NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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If he's secretly the president anyway why would he need to find votes?

CTs tend to be very contradictory...
On SRP they're again wheeling out the "Trump raped a 13 year old" story that was debunked 8 years ago by that bastion of RWNJ propaganda known as The Guardian. At this point it truly takes a certain level of ignorance and gullibility to be an anti Trumper. Sad!

Lefties are whack jobs. The disturbing part is they want that story to be true. Tells you all you need to know about the woke cult.

The closer to the election the more desperate they will get.

We need to remain vigilant as they will attempt to steal the election again.
Lefties are whack jobs. The disturbing part is they want that story to be true. Tells you all you need to know about the woke cult.

The closer to the election the more desperate they will get.

We need to remain vigilant as they will attempt to steal the election again.

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Well you've just linked to a page here, but I assume where you think you've explained it before are these bits;

Treason is punishable by death and if you listened to the whole phone call you’d know that Trump gave Brad the chance to do the right thing by identifying the evidence.
Treason, lol. Coz Trump says so, in complete absence of established evidentiary standards and proof.

Brad was asked on multiple occasions why he hadn’t responded to requests from Trump’s legal teams questions. Brad didn’t say much.
Oh? What requests were those? Find us some votes? Do yet another re-count/audit? Hey what about these affidavits?

I didn't respond or say much to a random disheveled bloke on the corner of Bourke St ranting at me to repent before the end times either. Gonna go ahead and assume the 'requests' from Trump's legal team would largely be the legal equivalent of this, just going by their track record round about this time :tearsofjoy:

Maybe they should have formalised those 'requests' via the courts instead of trying to back channel them, certainly once they got no traction with Raffensperger. Weird that they didn't eh? The fact that organised fraud has not once been alleged in any of Donnie's 60 odd court cases may be a pertinent data point here, to put it mildly.

Trump gave him a subtle warning about how this can be resolved without criminal retribution.
He did indeed, another shady and coercive effort in support of his demand to 'find' enough votes to flip that state for him. Only you could look at that and think it bolsters Trump's case rather than expose it for the sham it was :drunk:

Brad refused and will face the consequences of his actions soon.
As any rational professional would. Just checking if Brad has faced any consequences whatsoever since you made this post in January of '21 and.... nup. Shocked to be sitting here :tearsofjoy:

At this point I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you thought this nonsense qualifies as "we covered this 3 years ago", but god damn dude :drunk:

It's already unlawful for non citizens to vote in the USA. It's not only a Federal offence, but its also grounds for deportation and being barred from re-entry.

All the proposed new Bill does is require a person to bring 'proof of citizenship' to a voting station before they're allowed to vote.

Effectively anyone who lacks 'proof of citizenship' (650,000 Homeless US citizens to start with, and likely many more US citizens who lack such proof) will be denied the right to vote under this Bill.

Im not a huge fan of imposing impediments to voting. In fact I support mandatory voting, Democracy sausages and removing impediments to voting, and oppose many already existing impediments to voting (such as the law that prohibits convicted felons from voting in the USA).
It's already unlawful for non citizens to vote in the USA. It's not only a Federal offence, but its also grounds for deportation and being barred from re-entry.

All the proposed new Bill does is require a person to bring 'proof of citizenship' to a voting station before they're allowed to vote.

Effectively anyone who lacks 'proof of citizenship' (650,000 Homeless US citizens to start with, and likely many more US citizens who lack such proof) will be denied the right to vote under this Bill.

Im not a huge fan of imposing impediments to voting. In fact I support mandatory voting, Democracy sausages and removing impediments to voting, and oppose many already existing impediments to voting (such as the law that prohibits convicted felons from voting in the USA).

But are you ok with non-citizens being allowed to vote?

I wasn't allowed to vote in the UK until I became settled. I was fine with that. It's the way it should be. I also have to show I have a right to work in the UK. Again as it should be.

Just seems to me your making excuses because you know non citizen voting favours the Dems. If it favoured Trump you'd be screaming like a hyena.

That is obvious.
But are you ok with non-citizens being allowed to vote?

Generally speaking, No I'm not.

I wasn't allowed to vote in the UK until I became settled. I was fine with that. It's the way it should be. I also have to show I have a right to work in the UK. Again as it should be.

Just seems to me your making excuses because you know non citizen voting favours the Dems. If it favoured Trump you'd be screaming like a hyena.

That is obvious.


No, I'm saying it's already a Federal crime to register to vote if you're not a citizen, which carries with it the penalty of deportation and being barred from re-entry to the country (among other penalties).

My concern with a law of 'you must carry proof of citizenship to the voting polls in order to vote' is that in practice it will exclude hundreds of thousands of citizens from voting.

How many homeless people have easy access to 'proof of citizenship' handy on voting day (or indeed, ever)?

This disenfranchises a lot of poor people. That's my issue.

Trump just launched a nuke against election fraudsters

Promises that in his 2nd term he will be locking up those committing election fraud

Says “Republicans must pass the Save Act, or go home and cry yourself to sleep”

Finished it with “DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!”


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