Time for a shake up

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I demand the head of the guy who prepares the match-up videos for the team. Clearly he's to blame as well.

And there isn't enough roughage in the training day lunches - sack the cooks!

I also feel like the receptionists at the Lexus Centre don't smile enough to greet new visitors.

Who else...

The lawn mowers who mow Goshes (sp?) Paddock..... not keeping the grass to an even 2cms thick.

The cleaners, the floors aren't very clean in the locker rooms. Might be affecting the players.....

The person who runs the merchandise shop.... I want a bigger discount next time!

I'm sure there's many, many more out there..... surprised they haven't all been brought up yet.

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I think we need to have a look on the ladder.

We are 5th, not 10th-16th.

I'm not going to respond fully to the same old crap every time we have a loss. The same old over-reactive chestnuts are wheeled out and I respond with the same points anyway it's a wasted exercise.

We can stick at it and trust the internal controls of the people in charge for at least this week or we can chop and change at the whim of a loss that ruined your weekend and forced you to cop a bit of stick at work. Please try to look at the big picture of things and I can then respond in kind, that is ; wait until our season is over before you jump off the ship that well and truly hasn't sunk yet.
i dont agree with what the winging of losses and the coaches but i really do think that we need to have a "real" clash jumper Eddie is obsessed about the stripes WTF is wrong with an all black or white jumper and the emblem on the front.
You are complaining about management and your Avatar is a picture of Prime Minister Dudd?!:DPwhoooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar:D:D:pHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhh.:D:D Someone get me a needle to sew up my sides, they just split from laughing. Phwoooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr:D, sorry I'm hysterical here.

Maybe we could get old Dudd in as a consultant. We could apologise to Carlton, give our jumper away to Port Adelaide, sign a treaty with Essendon to subsidise their cheer squad and and tax own our supporters every time they buy a Pie at the G because some of them are fat. But overall he will make sure that none of these measures in any way contribute to winning a premiership. Any other bright ideas?

By the way you have about as much of a clue as PM Dudd. Both Hawthorn and Footscray have equal or better training facilities than us, and Essendon have quite a good set up as well. Richmond is just about to spend over $10 mil on Punt Rd and Carlton aren't far behind. All Eddie did was position us a couple of years ahead of the pack. BTW Footscary have not won a premeireship since 1954. Do the math. St Kilda only have 1 Premiership and the Cats have won 2 in the last 50 years, just like us. Are you sure that isn't you Mr PM?

This ^ from the poster who said we should consider tanking.

Ssshhh, be quiet
I am not after wholesale changes, but a change in philosophy and the players who get a game at our club.

My vision of Collingwood is that in 3 years neautral people say
"Gee they are fast and skilled"
Football has turned into speedball and I am not sure we have kept up. Our handballing game is certainly stuck in the 1970's.

I have never heard a Collingwood side described as 'fast and skilled', we have always been about heart, hard running and effort but there comes a time when talent wins Flags.

I want to be an advanced version of the Bulldogs but with good key position players. Perhaps Geelong is already this. We have drafted well with talls I feel but its time to get quality small men.

Starting now I would start removing players with unacceptable skills and efficiency levels. Rhyce Shaw and Ben Johnson are two I would look at trading straight off the bat, they don't come more old school Collingwood than them.
2nd round, 3rd round pick respectively.
O'Bree will need to be phased out soon. Nick Maxwell would be next in line and I'd be offering up Fraser for a 1st Rounder if its there as he could be the key to finding the gun midfielder we will need when Burnsy goes.

These guys may represent a fairly large batch of our middle-older brigade but the fact is if we are to win a flag it will be on the back of Pendlebury/Thomas/Cloke/Clarke/Shaw not the above guys. So lets load up on as much 18-22 year olds as possible, its no problem if we experience a backwards step, it happens. You only have to look ay Brisbane and Geelong as two sides who had large numbers of players peak together.

Every side can carry a battler or two but the fact is we have too many of them and it is why we are losing to average sides.
It'd be nice to rock up on a GF day for once knowing we have more talent than the opposition, and that we don't need it to rain, don't need to opposition to play like crap cos they are apparently all on painkillers.
great to know there is so many true believers, I love the jumper and love the pies, I am just frustrated with losing games we should win. Yes I go to every home game and this year we have had some great wins but the consistency is not there.

Maybe I should leave eddie and the jumper out of it ok
What I am hearing dear freinds is you are more patient than me!!!!
Dear collingwood friends,

are you tired of Eddie complaining about the jumper, I am. What I really want from Eddie is answers about our losses?

Which victorian club has the best training facilities? Collingwood
Which Victorian club spends the most on coaches? Collingwood
Which Victorian club has won 1 Flag in 50 Years? Collingwood
Which victorian club has been beaten by Roos and Blues twice this year? Collingwood

Yes its my team Collingwood and I am really tired of failed promises. Eddie focus on winning a flag rather than trivia, we need a big shake up. We have been out coached by Brett Ratten and Dean Ladely twice this year. Not good enough. Once I can accept, what did we learn from those games.
Mick I thnk its time to bring and groom Nathan.

