NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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I know it's not politically correct to do this anymore.

But I'm just going to come out and say it anyway.

Anyone who puts so much time and effort into downplaying, minimising, defending or dismissing facts about neo-Nazis/white supremacists/fascism etc (or personally attack the people who bring it up) do so... because they support it and have shared values.

If anyone responded in the same way to discussions around human trafficking or paedophilia, we'd all instantly be instantly suspicious of their motives.

But when it comes to the literal neo-Nazi movement in Australia, we have to pretend that no one in this thread knew it even existed until Malifice tricked them into knowledge. And he's the problem, not the neo-Nazi movement.

Why are so many people in this thread so angry at Malifice because he hates the neo-Nazi movement?
Why are so many people in this thread so casual about the rapid growth and displays of neo-Nazis in Australia recently?
Why are so many people in this thread so angry at Malifice because he hates the neo-Nazi movement?

They won't slag off the Nazis because they know they're on their side of the piquet lines and support the same conspiracies and political candidates that they do (Trump).

I have literal Marxists on my side of the political spectrum, and Im happy to call their bullshit out for what it is.

You can quite literally show them how the conspiracies they believe in are word for word identical to what the Nazis believed in and nothing. You can show them actual Nazis at their rallies, and in their online spaces and nothing. You can show them actual Nazis openly praising their beliefs and candidates and nothing. You can show them evidence that Nazis are using this as an opportunity to recruit and spread antisemitic conspiracies, and nothing.

It's like how they deny Russian misinformation campaigns (proof of which is contained in literal terabytes of actual data, and supported by the intelligence communities of everywhere, and not doubted by anyone other than cookers), while simultaneously believing literally everything the Russians are putting out there as a narrative, online.

Its cultish.

I blame the internet.

I'd also blame lack of education, but FlowersByIrene claims to have an actual degree from Murdoch university (which I doubt but am prepared to take on face value).

No offence FlowersByIrene but I can't see anyone who seriously contemplates as a real possibility that a President of the USA is dead and has been replaced by a body double as a serious possibility, or who is so dismissive of Russian disinformation campaigns, or so ignorant of political science and history could have the critical thinking skills to obtain a tertiary degree, let alone one in actual Political Science (especially from the very left leaning Murdoch uni).

I'll take it on face value that you do though.
I know it's not politically correct to do this anymore.

But I'm just going to come out and say it anyway.

Anyone who puts so much time and effort into downplaying, minimising, defending or dismissing facts about neo-Nazis/white supremacists/fascism etc (or personally attack the people who bring it up) do so... because they support it and have shared values.

If anyone responded in the same way to discussions around human trafficking or paedophilia, we'd all instantly be instantly suspicious of their motives.

But when it comes to the literal neo-Nazi movement in Australia, we have to pretend that no one in this thread knew it even existed until Malifice tricked them into knowledge. And he's the problem, not the neo-Nazi movement.

Why are so many people in this thread so angry at Malifice because he hates the neo-Nazi movement?
Why are so many people in this thread so casual about the rapid growth and displays of neo-Nazis in Australia recently?
Thanks for this amazing insight Martin.

No one is downplaying Nazis.

We get angry at Mal becuase he literally thinks we are Nazis. Its because he spends way too much of his time
following actual neo-nazis on sites like reddit and 4chan then comes on here and accuses us of being one because thats all he thinks about.

If someone on here was to call you a pedophile and you defended yourself by saying you are not. Are you diminishing pedophillia?

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They won't slag off the Nazis because they know they're on their side of the piquet lines and support the same conspiracies and political candidates that they do (Trump).

I have literal Marxists on my side of the political spectrum, and Im happy to call their bullshit out for what it is.

You can quite literally show them how the conspiracies they believe in are word for word identical to what the Nazis believed in and nothing. You can show them actual Nazis at their rallies, and in their online spaces and nothing. You can show them actual Nazis openly praising their beliefs and candidates and nothing. You can show them evidence that Nazis are using this as an opportunity to recruit and spread antisemitic conspiracies, and nothing.

It's like how they deny Russian misinformation campaigns (proof of which is contained in literal terabytes of actual data, and supported by the intelligence communities of everywhere, and not doubted by anyone other than cookers), while simultaneously believing literally everything the Russians are putting out there as a narrative, online.

Its cultish.

I blame the internet.

I'd also blame lack of education, but FlowersByIrene claims to have an actual degree from Murdoch university (which I doubt but am prepared to take on face value).

