NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Is that similar to Army Reserve?
America has both. It's possible for our reservists to be sent to an overseas war if they put in a lot of training and ask nicely (as some of my mates did).

Anyway, there are other perfectly good political reasons to be critical of Walz, but there's nothing wrong with his military record. I'm guessing most guardsmen probably serve 2-3 years on average.

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You're aware Trump has a long (long) history of doing the exact opposite and firing everyone he appoints right?

Leaders need brave and competent people beside them.

If they prove they aren't competent, then you fire them.

Democrats don't typically do that though. They hire and reward mediocrity, and usually promote incompetence.
No real leaders, cowardly subordinates, and unelected decision makers.

Probably why the world is in such a mess.
Leaders need brave and competent people beside them.

He's fired every single appointment he's ever made besides his daughter Ivanka (and he openly admits to wanting to bang her, so there is that).

Does that perhaps give you any pause on the Great mans judgement?

He keeps hiring cretins, incompetent people, traitors and fools that he then has to fire.

If your boss at work kept hiring incompetent idiots, what does that say about your boss?
The ****ing disconnect of the cookers on here saying 'Yes Kamila is the literal child of a Black man, but she's not really Black' while the same breath also saying 'Transwomen cant be women because they were born with a penis' is mindblowing.
You’ve officially lost it
He's fired every single appointment he's ever made besides his daughter Ivanka (and he openly admits to wanting to bang her, so there is that).

Does that perhaps give you any pause on the Great mans judgement?

He keeps hiring cretins, incompetent people, traitors and fools that he then has to fire.

If your boss at work kept hiring incompetent idiots, what does that say about your boss?


Log off 4chan mate.


Vance will have a field day with this corrupt Chinese stooge.

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Do you support the draft, Muff?
And I support the "draft is for poor kids, rich kids pay for their exemptions" even less.

Log off 4chan mate.

Just playing 4D Chess.

He doesn't really hire incompetent morons (from the VP Pence, his media people, his Secretaries, advisors, all the way down the chain to his own personal lawyer).

It's just no-one can live up to his high standards and they pale in comparison to the Great man because he's the smartest person in the world, many fine people have told him how smart he is, he will take an IQ test to show how smart he is, just ask anyone, he's really really smart.


Watching you cookers cheer on this campaigner who gives precisely zero ****s about you is ****ing hilarious.
Ooof, more bad news lads

According to MAGA law I believe this means Harris has now won the 2024 election. FlowersByIrene please confirm :tearsofjoy:

Hmmn AI is really getting good at generating crowds.

But interestingly, those are pretty big crowds. Geeze, think how much the Harris campaign paid them all to be there!
Hmmn AI is really getting good at generating crowds.

But interestingly, those are pretty big crowds. Geeze, think how much the Harris campaign paid them all to be there!
Sorry mate, rally sizes > votes. I didn't make the rules (geez I wish that CrankItUp bloke was still posting here lol)

Ps. have you you've worked out what the **** you were talking about with this stream of consciousness fever dream?
I saw a good comment on this all over night that I think readily distilled the issue.

Does Kamala say the magic word? I don't recall her ever doing so. Obama definitely has.

If she comes out and drops it at her next rally, the issue will be put to bed.

I'll be happy to eat my words, if she does.
Hmm, would have thought that would be an easy one to argue against?

I rarely engage with people who are in an emotional state of mind.

I don't think it helps them, and the best course of action is to disengage and wait until their carer can assist them with their internet usage OR they leave the basement for some fresh air.

Starting off a post with "Bloke wants to bang his own daughter" doesn't really warrant a serious response.

Mal is usually engaged in multiple argumentative exchanges across the forum (He doesn't do friendly banter) and has admitted to frequenting extremist sites such as 4chan.

I think we sometimes forget we are posting anonymously on the arse end of an aussie sports forum, and take ourselves far too seriously.

I will let said poster cool down a bit and then revisit his post - hopefully after he has done some editing to make it more appropriate.
Sorry mate, rally sizes > votes. I didn't make the rules (geez I wish that CrankItUp bloke was still posting here lol)

Ps. have you you've worked out what the **** you were talking about with this stream of consciousness fever dream?
You really don't know what I'm talking about? Comeon, I thought you were more switched on than that.

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NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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