Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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Pretty much, for a industry screaming for experience and males, I see alot of young grads and more females than males. At my school we have only 7 males (2 are sport) and bout 30 females. Thats a good ratio

2014 we had 9 males
2015 it dropped to 5
2016 it looks like they will have 3. Was 4 but I've changed schools.

No male in any form of leadership but that's primary education.

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Was at the wife's christmas party tonight - shes a primary teacher. There was 5 males (including husbands of teachers) amongst a sea of mostly middle aged, drunk women

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My salary > your salary.

And I'm on annual leave from next week anyway.

AND I can socialise with adults and not spend my working hours standing over children.

Enjoy your pitiful 4 weeks annual leave, Sargent Kwon. And by socialising with adults, you mean sitting in meetings and circle jerking each other off around the watercooler about how much you earn?

Bet your actual salary doesn't go anywhere near many teachers anyway. I just got a $6500 pay rise this week for sipping beers next to the pool everyday by 330pm while your probably trapped in a cubicle sitting on bigfooty, pretending you're a big shot in a suit, when really youre a failure with a life of pen pushing ahead of you with no intrinsic satisfaction.

Jelly bro?

Enjoy your pitiful 4 weeks annual leave, Sargent Kwon. And by socialising with adults, you mean sitting in meetings and circle jerking each other off around the watercooler about how much you earn?

Bet your actual salary doesn't go anywhere near many teachers anyway. I just got a $6500 pay rise this week for sipping beers next to the pool everyday by 330pm while your probably trapped in a cubicle sitting on bigfooty, pretending you're a big shot in a suit.

Jelly bro?

$6,500 pay rise, hey? Imagine all the class Christmas craft materials you'll be able to purchase with that.

Oh, and it's 'you're'. Not 'your'. Just thought I'd let the big shot teacher know that. :D
Nah I have too much fun now. Not only am I paid for being a 'glorified babysitter,' in the final week of school I got to go ice skating, roller blading, bowling, laser tag, Melton waves, Williamstown beach, bike riding and saw a movie.

How good is activities week!?
Sounds like you're a real adult. :thumbsu:
Yeah, go and get real jobs. Glorified babysitters. :D
You sound like a real dickhead.
I'm not a teacher by both of my parents were.
The hours put in versus the salary doesn't equate, it's the love of the job and the ability to have a positive influence on a growing mind.
As far as salary goes, I'm more than happy to compare if you want to play a game of swinging dicks. I'm in Banking and you know what sort of salaries are bandied about in this field.
You haven't exactly explained what your job is! I'm guessing that you're embarrassed that's it's probably fairly menial or you're just some yes-man jerk that sucks up to your boss, stuck in a job that you never thought you'd be in after missing out on the admission score you needed to get into the course of study you wanted at Uni.
I wanted to be a teacher, decided to defer my first year of Uni and never actually went back. Entered the workforce and clawed my way up the pathetic corporate ladder via Part time study and countless hours of overtime. I'm very comfortable but if I had my time again, would've committed to going back to uni when I should have and becoming a teacher instead of some drone working in finance, going through the motions.
Now enough about my back story, what was it you said you did again so we can all be impressed?

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Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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