Thank you
Inconsistency is not just the players fault, it is the managment of the team.:(

Completely agree, You are not the only supporter with this type of thinking!

Eddie has been absolutely terrific for the club, a saviour, a marvel, cant really say anything wrong about him, but I am also really starting to think its time for change.

As brilliant as Eddie has been, He has been in charge of the club for nearly 10 years now, but he has failed in delivering the most important prize of the organization..... A premiership.

No one remembers 2nd!
Completely agree, You are not the only supporter with this type of thinking!

Eddie has been absolutely terrific for the club, a saviour, a marvel, cant really say anything wrong about him, but I am also really starting to think its time for change.

As brilliant as Eddie has been, He has been in charge of the club for nearly 10 years now, but he has failed in delivering the most important prize of the organization..... A premiership.

No one remembers 2nd!

how is this Eddie's fault?
He's not the one playing footy every weekend for Collingwood. He runs the club. He's not a coach or anything so he doesn't have as much affect on the way the players perform.
I have no doubt that Eddie want's that Premirership as much as the next supporter but the only people in this worl that can make it happen are the players.

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how is this Eddie's fault?
He's not the one playing footy every weekend for Collingwood. He runs the club. He's not a coach or anything so he doesn't have as much affect on the way the players perform.
I have no doubt that Eddie want's that Premirership as much as the next supporter but the only people in this worl that can make it happen are the players.

Premierships actuallly begin well before the players win it for you. It begins by drafting the right type of players. Eddie has control over who we employ as our recruiting staff, so must take some responsibility. In his defence he did throw a fistful of dollars at one of the best recruiters in the business in Scott Clayton but unfortunately, he stayed at the Bulldogs.
how is this Eddie's fault?
He's not the one playing footy every weekend for Collingwood. He runs the club. He's not a coach or anything so he doesn't have as much affect on the way the players perform.
I have no doubt that Eddie want's that Premirership as much as the next supporter but the only people in this worl that can make it happen are the players.

Eddie has been sensational for the footy club, absolutely great.... there is no doubting that, however it may be time for a change.......

He runs the club as you said..... what does the club exist for....... winning premierships!
premierships Actuallly Begin Well Before The Players Win It For You. It Begins By Drafting The Right Type Of Players. Eddie Has Control Over Who We Employ As Our Recruiting Staff, So Must Take Some Responsibility. In His Defence He Did Throw A Fistful Of Dollars At One Of The Best Recruiters In The Business In Scott Clayton But Unfortunately, He Stayed At The Bulldogs.

Then it will be 3 in 51 years...

And if you think there's "no way in hell" that that will happen... do us all a favour and stay away from anything to do with us.


Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't realise I was talking with someone with absolute authority to speak on behalf of the entity called Collingwood.

1 person was "stupid" enough to state that Collingwood had only won 1 premiership in the last 50 years.
The pedantic reply was that it was actually 2 in the last 50 years like that was supposed to sound so much more impressive.

The point is that for all the huffing and puffing yet another generation of Collingwood fans are in danger of not seeing their team win a premiership.

I was 1 month shy of 18 when we won our last so it couldn't have come at a better time for me.
A full head of hair, a stomach that was closer to a six pack than a keg and enough air in my lungs to take me on a walk every now and then.
All that shit is now long gone along with the memory of hearing year in, year out that this was going to be our year.
Fact is, this current list is too flawed at the moment to bring us September glory.
There is a fair base to start to work with but this 22-25 player group is simply not good enough to take us all the way.

If these thoughts exclude me from stating an opinion on this board I'll gladly leave you all to continue the lovefest.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't realise I was talking with someone with absolute authority to speak on behalf of the entity called Collingwood.

1 person was "stupid" enough to state that Collingwood had only won 1 premiership in the last 50 years.
The pedantic reply was that it was actually 2 in the last 50 years like that was supposed to sound so much more impressive.

The point is that for all the huffing and puffing yet another generation of Collingwood fans are in danger of not seeing their team win a premiership.

I was 1 month shy of 18 when we won our last so it couldn't have come at a better time for me.
A full head of hair, a stomach that was closer to a six pack than a keg and enough air in my lungs to take me on a walk every now and then.
All that shit is now long gone along with the memory of hearing year in, year out that this was going to be our year.
Fact is, this current list is too flawed at the moment to bring us September glory.
There is a fair base to start to work with but this 22-25 player group is simply not good enough to take us all the way.

If these thoughts exclude me from stating an opinion on this board I'll gladly leave you all to continue the lovefest.

I have been through the same as you... I too had more hair on my head (and less on my back!) I was 15.

