by Cam Ellis-Yolmen, Adelaide’s emerging star in the NAB summer games with good work in the first two rounds. He’s a tall indigenous player with silver trout attributes – acute football intelligence, deft gives, an immaculate understanding of the fall of the ball. On Saturday, this was his fourth AFL game and he had a defining moment.

As a relative newbie, he thinks his role is to get possession and then give it off as soon as he can to more accomplished players around him. The early Andrew McLeod was once like that – streaming into attack, heading towards the goals but choosing to handball the hot ball to someone else, rather than presuming the right to kick the goal himself. It took McLeod a couple of seasons to realise that he shouldn’t pass it over and that he was good enough to kick the goals himself.

On Saturday, Ellis-Yolmen broke from the centre-square with much space around him. He looked around for somebody to handball it to. There were a few teammates in his zone but they yelled at him: “You are clear... it’s yours... do it... do it!

So he did. From the edge of the centre square he sank a lovely 65-70mm classic drop punt with balance and poise, as straight as a perfect cast into the ocean. Eddie Betts was on the goal-line and could have marked it but, instead, he bodied his opponent out of the way and Cam had a superb long goal in his memory bank for the rest of his life. Ellis-Yolmen knows, now, that his role is not only to feed others, but to also catch his own fish.

We should remember this moment. We may have been witnessing the birth of a champion.

Don't get me wrong. I did not dislike Brenton Sanderson and I was one of those who were reluctant to embrace Phil Walsh, especially after his first couple of disastrous interviews. Thankfully, the AFC linguist told Walsh that he should never refer to himself as a third person in any interview : "Phil Walsh doesn't believe that..." and that hasn't happened again. Thank god.

I was also bewildered that Walsh solved the potential captaincy crisis between Dangerfield and Sloan by appointing Taylor Walker, another mumbler, to this plumb media role. To outsiders, this double coup only seemed as if Mark Ricciuto was exercising his muscle by dumbing down the middleclass club in order to show other wannabe powerbrokers that he had the ability to exercise radical change.

Change for change's sake is often merely a waste of time. Often, nothing changes at all, only the baton-holders. In this case, it's not true. Phil Walsh has created a team which understands the essential nature of working together. I still don't like his press conferences but that hardly matters. Ross Lyons is also an unsatisfactory media performer but, honestly, who cares?

As for Tex, he's no longer a teenager running out onto the field in order to have a good time. He's become a deeply committed serious footballer. Some players wilt under a challenge; others bloom and Tex is in that latter category. He could take his game to an amazing level if the team around him is any good. All credit to Phil Walsh for turning that young man's mind around.

6. Brenton Sanderson started his Adelaide coaching term with all of his players on the same page and had a stunningily successful first year. We should never forget that, under Sanderson, Adelaide finished his first season one kick out of a grand final. After two years of injuries, contractual problems and other major distractions, Sando's players drifted away from his page. And maybe, according to Sando, he drifted from theirs. To Phil Walsh's immense credit, he has regalvanised this disparate whining self-interested bunch of full-of-it wannabes back into a slick, sharp, fit, self-accepting proud team.

Good stuff! I don't care if Phil and Tex mangle the language. Just keep kicking more goals than the other bastards in the paddock, please... with uncoachable beauty and sublime grace.
I couldn't agree less with a couple of your points:
  • Walsh's press conferences are perfect
  • You said "one kick out of a grand final" - that term should be erased from every AFC supporters memory
  • Tex has always been a leader, it hasn't magically arrived since Walsh got the job
  • "dumbing down the middleclass club" and "uncoachable beauty and sublime grace" - ppppeeeerrrrlease - save some mayo for your tuna sandwiches mate.
I couldn't agree less with a couple of your points:
  • Walsh's press conferences are perfect
  • You said "one kick out of a grand final" - that term should be erased from every AFC supporters memory
  • Tex has always been a leader, it hasn't magically arrived since Walsh got the job
  • "dumbing down the middleclass club" and "uncoachable beauty and sublime grace" - ppppeeeerrrrlease - save some mayo for your tuna sandwiches mate.

I have to agree with you about most of those points, including Tex. That mature player was fully there for anyone to see last year and even the year prior to see what happened the day he did his knee and what he did that game. He didn't sit there and go woe is me, he was fully involved with the team, 'coaching' on the sidelines. He has always been team first.

I think Phil can express himself perfectly in a press conference. I love them as the journalists are being treated with contempt if they ask stupid questions and are having to actually work. We are not getting the same questions, they are having to actually have paid attention to the game and he won't give them a headline to go with the story they have already written.

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I have to agree with you about most of those points, including Tex. That mature player was fully there for anyone to see last year and even the year prior to see what happened the day he did his knee and what he did that game. He didn't sit there and go woe is me, he was fully involved with the team, 'coaching' on the sidelines. He has always been team first.

I think Phil can express himself perfectly in a press conference. I love them as the journalists are being treated with contempt if they ask stupid questions and are having to actually work. We are not getting the same questions, they are having to actually have paid attention to the game and he won't give them a headline to go with the story they have already written.
Yes, it has been the journalists dumbing it down with stupid/repeating/agenda driven questions - not Tex or walshy! Honest answers without spin unlike others... So to say honesty rather than spin is dumbing down is well dumbfounding! Media are on notice to lift their game!
Nice, but I reckon Eddie ran left one or twice.

He doesn't do it every centre bounce, so the numbers above are off. It's only a couple of times a quarter that we have that extra player off the back of the square and it's not always Eddie. Sloane and Douglas are also used in this option.
Love what Walsh has brought to the team, but one more mention of 'ground ball differential' and I may jump off the bandwagon!

