FTA-TV The Wire

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Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Nah, was hoping someone might have put it up from on demand like last week, no luck yet.

It was up on Pirate Bay in mpg form and very poor quality with a few sync issues. Using fast forward managed to fix the sync issues.

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Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

'Ashy Larry' :D


This is the time I've been waiting for. Omar vs. Marlo. Woohoo.

The look on Omar's face when he found out Butch died was terrific. The subtle change from sorrow to rage was great. Someone give that guy an Emmy.

Episode 4 in case you haven't got it yet


Can't wait to watch it.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Episode 4

HOLY SHIT what a great episode.

Seeing some old charcters like Michael's mum, the Greek, the florist and one of the dock guys (homeless guy with the dog and beard) was cool.

Clay Davis is money. Leaving the coutroom looknig like he had just been sentenced to death then instantly changing in front of the media was something else.

Finally finding out what Daniels' secret is was good. That had been annoying me for a while.

I have a feeling McNulty will end up tieing a ribbon around Bubble's wrist sooner or later.

The scene with Marlo and Herc was great. Poor Herc.

Marlo is a cold muther****er.

RIP Joe.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Episode 4

HOLY SHIT what a great episode.

Seeing some old charcters like Michael's mum, the Greek, the florist and one of the dock guys (homeless guy with the dog and beard) was cool.

Clay Davis is money. Leaving the coutroom looknig like he had just been sentenced to death then instantly changing in front of the media was something else.

Finally finding out what Daniels' secret is was good. That had been annoying me for a while.

I have a feeling McNulty will end up tieing a ribbon around Bubble's wrist sooner or later.

The scene with Marlo and Herc was great. Poor Herc.

Marlo is a cold muther****er.

RIP Joe.

Just got who that was, I kinda wondered why they seemed to be paying so much attention. He was the dude from the tower.

Marlo just gets worse and worse.

Anyway I've got 5, 6, 7 waiting.

This shouldn't be a big spoiler to any plot points, but I've read the Munch character from Homicide and Law and Order SVU makes an appearance somewhere in this season. Obviously as Homicide was set in Baltimore and based on David Simon's book I can understand the connection, although some of 5 is becoming gimmicky, especially if this happens.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Watched through to 7 now. Spoilers Contained. Had another post on this straight after I watched last night, but deleted cause I thought it was a little too harsh.

I have to say I'm disappointed how this season has panned out.

I don't rate this serial killer angle, too unbelievable. In a way it could be compared to Hamsterdam as being over the top, but I felt Hamsterdam was taken seriously. There seems to be too many knee slapping jokes coming out of the serial killer angle, which I appreciate on an entertainment level, especially as it's overlapping with Templeton's BS at the Sun, but it leaves me pretty hollow after the episode is over.

McNulty transporting the homeless guy was just too stupid for words. He's taken from his regular corner by McNulty in full day light. So there would surely be people who see this guy every day and see him being led away. Then taking him to the homeless shelter. The homeless guy is going to have his picture on the front page of the Sun, the story has gone national so it's a good chance the woman from the homeless shelter would see it, after all she's only an hour away.

Surely McNulty's on the spiral down and Lester is desperate to crack Marlo, but it's gotten out of control, or maybe that's the point, they got in, then they couldn't turn back. I just feel there's been a shift to crowd pleasing in season 5.

Something else which adds to this, is the legend of Omar. He's latest shootout was just too Hollywood for words. 3 people unloading on a couch he's behind and he jumps though a window, then over a balcony, from 6 stories up. Clearly breaking a bone, yet 5 seconds later he's no where to be seen on the ground. With that kind of impact, he'd surely be still writhing on the ground.

I love Omar, but I would have been happy to see him eat it, rather than pull it out once again in that situation. If now he blows Snoop, Chris or Marlo away, I'll shake my head in disbelief.

The Wire is still better than any show out there, even while pulling this stuff, unfortunately while I'm still interested, it's hard to care where this season ends up.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Just watched episode 8... Kind of a slow episode but the plot is really starting to to thicken. There was one shocking event so rather than ruin it the spoiler is below...

Man I can't believe Omar bought one!!!!! :confused::confused::confused:

If there was one character I had become attached to it was Omar, I really wanted to see him avenge Butch.

