NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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You can thank Trumps tariffs and tax cuts for the wealthy, both of which caused inflation (and prices) to spike.

Those tariffs got passed onto the consumer. This accelerated the cost of living crisis.

What economic policy of Biden do you think contributed to rising costs of living?

Do you think Kamala will carry on the superlative job Biden has done, or has he set the bar too high thereby setting his successor up for spectacular failure?

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The income tax cuts are overwhelmingly targeted towards high income earners (and corporate entities) so yes, removing the progressive elements of the tax system is underpinned by defunct notion of trickle down economics.

It's paid for by massive, massive deficits - it's corporate socialism that conservatives used to oppose.
It’s backed by an insolvent banking system that creates money out of thin air and then charges interest when it floods the financial system with this fake money. No wonder inflation is so high.
This money is then given to the MIC, Ukraine, Big Pharma, etc. They don’t need income tax. That’s just stealing from the productive side of the economy.
No, I asked you to point to the specific economic policy of Biden that has caused the cost of living crisis.

Don't be a coward. Tell me which policy of his it was that you think caused it.

Do you agree there is a cost of living crisis in 2024?

This is not a trick question. You don't have to look at wikipedia.

You can answer Yes or No.
banking system that creates money out of thin air

The banks create money out of loan repayments.

Loans (like gold or silver) are assets and have value:

In recent years, some have claimed that banks create money ‘ex nihilo’. This column explains that banks do not create money out of thin air. From an economic viewpoint, commercial banks create private money by transforming an illiquid asset (the borrower’s future ability to repay) into a liquid one (bank deposits); they would quickly be insolvent otherwise. In addition to bank solvency representing a constraint on private money creation, banks require access to liquid reserves in order to be able to engage in money creation.


When a Bank deposits money in your account, they create a deficit on their own account, with this deficit backed up by the asset of 'the value of money other people owe them' (instead of simply backed up by another asset, such as 'the value of Gold').

Arguing for a 'return to the Gold standard' is just arguing to replace one social construct with no inherent value other than what we choose to place on it (the value of gold as an asset) with another social construct with no inherent value other than the one we place on it (the value of an outstanding loan as an asset)

And in any event, what on earth makes you think that 'abolishing income tax' has anything to do with banking?
Do you agree there is a cost of living crisis in 2024?

This is not a trick question. You don't have to look at wikipedia.

You can answer Yes or No.

No, I asked you to point to the specific economic policy of Biden that has caused the cost of living crisis.

Don't be a coward. Tell me which policy of his it was that you think caused it.

Third time I've asked now.

From where I sit at present, you're either a coward for refusing to answer my question, or a lot less smart than you think you are, and cant answer my question.

I can point to two policies of Trump that directly contributed to it (tariffs on cheap overseas goods, drastically increasing the cost of commonly purchased items, coupled with tax cuts for corporations, which increase inflation).

Again - Which policy of Biden has caused the current cost of living crisis?
Trump has proposed getting rid of (Federal) income tax but simultaneously imposing tariffs (of up to 85 percent) on all imports to compensate.

In case you haven't switched on, the makers of the goods subject to the tariffs will foist that increase on the goods, resulting in stuff costing 85 percent more at the checkout.


It's crazy that the Republicans (the party of Adam Smith and trade liberalization) would even consider such a proposal:


The above was written over 200 years ago.

The USA is the worlds number 1 importer of goods. They import 3 trillion USD per year, comprising 15 percent of their total GDP.

The cost of living would skyrocket if Trump follows through on his plan.

You do get this right?
Trump applied tariffs to Chinese imports in his first term and it didn’t result in any significant increase in inflation. It actually encouraged some US companies to return to the US. It will definitely stop Chinese State owned manufacturing companies from producing EV’s in Mexico (I think).
Plus, it won’t be anywhere near 85%. This combined with a massive reduction in transportation costs due to a surge in oil drilling permits, no income taxes, the destruction of the criminal banking artel, etc will result in a new era of prosperity that will spread throughout the Western World.
No, I asked you to point to the specific economic policy of Biden that has caused the cost of living crisis.

