Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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The problem with teachers is they don't know how to socialise properly with adults outside of their cute little school.
How has socialising outside of school got anything to do with late night conferences? I am sure any job that has a late night meeting after a 10hr day would think its the pits?
Great idea! Thanks.

On a serious note, how was your experience at school? Positive or negative? Also, how many teachers do you know personally?

I think he's either
A) sad he's just suit in the crowd
B) still offended from this years prelim and still thinks the umps cheated

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Case in point, above. Now go off and mark some class projects or something. The adults from the real world have just got home from a hard day's work and are awaiting tea.

I am sure you're one of the people who think we are glorified babysitters? We are one of the highest regulated industries in the world that probably do the most unpaid overtime. before you mention the holidays we get, about 3 weeks of that is spent planning and making resources using our own money because the education department don't pay for the materials we use.

You my friend, wouldn't last a month teaching 23 5 year olds how to read, write, count, recognise numbers in both written and object form and say each letter of the alphabet and the sounds they make.
I am sure you're one of the people who think we are glorified babysitters? We are one of the highest regulated industries in the world that probably do the most unpaid overtime. before you mention the holidays we get, about 3 weeks of that is spent planning and making resources using our own money because the education department don't pay for the materials we use.

You my friend, wouldn't last a month teaching 23 5 year olds how to read, write, count, recognise numbers in both written and object form and say each letter of the alphabet and the sounds they make.
Oh, my heart breaks.
I think he's either
A) sad he's just suit in the crowd
B) still offended from this years prelim and still thinks the umps cheated
Yep. That's it. Teacher nails it again. Give yourself a well-earned rest with a free tomorrow. :D
Yep. That's it. Teacher nails it again. Give yourself a well-earned rest with a free tomorrow. :D
I will. I'm actually in my empty classroom now listening to some metal and putting surfing pictures up on the walls. Only got one class today, and then after Tuesday I'm on holidays till 27th Jan. Like any job, you can put in as much or as little effort as you want to teaching - but I know I've deserved my holiday after putting in a hard 4 terms of work and running 160km/week.
I will. I'm actually in my empty classroom now listening to some metal and putting surfing pictures up on the walls. Only got one class today, and then after Tuesday I'm on holidays till 27th Jan. Like any job, you can put in as much or as little effort as you want to teaching - but I know I've deserved my holiday after putting in a hard 4 terms of work and running 160km/week.
Overnight I have had time to reflect and think about what I have done.
After being overlooked for team leader next year (which the principal gave to someone who has only been teaching for 3 years compared to my 6yrs), I'm going to not put in the extremely long hours. I get in around 7am and leave at 5:30pm each day.

Not the first time I've been overlooked for things. Usually I'm put in grades i didnt put as a preferance. I will get in at 8am and finish at 4pm. I wont work weekends unless for reports and spend more time with family.
After being overlooked for team leader next year (which the principal gave to someone who has only been teaching for 3 years compared to my 6yrs), I'm going to not put in the extremely long hours. I get in around 7am and leave at 5:30pm each day.

Not the first time I've been overlooked for things. Usually I'm put in grades i didnt put as a preferance. I will get in at 8am and finish at 4pm. I wont work weekends unless for reports and spend more time with family.

Maybe you're at the wrong school for you or perhaps it's the actual teaching stuff letting you down, not the work you put in?

What's your prin like? Have a chat and ask them what you need to do to be considered.

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Maybe you're at the wrong school for you or perhaps it's the actual teaching stuff letting you down, not the work you put in?

What's your prin like? Have a chat and ask them what you need to do to be considered.
Maybe I am at the wrong school but I am on an ongoing contract and dont want to risk starting over as its hard enough getting a job in victoria and I have a family to think of. I dont think it's the teaching thats letting me down as they haven't seen me teach lol.

Its not the first time that people have left over job promotions. We had an excellent teacher who left as they promoted someone else who they knew longer into a leadership/co-ordinator position with no experience (yet the teacher who left was a co-ordinator at their previous school).

Im not overly bitter about it. Its alot of admin work being a team leader and you dont get extra pay. But it would be nice to get considered once in awhile.
I had a role this year coordinating the ESL students which I loved. However the principal told me yesterday that I don't have the role for next year as they need to give the hours to the ESL teacher as her role is changing next year. I understand why they need to do it but still pissed off as I put a lot of time and effort into the role this year.
I had a role this year coordinating the ESL students which I loved. However the principal told me yesterday that I don't have the role for next year as they need to give the hours to the ESL teacher as her role is changing next year. I understand why they need to do it but still pissed off as I put a lot of time and effort into the role this year.

