Tinkler hands in Jets Licence

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Foster makes out Tinkler to be the great hero and the FFA and Lowy the big bad Wolf.

I am more than comfortable with the price for an existing licence being different from a start up, not as comfortable with the secret commission paid to Ken Edwards who then went to work with the Tinkler HSG.

Two words come to mind "due diligence" - I would have thought given the magnitude of the deal you would have done it very thoroughly.

It appears to me Clive Palmer - the national living treasure - what a joke that is - has been in his ear telling him he got shafted by FFA and following Clive's demise has encouraged Nathan to take his ball and go home to.

Obviously there are some issues that need resolving, but I'm more inclined to side with FFA than either of the two miners.

We need solutions at the minute, not court proceedings and hurling abuse.

Given the events of the past few years you wouldn't blame Frank Lowy if he just upped and walked away, and I don't think that would help the situation.

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Its bad news all round But I will say one thing HSG made the Jets better when they owned the team. Put it simply The Jets have improved Under Tinklers ownwership.

When Tinkler bought the team, The jets were about to fold and were getting 6-7000 people a game. HSG did the hard yards and Promoted the team. Jets were avaraging 10,000 at home this year.
Its bad news all round But I will say one thing HSG made the Jets better when they owned the team. Put it simply The Jets have improved Under Tinklers ownwership.

When Tinkler bought the team, The jets were about to fold and were getting 6-7000 people a game. HSG did the hard yards and Promoted the team. Jets were avaraging 10,000 at home this year.

They were getting crowds as low as 4,000 under Constantine in their wooden spoon year and i think they averaged 13k this season which is a fantastic improvement especially considering they wern't that great on the pitch either!
One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is a big off-field game changer that occurred in January. The O'Farrell state government rejected Tinkler's coal loader proposal.

The $2.5b plan was massive for not only Hunter Ports, but the entire Tinkler Group in terms of adding huge capital value to his coal holdings through an integrated distribution chain. It was also a very controversial issue in Newcastle, with a lot of people concerned about the adverse effects it might have on the city.

Tinkler's involvement in the Knights and especially the Jets was widely interpreted as a strategy to get the community on-side with his plan and push the approval through, which would have been a massive windfall. All that fell apart a couple of months ago when the State Government ruled out his proposal in favour of a new container terminal.

I'm not suggesting that the FFA hasn't ****ed this up royally in a number of respects (they clearly have) but by the same token I would put good money on the fact that Tinkler probably didn't shy away from a golden opportunity to get out without looking like the bad guy.
One thing that hasn't been mentioned in this thread is a big off-field game changer that occurred in January. The O'Farrell state government rejected Tinkler's coal loader proposal.

The $2.5b plan was massive for not only Hunter Ports, but the entire Tinkler Group in terms of adding huge capital value to his coal holdings through an integrated distribution chain. It was also a very controversial issue in Newcastle, with a lot of people concerned about the adverse effects it might have on the city.

Tinkler's involvement in the Knights and especially the Jets was widely interpreted as a strategy to get the community on-side with his plan and push the approval through, which would have been a massive windfall. All that fell apart a couple of months ago when the State Government ruled out his proposal in favour of a new container terminal.

I'm not suggesting that the FFA hasn't ****ed this up royally in a number of respects (they clearly have) but by the same token I would put good money on the fact that Tinkler probably didn't shy away from a golden opportunity to get out without looking like the bad guy.

Roy Masters (someone who I still have much respect for) mentiond this fact on offsiders last Sunday. No one gets anywhere by being a nice guy, there was an article on his ulterior motives which I think was on Crikey when he waddled in and took over both clubs with his group. I'll try and dig it up.
Why the surprise? Always going to happen. it was always a power play and the owners are showing some strength. What happens to the money Roar owners paid now though?
Why the surprise? Always going to happen. it was always a power play and the owners are showing some strength. What happens to the money Roar owners paid now though?

Nothing happens to the money Roar paid. Different clubs will be worth different amounts of money. Say for instance FFA ran MVFC and put them up for sale I would imagine that MVFC would cost substantially more then any other A League franchise.

All owners must pay the licensing fee (1.5 million). I doubt there would have been much negotiating over the Jets acquisition fee, they most likely hammered out a compromise for the Culina situation (which is Newcastle's fault in reality but Tinkler wouldn't accept that).

Poor business ethics though to go about the whole saga the way Tinkler did. There's absolutely no reason why he couldn't have aired his grievances privately. One would come to the conclusion that he has also been influenced by his larger mining buddy Clive Palmer.

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The FFA, simply, need to realise that this business model is not equitable. Clubs should be owned by their members.
Not really viable for clubs without a large membership base. Which is all A-League clubs.

Footy clubs have huge and passionate membership bases, and even the smaller ones of those need heavy subsidisation by the AFL. In the NRL, membership-based clubs only survive if they have a massive leagues club to funnel cash into them.
Anyone who has followed the boom and bust of the resources industry over a 40 year period will know that very few go through that cycle unscathed, in particular, the brash, loud ones.

If you go through all of his stuff, he's never had a business that has generated cash, his wealth is tied up in the assets, none of which are liquid.

Gerry Harvey has allegedly advanced him $20M up front as an advance on the sale of 350 neddys. That values them each at about $60k. I'm not sure of the quality of animals in the draft, but that's a fairly high average for a dispersal sale in a depressed market.

In the words of Kevin Spacey as John Doe in Seven - "it didn't end well", unless something changes very quickly the same thing will happen here.
They have until Feb, won't happen. If if Tinkler gets done and he's eating comfort food in gaol there will always be a team in Newcastle.

According to that ****ing idiot Tim Gossage on Perth radio this morning tomorrow nights game is in doubt with Perth on their way to Newcastle. Ahhhh good research there Tim the game is in Perth. He couldn't contain his glee in trying to spread bullshit about the A-League and NRL being the arse clown that he is.
They need to stay. They work they've done off field has to be applauded. Melbourne has the benefit of being a larger city with the club having success and culture to go off, Newcastle kind of doesn't. To get 10,000 memboirs in two successive seasons is applaudable.

The FFA need the Jets. Without them, the A-League would very much be on its last legs. Gallop has brains and will do everything to maintain their presence.

I just hope this doesn't disillusion some Newy fans.

But I do hope the FFA realise the A-League and private, single investors is wrong. Fan-based ownership is what should be instilled at a community club like Newcastle. Here's hopin'.

As far as I'm aware Tinkler's businesses are in trouble, not sure why the ATO would involve themselves in the Jets when he's got a massive stake in Whitehaven Coal.

One of the stories about the news

KNIGHTS Old Boys president John Laut holds no fears for the NRL club's future due to the $20million bank guarantee demanded by former Knights chief Steve Burraston and chairman Rob Tew as part of the club's privatisation, but feels for the predicament of the Newcastle Jets.

It was announced on Thursday that the Australian Tax Office has moved to wind up the Nathan Tinkler-owned sporting franchises due to unpaid debts of some $2.7million.

The Knights members board have the option to take control of the club and activate a $20 million guarantee if Tinkler's Hunter Sports Group cannot meet their contractual obligations for running the club, but there is no bank guarantee in place for the Jets.

Full story & link: http://canberratimes.com.au/rugby-l...oys-bank-on-20m-guarantee-20121213-2bd31.html

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Tinkler hands in Jets Licence

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