But, it was the only outcome for the script when you think about it. It was either going to be him or Lester Freamon that would end up bagging Marlo, and Omar has already had his day at tying up the season. It would have been too cheesy and unrealistic for him to ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after, he was a product of thestreets and at the end of the day "the game's the game, y'all" No one ever escapes the game.

HAve to say though, I like the way he went out, with the little hopper popping him. It's funny, you see all the hoppers run off screaming "Omar, Omar" but the one kid just sits there and watches him walk past. I remember thinking 'that's one brave hopper', then a few minutes late- BLAM! Omar would have been proud

On another note, has anyone seen The Corner? If you like The Wire then you should see it- it was the precursor to this series, based on a true story.Every so often (like in e.7) the chick that The Corner was based around makes a cameo appearance.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Just watched ep8.

I was skeptical about this season in the beginning, but I like how it's all coming together.

There's only two conceivable endings for McNulty; death (probably suicide), or jail. There's just too many people in the loop for him to not be incriminated on at least some level with one of the many grossly illegal things he's in into now. Some of the others involved will get screwed over too; there's always collateral damage on The Wire.

Can't believe it took me til this episode to notice all the anvils the writers have been dropping to suggest it's Greggs who snitches on McNulty and Freamon. They've been redeeming her the past couple of eps with the stuff with her kid, and now she knows about the wiretap... She's not the same 'female version of McNulty' that she was during season three. She's grown up a bit. And I think she has a big hand in bringing this investigation down. I don't think Bunk will snitch - he's been McNulty's chief enabler since the beginning - but I do think he'll be forced to serve that warrant on Chris before Freamon is able to get enough evidence on Marlo.

Sad end for Omar, but he'd done too many heroic things over the course of the show that his story could only end one way. For it to be Kenard that was responsible makes it a bit demoralising though.

I'm worried for Gus. Knowing this show, and David Simon's annoyance with aspects of his past work as a journalist, Templeton will probably get promoted and Gus will be out the door on a buyout. I loved the fact that Templeton got given a horrific, compelling story by that Iraq war vet, yet felt the need to make a bunch of shit up anyway.

Did they just drop the 'leaked grand jury transcripts' story from last week? Or did I miss something?

I also don't understand what info Freamon is trying to blackmail out of Clay Davis. His dealings with the street have been with the Barksdales, as far as we know, and not with Marlo.

edit: Oh, I forgot the best part. The FBI profile on the homeless killer being a perfect description of McNulty, and Dominic West's acting in that scene. Gold.

Only two episodes left. How depressing.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

^^^ Are there only ten episodes this season? ???

I'd say Keima's going to drop a dime on the whole debacle, she seems pissed...

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Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

I felt that was a better episode, consequences for actions are starting to rear up. For some reason I was expecting Marlo to be clipped.

After the stash house robbery I almost felt what was happening next, just not who was going to be involved.

That FBI profile was priceless.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

I also don't understand what info Freamon is trying to blackmail out of Clay Davis. His dealings with the street have been with the Barksdales, as far as we know, and not with Marlo.

One word: Lieberman ;)
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Episode nine is just awesome. Now there's just 90 minutes left of the best TV show ever :(

Long-winded random thoughts on ep9 (after second viewing) and speculation on the finale:

I'd guessed that Marlo and Chris would have bailed to Atlantic City (as Marlo had referenced a couple of times previously), and that that was the reason why the wiretap investigation wouldn't be able to continue. So it was a shock to see them get snatched up pretty much immediately.

Lester's "time to 'fess up" almost made me shit myself. Should have been smart enough to realise he'd leave out all the important information.

Gus has put an old journalist mate onto Templeton's B.S. Shows how well the media angle this season has been done that I care what happens to these characters. Templeton deserves to go down but I'm not sure that he will. As I said last week, I still fear for Gus.

Dukie needs to go back to school. Junkie Dukie will be a bloody sad end.

Hope Michael gets out of this alive, too. Sad enough to see him have to split from Dukie and Bug so they don't get got. But I can't see Marlo's crew letting a hit on Snoop slide, and he's the obvious suspect. That last scene was very ominous.

Carcetti is total scum. Great at what he does, but scum. I really hope something brings him down. Can't see it happening, though. At worst, something will thwart his campaign for governor. Big deal; he still has two years as mayor left.

Marlo's "my name is my name" was an awesome scene. First time we've ever seen him animated. The question remains, though; will he get done, or will all this ill-gotten evidence get thrown out?

