Truck sure knows where the future talent is!

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The Croatian tyreboy was a popular attraction in the Yugoslav Navy. But only below deck......... quote me so shitboy can see :).

Quoted for Shitboy......... oh waite I am on ignore, I just wanted to say Shitboy in an effort to make that name stick.

There you go guys I'm not yet on scrotetyres shit list but I'm working on it.

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'Truck sure knows where the future talent is!'

Thread title is misleading OP, I thought he went to GWS.
'Truck sure knows where the future talent is!'
Thread title is misleading OP, I thought he went to GWS.
Rutten surely was hired for his expert knowledge on ovals in Adelaide and the direction the wind blows...

This^^^^^^ Perhaps he can steal a windsock to give to poor Cotch.

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They gave it to me after I ploughed your mum.

But seriously, my credentials are impeccable.

You know I won the BF mod of the year in 2012?
I really find that hard to believe, if you somehow did fluke a win the quality of your work has really gone downhill since back then or maybe you were the only candidate hence a landslide win to you.
I really find that hard to believe, if you somehow did fluke a win the quality of your work has really gone downhill since back then or maybe you were the only candidate hence a landslide win to you.
No, I'm one of the best mods on this site, with a bit of thanks to Duritz'z coaching.

I finish in the top 5 every year.

My protege Tyler Durden007 can vouch that this is true.
You should be looking to replace that spud for a captain of yours.. and before you throw up the brownlow crap = remember that blonde haired campaigner Shane Woewodin is at cotchins level = spudtaculor
I'd take one cotchin over a dozen spud marc murphy's anyday!
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Tuggers colors too


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