Don't be a coward. Tell me which policy of his it was that you think caused it.

Third time I've asked now.

From where I sit at present, you're either a coward for refusing to answer my question, or a lot less smart than you think you are, and cant answer my question.

I can point to two policies of Trump that directly contributed to it (tariffs on cheap overseas goods, drastically increasing the cost of commonly purchased items, coupled with tax cuts for corporations, which increase inflation).

Again - Which policy of Biden has caused the current cost of living crisis?
Stopping America from being an oil exporter back to being an oil importer for starters.
No, I asked you to point to the specific economic policy of Biden that has caused the cost of living crisis.

Don't be a coward. Tell me which policy of his it was that you think caused it.

Third time I've asked now.

From where I sit at present, you're either a coward for refusing to answer my question, or a lot less smart than you think you are, and cant answer my question.

I can point to two policies of Trump that directly contributed to it (tariffs on cheap overseas goods, drastically increasing the cost of commonly purchased items, coupled with tax cuts for corporations, which increase inflation).

Again - Which policy of Biden has caused the current cost of living crisis?

When Biden took the white house, inflation was under 2%.

It is fair to suggest he made a few decisions which caused cost of living pressures for all Americans. Can you guess what some of them were?

You lot like to talk about long term consequences. Let's not forget the long term consequences of cancelling the Keystone pipleline, for example. Absolutely dumb decision.
The banks create money out of loan repayments.

Loans (like gold or silver) are assets and have value:


When a Bank deposits money in your account, they create a deficit on their own account, with this deficit backed up by the asset of 'the value of money other people owe them' (instead of simply backed up by another asset, such as 'the value of Gold').

Arguing for a 'return to the Gold standard' is just arguing to replace one social construct with no inherent value other than what we choose to place on it (the value of gold as an asset) with another social construct with no inherent value other than the one we place on it (the value of an outstanding loan as an asset)

And in any event, what on earth makes you think that 'abolishing income tax' has anything to do with banking?
Income tax is government’s favourite tool for paying back the interest on all the debt they hold with the criminal banking cartel.

It is the hope that Trump will end this by dismantling the Federal Reserve.
Income tax is government’s favourite tool for paying back the interest on all the debt they hold with the criminal banking cartel.

It is the hope that Trump will end this by dismantling the Federal Reserve.

When Trump was President the stock market was roaring and inflation was low. The average American enjoyed a good standard of living and reasonable food/gas prices.

There were no new wars to worry about. People were content and happy.

Those were the days when you could afford to go out, shout the family an ice cream, and enjoy the American Dream.

Fair to say those days are long gone.

Although it was almost snuffed out, there is still a glimmer of hope...


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Are you aware Blackrock conspiracies are mostly antisemitic in nature?

Same deal with conspiracies that target or blame the Rothschilds, Goldmans, Sachs, Warbergs etc.

On any conspiracy forum dedicated to the topic of the above, you'll see criticism of the above 'bankers/ financiers' side by side with blatant antisemitism.

Everything from putting their names in triple parenthesis (((like this))) which is code for 'the Jews' among white nationalists.

If you're curious, Hitlers entire world view was founded on his belief in the (false) conspiracy theory that (((international banking families and financiers))) - i.e. the Jews - were behind a secret plot to replace the white race of Europe, control all finance, fund all wars, weaken Germany, and control the markets, while simultaneously subvert white Germanic culture via 'cultural Marxism' (he called it 'Judeo bolshevism') by pushing 'degenerate art and culture' (i.e. woke stuff and LGBTI+ agenda) on the Germanic people.

The (((bankers))) were also responsible for the creation of the Soviet union, and Socialism and Communism generally.

To Hitler, these (((bankers and financiers))) were responsible for all of Germanies misfortunes and were the secret puppet masters who needed to be destroyed.

