Discussion The Unfortunate Case of the Rising Star Award, and it's future in sweet.

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Cheers GP - will check out that thread a little later too.
It’s better to check the reader mode first:

1. It was a joke. for you to repeat yourself.
2. So why haven't they been used since?

Also, I'm still yet to see the joke around sausageroll

It's no joke. It's real.

Well, actually, it is a joke. But it's still real.

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The Peter Pan of Sweet, sausageroll is perpetually eligible for the EKA but thankfully for him he never wins it. Sure he can explain it better that I.
I can try to explain...

Once upon a time, probably after I'd played around 200 matches, one of the opposition players who's no longer active (This is Anfield) had a weekly article in one of his threads called "Meet The Rookies".
The week he played against my team he sent PMs to three of us, assuming we were all rookies, asking a series of questions for his article that week.
I answered questions regarding the future using references to things I'd actually already done in the past. I was pretty specific with my "plans". Several people who saw the interview obviously knew I was a 200+ game veteran.

I've now gone on to play another 250+ games since then and since that article I've been mentioned pretty much every season as one of the favourites for the EKA and rookie of the year throughout the season.
In fact, If you look back at your very own rookie season you'll find that I was referenced in the name of the award and on the medal at the bottom of the OP in the S33 Rising Star. I was also tagged into the thread several times in posts declaring me as the potential winner.

For the record, I plan on eventually winning several EKAs :thumbsu:
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Well, actually, it is a joke. But it's still real.

Thanks for backing up some of the oddball lore we n00bs usually receive via osmosis.

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The Peter Pan of Sweet, sausageroll is perpetually eligible for the EKA but thankfully for him he never wins it. Sure he can explain it better that I.
It's his year for sure this year Bob.

The old roll of sausage is having a magnificent rookie season, why he's even bantering with Tarks like a veteran.

It's like the odd couple but I can't decide which is Felix and which is Oscar

A few weeks back, Kilroy had sent me a PM asking to get involved in this year's ROTY, to which I said yes. As a Sophomore who has enjoyed his time on BF 10x more since joining the SFA, I was happy to give back in a way I saw would benefit the attraction and retention of rookies this season and seasons to come.

I've had a bit on the last couple weeks so have intentionally avoided this thread, TiF rookie thread, and Kilroy PM re: rookies as it all started to kick-off at the same time. Now the dust has settled, I feel like I can contribute and follow-up any subsequent tasks.

A couple of things I started straight away:
  • Commenced drafting the Rookie and Retention Guide as a resource for SFA Admin, LGs, and Sophomores in their leadership role to new rookies.
    • Vision: use this Guide to petition SFA Admin / Council to formalise the ROTY, to which there would need to be a 'Rookie Council' formed who are accountable for the Guide and ensure measures, tools, awards etc that improve rookie attraction, retention, and advocacy are maintained
  • Created a PM for all s35 rookies asking for volunteers to do some leg work (only RonnieRaven put his hand up)
It petered out at this point, and there-in lies the problem in which DragoDelph has pointed out. The ROTY will cease to exist if there is no accountability and willingness to participate.

The Sophomores that finish at the top-end of ROTY (and EKA) have shown they are active and coherent enough to execute whatever the SFA Council deems is the vision/management of Rookies. But without the legitimacy and guidelines to perform, it is at risk.

We have been blessed to have had some great custodians and contributors to the ROTY since it's inception, and their experience and knowledge is there and offered if asked ... but at the same time, give these guys a rest! What a pain in the Toump Ass having to go through the cycle each season of informing/helping/taking over the ROTY when it could just be legitimised by the SFA Council and be governed in an agreed format by the same folks that oversee the EKA.

As a Sophomore, if at the end of the season a Council member approached me and the other s35 class via group PM with some information, guidelines, and templates to do this - I would have jumped at the opportunity. Speaking individually with a few others, I reckon that'd say the same. (re: templates, the amazing past season ROTY threads are not templates. They are overwhelming masterpieces that just scare people away from trying to meet that standard)

As a Rookie, I had no idea of the existence of this award (and EKA) until very late in the season. I hardly consumed any media. Most rookies would be the same.

So to me, the solution needs to come from SFA Council and LGs to legitimise how they see rookies are managed and retained.

