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Robbie Williams sounds awful. The only reason he panders to AFL fans and pretends to like the game or care about Carlton is to try and rip off the AFL again to pay him millions to sing out of tune during the grand final.
Remember when the Essendon Same Olds toured Tasmania and got thumped by our state team? (some of you boomers probably actually remember). Not even in the league yet and have a win against the convicted drug cheats and double their membership :thumbsu:
Queensland does not hold the record for most gang shootings, but it does hold the record for the most cringey sports fans. And no not because of the shouts of "QUEENSLANDER!!!" during the state of origin, but solely because Zackah lives there.

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I like how the Hawfs v Rihcmunt game is getting big airplay due to the milestone man, CJ 50 games. And some umpire guy who is good at running backwards for 400 games.
Australia consistently produces the worst, most incompetent adjudicators in a number of sports - but especially footy and soccer.

There’s a reason there has only been one Australian referee in charge of a World Cup finals match. Chris Bainbridge lasted 1 game and was so pathetic he was banished from that level for the rest of his career - which wasn't long seeing as he hung up his whistle in 1991 (surprising no one!). That shambles justifiably sullied our refs’ reputations forever.

And I have one word for AFL umpires: woeful!

I don’t buy this rubbish about it being a difficult game to umpire. My 4-year-old could do a better job of it than the prize pimple-ars* turkey maggots that are currently employed to run around in their sh*tty fluorescent clown costumes. Our sc*mpires are a protected species of useless, clueless ponces, aided and abetted by the AFL and its compliant meedya suckholes. I know it and you know it.

Our match officials suck. Prove me wrong. il_1140xN.1370489454_ejfr.jpg
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