NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Sorry, are you now pretending you never said you think there is evidence of corruption on the laptop, and that it wasn't pursued because both Chris Wray and Bill Barr are corrupt? :tearsofjoy:

Wouldn't put it past you to try honestly, you're that far gone. Very Trumpian, as I said.
I'm not pretending anything. I don't know who either of those guys are. I said that no prosecution doesn't equal no evidence. With your reading comprehension skills, i'm not surprised you came to that conclusion.
Thankfully he repealed it it time so it couldn't do any damage to people.
Exactly. A 25 year window to wind back the misery he created is the least that can be given to well known socially progressive Joe Biden. And if it wasn't for Ronal Raegan he may have done it in only 20 years.
Some people live in an alternate reality.

I remember John McCain correcting a republican voter when they started talking about the birth certificate stuff.
Trump does the opposite - he actively encourages CT bullshit because it makes the useful idiots easier to control, and makes him less accountable to what he says and does.
On this thread alone we have wacky stuff getting sprouted as fact - submarine tunnels running all the way to Pine Gap, Biden is a clone, Trump is actually in charge, the J6 rioters were Antifa dressed-up, etc

The fact that so many not just get sucked in, but celebrate their own ignorance, shows we're an amazing period of human history.
Of course you come back to submarine tunnels and clones, when the last 5+ pages have been about the laptop, Joe's dementia and the crime bills he authored. Can't have people discussing the brain dead presidential candidate, can we. Especially not after the recent debate.

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I'm not pretending anything. I don't know who either of those guys are. I said that no prosecution doesn't equal no evidence. With your reading comprehension skills, i'm not surprised you came to that conclusion.

If you don’t know who Christopher Wray and Bill Barr are then you really are pretty ignorant and shouldn’t be commenting on any of this. Seriously.
Yep, the fact that 2 of Trump's handpicked guys leading the DoJ did nothing with the laptop is totally irrelevant to your contention that there is clear evidence of corruption on there, good one :tearsofjoy:
I've said repeatedly that pollies almost never get prosecuted, why is that so hard for you to understand?

If Biden hadn't handed back his illegally obtained classified documents, would you expect the FBI to raid his house after he leaves office like they did trump? Not a chance.
If Biden hadn't handed back his illegally obtained classified documents, would you expect the FBI to raid his house after he leaves office like they did trump? Not a chance.

Of course they would have if he was asked as often as Trump was and still refused.

I cannot understand anyone thinking otherwise. It's the Kool Aid, I suppose.
He wasn't the pres and shouldn't have had them in the first place though.

Sure, a principle applicable to both Biden and Trump. But you're doing your usual and avoiding the material difference between the two cases.

The orange shitman defied all requests to hand them back. Why would he do that? It's either his ridiculous narcissism, or his total lack of morals leading to him trying to make money by selling US secret intelligence.
WASHINGTON — U.S. presidents enjoy full immunity from criminal charges for their official “core constitutional” acts, but no immunity for unofficial acts, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, sending former President Donald Trump’s case back to the lower courts.

The justices left open the question of how far official acts can reach, possibly reshaping the contours of the American presidency.


As I predicted. The President does enjoy a level of immunity for official acts within his core constitutional functions (similar to the immunities of our Crown).

Now let's see if the SCOTUS can twist 'engaging in a conspiracy to subvert a legitimate election and install himself as President' as being a 'core constitutional' power of the Presidency.

Our High Court would clearly rule that a PM engaging in that kind of activity is not acting within the core responsibilities and duties of the PM; in fact, such a thing would be repugnant to the core responsibilities and duties of a PM, and antithetical to the Constitution and our liberal democracy.

I have little doubt the SCOTUS will twist the law into a 6-3 decision basically letting him (or any other President who seeks to literally engage in a conspiracy to reject lawful election results and install themselves for another term) off the hook.

And the USA will be all the poorer for it.
Sure, a principle applicable to both Biden and Trump. But you're doing your usual and avoiding the material difference between the two cases.

