NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I’m fine mate. Maybe you’re the one projecting here and you need help.

Projecting? Any way you look at it, claiming he is about to start a 3rd term as president is 100% wrong.

More to the point, it's not as if you've made an understandable mistake, like if the circumstances aren't clear so a misinterpretation can be forgiven. That Trump is not about to start a 3rd term as president is an obvious and irrefutable fact, so denying it is burnt-to-a-crisp cookerism.

Even your fellow cookers know it's a ridiculous assertion.

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You’re a cranky old man LTK. Dial it down a notch. It’s a discussion board. Disagreeing with you is not a serious attack that needs to be avenged at all costs.

Mate, I truly don't care about disagreements on this site. I have plenty of them on the North board as well as here.

I'm trying to let you know that you appear to have a serious cognitive impairment that is obvious to all who read your posts. You have asserted something that you believe, but it is a clear, unambiguous impossibility. Apply some basic thinking skills and climb out of the rabbit hole.

And I was simply laughing at the ridiculous suggestion that the world is bad because Trump isn't in charge to save us all. I mean, that post was just hilarious.
A little known fact about the Deep State is that they hide listening devices in wasp nests.
If you really care about freedom, you'd grab a big stick and knock down every wasp nest you see.
You can add the FBI to the list.

The great man will smash them into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds.
A quote from the last great man who dared oppose the deep state? A fine selection as always ET, tis a shame it will go over the heads of our soy-infused chums here.

How would you feel about RFK Jr for VP? To be announced by them both on Joe Rogan's podcast, naturally. Dominating every sensible vote in this manner seems almost unfair... yet perhaps necessary.
You can add the FBI to the list.

The great man will smash them into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the winds.
Defund the police FBI!

This is a suspicious about face from an ardent back the blue enthusiast. FireKrakouer what colour was Easty's hair at the last mensa meeting, any purple creeping in at all??
Defund the police FBI!

This is a suspicious about face from an ardent back the blue enthusiast. FireKrakouer what colour was Easty's hair at the last mensa meeting, any purple creeping in at all??

Hard to say. Either his hat keeps getting bigger, or his head keeps getting smaller.

And I was simply laughing at the ridiculous suggestion that the world is bad because Trump isn't in charge to save us all. I mean, that post was just hilarious.
Glad I could make you laugh. Barracking for Norf must feel like being kicked in the balls :$

It would have been more accurate for me to say the world being screwed is strong evidence that Biden is POTUS.

Anyone with half a brain (including the fat orange clown) could've done a better job.
Defund the police FBI!

This is a suspicious about face from an ardent back the blue enthusiast. FireKrakouer what colour was Easty's hair at the last mensa meeting, any purple creeping in at all??
No wonder 'great man' Hannibal Lector managed to eat so many victims.
Glad I could make you laugh. Barracking for Norf must feel like being kicked in the balls :$

It would have been more accurate for me to say the world being screwed is strong evidence that Biden is POTUS.

Anyone with half a brain (including the fat orange clown) could've done a better job.

Haha, and here's another one whose jimmies I've rustled to the extent that he attempts to upset me by sniping my footy team. In a politics thread.

As amusing as it is for someone to get this salty, it's even more amusing when someone asserts that the orange turd would do a better job as president, and that's conceding that the bar is very low with Biden.

The remaining few who continue to claim that Trump would do a better job never support it with evidence, or even a plausible argument. "Look at the state of the world!!! It was so much better under Trump!!", etc. is neither evidence nor a plausible argument.

So, the claim is either disingenuous or delusional. That's why I laugh at them.

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Defund the police FBI!

This is a suspicious about face from an ardent back the blue enthusiast. FireKrakouer what colour was Easty's hair at the last mensa meeting, any purple creeping in at all??
All I will say of EasternTiger's hair is that, much like the great Steele Sidebottom and umpire Matthew Nicholls, it is always perfect.

