The Wosrt Players Last Nite

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Oct 11, 2006
AFL Club
ED the mr de horse wont eat cheese sandwich by the mould

followed by the worst footballer in the land nick(kfc) davis
makes me sick

we were smashed by afar better coached side

wat a joke but i guess we are now

it will be a long wait till glory again
ED the mr de horse wont eat cheese sandwich by the mould

followed by the worst footballer in the land nick(kfc) davis
makes me sick

we were smashed by afar better coached side

wat a joke but i guess we are now

it will be a long wait till glory again

let's start with the more established players before we start having a go at barlow....
bevan has had enough chances, mcveigh ditto, mathews and crouch are gone, LEO BARRY YOU STAR is no longer a star, hall has to seriously rethink his football career, jolly and everitt were outplayed and outsmarted by a bloke who spent more time spewing than playing and another rated by pies fans as the worst at the club, jude bolton, nick davis and adam schneider refuse to play to their ability and may never do so....every one of the above is more culpable than barlow for last night's shambles
the few blokes who can hold their heads up are goodes and kirk, champions, micky o, craig bolton and LRT... c bolton needs help and LRT may be the one to be that key defender if he is fit and can do a full pre-season....

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Ah yes, let's blame a kid who has played a total of 4 games. He shouldn't have played last night. Asking him to perform in a final at this stage of his career wasn't fair on him especially not when Buchanan was playing in the reserves. It was a strange selection but hopefully it will only help Barlow in the future.

As for Davis, well he had 4 posessions.. which gave a return of 2 goals and 1 goal assist. If only he could get more of the ball.. but with the delivery into the forward line and the lack of ball in the forward line it doesn't make it easy. Sure, you can say he could have worked harder and perhaps he could have but he's been set a role and when his teammates ignore his leads and whatnot it doesn't help.
The worst last were Bevan, Davis and Schneider and Leo Barry had an ordinary first half.

A lot of others got beaten by their opponents who were simply too good for them on the night.

Barlow presented himself as a running target a few times and one of his kicks was a nice delivary into the forward line and by no means should there be attack on a guy who had played 3 games comimg into a final.
Leo Barry had an ordinary first half.

I'm still confused as to why Leo Barry was on Rusling the majority of the night. Leo is about 10 older then him and it was obvious even before the game that he wasn't going to be able to run with him. Leo really struggled, it was a shocking match up. He also made some really bad decisions which were costly so he didn't have a good night.
Bevan - for having every disposal a bad one. The Pies let him take the kick ins uncontested because they knew he would stuff up his disposal, how right was Mick.
Schneider - for being extremely soft and only just short of scared.
Crouch - for his arrogance at just being out there in front of a fit and quicker player.
McVeigh - for just being an out and out squib. Was beaten time and again at one on one contests and he and the other shocker, J Bolton did not win a centre bounce clearance between them and they contested most of them.
J Bolton - slow, unaccountable, jog trotting the game and hoping for a cheap pass or pick up. And he will have the cheek to put his hand out for this weeks pay cheque. Overpaid and overrated imposter.
Ouch!! Having a crack at a player who has played less than 10 games, playing his first final in front of a massive crowd dominated by screaming Collingwood fans is a bit harsh. For what it's worth I thought Barlow had a crack and will be better for the experience.

Our experienced players let us down last night as everyone has rightly popinted out;

Craig Bolton and Leo Barry had shockers sadly. they just could not stop Rocca and Rusling and were not unble to give us that real thrust out of defence that they do so well when they are on.

Our midfiled was belted. We were under pressure at all times and could not break free, whereas Collingwood looked cool calm and collected.

Our forwards were not dangerous, but let's be fair to them, they did not get great supply. In the end, we wre outplayed all over the park and only Goodes, and perhaps Micky O gave the Pies anything to think about at all.:mad:
Ouch!! Having a crack at a player who has played less than 10 games, playing his first final in front of a massive

So why then does everyone else have a crack at the other players that have played for the swans and who have played 10 or less games. And they want there head or heads on a chopping block like being delisted etc,etc.Thats makes no sense to me either so yep OUCH!!!!!
I thought Barlow was a long long way from our worst out there. And yes, I am allowing for his relative inexperience but at least he worked his butt off all night, which is more than can be said for several others. He produced one sizzling kick into the forward line and a great smother of a Buckley kick when the game was all but over but at least he continued to make an effort, unlike half the team, who had slowed to a trot.

Even judged on sheer statistical output, his numbers weren't significantly lower than what we got from Fosdike, Schneider, McVeigh, Crouch and O'Keefe - all players charged with running through the middle and creating something. O'Keefe had a hard and very competent tag in Maxwell all night. It's hard to even start to fathom an "excuse" for the rest of them.

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The Wosrt Players Last Nite

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