Which AFC deserter were/are you most salty towards?

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I doubt that but I can see the ATO running a fine tooth comb over Kuntley's tax returns since 2009!!
Well can we agree that chapman throwing the doors open is essentially throwing trigg under the bus? To those who are worried, there is no way trigg will be CEO by year end. But he'll be forced to face the music for a few weeks yet while this all unravels.

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It's a fair comment Carl. I have said for years in here that while we aren't an outwardly complaining club, things do happen behind the scene that supporters just aren't aware of. Clearly I wasn't thinking THIS type of thing, but your point is a very good one. How to remain competitive in a very hostile environment where our weaknesses (trying to retain interstate players) aren't catered for ala the AFLs poster clubs. We have no COL allowance, we got no draft relief and in fact the introduction of the expansion clubs hurt us more than any other club. Whilst I don't condone what has been done, you can see why the desperation to retain the evil little twerp.

It's not a fair point at all, are you serious woman?

We have gone behind the back of the competition and cheated. We have destroyed our brand, our image, our dignity as a club. We have taken a mother****ing dump on the good names of everyone to have ever been associated with this club. On the eve of ****ing Adelaide Oval with a GREAT list developing. There are NO excuses. This is horrifying, it is dishonest, it is negligent, it is filthy, and we will rightly fall into the doldrums for a solid decade at least. We will lose personnel on and off the field as a result of this.

We're done. All that grind, the finals losses, the work to build another potential premiership side, we have pissed it down a drain for no return. Nevermind the on-field ramifications, which will be substantial.

The Adelaide Football Club is dead. We have sold our soul and will never get it back. We are cheaters and frauds forever.
I will just correct you on a few facts. Carlton did not over pay 9-10 players or did they exceed the salary cap by a fair margin. Carlton paid a player called Stephen O'Reilly the amount of $115,000 (which was his contract) as they delisted him with a year to go on his contract. This amount was paid via a third party and was not included in the salary cap. As it turned out Carlton could have included it in the cap as they had space that year. The other player investigated was Fraser Brown, he told the AFL where to go and nothing was ever proven. The AFL told Carlton if they came clean on any other breaches they would go easy on them. There was arrangements in place to pay Silvagni and Williams payments outside the cap, this money was not paid and it was because Silvagni was making noises about money owing that there were rumours of such payments. The club told the AFL of these arrangements and then got wacked so severely to make an example of us. The AFL at the time said that no other club would want to break the rules in the future because the penalties would be severe. So effectively Carlton got penalised almost out of existance over a payment of $115,000. The money was eventually paid to Williams and Silvagni after the penalties, they had been punished already so they may as well pay them. Carlton had previously had minor infringements, one relating to a veteran payment of about $40,000 and another minor one.
On the other hand Melbourne had breached the salary cap by about $1 million in one year and were paying David Schwartz and Garry Lyon under the table payments. Their penalty was no where as severe as Carlton's. In fact it was the year that Jeff White had been traded from Fremantle, the draft pick that Melbourne lost was given to Fremantle as compensation.
As it turns out a Carlton player has been deregistered before, it was Greg Williams who had 2 contacts when he was with the Swans. (they breached to salary cap too). Williams was de registered for 6 weeks, but when he was traded to Carlton.
The AFL will not take this lightly, especially if they have been lied to.
Expect an enormous lettuce leaf to be brought out and a severe wack with it.
Yep this is exactly what happened to Carlton. Over the years the story that is told has gotten bigger and more exagerated (like chinese wispers) to were most people think '9-10 star players'. But that is not the case. I really hope the Crows will only get some slap on the wrist and a fine. I think the AFL made an example out of us for other reasons (to shut up John Elliot who thought he was bigger than the AFL).
The way i see it the following are to blame:
- Kurt Tippet - for deciding to bend over a club he clearly had no desire to be at just so he could milk as much money the filthy ****ing ***
- Bulcher- you are the epitome of mediocrity, a 19 year old from Swan Hill Institute of Technology would be a better player manager than you. You have cost yourself your job (which you shouldn't have been given in the first place), the repuation of Velocity, and your shithead client a potential afl career. Kudos. ****wit
- Reid and Trigg. How. ****ing. High. Were. You.!?!. Seriously, what the **** was going through your head when you decided to pull this shit? Since when do you bend over to service a cocksmoker who clearly never wanted to be at our club from the get go?? How on earth were you serving our clubs interests to keep this knob jockey at the AFC, when all signs indicated he wanted money and nothing more when yu were trying to get him to sign on? Yes, all the fans desparately wanted him to stay - but not at the cost of allowing us to be well and truly be buggered - in fact, volunteer to get ****ed over by a prick who evidently was going to do so? **** me. **** off trigg.

I think the best case scenario from this shitstorm is us copping a fine, losing draft picks in this years draft + Kurt ****witt getting deregistered - he legally ****ing deserves to for agreeing to the tampering, and actually initiating it. If we are cost premiership points and draft picks next year, trigg, reid, tippet and bulcher better ****ing watchout, cos they will be facing abuse and poo for the rest of their careers.
I need to go to bed. Everything will be ok in the morning won't it?

I would prefer that if the Crows were going to tamper they did a better job of it.

