Travel w***ers

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Travelling is absolutely awesome, full stop, but it's not for everyone. If you dont think that then dont bother reading the next paragraph because it'll offend you and it's not my intention to offend anyone in this post.

I've travelled a shitload and it took me a while to realise there's barely any point discussing your travels with people back home who haven't travelled much, they either get it or they dont. Those that get it you dont need to tell them about it because they already know, whilst those that dont get it never will get it and arent on your wavelength with regard to it anyway so why bother...they'll completely miss your passion and enthusiasm and will only think you're a w***er if you get all deep on them.

I personally think it's got to do with feeling left behind or intimidated but you cant say that either because that'll be a friendship killer. Occasionally you meet people who feel inspired by your stories but they're few and far between. Ultimately it's like lots of things, you cant do absolutely everything in life and I've got lots of friends who haven't travelled and i dont think less of them as people for that.

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Travelling is absolutely awesome, full stop, but it's not for everyone. If you dont think that then dont bother reading the next paragraph because it'll offend you and it's not my intention to offend anyone in this post.

I've travelled a shitload and it took me a while to realise there's barely any point discussing your travels with people back home who haven't travelled much, they either get it or they dont. Those that get it you dont need to tell them about it because they already know, whilst those that dont get it never will get it and arent on your wavelength with regard to it anyway so why bother...they'll completely miss your passion and enthusiasm and will only think you're a w***er if you get all deep on them.

I personally think it's got to do with feeling left behind or intimidated but you cant say that either because that'll be a friendship killer. Occasionally you meet people who feel inspired by your stories but they're few and far between. Ultimately it's like lots of things, you cant do absolutely everything in life and I've got lots of friends who haven't travelled and i dont think less of them as people for that.

I recently met this girl and she's been telling me about some of her travels through damascus, lebanon, jordon and other parts of the middle east. I'm not kidding, i could sit back and listen to her for hours.
depends what you talk about. for example i was at the gold coast indy and the topic of my conversation revolves around

1) the limo that i saw towing a massive trailer
2) the amount of hotted up cars up there
3) walking to the track in the morning and getting into fights with the drunks / bogans on their way home from clubbing.
4) the amount of chicks up there during the week
5) the crazy taxi driver nearly falling asleep at the wheel
6) guys on balconies thinking that they can pick up by shouting at chicks walking on the street / from the grandstands

etc etc etc

btw it was great i fully recommend it if its on next year.
Travelling is absolutely awesome, full stop, but it's not for everyone. If you dont think that then dont bother reading the next paragraph because it'll offend you and it's not my intention to offend anyone in this post.

I've travelled a shitload and it took me a while to realise there's barely any point discussing your travels with people back home who haven't travelled much, they either get it or they dont. Those that get it you dont need to tell them about it because they already know, whilst those that dont get it never will get it and arent on your wavelength with regard to it anyway so why bother...they'll completely miss your passion and enthusiasm and will only think you're a w***er if you get all deep on them.
Well said... and no offence taken.

I think the classic travel w***er is more of a J. Peterman-type who thinks you'll be thrilled to death with his/her stories of travels to exotic locales. There's a fine line between telling an interesting story and coming across as a pretentious tossbag, IMO.

I personally think it's got to do with feeling left behind or intimidated...
As mentioned in an earlier post, a very good mate of mine has travelled pretty extensively. I personally don't feel "left behind" or "intimidated" by people who've travelled. This particular friend actually does tell some pretty interesting stories at times.

I've never travelled overseas simply because I've had other priorities (both financial and personal). I'm certainly not jealous of those who have, as it's something that's never been a high priority for me.
Well said... and no offence taken.

I think the classic travel w***er is more of a J. Peterman-type who thinks you'll be thrilled to death with his/her stories of travels to exotic locales. There's a fine line between telling an interesting story and coming across as a pretentious tossbag, IMO.

As mentioned in an earlier post, a very good mate of mine has travelled pretty extensively. I personally don't feel "left behind" or "intimidated" by people who've travelled. This particular friend actually does tell some pretty interesting stories at times.