Such a shame his use of a legendary quote continues to whoosh over the heads of the great unwashed here :(

And I've taught you about the folly of your "but I thought everyone on team x believes in y, haha gotcha hypocrites" attitude, that nuance is a thing, and I blame myself for you having not yet grasped it... but I will continue coaching you m8, my mum didn't raise no quitter!
How would you feel about RFK Jr for VP? To be announced by them both on Joe Rogan's podcast, naturally. Dominating every sensible vote in this manner seems almost unfair... yet perhaps necessary.

No. **** NO!

And believe me when I say I am not criticising your superior intellect mate. Please hear me out.

On the face of it, your RFK Jr for VP suggestion is a tremendous idea. However, hanging out with a Kennedy is fraught with danger.

You'll get shot up by a commie or driven into a lake.

And long before that happens his creaky voice will do your head in.

Can you imagine enduring an hours long explanation on the difference between your garden variety liberal and a Kennedy Democrat?

And then you'll suffer the tortures of the damned sitting through his conspiracy theories:

"Dad was shot in the back of the head but they said he was shot from the front.
My uncle was shot from the front but they said he was shot in the back of the head."

We don't want to see the great man put himself in harms way because, according to De Niro, he will rule the earth forever and never leave the white house.

The idea of the great Dictator Don running shit forever makes me want to douse myself in vintage Kouros, light up a cuban, and watch re-runs of the 2016 election like a gentleman.
No. **** NO!

And believe me when I say I am not criticising your superior intellect mate. Please hear me out.

On the face of it, your RFK Jr for VP suggestion is a tremendous idea. However, hanging out with a Kennedy is fraught with danger.

You'll get shot up by a commie or driven into a lake.

And long before that happens his creaky voice will do your head in.

Can you imagine enduring an hours long explanation on the difference between your garden variety liberal and a Kennedy Democrat?

And then you'll suffer the tortures of the damned sitting through his conspiracy theories:

"Dad was shot in the back of the head but they said he was shot from the front.
My uncle was shot from the front but they said he was shot in the back of the head."

We don't want to see the great man put himself in harms way because, according to De Niro, he will rule the earth forever and never leave the white house.

The idea of the great Dictator Don running shit forever makes me want to douse myself in vintage Kouros, light up a cuban, and watch re-runs of the 2016 election like a gentleman.
I rarely make an error of judgement but I am so thankful that, in the rare case that I do so, I have a fellow intellectual giant around to check me m8. I was blinded by RFKs entertainment factor. You see him on podcasts all like
raspy voice
RFK: Cheryl... Cheryl... the CIA is sticking a bomb under my car again... Cheryl...
high pitched voice
Cheryl: You know what I like, I like strawberries... can we go get some strawberries??
RFK: Cheryl... Cheryl... they're turning the frogs gay Cheryl...
Cheryl: I enjoy opera music

A more accurate description of your postings here from 2016-2020 you'd go a long way to find.
You've changed m8, you've changed. I only pray that you return to your usual (low testosterone) jester self soon, rather the your current (zero testosterone or self awareness) NPC self, calling out hypocrisy where none exists n whatnot like an internet rookie!
I rarely make an error of judgement but I am so thankful that, in the rare case that I do so, I have a fellow intellectual giant around to check me m8. I was blinded by RFKs entertainment factor. You see him on podcasts all like
raspy voice
RFK: Cheryl... Cheryl... the CIA is sticking a bomb under my car again... Cheryl...
high pitched voice
Cheryl: You know what I like, I like strawberries... can we go get some strawberries??
RFK: Cheryl... Cheryl... they're turning the frogs gay Cheryl...
Cheryl: I enjoy opera music

Look, I suppose we have to wade through this type of unfunny drivel if we are to experience the delights of an FK humour post that hits the mark. Sadly, there haven't been many of them lately.


Looks like another loss for the white power movement in the US. And now Eric "gum model" Trump is telling crowds they should win because they're white, and Trump's on tape using the N word.

This final season of America is outstanding.
Morning all. Just checking in on everyone, can we have some comments, thoughts, feelings?
This is all just a Stormy in a teacup
I assume the cultists are celebrating the fact that he finally won a popular vote? 12 zip!

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