Seeing Bunny with his Prison Break beard was amusing. I do love how the show is catching up with all these past characters, giving them closure (they even had alocholic Detective Polk from season one working in evidence control).

The stuff with the Iraq vet and Walton Reed Hospital seem like an intentional hint at Simon and Burns' new series Generation Kill (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0995832/), which includes amongst it's cast the guy who played Ziggy in season two of The Wire.

The scene between Davis and Freamon was great. Loved the hypocrisy of Davis' "you ain't nothin' but a shake-down artist". I should have known he'd be the link to the leaked grand jury transcripts from last episode. And Levy's in the mix, too. After talkin to Herc, though, Levy knows there's something fishy about the whole wiretap and the charges against Marlo. I'm assuming the actual leak is someone we don't know yet; surely it's not Pearlman, Bond, or Phelan. Just one of the many storylines that I'm very interested in seeing how the writers conclude.

I really hope we get a better explanation of Kima's motivations for ratting this investigation out. She's done some dirt in the past. She's also seen how much the department has screwed over, by its own and by local government. It seems a little contrived that she suddenly gives a shit.

However it's just another great example of how things that seem completely pointless in this show come around full circle; Colicchio's attacking of that innocent driver, and Carver ratting on him comes back as an example of support for Gregg's choice.

I'm a little concerned that Bubs is getting such a great redeeming story-arc. Usually that's a 'pride before the fall' type thing with this show. He'll be doing well if he gets out alive, and stays clean.

For the finale, my money is still on a McNulty death (suicide trumping all other causes). It might be in some way cliche, but it's fitting. He can't do time. The sheer number of people who now know what he's up to (Bunk, Freamon, Sydnor, and now Greggs, Daniels, and Pearlman) means he can't get away from all this without being punished. That leaves just one option. I hope I'm wrong, but knowing this show... I don't think I am.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Just watched E10...
And, in a way you are right- MucNulty does get his police wake, though maybe not in the way you'd think.

What a bloody good show, I'm going to miss it. But it went out well, it started as a classic and ended as a classic. I just wish other shows (like the Sopranos) would go out as gracefully.

Can't wait to see what David Simon does next...
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Watched it the other night thought it finished well as a series but I found the episode itself a bit boring. Although I have found the finale of all seasons to be the worst episode of each season. Although there were plenty of good parts there was stuff I wouldn't have missed if it wasn't there.

Just watched E10...
And, in a way you are right- MucNulty does get his police wake, though maybe not in the way you'd think.

What a bloody good show, I'm going to miss it. But it went out well, it started as a classic and ended as a classic. I just wish other shows (like the Sopranos) would go out as gracefully.

Can't wait to see what David Simon does next...

Not sure what that comment means as the Sopranos went out on there own terms.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Not sure what that comment means as the Sopranos went out on there own terms.

I found the Sopranos lost its purpose and direction after the 4-5th seasons, the cast had to be convinced to do the last two seasons and the scripting became stale. I just think if David Chase had had the discipline to wind it up when it was as its peak it would have made the overall series much more of an artwork.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Hmm, just finished watching ep10. I'm underwhelmed (as I'd expected), and the fact that McNulty gets away with only losing his job is shitty; I still maintain he should be in jail or dead. Some awesome scenes, though, particularly the one between Levy and Pearlman; great writing. Need to watch it again.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

^^ I like the way that
Michael takes over Omar's role on 'tha street' when he robs Marlo's bank
. That whole sequence at the end was really good, you see that in B'more nothing ever really changes, just new players in an old game. I'd love to see were Carcetti ends up, ambitious young chap would have to take a stab at the White House within a few years.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Michael takes over Omar's role on 'tha street' when he robs Marlo's bank

Yeah, some people in other forums I've seen think that was out of character, but I thought it was great. Was a call-back to last season when he robbed Officer Walker, and his story really couldn't have ended any other way.
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

When Carver got promote againd, and Herc was there to congratulate him, I could help but to think of the ol' Lenny and Carl jokes from The Simpsons :D
Re: The Wire season 5 discussion thread **SPOILERS**

Just watched the final 2 episodes.

I think it restored itself, the serial killer went a bit too far out there for me. In the end, the punishment with Lester and McNulty was enough, they dirtied their case, Marlo walked, and that's all it had to be.

To me, most important, it again illustrated you've got so many people with so many vested interests, and each with enough dirt or connection to bring everyone down in one way or another.

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FTA-TV The Wire

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