NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I'm hearing it was a planned euthanising mate, get out nice and quick, give Harris some experience in the top job and ensure she has some clean air.

Just know, he's doing this for your sake as well. He's doing this for everyone, even those who believe they hate him.
I wish him the best. I hope he can find peace now.
You blokes are the ones talking about 'international banking cabals and financiers' trying to 'take over the world and impose Socialism on us all' all the time.

Hilariously you blokes haven't yet twigged onto the fact that the above little conspiracy has been around in one form or another for centuries, is exactly what Hitler thought was true (and was why he went after the Jews in the Holocaust).

You blokes love to 'do your own research'. All you've done is cook yourselves into Neo Nazi adjacent antisemitic conspiracies, most of you without realizing you've done it.

Lebbo73 is one small step away from 'connecting the dots' about whom exactly these 'financier cabals and Hollywood elites' really are.

Soros, the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, the Warburgs, Vanguard etc.

'Juice will not replace us' indeed.

Try as you might, we aren't going to equate evil banking cabals with jewish people. Sorry MAL, you will have to try a different approach to your recruitment drive.

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You guys just dont get it. Trump doesnt give a **** about his supporter base. The whole thing is a massive grift so he can give his family and mates plumb jobs (again), pull the levers on the Stock Market, and make a fortune via insider trading.
Finally, something worth discussing. There’s every chance that Trump is part of the whole Deep State charade. If he is, this world is finished.
How many trips on Epstein's jet did Trump take again? Elon (the billionaire pouring $45m per month into the Trump campaign)?

Of all the weird Twitter/X algorithms to pop up on your feed, surely this one gave you at least a moment's pause?
Show me the list and I might know. Don’t tell me what your brainwashing device told you.
Try as you might, we aren't going to equate evil banking cabals with jewish people.

1. Cabal is literally derived from a Hebrew word, and was originally used (among Gentiles) to describe 'secret nefarious practices of the Jews':

The term cabal is derived from Kabbalah (a word that has numerous spelling variations), the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew scripture (קַבָּלָה). In Hebrew, it means "received doctrine" or "tradition", [4] In European culture (Christian Cabala, Hermetic Qabalah) it became associated with occult doctrine or a secret.[5]

The term is sometimes employed as an antisemitic dog whistle due to its evocation of centuries-old antisemitic tropes.[15][16]


2. 'Banking cabal' has long been a veiled reference to the European Jewish banking families (Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Warbergs etc) who are (along with the Freemasons) the bogeymen at the heart of the majority of most conspiracies.

Even Andrew Bolt knows what he's reading when he sees 'international banking cabal' as being the culprits behind some 'plot' (in the following case, the 'banking cabal' were behind the 'climate change myth'):

I see Malcolm Roberts has reportedly said climate science is controlled by "some of the major banking families in the world" who form "a tight-knit cabal". This sounds very much like one of those Jewish world conspiracy theories that I despise. Can you tell me what Malcolm meant? I see I am listed as an adviser to the Galileo Movement. In the circumstances, and until I receive an innocent explanation for Malcolm’s reported comments, I’d ask that you remove my name. Andrew Bolt
Malcolm, Your conspiracy theory seemed utterly stupid even before I knew which families you meant. Now checking the list of banking families you’ve given me, your theory becomes terribly, shamefully familiar. Two of the three most prominent and current banking families you’ve mentioned are Jewish, and the third is sometimes falsely assumed to be. Yes, this smacks too much of the Jewish world conspiracy theorising I’ve always loathed. Again, I insist: remove me from the list of people you claim are prepared to advise you. I’ve never advised you, Malcolm, and would never want to. I am offended to be linked to you. Andrew Bolt


Im not making this shit up zill and neither was Andrew Bolt. 'International banking cabal' has long (like for ****ing centuries) been used as codeword for 'the Jews' and used as an antisemitic canard.

Note: Im not saying all conspiracists are knowing antisemites. I honestly don't think any of you blokes (other than Lebbo73) realize that all your 'research' has done, is lead to you discovering (and now regurgitating) antisemitic conspiracies that have been around in one form or another for centuries.

I honestly think that most of you don't even realize the fact the conspiracies you hold dear are antisemitic nonsense, nor do you realize that 'international banking cabal' is (and always has been) code word for 'Jews'.

Heck, you seem not to have realized it yourself (judging by your post I quote above).

Now you know.
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There’s every chance that Trump is part of the whole Deep State charade.

His favored daughter Ivanka is married to an 'international financier and banking cabal member' isnt she?


In 2014, Kushner, with his brother Joshua and Ryan Williams, co-founded Cadre (now RealCadre LLC), an online real-estate investment platform. His business partners included Goldman Sachs and billionaire George Soros, a top Democratic Party donor. In early 2015, Soros Fund Management financed the startup with a $250 million credit line. In 2020, his ownership stake in Cadre was estimated at $25–50 million

1.5bn USD company, founded by Kushner, George Soros and Goldman Sachs, and funded by Soros.

They're all members of the 'financer/ banking cabal' right?

And didn't Trump make the above 'international banking cabalist' his Senior Advisor, a position Kushner held for for the entirety of Trumps term in office, with no complaints or sacking?

And didn't Trump move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem during this time?

