NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Do you just assume that there are no creeps who will claim to be a woman to gain access?

What's stopping them at the moment?

Like; let's assume we have an actual rapist and not someone who just needs to use the dunny. Either a cisman, ciswoman or transman or transwoman (pick one, it doesnt matter) who is literally just hanging out at toilets to rape someone.

That's what they're there to do. They're a full-blown rapist.

Do you think a sign on a toilet door saying 'women only' is going to deter that rapist in any way, shape or form, or serve as any form of impediment to a rape occurring, for any one of those gender identities or sexes, or for any of those victims?

You're arguing fantasist bullshit. Signs on toilet doors provide zero impediment to rapes happening in toilets (from cismen and from transwomen), and allowing transwomen to use female toilets (and changerooms) does not increase the odds of a ciswoman being r*ped.

Rapes are perpetrated overwhelmingly by cismen, and against women they know, and not by transwomen against strangers, in public toilets.

If there was some kind of demonstrable heightened risk you could show me, we could talk, but there isnt.

In your attempt to virtue signal you would put all women and girls in danger. You are the coward.

There is no demonstrable danger.

Are you saying allowing Cate McGreggor to use a female toilet, puts the other women in there in 'increased danger'?


Yes or No?

Dont be a coward, answer the question this time.
You're off the deep-end here Mal, you're literally arguing with yourself.

I've told you I don't want to engage in your Nazi-shadow hunting.

Do you believe in the white genocide conspiracy theory?

Yes or No?

Do you believe that a 'cabal of international financiers' like Blackrock and bunch of other investment firms, banking families and financiers like Soros/ the Rothschilds, Gates and the WEF (along with 'Hollywood elites') etc are behind an international conspiracy to impose 'global socialism' or 'cultural Marxism' via promoting a 'leftist agenda' on Western Society?

Yes or No?

Dont be a coward. Answer the questions.

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Yes, the most toxic abrasive and divisive persona to ever hold the office of POTUS, posting non-stop unfiltered ramblings about cancer inducing windmills and dishwasher water direct to the public on social media that had very recently become ubiquitous for the first time in human history.

Can't imagine how he generated infinitely more discussion than the buttoned-down establishment guys who came before him for all of US political history, its a perplexing one isn't it? :tearsofjoy:
Not perplexing, it is fascinating on a footy forum on the other side of the world.
Mal doesn't debate in good faith.

Says the campaigner who literally refuses to answer straightforward questions about his position or beliefs when they're put to him.

Dont be a coward, and answer the two questions above.

You wont, because you and I both know your answers already, and I also know you're smart enough to know that the answers (Yes to both) align you with what Hitler thought was going on.

At least dwell on that reluctance to answer privately for a bit and have a think about what it might say about the 'research' you've done and where it has led you.

Remember, I'm only here to help you. Not to have a go at you.
How weak of the Trump cult to try and disown their Nazi / right-wing nationalist links.

6MWE = 6 million wasn't enough, a holocaust reference. There's a reason white nationalists love Trump.

White genocide - No, i don't, I do believe that left wing governments attempt to import votes through unregulated or underregulated immigration with the intention of lowering the standard of living in society and buying votes through increased government spending to prop up their own existence.

Except migration does the opposite of each of those things.

It increases the standard of living and reduces government spending.

International elites imposing global socialism and cultural marxism - This is abundantly clear, but I don't consider their race has anything to do with it. Do you?

Ok so you believe in this:

"Cultural Marxism" refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory that misrepresents the Frankfurt School as being responsible for modern progressive movements, identity politics, and political correctness. The conspiracy theory posits that there is an ongoing and intentional academic and intellectual effort to subvert Western society via a planned culture war that undermines the supposed Christian valuesvof traditionalist conservatism and seeks to replace them with culturally liberal values.