This tampering scenario is to the Crows detriment. Which club would agree that they would trade a valued player for a second round draft pick.

There is no gain to this for Adelaide unlike the other tampering scenarios we had in past i.e Carlton

The AFL takes ANY manipulation of the draft or salary cap very seriously indeed. These are the two pillars upon which its entire competition equalisation policy rests. They are sacred to the AFL and they will do anything and everything to protect them and to be seen to be protecting them.

I appreciate that Adelaide stands only to lose as a result of this contract. However, our loss is someone else's gain. Any way you care to look at it, the competition equalisation has been disrupted, because the value of what Adelaide was going to lose was in no way commercially equivalent to what they were set to receive in compensation.

While Adelaide are set to lose out in 2012 as a result of the contract, we have gained over the last 2 years, having illegally obtained the services of a player who may not have otherwise remained on our list.

Not only this, but the draft itself is effectively tampered with, by the specification of a 2nd draft pick in the illegal contract.

It may seem petty & trivial from the outside, but when you look at it from the AFL's perspective Adelaide are in a load of trouble.

Secondly if the Crows paid for Joel Tippets relocation- what is wrong with this? he is a footballer in his own right and the Crows may have wanted to
Keep an eye on his progress. If it was another player there would be no issue. Plus when Tippo signed the contract extension that was 2009 and Joel

Was still on the Gold Coast list. Thus this is a totally independent matter and is a storm in a tea cup in my opinion made up by Rucci.
OK... we've been over this before. To keep Paladin quiet though, I'll add a disclaimer that Rucci's beat-up has been shot down in flames. The alleged salary cap breach has nothing to do with payments to JT.

Payments to JT had to be reported, because JT is clearly an "associate of a player" (being his brother). Here's why:
10.3.2 Extent of Player Payments
The Investigations Manager may determine that the value of all or any part of any payment, consideration, advantage or other benefit given or provided to, or applied for the benefit of, a Player or an Associate of a Player by or at the direction of a Club or any Associate of a Club, or pursuant to any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding between a Club, an Associate of a Club, and a Player or an Associate of a Player, constitutes a Football Payment for the purpose of these Rules.
In any case, the issue was never that Adelaide paid for JT's transfer to West Adelaide. The issue is whether or not they declared it in their TPP statements. If they didn't report it, then they would be in breach of the salary cap rules. Having reported it though, there is no problem and Rucci was just chasing a dog up the wrong tree... again.
Final OT post; I'll see your BF2 and raise you XCOM Enemy Unknown (also in remake).

Back on topic. I was worried when there was secret 'gentlemans agreement' to tamper with the draft, shit got worse when it morphed into a actual deal to 'look after' Kurts brother, but now there is a secret $200 000 under the table payment outside the cap and specifically intended to be kept secret from the AFL?

If true that puts this in the range of Carlton-esqe penalties. I've said it before, but I wouldnt wish that on anyone.

The worst thing is that the current compliance doesnt help. Only players can benefit from amnesties, and even then its only at AFL discretion.

Actually screw it, lets talk more computer games.

I think we were actually within the salary cap but didn't declare it. Most of this reeks of pure incompetence. I am ashamed :mad::(
AFC benefited by having a player at the club for 3 years who may not have been if there was no deal.
2 years.. just to be pedantic. He was already contracted for 2010. The contract signed in 2009 was a 2-year extension on his previous contract, made 12 months before the old one expired.

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The penalties will be absolutely enormous.

Who knew the recruitment of this tosser would lead to so much hurt.
Our best bet is that the non disclosure is seen as incompetence rather than cheating as we would have been under the cap anyway. This is not salary cap cheating in the Carlton sense. I would have thought (hoped) that the penalty for this type of thing would be a fine (a huge one) and not draft picks.

Surely the draft picks penalty is only if you actual spend above the cap. (heres hoping!)
AFL bringing in the heavies to go over the books..Deloitte would you believe?? WOW!!!!


The AFL has called Deloitte in to assist in an audit of the Adelaide player payments in what is expected to be a detailed and complex examination. In considering the case, the AFL will be mindful of the new landscape of free agency, in which players have fewer restrictions on their movement. The AFL has not told the Crows that they cannot trade Tippett during its investigation.
I think we were actually within the salary cap but didn't declare it. Most of this reeks of pure incompetence. I am ashamed :mad::(

Yeah, but as a result you had an extra $200,000 to play with in the cap to pay other players, use for other contracts, and lure players to AFC during the past three years (including this year).

Effectively since 2009 you guys have had an extra 200 grand in your cap to play with that shouldnt have been there.

Its not incompetence and/or a mistake either. Apparently the parties to the deal were fully aware that it was unlawful, and wilfully concealed it from the AFL for this very reason.

Its about as bad as it gets.
Yeah, but as a result you had an extra $200,000 to play with in the cap to pay other players, use for other contracts, and lure players to AFC during the past three years (including this year).

Effectively since 2009 you guys have had an extra 200 grand in your cap to play with that shouldnt have been there.

Its not incompetence and/or a mistake either. Apparently the parties to the deal were fully aware that it was unlawful, and wilfully concealed it from the AFL for this very reason.

Its about as bad as it gets.

If sending an email/letter to Tippett telling him to stay quiet isn't incompetence, I don't know what is.
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