The orange shitman defied all requests to hand them back. Why would he do that? It's either his ridiculous narcissism, or his total lack of morals leading to him trying to make money by selling US secret intelligence.
The difference in the case was while trump should have given them back, biden shouldn't have had them in the first place. The investigator gave biden a pass on the grounds he was a well meaning but forgetful old man. That Joe, such a silly goose.

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The difference in the case was while trump should have given them back, biden shouldn't have had them in the first place. The investigator gave biden a pass on the grounds he was a well meaning but forgetful old man. That Joe, such a silly goose.

Wrong. Trump was no longer president so the same rules applied to both. The 'silly goose' call was not the reason Biden wasn't sanctioned. I should be surprised that you don't know that, but I'm not. Google it if you missed the explanation in this thread.
Wrong. Trump was no longer president so the same rules applied to both. The 'silly goose' call was not the reason Biden wasn't sanctioned. I should be surprised that you don't know that, but I'm not. Google it if you missed the explanation in this thread.
It's just willful ignorance at this point.
As it needs to be - since the days of Palin, ignorance is seen as a desirable trait among US conservatives. Fortunately in Australia ignorance as a political tool is merely shunted off to the One Nation/Clive Palmer fringes.
I've said repeatedly that pollies almost never get prosecuted, why is that so hard for you to understand?
You said pollies have no interest in other pollies being prosecuted, except for Trump
Trump is the only exception.
Its your logic, dude. You do get that yeah? That you accept that Trump would have liked Biden to be investigated/prosected?

This is such bizarro world debating :drunk:

If Biden hadn't handed back his illegally obtained classified documents, would you expect the FBI to raid his house after he leaves office like they did trump? Not a chance.
If Biden had

Been notified that docs have not been turned over
Given some of them back
Been subpoenad to return the rest of them
Gave back some more docs then attested in writing that none remain in his custody, while still holding onto hundreds of them

Then yes, I believe a search warrant would be executed.
He wasn't the pres and shouldn't have had them in the first place though.
No, he shouldn't. Just like Trump wasn't president anymore and shouldn't have had them.

If Trump had just given everything back the first time he was asked as Biden did, he wouldn't have been charged either.

Really, its not complicated.
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As I predicted. The President does enjoy a level of immunity for official acts within his core constitutional functions (similar to the immunities of our Crown).

Now let's see if the SCOTUS can twist 'engaging in a conspiracy to subvert a legitimate election and install himself as President' as being a 'core constitutional' power of the Presidency.

Our High Court would clearly rule that a PM engaging in that kind of activity is not acting within the core responsibilities and duties of the PM; in fact, such a thing would be repugnant to the core responsibilities and duties of a PM, and antithetical to the Constitution and our liberal democracy.

I have little doubt the SCOTUS will twist the law into a 6-3 decision basically letting him (or any other President who seeks to literally engage in a conspiracy to reject lawful election results and install themselves for another term) off the hook.

And the USA will be all the poorer for it.
FK and the boys will be disappoint. No more raving about Obama (or Bush) being charged for war crimes.
The difference in the case was while trump should have given them back, biden shouldn't have had them in the first place.
See, this is the searing insightful analysis I come here for :tearsofjoy:

"The difference in the case", **** me. Nothing to do with not giving them back when asked, no siree bob :tearsofjoy:
Sorry, are you now pretending you never said you think there is evidence of corruption on the laptop, and that it wasn't pursued because both Chris Wray and Bill Barr are corrupt? :tearsofjoy:

Wouldn't put it past you to try honestly, you're that far gone. Very Trumpian, as I said.

How much of a ****ing idiot does someone have to be to think Hunter Biden got that job on his own merits?

All the people in the world they could have hired...
How much of a ****ing idiot does someone have to be to think Hunter Biden got that job on his own merits?

All the people in the world they could have hired...
Can't recall anyone in this thread ever saying that he did?

Did you quote me by mistake? I'm discussing with zill his contention that there is clear evidence of the Bidens' corruption on the laptop. Despite Trump's guys in the DoJ having it for 12 months and nothing coming of it, of course :tearsofjoy:

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