A contemporary revival of the Nazi propaganda term "Cultural Bolshevism", the contemporary version of the conspiracy theory originated in the United States during the 1990s. Originally found only on the far-right political fringe, the term began to enter mainstream discourse in the 2010s and is now found globally. The conspiracy theory of a Marxist culture war is promoted by right-wing politicians, fundamentalist religious leaders, political commentators in mainstream print and television media, and white supremacist terrorists, and has been described as "a foundational element of the alt-right worldview". Scholarly analysis of the conspiracy theory has concluded that it has no basis in fact.


You're literally parroting an updated version of 'Cultural Bolshevism' and 'Jewish Bolshevism' and 'degenerate Art' where the Nazis asserted that there was a 'cabal of moneylenders, financiers, banking families and Hollywood elites' (the Jews) who were behind a plot to impose Socialism (and 'degenerate' LGBTI+ and socialist values) on 'the West' in an effort to weaken Western culture and take over the world via a Socialist one world government.

My next question for you:

Do you see the similarities between the two doctrines, Yes or No?
The only thing I see is you trying to defend your leftist beliefs by trying to tie any criticism of your beliefs and those who you support to N*zism.

It sickening, it's low effort and it's poor form, and it's why I don't want to discuss these things with you.

That's because you now see the similarities between 'Cultural Marxism' and 'Judeo Bolshevism'.

I'll help you out a bit with the two doctrines, comparing them side by side.

One theory posits that a 'cabal of moneylenders, financiers, global elites, the Rothschilds, and banking families' are seeking to impose a Socialist one world government, by weakening Western Culture with degenerate art, LGBTI+ perversion and leftist cultural values, and spreading a Socialist political agenda'

The other theory posits that a 'cabal of moneylenders, financiers, global elites, the Rothschilds, and banking families' are seeking to impose a Socialist one world government, by weakening Western Culture with degenerate art, LGBTI+ perversion and leftist cultural values, and spreading a Socialist political agenda'


Do you agree that the two conspiracies are virtually identical, with the only difference being 'Cultural Marxism' doesnt expressly call out the Jews as being the 'cabal of money lenders and financiers'.

Yes or No?

While you think about that question please pause for a second and consider the possibility that you've been red pilled by your computer algorithm into believing a Neo Nazi conspiracy.

Your next step (and its one that many on the 'alt right' side of politics has made) is to 'connect the dots' and see who this 'cabal of moneylenders and financiers' really are. Pete Evans took that step. As did these guys:


For the love of God, stop for a second and think.

I don't think you're a Nazi. I do think you're being unwittingly led down a path of believing in the same shit the Nazis believed though. You're literally 9/10 of the way there.
Not perplexing, it is fascinating on a footy forum on the other side of the world.
Well our culture is pretty americanised, we report on their politics extensively and even have live all day coverage of their elections on our local channels. I assume you acknowledge Trump is a pretty big talking point in the US, what happens here on this site is simply a reflection of that. There are threads specifically dedicated to the topic of US politics, always have been.

Compare that with an acquired psychological tic that sees many here unable to even mildly criticise a politician in another country (even for something as obviously critique-worthy as wandering into underage girls' dressing rooms) who probably couldn't find Australia on a map and wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire. Thats a level of slavish devotion you'd hardly ever see even for Australian pollies.

Reckon I know which one is more fascinating and, dare I say, weirder. Trump has broken people's brains alright, just not quite in the manner you guys imagine lol
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What's stopping them at the moment?

Like; let's assume we have an actual rapist and not someone who just needs to use the dunny. Either a cisman, ciswoman or transman or transwoman (pick one, it doesnt matter) who is literally just hanging out at toilets to rape someone.

That's what they're there to do. They're a full-blown rapist.

Do you think a sign on a toilet door saying 'women only' is going to deter that rapist in any way, shape or form, or serve as any form of impediment to a rape occurring, for any one of those gender identities or sexes, or for any of those victims?

