NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Damn, that submarine trip to Alice Springs took longer than the two weeks he was expecting
Unfortunately they had to turn back and start the trip again upon lebbo learning, to his horror, that a crewmember of the vessel was vaccinated... and that the water supply had no inline fluoride filter.

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Impossible that a powerful family could have "fixers" who get them out of trouble!

Biden literally admitted on camera to withholding aid to get that prosecutor fired, so it's a fascinating case study in human psychology to see many of you gaslight yourselves into believing he didn't commit the crimes he confessed to publicly. Then Trump got impeached over it, lmao. The most ultimate "no u" in history... you gotta respect em for it!
Impossible that a powerful family could have "fixers" who get them out of trouble!

Biden literally admitted on camera to withholding aid to get that prosecutor fired, so it's a fascinating case study in human psychology to see many of you gaslight yourselves into believing he didn't commit the crimes he confessed to publicly. Then Trump got impeached over it, lmao. The most ultimate "no u" in history... you gotta respect em for it!
Crimes :tearsofjoy:

It is indeed fascinating that so many are somehow incapable of recognising that Biden was carrying out officially sanctioned US policy while doing that. Still. 6 years later :tearsofjoy:
Biden was carrying out officially sanctioned US policy while doing that. Still. 6 years later :tearsofjoy:
Establishment corruption officially sanctioned by establishment? A bit of the ole "we've investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing" cuts the mustard with you lovable sheep these days? Grow up m8!!
Establishment corruption officially sanctioned by establishment? A bit of the ole "we've investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing" cuts the mustard with you lovable sheep these days? Grow up m8!!
Don't hate the player hate the game?

You can have an issue with how the US, nay, the world operates. Fact remains the bloke literally would not have been doing his job if he didn't apply pressure to facilitate the result his country, several others and the IMF wanted.

But nah, just keep wheeling it out 6 years later like Biden really admitted to 'crimes' in front of a live audience in camera. Just coz :tearsofjoy:

Grow up indeed m8. I can only hold your hand so long on this stuff, ya know?

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Don't hate the player hate the game?

You can have an issue with how the US, nay, the world operates. Fact remains the bloke literally would not have been doing his job if he didn't apply pressure to facilitate the result his country, several others and the IMF wanted.

But nah, just keep wheeling it out 6 years later like Biden really admitted to 'crimes' in front of a live audience in camera. Just coz :tearsofjoy:

Grow up indeed m8. I can only hold your hand so long on this stuff, ya know?
Pardon me whilst I retrieve a card from my wallet m8...

images - 2024-02-17T121433.790.jpeg
There's that logical consistency you're famous for m8 :tearsofjoy:

We gotta be closing in on a "just joking" surely?
Crap, he called me on it.

Well then let's get down to brass tacks here brahs... although I'm guessing you lefties would prefer to discuss a brass tax - LOL gottem. But anyway, let's do a lil side by side comparison shall we.


images - 2024-02-17T124010.507.jpeg

  • A chad who is married to one of the smocking-est hot women ever
  • Despite being labelled as a satanist by Alex Jones, has negotiated multiple peace deals in the middle east... perhaps it takes a luciferian to do so?
  • Earns billions by greasing the right palms


images - 2024-02-17T124104.543.jpeg

  • Embodies the American dream of sex drugs & rock n roll, sure, but has to pay the women involved
  • Never negotiated any peace deals that I'm aware of (but has probably also had the honour of being called a satanist by Alex Jones)
  • Earns no money of his own. Has dad give him fake jobs and wire him $70k to go to a posh rehab where he films himself smoking crack, drinking alcohol and beating off in a sensory deprivation tank. No judgement though, it sounds like a great Saturday to me.

You just can't compare the two m8.
Pardon me whilst I retrieve a card from my wallet m8...

View attachment 1907182

Crap, he called me on it.

Well then let's get down to brass tacks here brahs... although I'm guessing you lefties would prefer to discuss a brass tax - LOL gottem. But anyway, let's do a lil side by side comparison shall we.


