Player Watch Trent McKenzie

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The mckenzie who got stretchered off in r1, played the next few games with a busted knee because we had no alternative and was subsequently sent in for knee surgery the moment we could replace him?
I’d forgotten this from the very long list of shitful player management this year.

Aliir’s form recovered from returning from ankle surgery early and with a limp. I’d bet on him having a post season op.
Absolutely love this bloke. Puts his body on the line for the club every time he's out there. Just goes about his job without any fuss, and has done some incredible things for us over the years.

Undersized for the position he's been forced to play for us, but still does a phenomenal job all things considered.

We are a much better team with him in it.

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Love this little side step that he seems to have introduced into his game this year. He has used it numerous times to great success this season.


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McKenzie hasn't been the problem. The problem has been not having another 195cm+ KPD on the list, other than AA. Especially given we don't want to have to put AA on the beast KPF's and lose his intercepting. If we got another 195cm+ KPD to have <new KPD>, AA and McKenzie our defense would look a lot more solid.
McKenzie hasn't been the problem. The problem has been not having another 195cm+ KPD on the list, other than AA. Especially given we don't want to have to put AA on the beast KPF's and lose his intercepting. If we got another 195cm+ KPD to have <new KPD>, AA and McKenzie our defense would look a lot more solid.

no chance

50 games over 5 seasons........he'll be 37yo on that outlook
Dulmial Gun is my favourite REH nickname. I can't even remember if he came up with it or if it was a Portmanteau (RIP?) bit
I’ve already got a nickname for him - Dulmial Gun - named after the Scottish-made cannon (McKenzie of course being of Scottish origin). This was gifted to a village in Pakistan (it was India at the time of WW1), to commemorate the involvement of their soldiers in that campaign. It mirrors the story of Gold Coast gifting McKenzie to us for our role in making them a going concern through our altruism in allowing them to remain part of the China campaign.

Here is a full article if you’d like to read it:

A CANNON made in Falkirk and dragged over mountains to a remote village in Pakistan is being used to highlight the contribution made by the countries of the Commonwealth to winning the First World War. A descendent of one of the villagers who fought in the trenches of the Western Front, and who came from Dulmial in what is now Pakistan but what was then northern India, is promoting the story of the “Dulmial gun”.

The cannon, made at the Carron ironworks in Falkirk, was presented to the village in 1925 as a “thank you” for the
heroic service carried out by the men of Dulmial, 460 of whom fought in the British Army, the largest single contribution to the war effort of any village in Asia. The village, 100 miles south of Islamabad, had been offered a range of possible gifts, including land, money or improved water facilities, by the UK government.

However, Captain Ghulam Mohammad Malik, the highest-ranking and most decorated soldier in the village, asked for a cannon. Captain Malik began his military life in the Derajet Mountain Battery and had taken part in Lord Roberts’ famous march from Kabul to Kandahar in 1880. The cannon chosen by the British army was a twelve-pounder that had been made back in 1816 at the Carron ironworks. The Carron Company, based in the nearby village of Carron, enjoyed huge success during the Napoleonic era, manufacturing cannons that become known as “carronades” for the Royal Navy.

In 1925 the cannon was collected from the First Punjab Regimental Centre in Jhelum, from where it was transported by train to Chakwall. The gun was then dismounted and loaded onto a cart pulled by three oxen for almost 20 miles, a journey which took more than two weeks on semi-mountainous roads. Dr Irfan Malik, a doctor in Nottingham, has been researching the story of the “Dulmial gun” in collaboration with Michael Noble, of the Centre for Hidden Histories at the University of Nottingham. Dr Malik’s great grandfather, Mohammad Khan was a lieutenant who fought in the First World War and he would now like to see Dulmial twinned with Falkirk. He said: “By telling the story I wish to emphasise the important role that Dulmial village played in the First World War by sending a record 460 soldiers to participate.

“The cannon acts as a strong symbol of their courage and sacrifices. At the same time, I wish to raise awareness of the 1.2 million Indian Army soldiers of the First World War. I don’t wish them to be ‘forgotten’ soldiers any longer.” He added: “The villagers, led by local historian Riaz Malik, would be most honoured if Falkirk could be twinned with Dulmial. The soldiers 100 years ago in the First World War would have fought side-by-side. It has been my aim to bring this ‘hidden history’ to a wider audience.” Falkirk Provost Pat Reid said: “The cannon will always embody the courage of the soldiers from both Falkirk and Dulmial and the unique bond forged between both places since.”

Read more at:

Can everyone please please please agree that we call him this. I’m holding a pronounciation workshop at the Port Club tomorrow night. RSVP by taping an ‘X’ in masking tape on your bedroom window by 11pm ACST tonight.

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Player Watch Trent McKenzie

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