Secondary Thinking about becoming a teacher

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what do you do with your time in lessons where you have like 5 students present.

it's exam week and i've got a split year 9/10 class and like 90% of my class has ended up being year 10s and they're all absent as they're not required at school for exams.

it's a snoozefest now and it's only going to get worse
If you have laptops give them a project on a topic of their interest. For example, if they're into footy get them to research a topic involving footy and make a presentation in a format such as PowerPoint.
I heard on the radio this morning the possibility of paying kids $50 a week to attend school. Thoughts? IMO it will create a lot more problems than it will solve.

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If you have laptops give them a project on a topic of their interest. For example, if they're into footy get them to research a topic involving footy and make a presentation in a format such as PowerPoint.
i ended up giving them a small project about the english language which ended up being interesting and engaging for them, thankfully
I heard on the radio this morning the possibility of paying kids $50 a week to attend school. Thoughts? IMO it will create a lot more problems than it will solve.
Why would this even come up as a possibility?! whoever come up with this must be on the drugs they confiscated off the kids they want to pay to come in
Why would this even come up as a possibility?! whoever come up with this must be on the drugs they confiscated off the kids they want to pay to come in
Soon enough the students will want to use teachers as their own personal slaves and have everything done for them. Wait I think this is already in progress 🤔.
Teacher bashing season in the Herald Sun with 2 articles in one day:
Teaching methods to blame for poor Maths Results..

There was another one about the increase in teachers "rushing" to get students diagnosed for funding.

There isn't a rush, just more students being picked up that teachers are needing to make extensive adjustments that are going above and beyond what we physically and mentally can do.

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