View attachment 1907196

  • A chad who is married to one of the smocking-est hot women ever
  • Despite being labelled as a satanist by Alex Jones, has negotiated multiple peace deals in the middle east... perhaps it takes a luciferian to do so?
  • Earns billions by greasing the right palms


View attachment 1907197

  • Embodies the American dream of sex drugs & rock n roll, sure, but has to pay the women involved
  • Never negotiated any peace deals that I'm aware of (but has probably also had the honour of being called a satanist by Alex Jones)
  • Earns no money of his own. Has dad give him fake jobs and wire him $70k to go to a posh rehab where he films himself smoking crack, drinking alcohol and beating off in a sensory deprivation tank. No judgement though, it sounds like a great Saturday to me.

You just can't compare the two m8.
Like clockwork :thumbsu::tearsofjoy:
Pardon me whilst I retrieve a card from my wallet m8...

View attachment 1907182

Crap, he called me on it.

Well then let's get down to brass tacks here brahs... although I'm guessing you lefties would prefer to discuss a brass tax - LOL gottem. But anyway, let's do a lil side by side comparison shall we.


View attachment 1907196

  • A chad who is married to one of the smocking-est hot women ever
  • Despite being labelled as a satanist by Alex Jones, has negotiated multiple peace deals in the middle east... perhaps it takes a luciferian to do so?
  • Earns billions by greasing the right palms


View attachment 1907197

  • Embodies the American dream of sex drugs & rock n roll, sure, but has to pay the women involved
  • Never negotiated any peace deals that I'm aware of (but has probably also had the honour of being called a satanist by Alex Jones)
  • Earns no money of his own. Has dad give him fake jobs and wire him $70k to go to a posh rehab where he films himself smoking crack, drinking alcohol and beating off in a sensory deprivation tank. No judgement though, it sounds like a great Saturday to me.

You just can't compare the two m8.

Do This Every Evening & Mushroom Will Be Gone In A Week
Exposing the Deception

Sometimes, life bowls up such a soft full toss that you can't help but hit it out of the park.

That's how I felt after writing about the reality of the deep state and how they manipulate events and news for their own benefit

A couple of days after that post, there was breaking news out of America about the involvement of the 'Five Eyes' nations in spying on the Trump campaign in a bid to derail his Presidency.

The spying was allegedly done at the request of the CIA and included intelligence services from Australia and the UK. News reports even describe former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer as an 'intelligence asset'.

Michael Shellenberger wrote this to say on X yesterday.

Last year, John Durham, a special prosecutor for the Department of Justice (DOJ), concluded that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) should never have opened its investigation of alleged collusion by then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and Russia in late July of 2016.

Now, multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilised foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016.

Until now, the official story has been that the FBI’s investigation began after Australian intelligence officials told US officials that a Trump aide had boasted to an Australian diplomat that Russia had damning material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

In truth, the US IC asked the “Five Eyes” intelligence alliance- the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand- to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation.

After Public and Racket had been told that President Barack Obama’s CIA Director, John Brennan, had identified 26 Trump associates for the Five Eyes to target, a source confirmed that the IC had “identified [them] as people to ‘bump,’ or make contact with or manipulate. They were targets of our own IC and law enforcement — targets for collection and misinformation.”

Unknown details about the FBI’s investigation of the Trump campaign and raw intelligence related to the IC’s surveillance of the Trump campaign are in a 10-inch binder that Trump ordered to be declassified at the very end of his term; sources told Public and Racket.

If the top-secret documents exist proving these charges, they are potentially proof that multiple US intelligence officials broke laws against spying and election interference.
You may recall the blitz of attention that the concocted report got across the mainstream media, making false claims against Trump and stating them as fact.

The gullible believed every word, often claiming, 'Why would they lie?'

The answer to that question is simple.

The entire system is corrupted, and doing and saying anything is how the deep state maintains its power. Lies, coercion and manipulation are part of the daily diet of these hidden elites.

While receiving little mainstream media coverage, this latest expose is part of a process that looks set to reveal just how rotten the system is.

None of this is truly new. People like Dan Bongino exposed this entire story years ago. He's summed it up in the latest episode of his video show which you can watch here.

Bongino also exposed how Ukraine officials were engaged by the Obama administration to engage in the spying and misinformation campaign. That adds another dimension to the puzzle of why the Democrats are throwing so much cash at the corrupt state.

It's a means of trying to suppress the truth about the crooked Obama, Clinton, Biden axis.

Congress has just heard testimony about the corruption of Joe Biden, and panic is starting to set in.

That's why the US has announced a new national security threat. CNN reports it as a 'highly concerning and destabilising Russian capability.'