And isnt there a ton of evidence that Trump was best mates with Epstein (another member of 'the cabal') who died mysteriously in his cell during Trumps watch as Commander in chief?

You might want to read the following Lebbo:


It talks about Trumps love for, and work towards helping 'the Deep State cabal'.
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Yikes, how NPCish are the SRP election/ Trump threads? Not a single unique thought amongst them, it's all word-for-word programming from Twitter. "Now Trump is the old one!!!"

Fortunately I have this thread to get the intellectual takes on the issues.
1. Cabal is literally derived from a Hebrew word, and was originally used (among Gentiles) to describe 'secret nefarious practices of the Jews':


2. 'Banking cabal' has long been a veiled reference to the European Jewish banking families (Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Warbergs etc) who are (along with the Freemasons) the bogeymen at the heart of the majority of most conspiracies.

Even Andrew Bolt knows what he's reading when he sees 'international banking cabal' as being the culprits behind some 'plot' (in the following case, the 'banking cabal' were behind the 'climate change myth'):


Im not making this shit up zill and neither was Andrew Bolt. 'International banking cabal' has long (like for ****ing centuries) been used as codeword for 'the Jews' and used as an antisemitic canard.

Note: Im not saying all conspiracists are knowing antisemites. I honestly don't think any of you blokes (other than Lebbo73) realize that all your 'research' has done, is lead to you discovering (and now regurgitating) antisemitic conspiracies that have been around in one form or another for centuries.

I honestly think that most of you don't even realize the fact the conspiracies you hold dear are antisemitic nonsense, nor do you realize that 'international banking cabal' is (and always has been) code word for 'Jews'.

Heck, you seem not to have realized it yourself (judging by your post I quote above).

Now you know.
the encyclopedia brittanica disagrees, brother.


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the encyclopedia brittanica disagrees, brother.

No it doesnt disagree. The article you post doesnt mention where the word comes from at all!

Cabal is a word that originates from the Hebrew word Kabbalah.

https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/cabal#:~:text=The term cabal originates from,reign of King Charles II.

Jews have long been accused of being part of a secret group that controls the economic and political world order. The term cabal originates from the word kabbalah, the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Its sinister use was popularized in A Child’s History of England by Charles Dickens when it was used as an acronym for five English government ministers during the reign of King Charles II. Today, the term “cabal” is used as a dog whistle for Jewish control (see control).


Cabal has been associated with a group of five ministers in the government of England's King Charles II. The initial letters of the names or titles of those men (Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale) spelled cabal, and they have been collectively dubbed as the "Cabal Cabinet" or "Cabal Ministry." But these five names are not the source of the word cabal, which was in use decades before Charles II ascended the throne. The term traces back to cabbala, the Medieval Latin name for the Kabbalah, a traditional system of esoteric Jewish mysticism. Latin borrowed Cabbala from the Hebrew qabbālāh, meaning "received or traditional lore."

In Europe, Jews used to practice their Kabbalah rites in secret and outside from the rest of (Christian) society (because they were not allowed to practice them publicly or be executed). Jews were also forbidden from working in most jobs, so they tended to work in money lending and finance (ironically founding some of Europe's most wealthiest banking families in the process).

That's where it all stems from. Both the term 'banking cabal' and the conspiracies most of you cookers now assume to be true, but have actually been around for hundreds of years (and were what Hitler believed to be true, and why he hated the Jews so much, and why he murdered 6 million of them).
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Yeah i googled cabal

Google 'international banking cabal'.

Oh look, its all talk about 'the Protocols of the elders of Zion' and ''Jewish conspiracies' and 'the New world order' and the 'Zionist occupation government' and literally everything i've been telling you the ****ing term is associated with, and you've been denying is true.

You're wrong. Admit it at least privately please go away and educate yourself so you dont get sucked into antisemitic bullshit unknowingly.
Google 'international banking cabal'.

Oh look, its all talk about 'the Protocols of the elders of Zion' and ''Jewish conspiracies' and 'the New world order' and the 'Zionist occupation government' and literally everything i've been telling you the ****ing term is associated with, and you've been denying is true.

You're wrong. Admit it at least privately please go away and educate yourself so you dont get sucked into antisemitic bullshit unknowingly.
You do realise that Google controls what they want you to see when you Google. Did you get your law degree out of a Kelloggs Corn Flakes box?
How about cartel? Or syndicate?

Not hebrew as far as I know.

I just loved how you said 'international banking cabal' has nothing to do with Jewish people, despite not only the word Cabal
being of Hebrew origin, and google literally telling you the term 'international banking cabal' is a long standing antisemitic canard that has been used for centuries.

Soros. The Rothschilds. Goldman Sachs. etc.

All members of 'the international banking cabal'.
You do realise that Google controls what they want you to see when you Google.

You google the term then mate.

'international banking cabal'.

Tell me what it shows you. Better yet, take a ****ing screenshot.

As a hint, its all information about the term being associated with a longstanding antisemitic conspiracy that goes back hundreds of years (originating in Europe).

That blokes like you are now regurgitating without realizing you're literally just parroting word for word what antisemites like Hitler, Ford, Lovecraft and a range of antisemites before them also believed in.

****s sake. Just stop for a second. Im not trying to make you feel bad. Im trying to help you, by educating you.

I don't have a horse in this race one way or another.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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