Just letting you know that the conspiracy you've been introduced to is not new, it's been around for a long time in many different forms, and it's deeply antisemitic in nature.

Know this before going down the rabbit hole you're going down.
So it's racist to call out / discuss the rich and powerful?
Awfully convenient.
Trump applied tariffs to Chinese imports in his first term and it didn’t result in any significant increase in inflation.

What it did was make those Chinese imports more expensive for Americans to purchase.

You do get that right? Tariffs are passed onto the consumer.

And guess who is buying cheap Chinese shit?

Billionaires, or your lot?
So it's racist to call out / discuss the rich and powerful?

No, its racist to assert a 'cabal of -Jewish- banking families, Hollywood elites and financiers' are trying to take over the world/ depopulate or replace the white race/ impose cultural Marxism/ peddle our kids out to rape and or cannibalize them etc.

Its a conspiracy that's been around for centuries, and one that Hitler believed in and why he hated the Jews so much.
Surely Biden removed all those tariffs?

So the policy of Biden that led to increased cost of living for Americans that you're finally going to give me, was him not undoing Trumps signature policy?

Several studies have examined the cost of the Section 301 tariffs on the U.S. economy. For example, economists Mary Amiti, Stephen J. Redding, and David Weinstein showed that by the end of the first year that the tariffs were in place, U.S. real income declined by $1.4 billion per month. More recently, trade analysts Tori Smith and Tom Lee from the American Action Forum found that U.S. consumers largely bore the brunt of the tariffs, paying a total of $48 billion—with half of this figure paid by U.S. firms that rely on intermediate inputs from China. A recent report by the United States International Trade Commission agreed that the cost of the tariffs was passed through to U.S. importers. Back in 2019, President Biden also agreed, stating, “Trump doesn’t get the basics. He thinks his tariffs are paid for by China. Any beginning econ student at Iowa or Iowa State could tell you the American people are paying his tariffs.”


Your argument is 'Trump made cost of living far worse for Americans, by making real income decline by 1.4 billion USD per month, with consumers (i.e. Americans) also out of pocket an additional 48 billion in increased cost of living pressure as a consequence of increased prices on shit... but really, it's Bidens fault for not reversing those tariffs'

Mate, it was Trumps bright idea to implement the tariffs, and he's been vocal about ramping them up (notwithstanding the impact its going to have on blue collar Americans that will no doubt vote for him).

You guys just dont get it. Trump doesnt give a **** about his supporter base. The whole thing is a massive grift so he can give his family and mates plumb jobs (again), pull the levers on the Stock Market, and make a fortune via insider trading.
JD Vance - bought and paid for by billionaires. No surprises.

Vance looks like a Thiel creation.
It is extremely concerning having the republican party beholden to someone like this.
The left side of politics (or the parties that are supposedly representing the left) have been so authoritarian and censoring and now the other side is looking just as bad.

There is a lot to be concerned about.
So the policy of Biden that led to increased cost of living for Americans that you're finally going to give me, was him not undoing Trumps signature policy?


Your argument is 'Trump made cost of living far worse for Americans, by making real income decline by 1.4 billion USD per month, with consumers (i.e. Americans) also out of pocket an additional 48 billion in increased cost of living pressure as a consequence of increased prices on shit... but really, it's Bidens fault for not reversing those tariffs'

Mate, it was Trumps bright idea to implement the tariffs, and he's been vocal about ramping them up (notwithstanding the impact its going to have on blue collar Americans that will no doubt vote for him).

You guys just dont get it. Trump doesnt give a **** about his supporter base. The whole thing is a massive grift so he can give his family and mates plumb jobs (again), pull the levers on the Stock Market, and make a fortune via insider trading.

Rather than ripping up Trump's tarrifs, Biden increased the tariffs on China.

He ripped up The Great Man's border policies though. That worked out well. :rolleyes:

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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