Fairly late notice!
I had a role this year coordinating the ESL students which I loved. However the principal told me yesterday that I don't have the role for next year as they need to give the hours to the ESL teacher as her role is changing next year. I understand why they need to do it but still pissed off as I put a lot of time and effort into the role this year.
Thats a joke. We have a a high level of ESL students and I feel for our ESL teacher who is under the pump. She has bout 25-30 in each year level.
How is everyone in the public sector holding up? Being a primary teacher, my kids are exhausted with 1 week to go. No Christmas presents as yet.. not expecting much to be honest.
Kids in highschool lost motivation 2 weeks ago after they finished exams.

They are doing maths and science based experiments in my classes as their class party next week. I hinted to them they should choose chocolate, chips and juice etc and that if they prepared a good experiment I would buy the materials. A couple of groups are running blind tastings of chocolate, chips, apples and juice. Another group is running a diet soda and mentos experiment. They will all be drawing tables and graphs of their findings and working right through to the last lesson.
Kids in highschool lost motivation 2 weeks ago after they finished exams.

They are doing maths and science based experiments in my classes as their class party next week. I hinted to them they should choose chocolate, chips and juice etc and that if they prepared a good experiment I would buy the materials. A couple of groups are running blind tastings of chocolate, chips, apples and juice. Another group is running a diet soda and mentos experiment. They will all be drawing tables and graphs of their findings and working right through to the last lesson.

We are doing Christmas craft all week. My little ones were in holiday mode since we started taking down displays and packing up our classroom early last week (we have to as some of us are moving classrooms next year and we only get 2hours to move during class time next week). To add to the fact that I have had 3 already finish for the year for a family vacation (one left in November) and it makes trying to teach anything worthwhile meaningless.

In terms of presents, anything would beat the used lipstick I received from a child last year (not only because I am a guy, but also because their mum is probably missing their personal belongings).
How is everyone in the public sector holding up? Being a primary teacher, my kids are exhausted with 1 week to go. No Christmas presents as yet.. not expecting much to be honest.
Qld finished last week. We're on holidays already.
Just finished my last day of teaching for the year, after changing careers just at the commencement of term 3. Overall, its been a really good couple of terms. Life is good. Although I only did relief work, I got work every single day except for one. I had a couple of extended stints teaching science and IT, but most of the time I was teaching PE/Health (my major subject area). I did the majority of work at 3 schools, and had a couple of others that I picked up work some days when I needed to.

On the negative - I've applied for about 20 jobs for next year and have pretty much been rejected from all of them. I'm in the fixed term pool and nothing has come out of that. Don't know if my CV is holding me back, my lack of experience or that I finished my teaching quals in 2009 and haven't taught until now.

To be honest however, Id be happy to keep doing relief teaching for at least the first semester next year. So far it has been ridiculously easy to pick up work. And its stress-free and often fun. Sure the kids can be complete arseholes sometimes, but once 3pm comes around my day is done and for every bad kid there's plenty of good ones. Plus it is letting me focus on my tennis coaching after school, on weekends and on holidays.

Downsides I've found so far is that getting the kids on side behaviorally at times has been a real challenge at times as I'm sure it is with all relief teachers who have pretty much a new, unknown group of students every lesson. And, wow, I'm really quite surprised about how many teachers are lazy, moody, whinging bastards. A lot of the time its hard to even get them to grunt a hello to you in the corridor, and the extent of their teaching doesn't get beyond the limits of getting kids to copy out chapter summaries and answering questions, or throwing out a few balls on to a field and telling them to go fetch. Things like science experiments and structured skill development activities are way too much to expect from many of them, which is sad.
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On the negative - I've applied for about 20 jobs for next year and have pretty much been rejected from all of them. I'm in the fixed term pool and nothing has come out of that. Don't know if my CV is holding me back, my lack of experience or that I finished my teaching quals in 2009 and haven't taught until now.
Hopefully if you continue with CRT work a one term or semester contract will become available and from there opportunities will arise (if you are any good that is ;) )

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Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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