NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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You said in another thread that this was not true.

No, I didnt.

The President is shielded from Criminal liability for official acts.

The SCOTUS was silent as to whether conspiring to overturn the 2020 election was an official act or not.

It did say that his discussions with the VP, Justice department etc are all immune and inadmissible (regardless of what he was saying), but it remitted the question of what was 'official' and what was 'unoffical' back to the lower court.
If you truly think Trump getting in will be literal Armageddon then it is really you who is cooked.

He's a right wing populist who has openly stated he intends to 'suspend the constitution' when he gets into power, who orchestrated a conspiracy to ignore the results of a democratic election and remain in power unlawfully, who willfully spreads conspiracies and lies, and appoints cronies, family members and so forth in positions of power, offering them literal pardons when he leaves office.

America is democratically backsliding, and fast, towards something more resembling an authoritarian dictatorship.

Putting political bias to one side for a second, how on earth can you say the above is a good thing for the world, the USA or Australia?

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You dont take it seriously, but FlowersByIrene BlueE Lebbo73 and hundreds of thousands if not millions in the USA do.

And they're cheering on a march to literal Armageddon.

You may not realize it, but an emboldened Trump, free from Criminal liability, and who got away with attempting to overturn a lawful election, might be a really bad thing for the world.

Surely you can see how that might be a bad thing for everyone right?

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How many times were you labeled a drama queen in your younger days?
If he really was Epstein’s best mate, the MSM would’ve been all over it years ago.
No, I didnt.

The President is shielded from Criminal liability for official acts.

The SCOTUS was silent as to whether conspiring to overturn the 2020 election was an official act or not.

It did say that his discussions with the VP, Justice department etc are all immune and inadmissible (regardless of what he was saying), but it remitted the question of what was 'official' and what was 'unoffical' back to the lower court.
Questioning a fraudulent election, even if it wasn’t fraudulent, is not conspiring to overturn the results of an election.
He's a right wing populist who has openly stated he intends to 'suspend the constitution' when he gets into power, who orchestrated a conspiracy to ignore the results of a democratic election and remain in power unlawfully, who willfully spreads conspiracies and lies, and appoints cronies, family members and so forth in positions of power, offering them literal pardons when he leaves office.

America is democratically backsliding, and fast, towards something more resembling an authoritarian dictatorship.

Putting political bias to one side for a second, how on earth can you say the above is a good thing for the world, the USA or Australia?
You ain’t cooked, you’re barbecued!
You're twisting yourself in mental knots again to defend a child rapist.

That's the truth.
You're better than that Mofra.

However, you wouldn't recognise the truth if it slapped you across the face

Getting desperately triggered after the claims have already been discredited and posted on the Trump 18 thread, by journalists investigating the claims, to the extent they seriously doubted this person existed.

It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year.

Those shady characters — a former reality-TV producer who calls himself Al Taylor and a Never Trump conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite.

There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims.

The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists.
The Democrats are in such a sad state.

After the debate, they also can't gaslight the public anymore.

The vegetable in the White House doesn't possess a functioning brain, and even rusted ons
are questioning whether it is a good idea to vote for a bloke who doesn't know what day it is.

They really have no options. Cackling Kamala is an A Grade space cadet. Biden is brain dead.

Not sure who else they have with leadership qualities.

Rachel Levine??

Well Rachel did lead all those COVID positive patients from hospital back to their aged care homes.

We'll know it's over when the Democrats start asking for the Hur video tapes.

In the meantime the media are rallying, Biden is "sharp as a tack"

Special mention to Dr Jill at 5.47 (in kindy teacher voice) "Joe you did really well, you answered every question!" (Joey insanely grinning!)

He's a right wing populist who has openly stated he intends to 'suspend the constitution' when he gets into power, who orchestrated a conspiracy to ignore the results of a democratic election and remain in power unlawfully, who willfully spreads conspiracies and lies, and appoints cronies, family members and so forth in positions of power, offering them literal pardons when he leaves office.

America is democratically backsliding, and fast, towards something more resembling an authoritarian dictatorship.

Putting political bias to one side for a second, how on earth can you say the above is a good thing for the world, the USA or Australia?
You do realise Trump currently isn't in power?

The way you guys have built Trump up into the devil incarnate is utterly bizarre and really unhealthy. He is just another American politician. He has literally fried your brains but that is what hating on something so much, so hard, for so will do to people.

He has literally changed you all as people and I hope once he finally moves on you guys can recover and find peace again.

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The establishment is more powerful than any president. Trump will be able to do stuff all except cut taxes.
Well, he certainly couldn't build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it (imagine being stupid enough to fall for that!)
He did however throw millions off public health insurance last time he was POTUS with the repeal of the ACA.

But I do take your last point - he did indeed cut taxes for billionaires.
I'm reading what you said in another thread. I even liked the post because you said it was a poor dissent and that the majority was not asserting what was said in the dissent. The dissent was stating hyperbolic criminal behaviour. Now you are saying Trump is free from criminal liability for anything. You may not realize it, but an emboldened Trump, free from Criminal liability, and who got away with attempting to overturn a lawful election, might be a really bad thing for the world. No mention of official or unofficial acts in your statement. It was more hyperbole from you. Everyone that can read a judgement knows that it was sent back to decide official v unofficial acts, only the hyperbolic are saying that this means he can do anything. You should be a lot clearer in with your hyperbole because when you say someone is free from criminal liability then it is safe to assume you are saying they are free from criminal liability.

This isn't even a gotcha because I liked the original post and was stunned that you posted what you did. Actually shocked that you didn't go with the hyperbole. Did last long though.

Anyway awaiting the deny, deny, deny until I am sicking of re-posting your words.
At this moment, I'm reminded of the sage Harris, when she said "what can be, unburdened by what has been"
You do realise Presidents who win a second term still get sworn in.

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Do try to keep up mate - this will be Trump's 3rd term. He's been president since 2016, right through, secretly controlling the military while they dOn't inTErUPT u EnEmY wHiLe dEy mAke mIsTake :tearsofjoy:

Lebbo73, tell him please!
Everyone that can read a judgement knows that it was sent back to decide official v unofficial acts
And when the lower court ruling that Trump's acts were unofficial gets appealed and sent back to the SC, they'll overturn it and rule it was official. Coz reasons.

All of which will take months, by which time Trump will be president again. Which has been the whole ball game to begin with, its all pretty transparent.
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Hillary is still convinced the election was stolen from her.
Yep, by Russian interference, and she still conceded. Not by the other side printing fake ballots, and she also managed to avoid ringing around to some states and try to flip it on 0 evidence.

See the subtle difference?

Imagine still trying to pretend equivalence now, in 2024. You don't get to call anyone else a cooker ever again lol.
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