You're arguing fantasist bullshit. Signs on toilet doors provide zero impediment to rapes happening in toilets (from cismen and from transwomen), and allowing transwomen to use female toilets (and changerooms) does not increase the odds of a ciswoman being r*ped.

Rapes are perpetrated overwhelmingly by cismen, and against women they know, and not by transwomen against strangers, in public toilets.

If there was some kind of demonstrable heightened risk you could show me, we could talk, but there isnt.

There is no demonstrable danger.

Are you saying allowing Cate McGreggor to use a female toilet, puts the other women in there in 'increased danger'?

View attachment 2086366

Yes or No?

Dont be a coward, answer the question this time.
The difference is now they can freely walk into the womens and no one will say anything. If a father attempted to stop a man entering the womens he would be charged with a hate crime, and you would be on here frothing at the mouth talking about nazis and all sorts.
Revert to me when you want to actually discuss facts and reality

Ahhh you're good value mate I'll give you that! :tearsofjoy:
The difference is now they can freely walk into the womens and no one will say anything.

Is there a forcefield stopping a cis male rapist from walking into a female toilet at the moment?

You think 'women's signs on toilet doors' are stopping male rapists from raping women in women's toilets? Jesus mate.

Sorry to break it to you mate, but a 'woman only' sign for a rapist is like a 'kids only' sign for a Paedo.

Rapes (and sexual assaults) are almost always in the home, with the offender almost always being a cis gendered man known to the usually cis gendered woman.

Allowing trans women to use female only toilets will have zero impact on rapes. There are already places that do it, and have studied it, and found literally zero increase in 'toilet rapes'.

Present to me the data that shows womens safety will actually decrease if we allow transwomen in.

I'll wait.

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Youre engaging in complete insanity. Youre not arguing with the realities of the issue, youre not debating whether the intentional destruction of society and our values is happening, is good or bad, at all, you are merely tying the critique of it, loosely, to the critique of a similar concept in the context of mid century European politics and demonizing it through the connection to an evil dictator.

Yes, that's actually true.

Before we can discuss the truth or merits of your 'Cultural Marxism' conspiracy, I want you to ****ing admit it's basically the same conspiracy as the 'Judeo Bolshevism' conspiracy that Hitler believed in, and that was his justification for the Holocaust.

Once you acknowledge that you've been (unwittingly) parroting a Nazi conspiracy for years, we can move onto the merits of the conspiracy itself.

You may have missed the bolding, I was just referring to your use of the word 'weird'. I think we need to leave that one in the quiver moving forward. It doesn't cut as close to home as you think.
Oh I think we both know it does mate. Thats what makes it so funny, the conservative response to it.

Skipper has been trying to flip the script for awhile now rather than simply ignoring it, just as one example.

Cheers. Your original post sounded rather weird changing toilets to changerooms.
It seemed weird why you would ask for a correction
it was weird to see posters on a footy forum on the other side of the world deranged by a reality TV host
Betfair is weird.
Well our culture is pretty americanised, we report on their politics extensively and even have live all day coverage of their elections on our local channels. I assume you acknowledge Trump is a pretty big talking point in the US, what happens here on this site is simply a reflection of that. There are threads specifically dedicated to the topic of US politics, always have been.
As I said, it has been going on for over 8 years now and many posters have been going not stop for most of that time. That is what I find fascinating.

I find the use language also fascinating. So the "on a footy forum on the other side of the world no less" comment from you, does not apply to you. That is fascinating.
He believes in the white genocide conspiracy theory.
White genocide - No, i don't

He's also posted numerous times about 'international financiers' like Blackrock and bunch of other (Jewish) investment firms, banking families and financiers like Soros/ the Rothschilds etc (plus non-Jewish ones like Gates and the WEF) being behind an international conspiracy to impose 'global socialism' or 'cultural Marxism' via promoting a 'leftist agenda'.
So he seems to have a problem with billionaires (of any ethnic group) and corporations exerting influence and political power through lobbying/bribery, and that has nothing to do with being Jewish/French/Japanese/Nigerian etc.
So he seems to have a problem with billionaires (of any ethnic group) and corporations exerting influence and political power through lobbying/bribery, and that has nothing to do with being Jewish/French/Japanese/Nigerian etc.

