Travel What irks you most about airlines?

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Also this is particularly a gripe with Qantas, but why do they not have wifi on their planes in 2024?

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My flight from Melbourne to Perth last week had free wifi?

The international flights is where they really need it and don't
Yeah, that's what I meant. I don't want wifi from Melbourne to Perth, I want wifi from Perth to Rome lol
Airlines offering a food service for flights between Melbourne and Launceston. It's 50 minutes, just wait lol
Flew from Honolulu to Melbourne on Jetstar. The 2nd food service continued up and back for over 2 hours. I think they kept going up and back until they had sold out of everything. Every other flight I have been on they go down once and that's it.
Yeah, that's what I meant. I don't want wifi from Melbourne to Perth, I want wifi from Perth to Rome lol
Remember the good old days when Port played AFL games in China?

I love those times.... Wifi from Port Adelaide to China and back... let the Port fans vent their frustration on WIFI. LOL

Good times mate. Those were the bloody fun times. lol
Need a better solution to lift than wings.
They would look like sports cars without wings.
This is why I am a thinker and on the big $.
Delays in taking off once everyone is on board. Blaming the 'paperwork'. Occasional lack of staff at immigration.

Otherwise I don't really have huge gripes, guess I've had a pretty good run so far all things considered.
I have been very lucky when it comes to flights. Both interstate and 3 trips overseas, the second one in particular flying quite a bit as I went around the world.

No cancellations, I think the worst was one delayed by an hour or so. No overly annoying passengers either.
I have been very lucky when it comes to flights. Both interstate and 3 trips overseas, the second one in particular flying quite a bit as I went around the world.

No cancellations, I think the worst was one delayed by an hour or so. No overly annoying passengers either.
You've got off very lightly considering you've flown in the US :sweatsmile:

It's a shitshow
For a techno enthusiast, I've genuinely never understood why a laptop can't be scanned whilst inside a bag.

The explanation that makes most sense is that it's hard to distinguish amongst everything else in the bag, but still doesn't seem quite right to me...

I've seen a trial at a few airports recently where you don't have to take anything out of your bag - I was surprised at how much more convenient it was.

Changi, Dubai, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur and pretty sure Shangahi I didnt have to take the laptop out to be scanned, I thought most Asian airports are up to speed on scanning tech in that regard. Most western countries don't and yes its a pain in the ass.

Also people who must stand up to get their overhead luggage while the plane is still moving to the gate and the seatbelt light hasn't been switched off, the ****ing mad rush to be first off the plane, ffs your really not saving much time at all and you are annoying everyone else.

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For me, it's when they d*ck you around hoping that some miracle will happen and the flight won't need to be cancelled/they can get another plane.

Was flying from Lisbon to Nice last year on TAP Portugal and after hearing nothing for an hour after the flight was originally meant to take off, we finally hear that "there are unexpected delays and we will provide an update shortly". Great.

An hour later, we get notification that the flight has been cancelled BUT they are organising another plane that should be ready within two hours. FMD! But they handed out 10 Euro vouchers so that's all good...

We head to the gate that the second plane will be boarding from. Another hour passes from the original boarding time, until FINALLY they let us know that the second flight will be cancelled as well. Pandemonium ensures, vitriol directed at the poor boarding staff, who of course have no actual involvement in the operation of the aircraft and are just thrown out by the terrible organisation as a scapegoat. Provided to us are terrible options for flights the following day (had to go through Paris and ended up touching down in Nice nearly at midnight, the next day), and poor directions to obtain compensation for accommodation, transport, and the 250 euros that they are required by law to provide. (To this day, I haven't obtained any of this, despite my best efforts).

Sorry, had a bit of a vent there. But the point remains, it would've been so much more helpful and less inconvenient to the passenger to be upfront so that alternative travel arrangements can be sought out earlier. I ended up spending 11 hours at the airport that day, because of course they couldn't find our bags lmao.

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