Don't listen to Lachie Neale in the press conference after the Western Derby yesterday then! When other teams start talking about the stats you have highlighted as your main stat, you know you have got the rest of the football world following your lead.
I couldn't agree less with a couple of your points:
  • Walsh's press conferences are perfect
  • You said "one kick out of a grand final" - that term should be erased from every AFC supporters memory
  • Tex has always been a leader, it hasn't magically arrived since Walsh got the job
  • "dumbing down the middleclass club" and "uncoachable beauty and sublime grace" - ppppeeeerrrrlease - save some mayo for your tuna sandwiches mate.

Pretty good write up JohnK, I do agree with the above, but another one which I think embodies the failed priorities of our club during the Trigg years;

"appointing Taylor Walker, another mumbler, to this plumb media role."

We exist to win games of football, not dazzle the media with our articulate considerations as to why we're not going as well as we thought we were. I couldn't care less if Tex has an uncontrollable stutter in front of the cameras, as long as he gets the message across to the guys at the club and on the field and his captaincy advances us closer to a premiership than the next best option would have.
Its round 3.

We beat North at home (touted as a potential top 4 team pre season), Collingwood are a rabble (touted as top 8 team pre season) and Melbourne wouldn't beat their two's (defeated us at home last year).

You can only beat the teams we are scheduled to play, yes they might not have been the greatest test just yet, but last year we probably would have been 1-2 so am very glad to be sitting 3-0. We have two tougher games coming up which will hopefully give us a better idea of how the team is travelling.

Things I like about Phil Walsh:
- he is everything Sanderson isn't.
- I actually feel confident with him in charge that we won't be easily outcoached, and when we lose a game he will make sure we learn something from it.
- His game plan already makes us look like a quicker team through greater use of kicking rather than handballing to stationary players. Has been very enjoyable to watch so far, can't recall having felt too frustrated at the games as opposed to previous years.

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JohnK - poetic license without the poetry mate? What gives.

Agree with alot of what you've said, but as per others I think some things have been exaggerated or interpreted differently to how I've seen things.

Tex has been a professional preparer and leader for sometime. Listen to the others, e.g. Sloane dog, talk about his 2012 semi vs Fremantle.
He's been pointing and shouting for positions in the forward line since almost day dot. I used to giggle as it seemed a bit much from a young guy... and possibly it was.. but he's always had the desire and confidence to lead on the field. His preparation off the field has been elite after his first season or so as well.

Eddie off the back of square is awesome. I'd have to watch again, but not sure it was every bounce. If I had to guess I would say about half of them. I would have taken you at your word on that... but also take Nikki at her word usually :p
On Saturday, Ellis-Yolmen broke from the centre-square with much space around him. He looked around for somebody to handball it to. There were a few teammates in his zone but they yelled at him: “You are clear... it’s yours... do it... do it!

Are you Superman? I couldn't hear a bloody thing...
I haven't seen to much about the bad start. That cost us last year. Can't be giving up 3 goal starts against Hawthorn.

- Melbourne were in the game longer as result of our errors.

- We lost the contested ball.

- Second to the ball generally have high tackle counts.

All KPI's when we lose.

No one good enough have tested our system and no one will till the last game in May.

What I do like about Walsh is he used his press conference Saturday arvo to good effect. He highlighted Macays mark running back with the flight. He made a very good point that in his day that didn't happen as thugs would of hospitalized him. He made his point that Vinces tactics are a thing of the past ( I don't mean seeing it) he made his point well. So well that the AFL site ( Gary Lyon Damian Barrett) had to deliberately misinterpret what he was saying. I like the fact Walsh is shaking up the football world, is showing leadership amongst coaches and where the game is going.
What I do like about Walsh is he used his press conference Saturday arvo to good effect. He highlighted Macays mark running back with the flight. He made a very good point that in his day that didn't happen as thugs would of hospitalized him. He made his point that Vinces tactics are a thing of the past ( I don't mean seeing it) he made his point well. So well that the AFL site ( Gary Lyon Damian Barrett) had to deliberately misinterpret what he was saying. I like the fact Walsh is shaking up the football world, is showing leadership amongst coaches and where the game is going.

It's funny how people choose to interpret things in a way which appeases them...isn't it?

You've won your first three games. Well done. However, Walsh made a fool of himself in that press conference. The vast majority of the football world was/is laughing. It's also now somewhat clear how to get under his skin (and Dangerfield's skin).

I'm guessing this thread was made out of insecurity in relation to the above points.
interesting persepctive Johnk, not being in the media I'd have to disagree with Phils pressers, I actually enjoy them, but I'm also happy to listen to Mick Malthouse so probably says a lot.

can't disagree about CEY, the rise of the guy has been unbelievable in terms of nothing to looking like a natural, it will be most interesting to see how he goes against some of the better clubs and once he gets tagged (if that ever happens given Danger and sloane first)
It's also now somewhat clear how to get under his skin (and Dangerfield's skin).

I think it's always been obvious that a heavy tag has an effect on Dangerfield, especially one where he gets sniped off the ball. It's not the first time it's happened.

However, it doesn't always work, and some teams don't even bother with a tag for some reason
It's funny how people choose to interpret things in a way which appeases them...isn't it?

You've won your first three games. Well done. However, Walsh made a fool of himself in that press conference. The vast majority of the football world was/is laughing. It's also now somewhat clear how to get under his skin (and Dangerfield's skin).

I'm guessing this thread was made out of insecurity in relation to the above points.
Was bound to happen. We've all been laughing at Melbourne for so long its about time someone else had a turn.

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The things that I like about Phil Walsh

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