Undeleted e--mails

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Jun 17, 2001
do you have any emails from someonw that you have yet to delete because of a special reason? please don't turn this into a dirty thread 'cos thats not what i'm after.

i'll get the ball rolling.

this is an email sent on 4 December 2002 from my best mate Stephen:

"For what i av caused i am sorry to you and Stace. For this to become so apparent i have lost myself and i fear for our friendship. But mate, you are my best mate so is it all good again? I don't want this to ---- up our friendship cause mate since what was it, year 8, we av been side by side.

stick with me, ---- happens & its over.

The sob story is ova, now Gary is avin a get together at his joint on the 17th, you cumin? Bring Stace, no hard feelings.

Cheers and give us a buzz - Steve."

it means something to me.

So are there any CLEAN e--mails that you have kept for some reason or another?

BTW, i went to Gary's with Stacey, it was great and i gave Steve a buzz later that day. it's okay stuff now.
My mate sent me an e-mail about how at 45 he turned his life around, gave up smoking dope and drinking to excess, lost weight and got fit, did triathlons, met a new lady, bought a house and started a new life in the Barossa Valley. I had known him for nearly 20 years. It was inspirational.
wow, that is just what i am after in this thread.
thanks McAl. sounds like a great e--mail!!

Originally posted by McAlmanac
My mate sent me an e-mail about how at 45 he turned his life around, gave up smoking dope and drinking to excess, lost weight and got fit, did triathlons, met a new lady, bought a house and started a new life in the Barossa Valley. I had known him for nearly 20 years. It was inspirational.

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I've kept a few from my coach.

One after we won a grading match and played the game of our lives to get into A grade.

And one after the end of the season saying something like "Thanks for a fantastic season. You're pressure in the midfield has helped the improvement of the team along." etc, etc
I have a whole folder full of them :D I am a bit of a hoarder, and I keep stuff for sentimental value, so that includes emails. And PMs, also. I sometimes do it with SMSs, but I find that they fill up my inbox too quickly so I have to delete them anyway.

I saved this SMS from my girlfriend:

"two planes have crashed into the world trade centre in ny. It is on fire! one on each tower. Also in breaking news Lloyd has been suspended"

I was locked up in a room with no communications all day, came outside at 11.00 or so for a breath of fresh air and got this message. My friends and I crowded around a car and listrened to the radio.

I'm not going to get rid of it. It seems important for some reason.
I keep all my e-mails that are in letter form, ie not 'forwards' or something else. Dating back to June 2000.

Keep memorable SMS's. Par exemple:

One from my mate on ANZAC day saying it served me right being stuck in the rain while he's in the dry. 5 minutes later I got invited into a corporate box.

Yesss! Undercover Q14 dry as anything HA thats what u get for being MCC so HA

One from another mate from Oct 12, 2001, saying thanks for getting access to said box, this time for the International Rules Match. Mostly kept cos it sounds like him, me and my father had a threesome.

Thanks once again for tonight mate, forgot 2 tell u how greatly appreciated it was. Say thanks 2 your dad, cheers champ.
Apart from dirty forwarding ones ppl have sent me i have kept a few picture ones. Got a classic one of the Collingwood cheersquad from years gone by. Musta been about 1970/80 ish. Absolute classic just defines a lot about how footy used to be and your typical Collingwood supporter. On my work emails have kept a few that this spunky guy has sent me but the rest are so full of bitching so we have to delete them as the boss has told us she can read them now :eek:

As for sms's i keep all the nice ones ppl send me some of the rare 'lovey dovey cutesy wutesy' ones that Darky sends me (about 1 per year lol)
Ummm, this is slightly off topic, but is there something wrong with Hotmail at the moment? I haven't been logged into a computer for nearly two weeks, I logged in tonight to Hotmail and it tells me I have 112 emails, but when I try to read them it won't let me. Something about wrong password, even though I logged into and am currently talking in MSN which is of course the same password. Anyone else got this problem?

Oh and to answer the topic. Yes, I have kept emails, I also keep a few sms's and voice mails too.
I have saved most emails exchanged between my then-girlfriend and I going back to sometime in 1997.

When it came time for me to apply for permanent residency here, they helped immensely in proving the genuineness of my online turned real-life (and now marital) relationship.

If you are in an online relationship with somebody from another country and forsee it going somewhere, I would strongly recommend saving all your emails, no matter how petty and small they may appear. Save other things too, like plane tickets.

Originally posted by bluechampion
"two planes have crashed into the world trade centre in ny. It is on fire! one on each tower. Also in breaking news Lloyd has been suspended"

Boy, you wouldn't have wanted to be the editor of a newspaper that day. Tough call. What to put on the front cover?

Terrorist atrocity hits US (see page 14)
Originally posted by Stealth bomber
I have saved most emails exchanged between my then-girlfriend and I going back to sometime in 1997.

When it came time for me to apply for permanent residency here, they helped immensely in proving the genuineness of my online turned real-life (and now marital) relationship.

If you are in an online relationship with somebody from another country and forsee it going somewhere, I would strongly recommend saving all your emails, no matter how petty and small they may appear. Save other things too, like plane tickets.

Good move. I do remember mentioning this to you at the last BigFooty meet-up back in September-- but nonetheless, I can't emphasize the importance of this strongly enough. DIMIA (the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs) will look at one in a very positive manner on this count.

On that note, I have an e-mail account that is two-thirds full of its capacity-- and half of the capacity is taken up with e-mails between Jen and myself when we were 8,000 miles apart, before I moved here for good. I've transferred them into a *.doc file in Word, but I still refuse to delete them from that e-mail account, and likely won't until my residency is fully complete.

In essence, it provides a good chronicle of our relationship while we were apart-- and although it gets quite sappy at times, DIMIA views that as something that is very real emotionally, not to mention writing to one another every day shows a great commitment to the cause, without a doubt.

And yes, save other trinkets, too, such as plane tickets and presents you've exchanged over the years. And not just between each other, either-- small gifts I've received from members of her side of the family (like a small plaque commemorating our engagement, from her grandmother, for example) came in handy at any of the DIMIA meetings. Makes a profound influence in the person interviewing you...

I save any REALLY funny e-mails I get, I also saved one my boyfriend sent me during our biggest fight. AHAHAHAHA makes me laugh SO much now. :D At the time it wasn't very funny though. :(

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i have a **** load of them!

about half a yr ago, i was in the middle of a huge fight with a couple of girls from school and a heap of people kept sending me their msn convo's with them showing me what they'd said etc. ive kept most of them, basically as evedence so that if they ever say 'i never said that' ive still got the convo's.

ive also kept some stuff from people im not really in contact with anymore, coz its nice to get an email from then out of the blue.
Have kept heaps, mostly emails from an ex who is overseas at the moment and is back VERY soon!!! :D And others from my Mum and stuff..... Mass hoarder i am, only just cleaned out my personal folders a week or so ago!!

Dont usually keep SMS's as i get too many and the boxes get full too quick!
Originally posted by BluesBabe666

Dont usually keep SMS's as i get too many and the boxes get full too quick!

got the same problem... my phone doesnt let me keep all that many sms's... which i so wish it did, coz im a big phone user! :rolleyes: :(

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Undeleted e--mails

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