NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Give me an example.

You're going to say 'taking a perfectly safe and efficacious vaccine, for the overall good of society and to reduce harm to my fellow citizens, and avoid placing an undue burden on our Health care system' aren't you?

You still sooking over that? When are the 'international financiers' going to impose global lockdowns for 'socialist control' or whatever you thought they were doing again?
Not sooking, just pointing out your hypocrisy. You can't claim you are for individual rights then do a 180 when the man says so.
Antisemitism is rife in the Arab Islamic community as well.

Of course, a lot of them have family in Palestine getting genocided by Israel so they have some understandable grounds for hatred (not that I support that antisemitism).
Wow, really? Of all the things they could have chanted they chose that, and you're still making excuses? Prior form would have you writing off the whole protest movement based off of that chant.
Not sooking, just pointing out your hypocrisy. You can't claim you are for individual rights then do a 180 when the man says so.

I'm not being hypocritical; you're just being deliberately obtuse.

I said, 'As a liberal I believe the State can only make laws when those laws are reasonably necessary to protect people from harm and are proportionate to that harm'.

The 'harm' in question during COVID was 'tens of thousands of Australians dead, and the health system overwhelmed' and 'online misinformation peddled by conspiracy theorists cooking vulnerable isolated people into refusing to take a safe and efficacious vaccine'.

Vaccination mandates, lockdowns and mask orders were proportionate responses by a liberal State to those (very real, and very severe) harms.

Liberals don't argue for 'States making no laws'. We're not Anarchists. We argue the State has an obligation to make laws to prevent harm to individuals, in a proportionate manner to that harm.

That's why we have laws for driving on the road, against murder and theft and rape and assault, regulating trade and commerce, for family law and the list goes on and on and on.

Fascists have no such barrier. They make laws to protect 'the State', not the individual.

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Wow, really? Of all the things they could have chanted they chose that, and you're still making excuses? Prior form would have you writing off the whole protest movement based off of that chant.

Im not making excuses, Im saying the context is a little different.

If Israel bombed your house, and killed your family, I'd be a little more forgiving of antisemitic comments from you than I would some ****wad Neo Nazi suggesting 'Six million wasnt enough' because of some unfounded feat that Jews are 'trying to impose world Socialism on everyone'.
Don't forget the people at the opera house chanting gas the jews.

This has been debunked. It didn't happen.

The fact that your ideology has a foundation of tissue paper is being exposed. You have no logical consistency in your thoughts, other than whatever your leftist overlords tell you. This is a pathetic post.

What on earth are you talking about?

Allow me to ask you the same question as what I answered.

Do you think its illogical for some Palestinians to display antisemitism, in light of the fact Palestinian children are being cluster bombed daily?

Yes or No will suffice.

For what its worth, a significant number of Israelis also display rampant Islamophobia, so its probably a wash in that regard.
Two posts back to back exposing the fact that the left wing autocracy is the furthest thing from a liberal political state.

  • Medical tyranny was justifiable

It wasnt tyranny.

It was a proportionate response to a global pandemic that literally killed tens of millions of people.

  • Arabs chanting Nazi rhetoric aren't anti-semites

I didnt say that dickhead. I said the exact opposite.

I said a significant number of Arab Muslims blatantly are antisemites.

Their hatred of Israel often spills over into antisemitism, just like Israeli hatred of Arab Muslims often spills over into Islamophobia.
I think it is illogical to hate an entire race for the actions of the Israeli state, yes.

So do I.

Does it surprise you that they do though?

Ever spoken to an Aussie digger who fought the Japanese in WW2 about what they thought of the enemy?

I just find that your clear support for anti-semitism to be concerning and hypocritical given your accusations of others as being Nazi sympathisers.

Where the **** did I support antisemitism?

Saying 'Palestinian Arab Muslims are often antisemitic, and this is why' is not supporting antisemitism, anymore than saying 'Nazi flogs are often antisemitic, and this is why' is supporting antisemitism.
You saying "it isn't tyranny" doesn't mean anything. The fact is you're wrong.

No, Im not.

And the overwhelming majority of people in this country agree with me:

https://melbourneinstitute.unimelb....ustralians are,at the University of Melbourne.

The only people that don't, are you and your cohort, and seeing as that includes Pete Evans, Wellness influencers, Conspiracy kooks, life coaches, and Neo Nazis and the rest of the cooker 'Freedom movement' Im comfortable that Im right, and you're wrong.