TheInjuryFactory thread with bar charts and stats is most informative on this (great job) and highlights the problem with retention. A few ideas I had in this area were:
  1. SFA Council to form a 'Rookie Council' that will exist until a member wishes to retire from the role.
    1. The RC is accountable for the 'Guide' and sets the standards for all things rookie. Provide Sophomores with the tools and templates to easily execute the expected media (weekly threads, special threads, and awards) to keep engage and involve rookies.
  2. Transform rookie recruitment into a new model to create some off-season excitement and banter
    1. Each team is invited to the "SFA Recruitment Fair" where the first 13 posts are a "Market Stall" for each team (reverse ladder order) to woo and impress prospective rookies.
    2. LGs and SFA members recruit from other BF locations and point them to the Fair thread, where they will nominate three (3) team to join.
  3. Team LGs will participate in a reverse ladder order draft (administered by Rooke Council)
    1. Teams can only pick someone who has nominated them. Teams that have no rookies nominate them (or run out of nominees) will be able to fill their vacant rookie slots at the end of the draft to avoid punishing teams that actively recruited someone. Each team gets 1x Academy pick to veto another team taking their most desired rookie.

I don't see the 3 points above being burdensome. Once formed and up and running, the league will find rookie management and retention much improved with less wastage than currently. And it's one less thing to bemoan and whinge about every year because it's just happening without debate or drama.

Thanks for listening to my FredTALK.
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  • #81

A few weeks back, Kilroy had sent me a PM asking to get involved in this year's ROTY, to which I said yes. As a Sophomore who has enjoyed his time on BF 10x more since joining the SFA, I was happy to give back in a way I saw would benefit the attraction and retention of rookies this season and seasons to come.

I've had a bit on the last couple weeks so have intentionally avoided this thread, TiF rookie thread, and Kilroy PM re: rookies as it all started to kick-off at the same time. Now the dust has settled, I feel like I can contribute and follow-up any subsequent tasks.

A couple of things I started straight away:
  • Commenced drafting the Rookie and Retention Guide as a resource for SFA Admin, LGs, and Sophomores in their leadership role to new rookies.
    • Vision: use this Guide to petition SFA Admin / Council to formalise the ROTY, to which there would need to be a 'Rookie Council' formed who are accountable for the Guide and ensure measures, tools, awards etc that improve rookie attraction, retention, and advocacy are maintained
  • Created a PM for all s35 rookies asking for volunteers to do some leg work (only RonnieRaven put his hand up)
It petered out at this point, and there-in lies the problem in which DragoDelph has pointed out. The ROTY will cease to exist if there is no accountability and willingness to participate.

The Sophomores that finish at the top-end of ROTY (and EKA) have shown they are active and coherent enough to execute whatever the SFA Council deems is the vision/management of Rookies. But without the legitimacy and guidelines to perform, it is at risk.

We have been blessed to have had some great custodians and contributors to the ROTY since it's inception, and their experience and knowledge is there and offered if asked ... but at the same time, give these guys a rest! What a pain in the Toump Ass having to go through the cycle each season of informing/helping/taking over the ROTY when it could just be legitimised by the SFA Council and be governed in an agreed format by the same folks that oversee the EKA.

As a Sophomore, if at the end of the season a Council member approached me and the other s35 class via group PM with some information, guidelines, and templates to do this - I would have jumped at the opportunity. Speaking individually with a few others, I reckon that'd say the same. (re: templates, the amazing past season ROTY threads are not templates. They are overwhelming masterpieces that just scare people away from trying to meet that standard)

As a Rookie, I had no idea of the existence of this award (and EKA) until very late in the season. I hardly consumed any media. Most rookies would be the same.

So to me, the solution needs to come from SFA Council and LGs to legitimise how they see rookies are managed and retained.

TheInjuryFactory thread with bar charts and stats is most informative on this (great job) and highlights the problem with retention. A few ideas I had in this area were:
  1. SFA Council to form a 'Rookie Council' that will exist until a member wishes to retire from the role.
    1. The RC is accountable for the 'Guide' and sets the standards for all things rookie. Provide Sophomores with the tools and templates to easily execute the expected media (weekly threads, special threads, and awards) to keep engage and involve rookies.
  2. Transform rookie recruitment into a new model to create some off-season excitement and banter
    1. Each team is invited to the "SFA Recruitment Fair" where the first 13 posts are a "Market Stall" for each team (reverse ladder order) to woo and impress prospective rookies.
    2. LGs and SFA members recruit from other BF locations and point them to the Fair thread, where they will nominate three (3) team to join.
  3. Team LGs will participate in a reverse ladder order draft (administered by Rooke Council)
    1. Teams can only pick someone who has nominated them. Teams that have no rookies nominate them (or run out of nominees) will be able to fill their vacant rookie slots at the end of the draft to avoid punishing teams that actively recruited someone. Each team gets 1x Academy pick to veto another team taking their most desired rookie.

I don't see the 3 points above being burdensome. Once formed and up and running, the league will find rookie management and retention much improved with less wastage than currently. And it's one less thing to bemoan and whinge about every year because it's just happening without debate or drama.