But as Collingwood proved in last years finals series... September anything can happen, especially if the players believe in themselves (which ours do). We are in a better position than last year and better for the finals experience we got in 2007.

I would prefer to be an optimist at this stage of the season (with a red hot chance to snag a double chance) and having the wood over Geelong (the only team that has beaten them, and worries them from the last 12 months).

I think we can do it. And even if we dont, I want that feeling of belief for the next 10 - 12 weeks that it can happen, rather than being a pesimist and conceeding a race we are still in. Imagine the players felt like you did, we wouldnt have a hope in hell. If they had felt the way you do in the 2007 finals series, we never would have even beaten Sydney.

To my fellow Collingwood brother, i urge you to watch this


and tell me that the hunger and belief of players like Scott Burns, Tarkyn Lockyer, Travis Cloke, Alan Didak, Dane Swan and every other player that played in last years prelim (along with those that missed out) is not greater now, than it was at this stage last year.

September is a completely different kettle of fish. We WILL be there. Our players WILL be HUNGRY, our players WILL BELIEVE in themselves.

Those 22 players that have the honour of representing our club - THE CLUB... will fight hand and fist to write their names in History.

Scott Burns captaining his first (and possibly last) Collingwood finals campaign will do us so proud... you know it.

With their belief (and ours) it will be COLLINGWO8D.
September is a completely different kettle of fish. We WILL be there. Our players WILL be HUNGRY, our players WILL BELIEVE in themselves.

Those 22 players that have the honour of representing our club - THE CLUB... will fight hand and fist to write their names in History.

Scott Burns captaining his first (and possibly last) Collingwood finals campaign will do us so proud... you know it.

With their belief (and ours) it will be COLLINGWO8D.

Inspiring read, Smoky. I believe.:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:
I must admit, this thread didn't really get the result I was expecting it too. My thoughts are that we don't need a new president, Eddie is magnificent, he tells it like it is and I don't mind that. I don't really know what type of change we need, but I do think we need one. I HATE that we lost to Carlton twice, and I hate that we lost to North twice, but thats the players and coaching staffs fault, not the Admin.
I am not after wholesale changes, but a change in philosophy and the players who get a game at our club.

My vision of Collingwood is that in 3 years neautral people say
"Gee they are fast and skilled"
Football has turned into speedball and I am not sure we have kept up. Our handballing game is certainly stuck in the 1970's.

I have never heard a Collingwood side described as 'fast and skilled', we have always been about heart, hard running and effort but there comes a time when talent wins Flags.

I want to be an advanced version of the Bulldogs but with good key position players. Perhaps Geelong is already this. We have drafted well with talls I feel but its time to get quality small men.

Starting now I would start removing players with unacceptable skills and efficiency levels. Rhyce Shaw and Ben Johnson are two I would look at trading straight off the bat, they don't come more old school Collingwood than them.
2nd round, 3rd round pick respectively.
O'Bree will need to be phased out soon. Nick Maxwell would be next in line and I'd be offering up Fraser for a 1st Rounder if its there as he could be the key to finding the gun midfielder we will need when Burnsy goes.

These guys may represent a fairly large batch of our middle-older brigade but the fact is if we are to win a flag it will be on the back of Pendlebury/Thomas/Cloke/Clarke/Shaw not the above guys. So lets load up on as much 18-22 year olds as possible, its no problem if we experience a backwards step, it happens. You only have to look ay Brisbane and Geelong as two sides who had large numbers of players peak together.

Every side can carry a battler or two but the fact is we have too many of them and it is why we are losing to average sides.
It'd be nice to rock up on a GF day for once knowing we have more talent than the opposition, and that we don't need it to rain, don't need to opposition to play like crap cos they are apparently all on painkillers.

I agree alot with what has been said, but without making excuses we must remember that alot of things have to go right to play in a granny, we have lost one of the premier backman in the comp in clement, this came as a surprise to MM i am sure, and presti who is very underated as a stopper has not played a game yet, then in the past six weeks we have lost both fraser and rocca and davis, and a few others are struggling to be fully fit. I agree that some of our harder working players lack some foot skills, and may need to be offloaded to play some kids, but i would not criticise our hard working style of play as this is what won Sydney a grand final over a much better side on paper in WC. We just at the moment have young side that struggles to get up every week, and this probably continue for another 2 years as it did with Geelong 4 to 5 years ago. I say that we have the kids in place lets remain patient, you cant win every week.
Thank you fellow Pies for your responses to my initial thread. Its Wednesday and we now look forward to the Essendon game. I feel very confident, but it is worth noting the disappointment today from Tarquin about the teams weekly concentration.

I think we are so close but as is evident something is missing, consistency!. I look forward to the finals in hope but am doubtful we have the firepower to go all the way this year, yes injuries are a factor. My hope is that the people in power have the wisdom to build the team that will bring the ultimate prize soon. It is great to be in finals, but it is terrible exiting finals without the flag
Thank you

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Time for a shake up

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