The fact that you claim to be a traditional liberal

Traditional liberalism (i.e. libertarianism) is dead.

Liberals have moved on from that bullshit a long time ago.
You support it by not calling it out in the same way that you have hunted Nazis for 20 pages in this thread.

You think that after 20 pages of decrying antisemitism and saying they're all shitcampaigners, and literally being the staunchest opposition to antisemitism in this thread, I suddenly support antisemitism by not expressly saying its shit when I label some Palestinian Arabs antisemites?

That's the most ****ing crazy logic I've ever heard.

Yet you don't, because your brainwashing courtesy of modern intersectional theory tells you that Muslims are a protected class and therefore cannot be criticised.

What the actual **** are you on about?

In addition to literally calling a significant number out as antisemites a few posts back, I've repeatedly criticized Islam for over 15 years on this site.

Mate I am no fan of Islam (or any other religion) and I acknowledge that among all the Abrahamic faiths, Islam is the most prone to radicalisation, fundamentalism and more.

Islamic terrorism is the number 1 threat at the moment
(followed closely by Right wing nutters).

You want to talk about ISIS and Salafi Wahabism, then lets talk about that.

I'll start. 'They're shitcampaigners with a dangerous fundamental literal interpretation of the Quran that lends itself to extremism and terror. They should be roundly called out and opposed at every step'.

If Hamas had Israels current military and economic superiority, and Israel was a small strip of walled in land in Gaza, do you think the result would be any different?

For examples of how Jewish people are treated as second class citizens (at best) or outright targeted in Islamic States, look at pretty much every single other Islamic State both contemporary and historical. And that's before you get into the animosity many Palestinian Arabs have towards Jewish people generally on account of Israels actions over the past 70 odd years.

If Hamas could, they'd declare the entire territory of mandatory Palestine as an Islamic State (they already do this by the way) and would purge all Jewish people off those lands.

I don't think you understand the Islamic concept of Martyrdom:

Istishhad - Wikipedia

And again, a significant number of Palestinians (over half) think that suicide attacks are 'often' or 'sometimes' justified.

Chapter 4. Views of Extremist Groups and Suicide Bombing

Which probably explains this:

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia

But keep your fingers in your ears and your blindfold on as much as you want, I guess. 'Hamas doesn't support civilians to engage in suicide attacks' even after they not only admit doing it, but also literally claim responsibility for scores of suicide attacks in Palestine above.

Up to you.

It's one of my two biggest issues with Islam. The political nature of it.

My other issue with it is it's propensity to a literalist and fundamentalist interpretation of its holy book (positions the other Abrahamic faiths have largely moved past), which is particularly troublesome regarding that holy books open condoning of defensive war, and a moral code stuck in the 8th century.

I have no beef with Muslims, any more than I do with Christians, Scientologists, Jews, Buddhists or whomever. You believe what you want to believe, and practice how you want to practice. As long as it doesnt harm anyone else, I dont care.

No, Islam is extremely right wing.

Fundamentalist Islam even more so.

Remember, Right wing implies belief that hierarchies are normal, inevitable or desirable. Islam (like many religions) is often patriarchal, reactionary, homophobic, misogynistic, and all about 'social order'.

It has that in common with Nazism and similar far right-wing ideologies, plus both Neo Nazis and Islamic fundies also really really hate the Jews.

It's a feature of the religion. 'I am the final prophet, there will be no more, and what I say is the way it is supposed to be forever' obviously leaves little room for true innovation or change.

That said, places like Saudi Arabia and Qatar etc are certainly changing, and at a rather crazy rate.

Unlike Judaism which (while it has its ultra orthodox literallists) also has reform Judaism and much more liberal interpretations. Christianity also largely followed suite in most denominations after the reformation.

Islam has largely struggled to make the same reforms.

It's a real thing, like antisemitism is.

I've long stated I have no problem being critical of religions (including Islam, or Judaism). There is plenty to be critical of in Islam, as can be seen with its tendency towards fundamentalism and what we see in ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Taliban etc.

Religion is indeed a social construct. Honestly, most things are; religion, race, gender, nationality, money, culture, customs, laws etc.

Islam (particularly fundamentalist Islam) is reactionary, homophobic, misogynistic, patriarchal, conservative etc. It's very right wing. As are many religions (especially Abrahamic religions).

Do I look like Im not being critical of Islam with the above posts?