I've never travelled overseas simply because I've had other priorities (both financial and personal). I'm certainly not jealous of those who have, as it's something that's never been a high priority for me.
I convinced a couple of mates to come overseas on a 'boys trip' a number of years ago, Amsterdam Paris San Sebastian Madrid etc, it was supposed to be a 4 week trip and they were home by the end of the 3rd week (i continued on and didnt come back for 7 months). I really understood at that point travelling wasn't for everybody. In many ways I find it very hard to understand because i personally crave to experience other cultures and see stuff i haven't seen before, whereas other people dont seem fazed by that sort of thing and like to just do what they like to do within the society they grew up in and know everything about. I dont get that way of thinking but I can accept it's each to their own.
Agreed. Got a mate "Don't know why you would go to a country that doesn't speak you language". Don't even bother, for him a surf trip down to Coffs/Lennox is better than a trip to Indo. Ahwell. Not for everybody, and he saves a shit load aswell.
Of course travelling isnt for everybody.

Lots of people these days around my age group seem to love going to places like Bail, Vietnam, Thailand.

Personally im not particularly interested in going to any of those questions.

However, sometimes you meet people who seem to think that just becaues they have travelled extensively they seem to think that they are better then you for some reason.
Of course travelling isnt for everybody.

Lots of people these days around my age group seem to love going to places like Bail, Vietnam, Thailand.

Personally im not particularly interested in going to any of those questions.

However, sometimes you meet people who seem to think that just becaues they have travelled extensively they seem to think that they are better then you for some reason.

Dyslexic much?:thumbsu:
No need to be a travel w***er when you just bang the locals;)

But in all seriousness, when I travel I'm not to big on seeing all the sights only the fun things like Indonesia we had a choice of going to some temples or feed live chickens to massive lizards, guess what we did :D.

Those temples were awesome, so rich with culture if only the tourists hadn't ruined them.
However, sometimes you meet people who seem to think that just becaues they have travelled extensively they seem to think that they are better then you for some reason.

Do you think it's only them thinking they are better than you, or could it be you personally that is intimidated by their experiences/knowledge and you interprete that as them thinking they're better than you?

Put it this way, if you had only ever eaten noodles your whole life and you had no desire to eat anything else because you love noodles and were content eating your noodles, but then one day you meet a person who has eaten all types of fruit, meat, 50 different types of bread, fish, prawns, honey on toast, and a million other things INCLUDING every type of noodles you'd ever had plus a couple you hadn't even heard of let alone tried, then would you feel just a little bit threatened by that person in some way?

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I've traveled a fair bit but don't feel the need to tell people about it.

It's great to see how people do things in other places around the world but the best thing is seeing all of these places and realising that we are bloody lucky living where we do!

PS. I hate people who leave their snow passes on their car more than travel w***ers.
I would love to go to Haiti

Yeah, it looks lovely



what i find funny is when people get that travel bug.. come back to melbourne and 6 months later they're organising their next holiday saying stuff like "Melbourne is ****ed.. i cant stand this place" etc etc
My hates.

1. People that live in Sydney/Melb for 8 months and think they are so much cooler now, comments like 'Jeez Perth is so quiet', 'Melbourne is so arty', 'Only Melbourne has real coffee'. Shits me
2. People about to travel and the write on their facebook status "Lennox is NY"
3. People that are travelling and are updating their facebook every day with new photos. It is your ****ing holiday not mine.
There's a Canadian female who works for Ergon who lives on Magnetic Island and gets the same ferry as I do to and from work. One morning she'd asked the ferry kiosk attendant to show her cd slide show of her trip to Africa. So all the passengers that morning got to see the scenery, the Masai people etc etc. whether they wanted to or not, most of us have our heads in the newspaper anyway. There are about 5 TV's on the ferry positioned a la aeroplanes.

Trouble was, going home that day the frigging slide show was playing again. After 5 minutes of this one of the passengers got up and asked the attendant to TURN IT OFF as most of us were getting very mumbling and grumbling. When it went off there was mega APPLAUSE and people yelling out "ABOUT TIME THANK GOD FOR THAT". Meanwhile, this anal Canadian tart kept on yacking right behind where I was sitting - not offended in the least...the ego of offence to Canadians by the way, i have relos over there.
Travel is fantastic. Some will totally love it like me.
Others will get home and thank God they are Aussies and have a relatively luxurious life in comparrison to many.
Anybody met or is one of these. Can't stand them. There are two types IMO

1) Always has got rooms/transport/anything bargainable for cheaper than everybody else, always been to rougher and/or better(depending on what sort of w***er they are) places/hotels/hostels than you, always been to more countries than you, know any country better than you.

