NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I don’t care who controls the criminal international banking cartel. For the humanity’s sake they need to go.
The Founding Fathers warned against giving control of the money supply over to criminal bankers. They’ve been removed twice and returned much to the detriment of American’s freedoms. Hopefully, there’s a third time an it’s permanent.

I've heard something like that before somewhere...

“Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”

-Adolf Hitler, speech to the Reichstag, January 1941.

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I can provide literally a thousand sources. Including Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations.

Think about it. If a government applies a tariff to a product, who do you think winds up paying for that tariff?

If you're selling your product, you manufacture here in Australia over in the USA for 100 bucks and they slap a 20 percent tariff on your product to export it from Australia, you're simply going to crank up the price by an extra 20 bucks to cover the damn tariff (which is exactly what happens).

You (the manufactuer) don't pay the tariff. The consumer does.

The supposed benefit is now more expensive locally made stuff is suddenly able to compete with parity with cheaper shit from overseas (leading to more locally made stuff getting bought and manufactured), but the actual effect is that shit just gets more expensive.

If you honestly think a tariff is somehow going to encourage US based corporations to suddenly bring back manufacturing to the US's shores from China, Latin America and elsewhere where they shipped it off to decades ago (creating domestic jobs), you're sorely mistaken.

Tariffs have the same disproportionate effect on the poor as sales taxes. Billionaires don't give a shit about the rising cost of Chinese made shit, or groceries. I highly doubt Trump and people with his kind of money even know what a liter of milk even costs.
I’m expecting new companies to take their place and manufacture more of what is needed. Not what governments think we need.
I can provide literally a thousand sources. Including Adam Smith and the Wealth of Nations.

Think about it. If a government applies a tariff to a product, who do you think winds up paying for that tariff?

If you're selling your product, you manufacture here in Australia over in the USA for 100 bucks and they slap a 20 percent tariff on your product to export it from Australia, you're simply going to crank up the price by an extra 20 bucks to cover the damn tariff (which is exactly what happens).

You (the manufactuer) don't pay the tariff. The consumer does.

The supposed benefit is now more expensive locally made stuff is suddenly able to compete with parity with cheaper shit from overseas (leading to more locally made stuff getting bought and manufactured), but the actual effect is that shit just gets more expensive.

If you honestly think a tariff is somehow going to encourage US based corporations to suddenly bring back manufacturing to the US's shores from China, Latin America and elsewhere where they shipped it off to decades ago (creating domestic jobs), you're sorely mistaken.

Tariffs have the same disproportionate effect on the poor as sales taxes. Billionaires don't give a shit about the rising cost of Chinese made shit, or groceries. I highly doubt Trump and people with his kind of money even know what a liter of milk even costs.
You’re right about the Chinese made shit. I’d love to see tariffs on this crap so Australian/American made quality goods can compete.
Our house is loaded with renowned quality products that are shit these days thanks to low cost/low quality foreign manufacturing.
I've heard something like that before somewhere...

“Today I will once more be a prophet. If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging nations once more into a world war, then the result will not be the bolshevization of the earth and this the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”

-Adolf Hitler, speech to the Reichstag, January 1941.
Go back to fighting for the rights of illegal immigrants. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Oh dear...

Not only did Biden keep the Trump era tariffs but he added a few more of his own.

I don't think I've ever seen the classic "play chess with a pigeon" metaphor encompassed quite so perfectly :tearsofjoy:

You got absolutely destroyed, mate. You brought vibes-based nonsense and were called on it.

How many trips on Epstein's jet did Trump take again? Elon (the billionaire pouring $45m per month into the Trump campaign)?

Of all the weird Twitter/X algorithms to pop up on your feed, surely this one gave you at least a moment's pause?

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I can only imagine if MAL ever got raided by the cops. His computer would be nothing but hitler quotes and links to nazi websites.
Police: Sir, you have a file on your computer called ‘Known Bigfooty Nazis’

Mal: I am a moderator over there.

Police: Are you also a moderator on pornhub?

Mal: No why?

Police: We found a folder called ‘Nazi Pron Stash.’
I can only imagine if MAL ever got raided by the cops. His computer would be nothing but hitler quotes and links to nazi websites.

You blokes are the ones talking about 'international banking cabals and financiers' trying to 'take over the world and impose Socialism on us all' all the time.

Hilariously you blokes haven't yet twigged onto the fact that the above little conspiracy has been around in one form or another for centuries, is exactly what Hitler thought was true (and was why he went after the Jews in the Holocaust).

You blokes love to 'do your own research'. All you've done is cook yourselves into Neo Nazi adjacent antisemitic conspiracies, most of you without realizing you've done it.

Lebbo73 is one small step away from 'connecting the dots' about whom exactly these 'financier cabals and Hollywood elites' really are.

Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, the Warburgs, Vanguard etc.

'Juice will not replace us' indeed.
I'm hearing it was a planned euthanising mate, get out nice and quick, give Harris some experience in the top job and ensure she has some clean air.

Just know, he's doing this for your sake as well. He's doing this for everyone, even those who believe they hate him.
I wish him the best. I hope he can find peace now.
You blokes are the ones talking about 'international banking cabals and financiers' trying to 'take over the world and impose Socialism on us all' all the time.

Hilariously you blokes haven't yet twigged onto the fact that the above little conspiracy has been around in one form or another for centuries, is exactly what Hitler thought was true (and was why he went after the Jews in the Holocaust).

You blokes love to 'do your own research'. All you've done is cook yourselves into Neo Nazi adjacent antisemitic conspiracies, most of you without realizing you've done it.

Lebbo73 is one small step away from 'connecting the dots' about whom exactly these 'financier cabals and Hollywood elites' really are.

Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, the Warburgs, Vanguard etc.

'Juice will not replace us' indeed.

Try as you might, we aren't going to equate evil banking cabals with jewish people. Sorry MAL, you will have to try a different approach to your recruitment drive.

You guys just dont get it. Trump doesnt give a **** about his supporter base. The whole thing is a massive grift so he can give his family and mates plumb jobs (again), pull the levers on the Stock Market, and make a fortune via insider trading.
Finally, something worth discussing. There’s every chance that Trump is part of the whole Deep State charade. If he is, this world is finished.
How many trips on Epstein's jet did Trump take again? Elon (the billionaire pouring $45m per month into the Trump campaign)?

Of all the weird Twitter/X algorithms to pop up on your feed, surely this one gave you at least a moment's pause?
Show me the list and I might know. Don’t tell me what your brainwashing device told you.
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