Can we at least admit that again, you're ****ing miles off it?

You're so red-pilled by the algorithm, you see a centrist like me as a 'radical left Marxist'. It's ****ing hilarious.
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The majority of Australians are idiots.

When you look around you at 'freedom rallies', and see Pete Evans, '5G causes COVID' people, Fremantle Blazing swan dickheads, middle aged unemployed female 'life coaches' with crystal collections and windcatchers, Neo Nazis, conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat wearers, and a significant amount of out and out cookers, while you're relegated to posting online with GG Rides Again BlueE Lebbo73 Stokey and other luminaries of that nature, has it ever occurred to you that you're the one on the same side as the idiots?

Just some food for thought there mate.
When you look around you at 'freedom rallies', and see Pete Evans, '5G causes COVID' people, Fremantle Blazing swan dickheads, middle aged unemployed female 'life coaches' with crystal collections and windcatchers, Neo Nazis, conspiracy theorists and tin foil hat wearers, and a significant amount of out and out cookers, while you're relegated to posting online with GG Rides Again BlueE Lebbo73 Stokey and other luminaries of that nature, has it ever occurred to you that you're the one on the same side as the idiots?

Just some food for thought there mate.
Lol. I have never posted about any of this stuff but happy for you to waste time proving that I did.

No go to bed and dream about once again being accepted into the Nazis.

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You think that after 20 pages of decrying antisemitism and saying they're all shitcampaigners, and literally being the staunchest opposition to antisemitism in this thread, I suddenly support antisemitism by not expressly saying its shit when I label some Palestinian Arabs antisemites?

That's the most ****ing crazy logic I've ever heard.

What the actual **** are you on about?

In addition to literally calling a significant number out as antisemites a few posts back, I've repeatedly criticized Islam for over 15 years on this site.

Do I look like Im not being critical of Islam with the above posts?

Can we at least admit that again, you're ****ing miles off it?

You're so red-pilled by the algorithm, you see a centrist like me as a 'radical left Marxist'. It's ****ing hilarious.
It's quoting itself now.

This meltdown is literally one for the ages.
So you support lockdowns and vaccine mandates then?

Because all I said above, was you did not, and were opposed to them.

Yay for Stokey. You've finally come around.
Where did you say that?

You mentioned freedom rallies and the people that were at them.

I never went to a freedom rally so you've got me wrong again.

Now go and have your 10th jab and dream of 2020 when fascism and authoritarianism ruled.
Where did you say that?

You mentioned freedom rallies and the people that were at them.

Yes, but I mentioned you in the context of his online cohort, not people at rallies.


...while you're relegated to posting online with GG Rides Again BlueE Lebbo73 Stokey and other luminaries of that nature, has it ever occurred to you that you're the one on the same side as the idiots?

I glaze over most of your posts so I actually wasnt aware.

Maybe if you read them, you wouldn't get caught out posting nonsense as much as you do.

I said you were one of his online idiot luminaries, not an idiot at a Freedom rally.
Yes, but I mentioned you in the context of his online cohort, not people at rallies.


...while you're relegated to posting online with GG Rides Again BlueE Lebbo73 Stokey and other luminaries of that nature, has it ever occurred to you that you're the one on the same side as the idiots?

Maybe if you read them, you wouldn't get caught out posting nonsense as much as you do.

I said you were one of his online idiot luminaries, not an idiot at a Freedom rally.
You were trying to paint me as something that I am not and I called you out on it. Couldnt give a shit about your context. You know what you were doing. Now keep me out of it.
You were trying to paint me as something that I am not and I called you out on it.

No, I said you were @FlowersByIrenes online cohort. Here. On this board. With the other conspiracists.

Which you are.

You know, the people that 'are not idiots, and got it right' unlike the rest of the population.

Go back and read.
No, I said you were @FlowersByIrenes online cohort. Here. On this board. With the other conspiracists.

Which you are.

You know, the people that 'are not idiots, and got it right' unlike the rest of the population.

Go back and read.

Read your reams of shit. Not likely.
Do you often form opinions and make judgements of written text, without reading it?

And then when its pointed out to you what the text actually says, you double down on your ignorance, because you simply cant admit you were wrong?

It explains a lot to be frank.

Mate, Im not sure what you are going through IRL but you seem to be in a battle with yourself and are taking it out on people here.

That is the truly sad bit.

As mentioned sincerely before, I hope you come out the other side ok.
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