Things you once did that you now look back on and cringe

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Oct 17, 2022
AFL Club
West Coast
I used to be stupidly obsessed with golf. I’d practice and play at least 5 times a week, spend thousands of dollars of club memberships, clubs, other equipment, lessons, obsess over my stats, over other people’s stats, take videos of my swing and analyse it, read books, listen to podcasts and get angry and down on myself when I played bad. I’d be one of those w**kers walking around in perfectly pleated pants and tucked in shirts, yelling “sit, sit” at my ball and fussing over the correct interpretation of the game’s ridiculous rules, like the positioning of rakes in bunkers, and kid myself into thinking it was an actual sport.

Then one day after watching my mum have a heart attack and my dad decline rapidly with Alzheimer’s decided to try and get fit downloaded the couch to 5k running app. Literally overnight my interest in golf evaporated. To the point now where I look back and cringe, almost PTSD like, at how much time, money and emotional investment I put into playing the ridiculous game for no physical and mental benefit and which I actually hated. Now I’m fit, feeling better about myself and have more time for other interests like volunteering for a local wildlife hospital and spending more time with friends and family.

I think the nature of golf has a tendency to suck people into this vortex that’s hard to get out of and that so many people are in. It’s such a hard game to improve at given the small margins of error, and it’s just down to natural random variance you might hit an amazing shot or play a great round to make you think you’ve “found” some magical ingredient and keep you chasing for sustained improvement. I won a couple of tournaments, but 90% of rounds were mediocre to shit, which is actually standard for most golfers. And to think it’s an actual meaningful form of physical activity is a joke, just have a look at the massive gunts going round at the local fairways for evidence.

What things did you used to do that you now look back on and cringe?

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And to think it’s an actual meaningful form of physical activity is a joke, just have a look at the massive gunts going round at the local fairways for evidence.

What things did you used to do that you now look back on and cringe?

I'm no golf apologist, but I mean, at least you'd be walking around for a few kms over a round, right? That's more than plenty of other people do.

I think mine mainly revolve around being a knob at school to fit in, not having the courage to speak up, being a prick to people to impress others (whom I didn't even particularly like in the first place).
I lost my baby brother, so that teen trope where you want them to get out of your room and leave you be and it’s a naughty cheeky game to them that pisses you off. Those angry, belittling moments where you raise your voice, exclude or call them stupid. I was otherwise a really swell sibling and semi-parent but moments like those that are far from a constant hug sting with grief hindsight. If I had to watch my life back, I might cringe hardest at stuff like that.

Otherwise I was never very faddy or poseury or prickish, stayed much the same person throughout life and did what I genuinely liked. True blue scruplehead basically, for better or worse.
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Oh and basically any interaction with a female in my teen years
Haven't always been the current casanova the local milfs swoon over that we know today?

Same boat though lol

My additions to the thread - interestingly for me at least I'm noticing my friends starting to realise they've put so much effort/time into people who don't give the same back. I've never been like that and CGAF about people who are inconsequential to my life but they're now cringing or realizing their social circle isn't half as big as they thought. When the chips are down there's usually only a handful you can rely on. Glad I've somehow always known this, no idea how or why

Ignoring fashion/haircuts and stuff, everyone would cringe at this which in a way doesn't make it cringeworthy

My first car broke down in a roundabout which held up traffic from 2 busy roads, fair effort but I cringe at that embarrassment sitting on the bonnet calling RAA
I don't really look back and cringe on things, because everything I've done made me into the person who I am today.. though I will say my choice of company and 'fashion sense' in my early to mid 20's was certainly questionable.

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Most of the stuff I did or said while on the drink in my younger years.

The youth of today don’t know the joy of your nights not being filmed on a phone.

I remember the early stages of facebook around 2007-2010 people would upload every photo they took from a night out.
Most of the stuff I did or said while on the drink in my younger years.

The youth of today don’t know the joy of your nights not being filmed on a phone.

Back in the day if you picked someone up you weren't keen to pursue it was easy to avoid, I'm sure these days they'd find your Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat etc pretty quick.
We had a video camera one summer in the early 90s that got a fair work out and I'd hate to think that any of that footage still existed.
We hired!! a video camera for a week in 1999 for a camping trip just after Blair Witch came out. Made the delightful "Innes Park Chocolate Project", which has unfortunately been lost to time...

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