2) How tourism is ruining the area or how it was better when they went there and now tourism has ruined the area.

Are you a travel w***er or do you know one?

I guess one tries to not be a travel w***er but when you have actually been to a lot of places and people say something like "...I am going to KL and got a pretty good deal at Hotel X, do you know it? .." what are you supposed to say?

I mean I am in KL every month at least once (w***er comment 1) and I spend 60%+ of my time in countries outside Australia (w***er comment 2). I have been on over 200 flights in the last 2 and a bit years (w***er comment 3) and stayed in God knows how many hotels (w***er comment 4)... after a shit load of time in airports (w***er comment 5), conversing with travel w***ers (w***er comment 5) I can safely say that I have heard of pretty much every site, place or way to get the best deal in many locations (w***er comment 6).... In response to the KL question, the guy was getting an ordinary deal at a very poor hotel in a shit location (w***er comment 7) - what should one do??

Sometimes we become travel w***ers unintentionally (w***er comment 8) and we hate ourselves for it.. :D

What I would say, for what its worth, is that the vast majority of Australian travellers, particularly to SE Asia, are bloody embarassing - almost as "fish out of water" ridiculous as Yanks in Europe (biggest w***er comment of the lot number 9!!) ....

I hope that helps.
I guess one tries to not be a travel w***er but when you have actually been to a lot of places and people say something like "...I am going to KL and got a pretty good deal at Hotel X, do you know it? .." what are you supposed to say?

I mean I am in KL every month at least once (w***er comment 1) and I spend 60%+ of my time in countries outside Australia (w***er comment 2). I have been on over 200 flights in the last 2 and a bit years (w***er comment 3) and stayed in God knows how many hotels (w***er comment 4)... after a shit load of time in airports (w***er comment 5), conversing with travel w***ers (w***er comment 5) I can safely say that I have heard of pretty much every site, place or way to get the best deal in many locations (w***er comment 6).... In response to the KL question, the guy was getting an ordinary deal at a very poor hotel in a shit location (w***er comment 7) - what should one do??

Sometimes we become travel w***ers unintentionally (w***er comment 8) and we hate ourselves for it.. :D

What I would say, for what its worth, is that the vast majority of Australian travellers, particularly to SE Asia, are bloody embarassing - almost as "fish out of water" ridiculous as Yanks in Europe (biggest w***er comment of the lot number 9!!) ....

I hope that helps.

geez, what a w***er.
I plan to be a travel w***er one day. Decided to do the kid/family/house thing first, and I'm half done... If I die tomorrow I'd rather have not travelled extensively than not have had kids I guess..

But it's all good, I've been to Malaysia and the US and NZ and a few other OS destinations so I'm not totally green.

rest assured when I'm older with plenty of cash, I'll be travelling so much my w***erness will be fearsome! - and the memories will be fresh not decades old, so I'm sure my mates will be enthralled by the tales of my adventures! *cough*

Yes it's true, pretentious travel talk is second only to people talking about their childrens latest school report. Hint: No one gives a f**k.
My hates.

1. People that live in Sydney/Melb for 8 months and think they are so much cooler now, comments like 'Jeez Perth is so quiet', 'Melbourne is so arty', 'Only Melbourne has real coffee'. Shits me

Mate, no offense meant but the difference between Melbourne and Perth, on a cultural level is astronomical.

Perth is my second favourite city in Australia (behind Melbourne) and I think the people there are pretty down to earth and good fun. So don't get me wrong, it isn't a slight on Perth (I'm going back there again in a week), but I've had numerous mates/acquaintances from Perth tell me that they much prefer Melbourne for those exact reasons.

It isn't that they don't like Perth, its just that Melbourne is so ****ing awesome and really offers something for everyone. I find Perthians are pretty similar people to Melbournians though.

2. People about to travel and the write on their facebook status "Lennox is NY"

That shits me no end.

3. People that are travelling and are updating their facebook every day with new photos. It is your ****ing holiday not mine.

Yeah I don't get that either. I take one memory card with me for photos, and I upload them when I get home, if at all.

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Travel w***ers

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