I didnt call him antisemitic. In fact, I expressly and repeatedly said he wasn't antisemitic and is simply parroting an antisemitic conspiracy unknowingly.

You're missing the point.

I said he believes that a 'cabal of moneylenders, financiers, global elites, the Rothschilds, and banking families' are seeking to impose a Socialist one world government, by weakening Western Culture with degenerate art, LGBTI+ perversion and leftist cultural values, and spreading a Socialist political agenda'

I also said that the Nazis and Hitler also believed that a 'cabal of moneylenders, financiers, global elites, the Rothschilds, and banking families' were seeking to impose a Socialist one world government, by weakening Western Culture with degenerate art, LGBTI+ perversion and leftist cultural values, and spreading a Socialist political agenda'... and that they used this belief as the basis for the Holocaust.

Or in other words, I told him the 'Cultural Marxist' conspiracy that he believes is real, is just a retelling of a centuries old antisemitic conspiracy (it actually predates the Nazis, before it was co-opted by them as their Judeo-Bolshevism conspiracy).

Heck I doubt he even knew what the Judeo-Bolshevism conspiracy even was before I told him. I wager he had no idea why Hitler hated the Jews so much, and why he persecuted them the way he did.

He's a member of the alt-right. Those guys literally have among their number Holocaust deniers like Nick Fuentes, White Genocide/ replacement theory conspiracists like... well most of them including mass killers like Anders Brevic, Brenton Tarrant and John Earnest. They have guys dressed in actual Nazi uniforms, heling Hitler and chanting 'the Jews will not replace us' at rallies in Charlottsville and elsewhere.

He hangs out on online spaces with clowns with those exact views, and no doubt consumes content online from influencers who pander to that exact same crowd (Fuentes is one such influencer).

I'm trying to explain to him it's not 'sheer co-incidence' that after doing 'his own research' in spaces filled with Neo Nazis, and consuming content online pushing Nazi adjacent material, he now happens to believe in an antisemitic conspiracy theory that the Nazis also believed in

Those two things are connected.

I see it with the 'natural health' and 'wellness and crystals' people (Pete Evans types). Most of them are now full-blown fascists crapping on about how 'Hitler was right about the Jews'.

The friend conceded that Jane was ill, but insisted it must be something other than Covid-19, because Covid wasn’t real. Jane’s hospital stay was thankfully short, but by the time she was sufficiently recovered and restrictions had lifted enough to allow her to rejoin her meditation group, things were very different.

“They have been moving generally to far-right views, bordering on racism, and really pro-Russian views, with the Ukraine war,” she says. “It started very much with health, with ‘Covid doesn’t exist’, anti-lockdown, anti-masks, and it became anti-everything: the BBC lie, don’t listen to them; follow what you see on the internet.”

It doesn’t stop with a few videos shared among friends, either. One of the leaders of the German branch of the QAnon movement – a conspiracy founded on the belief that Donald Trump was doing battle with a cabal of Satanic paedophiles led by Hillary Clinton and George Soros, among others – was at first best known as the author of vegan cookbooks. In 2021, Attila Hildmann helped lead a protest that turned violent, with protesters storming the steps of Germany’s parliament. Such was his radicalism in QAnon and online far-right circles that he was under investigation in connection with multiple alleged offences, but he fled Germany for Turkey before he could be arrested.

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The difference is now they can freely walk into the womens and no one will say anything. If a father attempted to stop a man entering the womens he would be charged with a hate crime, and you would be on here frothing at the mouth talking about nazis and all sorts.

What was the father doing in the women's bathroom?
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