NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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The day after the attack, Tarrio posted a photo of House members crouched down and hiding, with a caption, “When the people fear the government, there is tyranny … When the government fears the people … There is liberty.” He told CNN he was quoting Thomas Jefferson, though there is no evidence the third President ever said that, according to his foundation.

Anyone else a little #concerned that our friend GP is quoting the leader of a neo fascist organisation!?

Is this the same Tarrio that is currently serving time because he bent over for famous politician, Donald Trump?

Everybody raise a glass of urine for FK. We are so Proud of you.
Is this the same Tarrio that is currently serving time because he bent over for famous politician, Donald Trump?

Everybody raise a glass of urine for FK. We are so Proud of you.
And I am Proud of you for calling out that notorious white supremacist bloke named "Enrique Tarrio"!

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Are you suggesting that a guy with a Hispanic name can't be a white supremacist?
I thought a whole bunch of guys with Hispanic sounding names were paying for a wall on behalf of white supremacists
You don't need immunity if you're not a criminal

[Tapping head gif]
This angle you hear sometimes from Trumpers about the shoe potentially being on the other foot in future and other ex-presidents being looked into is so weird to me. Like yeah, isn't that the thing you guys have been clamouring for for ages now? That presidents be held to account for the dodgy shit they do? I fail to see any downside there.

As Trump's current legals and his success in dragging everything out shows, its not gonna be a case of the other side just inventing charges and stitching them up, easy peasy. You still need actual legit charges, and the courts go through the process. If "Biden's DoJ" was half as nefarious and competent as MAGA likes to make out the trials would have been completed and Donnie found guilty long ago.

Absolutely bizarre argument to make :drunk:
This angle you hear sometimes from Trumpers about the shoe potentially being on the other foot in future and other ex-presidents being looked into is so weird to me. Like yeah, isn't that the thing you guys have been clamouring for for ages now? That presidents be held to account for the dodgy s**t they do? I fail to see any downside there.

As Trump's current legals and his success in dragging everything out shows, its not gonna be a case of the other side just inventing charges and stitching them up, easy peasy. You still need actual legit charges, and the courts go through the process. If "Biden's DoJ" was half as nefarious and competent as MAGA likes to make out Donnie's trials would have been completed and him found guilty long ago.

Absolutely bizarre argument to make :drunk:
It's a weird take, even for those who are ignorant of the separation of powers.

"What if a Democrat breaks the law?"
Well, charge them as well. Easy.

Nobody should be above the law.
Did he? Got a link?

I mean, I totally believe thats what Thomas would think - bloke is currently pretending he's being persecuted because he's been caught doing the most outrageous ethics violations in SC history.

But I kinda doubt a SC judge would be on record with statements like that about an individual he'll have to rule on, even a SC judge as comically compromised as ol' Clarry.
That is self evidently made up and deliberate misinformation that (once again) you have been cooked by.

No Judge of the SCOTUS would ever make comments like that, in the context of several pending legal cases involving that exact subject matter.

Not even Thomas J.

Heck Thomas J is notoriously quiet even during trials before the SCOTUS. He regularly goes literally several hearing without saying a single word.

Judges don't comment publicly on matters before the courts, prior to hearing the actual case and deciding it on its merits (and also rarely afterwards).
Most likely false but it was a good tweet 😂

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Pretty sure Trump wants immunity.

I’ll believe this when I hear it. How many times have we heard that new evidence is going to be released and nothing? This is how he’s being set up as high and mighty to the American people. When he becomes president again he’ll be untouchable. Hopefully, he doesn’t abuse this power. I have my doubts.
The vice president can’t take them home and keep them. Trump could an I suspect that you all know this but are playing sides.
The Presidential Records Act says classified documents are the property of the nation. The claim that Chump could keep them is, and always was, bullshit.
The vice president can’t take them home and keep them. Trump could an I suspect that you all know this but are playing sides.

Did you know that toilet doors lock from the inside, not the outside?

Probably not a good place to store documents you arent meant to have.
This angle you hear sometimes from Trumpers about the shoe potentially being on the other foot in future and other ex-presidents being looked into is so weird to me. Like yeah, isn't that the thing you guys have been clamouring for for ages now? That presidents be held to account for the dodgy s**t they do? I fail to see any downside there.

It's a weird take, even for those who are ignorant of the separation of powers.

"What if a Democrat breaks the law?"
Well, charge them as well. Easy.

Nobody should be above the law.
Brahs you trot out these "I'm not partisan, the law should apply equally to all" lines so often that I think you've convinced yourselves that you actually believe them. But nearly every time there's dodgy stuff from your side you latch onto the first talking point or excuse that you can to wave it away.

"Yes person X, Y and Z also kept documents... but they gave them back once they were caught so it's all fine m8"
Then if there's an example when they weren't handed back, like ole Crooked H wiping her email server, it's:
"BuT hEr EmAiLs. Get over it."

Guys I don't mind you lying to me, but please... don't lie to yourselves.
Brahs you trot out these "I'm not partisan, the law should apply equally to all" lines so often that I think you've convinced yourselves that you actually believe them. But nearly every time there's dodgy stuff from your side you latch onto the first talking point or excuse that you can to wave it away.

"Yes person X, Y and Z also kept documents... but they gave them back once they were caught so it's all fine m8"
Then if there's an example when they weren't handed back, like ole Crooked H wiping her email server, it's:
"BuT hEr EmAiLs. Get over it."

Guys I don't mind you lying to me, but please... don't lie to yourselves.
If there's evidence Hillary kept classified documents and refused to return them, then she should absolutely be charged. Nobody should be exempt.
Brahs you trot out these "I'm not partisan, the law should apply equally to all" lines so often that I think you've convinced yourselves that you actually believe them. But nearly every time there's dodgy stuff from your side you latch onto the first talking point or excuse that you can to wave it away.

"Yes person X, Y and Z also kept documents... but they gave them back once they were caught so it's all fine m8"
Then if there's an example when they weren't handed back, like ole Crooked H wiping her email server, it's:
"BuT hEr EmAiLs. Get over it."

Guys I don't mind you lying to me, but please... don't lie to yourselves.
Yeah I've never but her emails'd once on here m8. Cool story tho.

And yes, you've correctly identified here the fact that Biden and Pence gave back the docs when asked as the key differentiator as to why Don was charged but they weren't (well, there are also others like them not being caught on tape literally showing classified docs to randoms but for the sake of brevity lets leave it there).

Progress at last m8, well done!
Lol. This is the most deluded fantasy i've ever seen. If you think anti-Trump information existed it wouldn't have been shared half a decade ago?

This is why I have so much faith in Trump, every possible negative thing about him has already been shared. With those protected by the political elites you never know what they've been up to.

I agree that this one is probably untrue, but you have to be a cooker to say you "have so much faith in Trump" (LOL) because all of his negatives have been exposed. It means you conveniently ignore that many, many of these negatives are actually true. This includes serious criminal behaviour.

You've ignored those because you just don't care. He makes you feel good about yourself, so it doesn't matter to you what he does.
The Presidential Records Act says classified documents are the property of the nation. The claim that Chump could keep them is, and always was, bullshit.
The president at the time has the power to declassify them at his discretion. We’ve been over this. It’s why you’re always that extra 10 yards off the pace.
The Supreme Court is going to crush all of these guilty verdicts by corrupt judges. You can’t have people like Fani Willis sleeping with the prosecutor and using public funds to go on dirty trips. Then there’s the judge who wouldn’t even allow Trump to defend himself.
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