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FB&W said:
PS I am goin to Germany to take on the croats with Guus now. See guus belt that photogrofer? I hope guus belted that Egyptian. guus has more patriotism than you selfis victorians

I didn't know which post to bag so picked one at random and enjoyed the end so much. What does patriotic mean? To whom is Guus patriotic? I believe after the World Cup he's leaving to coach Russia. He's passionate about Soccer in a way that we are passionate about Aussie Rules. Yep, lets just scrap all the old teams. Its all about loyalty. Patriotic? WTF are you on??
captain subtext said:
I didn't know which post to bag so picked one at random and enjoyed the end so much. What does patriotic mean? To whom is Guus patriotic? I believe after the World Cup he's leaving to coach Russia. He's passionate about Soccer in a way that we are passionate about Aussie Rules. Yep, lets just scrap all the old teams. Its all about loyalty. Patriotic? WTF are you on??

dont dis Guus.

patriotic meens sacrifice for your game. are victorians wiling to sacrific some of there too many teems for the good of the game , it dosnt look so.
Victorins are greedy, They wont people to take AFL seriusly yet they want to take it back to VFL. Footy would be better off if victorians were barred from any runn ning of the game becuse then youd see decisions based on what is best for the game not what victoria wants.

Tell me why do vitorians insist on the GF being at Melbourne? greed yes? do yous think no other state is good enough?

Soon people in other states will be fed up wit you victotrians and there will be a war/ Yes.

yes a war lik the rugby super-leage war. Sydney/adelaid/perth/bris/hobart/darwin/Nz will tell victgoria to get stuffed and start there own comp with limited invitations for 5 victorian teams like i shown.

then you can all go and get stufed and get on board our way or go back to yor insignifacant VFL comp and DIE!!!!!!!!:mad:

victorians will kill AFL as it currently is - there MUST BE A WAR!!!!

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FB&W said:
there are tooooooooooooooooooooooo many victorians on this everyone agrees so then how to do it?
I don't really agree. I do think it would be good for a Victorian club or two to relocate to a location such as Canberra or Gold Coast, even merging with a local club in those places, but your logic below is stupid at best.

FB&W said:
i think there can be no old teams because everyboby will fight to keep there own. "oh yes bombers can stay but no Saints etc". NO - get rid of them all and start agan people will get over it.
You lose all credibility with this statement. People will get over it? My god. What about sources of income for each club? Home grounds and training facilities? Players? All of the history that our great game has established over more than 150 years. Throw it all away merely because you want two more teams in NSW and QLD?

FB&W: Worst poster of the year, and that's saying something with Parrot going around.

Where is spell_checker and spell_check? They'd be having heart attacks. :D

But seriously, it's one thing to spell national wrong, but to make grammatical and spelling errors consistently is embarrassing.

This idea is a joke, it's ridiculous and wouldn't work. No Kiwi's give a FF about AFL, so why put a team there?

You really are a fool.
FB&W said:
this is Victoria thinking and if victorins dont start thinking outseide the square than they will take the game back to VFL standard.

That is the plan of Eddie magure. Maguire hates Sydney, hates, Brisban, hates peerth.

victorins should be bigger than tha and take one for the teem.
I'm a Mexican living in Queensland.

The one that got away :)
Hawkk said:
Is this FB&W character mentally 'challenged' so to speak?
I am mentally challenging and the spellers wilt.

I am in trouble because of my spelling so I will try harder. Note I have no trouble thinking abot the future of the great game which is more than the spellers seem to be able to do. but at least they can spell.
captain subtext said:

I nominate the Food and Beverage guy for president of the break away comp.

John Oniell is the best man for the job, it will take some money thou as Lowy pays him $$millions$$ because hes the best there is.

Soccer will swamp AFL if they dont start thinking nationaly and acting localy by thinning out the Victorians. There are too many of them on this even victorians agree.

Dont you Victorians- you all agree too many teams but NONE of you are willing to sacrifice your own teem for the good of AFL. This is why a war will be good to wipe the slate cleaen.
FB&W said:
I am mentally challenging and the spellers wilt.

I am in trouble because of my spelling so I will try harder. Note I have no trouble thinking abot the future of the great game which is more than the spellers seem to be able to do. but at least they can spell.

The thing i dont understand is... it cant be that hard to read over your post before you click 'submit reply' and fix the couple of spelling mistakes that have been made.
Killer eagle said:
The thing i dont understand is... it cant be that hard to read over your post before you click 'submit reply' and fix the couple of spelling mistakes that have been made.

yes yes I am doing this now. i apoligise to the spellers now can we all start thinking
Simple fact. Anyone who thinks Tassie can financially handle a team knows nothing about where teams can operate.

Under 500,000 people, population growth the slowest in the nation, what growth there is is retirees, demographically spread across the island without a major city (Hobart is smaller than the Sunshine Coast population wise), and a financial wasteland with no access to corporate support, no high income earner, no interest from the major TV networks as they don't operate there, and nothing for the AFL to gain. All the state's sporting dollars already go to the AFL, the state is already more nutty than Victoria for the AFL, everybody already has an AFL team which very few would abandon (and none in which ever half of the state didn't host the side).
Even without those last points, financially Tasmania could barely support a side in a 30 team competition. Melbourne could easily handle 16 teams before Tasmania could cope with one.

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Howard Littlejohn said:
Simple fact. Anyone who thinks Tassie can financially handle a team knows nothing about where teams can operate.

