Toots Hibbert

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Good luck Toots, I'm sorry to hear it.

I wish him and his family all the best. I know first hand how cancer effects families as my 3 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia over the june long weekend just gone.
Shit man, I have a little one the same age. I have no idea what I'd do. Hope he gets the very best of care.
Terrible news and my thoughts are with you Toots.

I sincerely appreciate how he feels as I had the death sentence passed on me by my urologist nearly 5 years ago due to aggressive prostate cancer.

Never gave up hope or belief at any stage, and after intensive treatment have been in remission for more than 4 years now.

Keep on punching right to the end, Tootsie (my name for him in our verbal duels ) and my prayers are with you.:thumbsu:

God bless!!
My deepest regards for Toots and his family and friends.

I wish him and his family all the best. I know first hand how cancer effects families as my 3 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia over the june long weekend just gone.

That sucks man :(, best wishes for your son's recovery. Having worked within Oncology/Paediatrics I can tell you that your son is in great hands :)

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Terrible news and my thoughts are with you Toots.

I sincerely appreciate how he feels as I had the death sentence passed on me by my urologist nearly 5 years ago due to aggressive prostate cancer.

Never gave up hope or belief at any stage, and after intensive treatment have been in remission for more than 4 years now.

Keep on punching right to the end, Tootsie (my name for him in our verbal duels ) and my prayers are with you.:thumbsu:

God bless!!

You hang in there as well Macca.
Unfortunately I don't get the time with work commitments and the like these days to post as often as I'd like to but having had many an encounter with Toots (both in banter and in proper conversation) I'd just like him to know that my thoughts are with him and his family.

Football pales into insignificance in comparison to shit news like this.

I wish him and his family all the best. I know first hand how cancer effects families as my 3 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia over the june long weekend just gone.

Life is just plain unfair sometimes :thumbsdown:

As someone expecting his first in November I'm not quite sure how I'd react if I received news like this. All the best to your little one.
All the best to Toots and his family at this horrid time.

Lots of people have been touched by this terrible disease either directly or by a close family member.
My father passed away 8 years ago and my best mate passed away last November....easily the most terrible experiences in my life.

To Alex is on fire and Macca23, great to hear things are going well for both of positive and you will triumph...all the best.

Chief Crow, I really wish your little boy all the best, my thoughts are with you and your family.
This thread is bloody depressing. All the best to those who have been affected one way or another.
times like these makes me think over and over again that we should be nice to each other
:( cause thats all that matters in the end.

All the best Toots, i hope the men in teal can win a few from here to put a smile on your face.
Folks firstly thanks for your kind thoughts towards me. In adddition I would like to extend my concern and sympathy to anyone who is touched by this disease. I wish you every strength and success in dealing with it. :thumbsu:

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I wish him and his family all the best. I know first hand how cancer effects families as my 3 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia over the june long weekend just gone.

All the best to your to your son

Alex is on fire and Macca23 good to hear that things are going well for both of you

All the best Toots
Lost a family member to Liver cancer 2 years ago and it was so close to Christmas

Got another family member with Bowel Cancer in a high care wing in a nursing home

Aunt with Breast Cancer

It runs in the family :(
Best wishes to TH and his family. I didn't see many of his posts but he seems to have a wonderful sense of humour and a witty turn of phrase, and it's great to see the BigFooty community come together to wish him all the best.

All the best to you to Macca23 - great outcome and I hope your health remains on track from here on.

Chief Crow - our thoughts are with you and your son.

This thread is bloody depressing. All the best to those who have been affected one way or another.

Cancer, unfortunately, is a reality in almost everyone's life. I don't know anyone who hasn't been affected by it in some form. I lost my father 20 years ago to it.

I went to a footy trivia night the other night and sat with a guy who is now 18 years in remission - initially given just 6 weeks. My own sister is 6 years post transplant (bone marrow) and was given just 2 years. I have two very close friends currently battling the disease in different forms. One a young mother, the other a fit and in all other ways, healthy 60 year old. He was diagnosed 9 weeks ago and is in stage 4 metastasised melanoma. The one thing all of these people have in common is their positive approach to their disease. They are not depressed (although they have their moments of great sadness), they are not negative. Each of them taking on their disease with gusto and great bravery. They have such clarity in their lives. I take my hat off to them all and think we could all learn from them.
This thread's a good old 'take stock on life' thread. Everyone knows someone, has family, or is themselves effected by this disease. We spend countless hours on here bitching and moaning about things that don't really matter.

That said, footy is a great stress releif in life and can help people through hard times.

All the best to everyone who's effected by this crap./
All the best to Toots and his family and friends. Horrible news.

To Chief Crow, the WCH is a wonderful place with wonderful staff and your little one is in very good hands. I used to work there and my mum and friends still do.

Cancer touches so many of us and many win above the odds. To those still battling, keep at it as it seems to be working so far!
it really puts so much into perspective doesnt it.

no one deserves to have such a terrible disease, hopefully toots and all the others not only in this thread, but the world, still hold out hope that they can beat this disease. thoughts and best wishes to you toots and everyone, as well as respective families.
All the best Toots.. The only time i can say i hope the Power win some games, for you..

And all the best to everyone else who has been or is currently dealing with this terrible terrible disease..

Lost 2 family members in the last year and a bit, one of them to cancer.. Just incredible what this cruel thing can do..

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Toots Hibbert

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