Thanks for listening to my FredTALK.
Thanks for the follow up. And the bump.

There is a lot to digest over the last few pages, and will put a summary up soon.

I absolutely agree though. This award needs to be legitimatised, and held in the high regard it deserves. Not treat as a joke.
Thanks for the follow up. And the bump.

There is a lot to digest over the last few pages, and will put a summary up soon.

I absolutely agree though. This award needs to be legitimatised, and held in the high regard it deserves. Not treat as a joke.
If you want this award to be recognised vote for me.
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I need to know who you’d be putting in the role of league education, rookie engagement and general hand holding
That will depend on who wants to do it. I have helped make rising star threads before and I cam probably oversee a portion of it, but if anyone wants to put their hand up to help be the voice of the rookie thread I would gladly let them.
A couple of things I started straight away:
  • Commenced drafting the Rookie and Retention Guide as a resource for SFA Admin, LGs, and Sophomores in their leadership role to new rookies.
    • Vision: use this Guide to petition SFA Admin / Council to formalise the ROTY, to which there would need to be a 'Rookie Council' formed who are accountable for the Guide and ensure measures, tools, awards etc that improve rookie attraction, retention, and advocacy are maintained
Admirable, but (as I mentioned to you) it may take all the energy and goodwill needed just to celebrate this season’s rookies as it is.
  • Created a PM for all s35 rookies asking for volunteers to do some leg work (only RonnieRaven put his hand up)
Other S35 rookies have previously indicated a willingness to assist as well.
It petered out at this point, and there-in lies the problem in which DragoDelph has pointed out. The ROTY will cease to exist if there is no accountability and willingness to participate.
There is some willingness (and not just from sophomores) to participate and be accountable.
The Sophomores that finish at the top-end of ROTY (and EKA) have shown they are active and coherent enough to execute whatever the SFA Council deems is the vision/management of Rookies. But without the legitimacy and guidelines to perform, it is at risk.
If “legitimacy” relies on the Committee to delegate it, then that’s betraying a lack of confidence in what you’ve described later as “overwhelming masterpieces”.

I agree it’s a workload, but we’re talking about non-rookies now. Better off keeping the focus on the new rookies IMO.
We have been blessed to have had some great custodians and contributors to the ROTY since it's inception, and their experience and knowledge is there and offered if asked ... but at the same time, give these guys a rest! What a pain in the Toump Ass having to go through the cycle each season of informing/helping/taking over the ROTY when it could just be legitimised by the SFA Council and be governed in an agreed format by the same folks that oversee the EKA.
Agree, but it’s a bridge too far more likely. Not an easy lay-down misere unfortunately.
As a Sophomore, if at the end of the season a Council member approached me and the other s35 class via group PM with some information, guidelines, and templates to do this - I would have jumped at the opportunity. Speaking individually with a few others, I reckon that'd say the same. (re: templates, the amazing past season ROTY threads are not templates. They are overwhelming masterpieces that just scare people away from trying to meet that standard)
I think you’re a gem mate and there is usually solid acknowledgment when it’s all done, but it’s well understood that it’s not for the faint-hearted.
As a Rookie, I had no idea of the existence of this award (and EKA) until very late in the season. I hardly consumed any media. Most rookies would be the same.

So to me, the solution needs to come from SFA Council and LGs to legitimise how they see rookies are managed and retained.
Would be great, but it’s not essential if you have a handful willing IMO.

Some times you just have to take the game on.
TheInjuryFactory thread with bar charts and stats is most informative on this (great job) and highlights the problem with retention. A few ideas I had in this area were:
  1. SFA Council to form a 'Rookie Council' that will exist until a member wishes to retire from the role.
    1. The RC is accountable for the 'Guide' and sets the standards for all things rookie. Provide Sophomores with the tools and templates to easily execute the expected media (weekly threads, special threads, and awards) to keep engage and involve rookies.
  2. Transform rookie recruitment into a new model to create some off-season excitement and banter
    1. Each team is invited to the "SFA Recruitment Fair" where the first 13 posts are a "Market Stall" for each team (reverse ladder order) to woo and impress prospective rookies.
    2. LGs and SFA members recruit from other BF locations and point them to the Fair thread, where they will nominate three (3) team to join.
  3. Team LGs will participate in a reverse ladder order draft (administered by Rooke Council)
    1. Teams can only pick someone who has nominated them. Teams that have no rookies nominate them (or run out of nominees) will be able to fill their vacant rookie slots at the end of the draft to avoid punishing teams that actively recruited someone. Each team gets 1x Academy pick to veto another team taking their most desired rookie.
A de facto draft?

Some great ideas here (yours and TheInjuryFactory’s) worth developing further at some point.