I'm not buying it. It smacks of more lies from a desperate and discredited group.

Make no mistake: the deep state needs to induce fear and panic in one way, shape or form.

Distraction and deception are their only hope of remaining in the shadows and ensuring Donald Trump never regains the Presidency.

Cory Bernardi
Exposing the Deception

Sometimes, life bowls up such a soft full toss that you can't help but hit it out of the park.

That's how I felt after writing about the reality of the deep state and how they manipulate events and news for their own benefit

A couple of days after that post, there was breaking news out of America about the involvement of the 'Five Eyes' nations in spying on the Trump campaign in a bid to derail his Presidency.

The spying was allegedly done at the request of the CIA and included intelligence services from Australia and the UK. News reports even describe former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer as an 'intelligence asset'.

Michael Shellenberger wrote this to say on X yesterday.

You may recall the blitz of attention that the concocted report got across the mainstream media, making false claims against Trump and stating them as fact.

The gullible believed every word, often claiming, 'Why would they lie?'

The answer to that question is simple.

The entire system is corrupted, and doing and saying anything is how the deep state maintains its power. Lies, coercion and manipulation are part of the daily diet of these hidden elites.

While receiving little mainstream media coverage, this latest expose is part of a process that looks set to reveal just how rotten the system is.

None of this is truly new. People like Dan Bongino exposed this entire story years ago. He's summed it up in the latest episode of his video show which you can watch here.

Bongino also exposed how Ukraine officials were engaged by the Obama administration to engage in the spying and misinformation campaign. That adds another dimension to the puzzle of why the Democrats are throwing so much cash at the corrupt state.

It's a means of trying to suppress the truth about the crooked Obama, Clinton, Biden axis.

Congress has just heard testimony about the corruption of Joe Biden, and panic is starting to set in.

That's why the US has announced a new national security threat. CNN reports it as a 'highly concerning and destabilising Russian capability.'

I'm not buying it. It smacks of more lies from a desperate and discredited group.

Make no mistake: the deep state needs to induce fear and panic in one way, shape or form.

Distraction and deception are their only hope of remaining in the shadows and ensuring Donald Trump never regains the Presidency.

Cory Bernardi

How many pairs of gold toilet shoes did you order?
How many pairs of gold toilet shoes did you order?
At least Trump's made a couple of hundred dollar start on that $300+ million he owes for fraud
Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals

The bitch is back.
Exposing the Deception

Sometimes, life bowls up such a soft full toss that you can't help but hit it out of the park.

That's how I felt after writing about the reality of the deep state and how they manipulate events and news for their own benefit

A couple of days after that post, there was breaking news out of America about the involvement of the 'Five Eyes' nations in spying on the Trump campaign in a bid to derail his Presidency.

The spying was allegedly done at the request of the CIA and included intelligence services from Australia and the UK. News reports even describe former Australian foreign minister Alexander Downer as an 'intelligence asset'.

Michael Shellenberger wrote this to say on X yesterday.

You may recall the blitz of attention that the concocted report got across the mainstream media, making false claims against Trump and stating them as fact.

The gullible believed every word, often claiming, 'Why would they lie?'

The answer to that question is simple.

The entire system is corrupted, and doing and saying anything is how the deep state maintains its power. Lies, coercion and manipulation are part of the daily diet of these hidden elites.

While receiving little mainstream media coverage, this latest expose is part of a process that looks set to reveal just how rotten the system is.

None of this is truly new. People like Dan Bongino exposed this entire story years ago. He's summed it up in the latest episode of his video show which you can watch here.

Bongino also exposed how Ukraine officials were engaged by the Obama administration to engage in the spying and misinformation campaign. That adds another dimension to the puzzle of why the Democrats are throwing so much cash at the corrupt state.

It's a means of trying to suppress the truth about the crooked Obama, Clinton, Biden axis.

Congress has just heard testimony about the corruption of Joe Biden, and panic is starting to set in.

That's why the US has announced a new national security threat. CNN reports it as a 'highly concerning and destabilising Russian capability.'

I'm not buying it. It smacks of more lies from a desperate and discredited group.

Make no mistake: the deep state needs to induce fear and panic in one way, shape or form.

Distraction and deception are their only hope of remaining in the shadows and ensuring Donald Trump never regains the Presidency.

Cory Bernardi
Welcome back old son, missed ya :kissingheart:
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