Under 500,000 people, population growth the slowest in the nation, what growth there is is retirees, demographically spread across the island without a major city (Hobart is smaller than the Sunshine Coast population wise), and a financial wasteland with no access to corporate support, no high income earner, no interest from the major TV networks as they don't operate there, and nothing for the AFL to gain. All the state's sporting dollars already go to the AFL, the state is already more nutty than Victoria for the AFL, everybody already has an AFL team which very few would abandon (and none in which ever half of the state didn't host the side).
Even without those last points, financially Tasmania could barely support a side in a 30 team competition. Melbourne could easily handle 16 teams before Tasmania could cope with one.

well yes I can understand this point good point from a thinker. This still does not mean there are not too many victorians thou. Remember for every hobart there is a Newcastle. Newcastle people will go to see ANY game if its Newcastle.

Drop Hobart bring in Newcatle. The point still remains there are to many victorians. Note in this thread thou there are people calling me names and others making good points about other ways of doing it NOBODY is saying ther is not enough Victorians.

Everyone agrees there are to many teams down there. everyone. The only thing people disagre on is how to thin them out and as long as it "not my team".

This si why a war would be good.
FB&W said:
Soccer will swamp AFL if they dont start thinking nationaly and acting localy by thinning out the Victorians. There are too many of them on this even victorians agree.

Dont you Victorians- you all agree too many teams but NONE of you are willing to sacrifice your own teem for the good of AFL. This is why a war will be good to wipe the slate cleaen.
Firstly, soccer will never, ever overtake footy in this country.

Secondly, where is your source that all Victorians believe that there are too many Victorian AFL teams?

Thirdly, as a supporter of Richmond, if the Tigers as well as all the other teams were banished then I would abandon the AFL because it will have lost touch with the people and simply cares about business, business, business, worrying too much about a national competition which is what your problem is.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that would walk away.
metallichris said:
Firstly, soccer will never, ever overtake footy in this country.

Secondly, where is your source that all Victorians believe that there are too many Victorian AFL teams?

Thirdly, as a supporter of Richmond, if the Tigers as well as all the other teams were banished then I would abandon the AFL because it will have lost touch with the people and simply cares about business, business, business, worrying too much about a national competition which is what your problem is.

I'm sure I'm not the only one that would walk away.

you are right that i shoud not say "all victorians" i should say "most victorians i know"
Most victorians i know wnat less Victorian teams. Just about ALL fans I know from interstate want less victorian teams.

The AFL wont listen and this is Maguires influence.
And soccer will overtake aFL in this countr as quick as you can say "Tim Cahill" if the AFL dont listen to ALL the fans instead of victorian fans and maguire.

Just look at the AFL board - all Victorians. escuse me is this the AFL or VFL?
FB&W said:
you are right that i shoud not say "all victorians" i should say "most victorians i know"
Most victorians i know wnat less Victorian teams. Just about ALL fans I know from interstate want less victorian teams.
Why would they bother listening to tripe like this; a suggestion to wipe away all the heritage and history of the 10 Victorian clubs, which dates back over 150 years?

You also can't make a judgement on what people want based on your personal friends. I seriously doubt that you are friends with the entire nation. Conduct an Australia-wide survey, then get back to us.
FB&W said:
And soccer will overtake aFL in this countr as quick as you can say "Tim Cahill" if the AFL dont listen to ALL the fans instead of victorian fans and maguire.
Soccer will never, ever overtake AFL in this country.

There is no reason why people cannot warm to both codes, as the AFL is during the Winter months, and the A-League is played during Summer; there is no clash, no rivalry here.

The only way I could picture it happening in the near future is if your insane suggestion to wipe all Victorian clubs' history and start on a clean slate - this would be like a punch in the face to supporters, as well as players, coachs, administrators, football personalities in the media, and so many more. They would all walk away from the game.

Killing off the Victorian clubs' history would be the downfall of the AFL.
There was a right way to do this(start a national competition), that chance passed long ago, doesnt really matter what happens now its always going to be a mess

Up the SANFL!!!!!:D
all of what people say is true if we try to bargan our way there. This is why a war would be helpful as people would embrace the peace.

Its not flushing away tradition its doing it for the game. In a 100-200 years well have to do it again to propergrate the intenational competition with teams from London, nEw York, paris etc.

If the pioneers looked backward instead of forward wed still be playing this game with about 100 on the field and soccer goals. Sometimes a revolution is needed to clean out the past. If you stand still your going backwards.

In a 100 years time will Victorians deny Paris there chance because of hawthorn?
metallichris said:
Let them figure it out. :p

very selfish Chris. What would you be saying if Winston churchill said 'let them figure it out"?

Whatever it would be in German or japanese.
Having read a similar thread, there are many bits I don't get, but one key one is the concept of a "war".

In its original sense, "wars" were fought by groups of people usually for some material advantage: land, resources, tarde advantages and money; other s were fought over religion and race. Such "wars" are quite different to squables, spats etc

The term has, of course, entered general usage but some elements of its original meaning persist: used properly, it is a significant fight, most often over material things eg market share, control of a company, money etc

As far as I can tell, FB&W wants another "Super League War" now fought in the AFL. Of many problems with this argument, a significant one is who will be fighting the war NB taking the role of Murdoch and for what purpose? And with what resources?

The good folk of Newcastle led by Ivan Milat? And by the way, Newcastle is probably the greatest stroghold of NRL there is. Or the good folk of Hobart, led by Martin Bryant making an amphibious landing near Docklands to storm the Dome? All to get an AFL team.

Probably the most bizarre aprt of FB&W's argument is that only viable way to get the war he wants, would be if Eddie McGuire started one via Channel 9 starting a breakaway comp.

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