Now might distract from generating curiosity about the S36 Rising Star.
I don't see the 3 points above being burdensome. Once formed and up and running, the league will find rookie management and retention much improved with less wastage than currently. And it's one less thing to bemoan and whinge about every year because it's just happening without debate or drama.
Ideally yes.

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As a Rookie, I had no idea of the existence of this award (and EKA) until very late in the season. I hardly consumed any media. Most rookies would be the same
This sits squarely on your club/LG/skipper mate. Any Warrior that ever came through the door on my watch was worded up on this stuff before the season started.

It's recruiting 101 to educate rookies on these sort of things. If it's not happening then those clubs are doing their rookies a disservice.
If “legitimacy” relies on the Committee to delegate it, then that’s betraying a lack of confidence in what you’ve described later as “overwhelming masterpieces
How much legitimacy does it need though? It will always be an award judged by 2nd year players based on their own criteria that shifts based on their commitment to it and the crop in front of them.

It has a place as a nice to have, is a way to improve the profile of rookies who have yet to really make a splash and encourages 2nd season players to dip their toes into media & collaboration. Isn't that enough for it?

The EKA will always be the pinnacle for rookies and so it should be. If club skippers & LGs don't know who a rookie is, then that's pretty indicative of the impact or lack thereof and the EKA ultimately sorts the wheat from the chaff.

That's not a shot at rookies who don't have a big profile in their debut seasons, not everyone gets it in their first season or two and that's ok.

Some of the league's all time greats finished 8th in the Rising Star.
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Sadly was fired into the Sun.
I did like Sun Ra and his cheerful mutterings
I wonder which of the current rookie crop he is now?

Just hope he manages to pull off an EKA, he really wanted one of those
This sits squarely on your club/LG/skipper mate. Any Warrior that ever came through the door on my watch was worded up on this stuff before the season started.

It's recruiting 101 to educate rookies on these sort of things. If it's not happening than those clubs are doing their rookies a disservice.

How much legitimacy does it need though? It will always be an award judged by 2nd year players based on their own criteria that shifts based on their commitment to it and the crop in front of them.

It has a place as a nice to have, is a way to improve the profile of rookies who have yet to really make a splash and encourages 2nd season players to dip their toes into media & collaboration. Isn't that enough for it?

The EKA will always be the pinnacle for rookies and so it should be. If club skippers & LGs don't know who a rookie is, then that's pretty indicative of the impact or lack thereof and the EKA ultimately sorts the wheat from the chaff.

That's not a shot at rookies who don't have a big profile in their debut seasons, not everyone gets it in their first season or two and that's ok.

Some of the league's all time greats finished 8th in the Rising Star.

Agree totally..It does not need Committee guidance, just a bit of gumption.

The RS was a lively weekly thread when I started. It helped imbue esprit de corps among rookies from my year . It also helped introduce some great characters to the Sweet FA.

It doesn't need to be a huge production either.
Any award for a coin toss should be taken with a grain of salt.
This is an interesting take.

It may not be objectively wrong, but why are any of us then interested in the Sim results at all?

Why are we here?
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This is an interesting take.

It may not be objectively wrong, but why are any of us then interested in the Sim results at all?

Why are we here?
I'm here for the banter and discussions. The sim result actually I can take or leave. This is a forum for communicating afterall.

(Unless the bombers are involved, then you just ask a neighbour to kindly kill you.)
I'm here for the banter and discussions. The sim result actually I can take or leave. This is a forum for communicating afterall.


Were it not for shitposting, I would have gotten bored within 2 weeks of my debut.

It's fun to (hopefully) watch your fake sports numbers bump up, but if all we had was the sim around here, it would get stale very quickly.
I'm here for the banter and discussions. The sim result actually I can take or leave. This is a forum for communicating afterall.

(Unless the bombers are involved, then you just ask a neighbour to kindly kill you.)
Yeah I get that.

I guess what I'm saying is, if we're gonna put any stock into Sim results, player stats etc at all, then Sim based awards have their place.
Yeah I get that.

I guess what I'm saying is, if we're gonna put any stock into Sim results, player stats etc at all, then Sim based awards have their place.
Of course they do, was just adding to the discussion, and sh!tting on the award because I didn't get one.
Yeah I get that.

I guess what I'm saying is, if we're gonna put any stock into Sim results, player stats etc at all, then Sim based awards have their place.
So what you’re getting at, is that if the rising star is a joke and doesn’t matter, then ALL sim based awards don’t matter, and the only things with any real legitimacy are the beez and EKA?

Interesting notion.

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Discussion The Unfortunate Case of the Rising Star Award, and it's future in sweet.

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