No offence FlowersByIrene but I can't see anyone who seriously contemplates as a real possibility that a President of the USA is dead and has been replaced by a body double as a serious possibility, or who is so dismissive of Russian disinformation campaigns, or so ignorant of political science and history could have the critical thinking skills to obtain a tertiary degree, let alone one in actual Political Science (especially from the very left leaning Murdoch uni).

I'll take it on face value that you do though.
This is really a you problem.
We get angry at Mal becuase he literally thinks we are Nazis.

I've repeatedly expressly said the opposite. I've said that many on this site are unwittingly parroting Neo Nazi conspiracies.

I've called no-one on here antisemitic, let alone a Nazi (although I have my doubts with Lebbo73 and GG Rides Again re antisemitism).

I've dealt with Nazis on this site. They've sent me death threats.

Youd know this but you dont read my posts, you just dribble utter shit and accuse me of saying the opposite of what I actually said.

By your own admission.
I've repeatedly expressly said the opposite. I've said that many on this site are unwittingly parroting Neo Nazi conspiracies.

I've called no-one on here antisemitic, let alone a Nazi (although I have my doubts with Lebbo73 and GG Rides Again re antisemitism).

I've dealt with Nazis on this site. They've sent me death threats.

Youd know this but you dont read my posts, you just dribble utter shit and accuse me of saying the opposite of what I actually said.

By your own admission.
We aren't Nazis but we spout Nazi conspiracies. Got it.

We are either Nazis or we aren't. You are trying to walk both sides of the road.

You are subjected to more Nazi content voluntarily than anyone here. But it's all for 'research'. You live and breath this stuff.

You've received death threats from Nazis on an AFL football forum? Did they introduce themselves as a Nazi? I call bullshit.
You are so far gone you're making shit up now just to discredit pisters you dont agree with. As I said this is a you problem.

Ever asked yourself why you are on here arguing with us and not your own board
We aren't Nazis but we spout Nazi conspiracies. Got it.

Good. It took a while, but we got there in the end.

You've received death threats from Nazis on an AFL football forum? Did they introduce themselves as a Nazi? I call bullshit.


Go **** yourself low life campaigner. Death to communists like yourself.
I will find you at some petty court hearing and **** yiu up campaigner. Traitors to our country deserve to die. Ill spot a fat pig mouth breathing soy bitch from a mile off and bash your head in. Youkl get yours, and youll wish you never came across me as the communist campaigner you are.

Watch your back, Malifice.
Weak as piss shit campaigner. I cant wait for civil war so i gut shit stain communist campaigners like you
Ill ****ing kill you
Anitifa fascist scum campaigner

Feel free to examine his posts (they're the same dude) where he openly spruikes Nazi shit, anti immigration nonsense, white power shit and worse.

Those I havent deleted of course. So most of the worst ones are gone.

He's just one of the pleasant people I get to engage with on a daily basis. Grumpy old campaigners like you are the least of my problems.

You dont see what I do. There are some genuine shitcampaigner Nazis floating around these parts.
Good. It took a while, but we got there in the end.


Feel free to examine his posts (they're the same dude) where he openly spruikes Nazi shit, anti immigration nonsense, white power shit and worse.

Those I havent deleted of course. So most of the worst ones are gone.

He's just one of the pleasant people I get to engage with on a daily basis. Grumpy old campaigners like you are the least of my problems.

You dont see what I do. There are some genuine shitcampaigner Nazis floating around these parts.
That is shit I agree but was your anonymity ever breached? Sincerely hope not.

But why paint us with the same brush?

There are shit people on both sides unfortunately. There are people on this site who want indigenous children taken from their mother because she denies climate change.

You know what happens to those posters? They remain a mod of Bigfooty and are protected.

That is why your indignation fall flat.
But why paint us with the same brush?

I have repeatedly and expressly stated I do not think you are Nazis, or even antisemites. Not once have I painted you with the same brush.

I have expressly said, you blokes unwittingly are parroting modernized Nazi conspiracies, that the Nazis used as justification for the Holocaust.

Seeing as you're not actually antisemitic (or a Nazi) I would have thought you might find that interesting, and look into it a bit more, notice the striking similarities between the claims made on here of 'a cabal of international bankers and financiers, all with Jewish sounding names, tying to impose Socialism on the west and impose Marxism as part of a plot for world domination and subjugation of Western Culture' and the shit the Nazis were saying (as a hint, it's the same thing, only they were a lot more open about who this 'cabal of globalists, financiers, and bankers' really were).

Or in other words, maybe motivate you to examine those claims, where you got them (the internet, in spaces with open Neo Nazis floating around, praising Trump etc) and critically reevaluate them.

If I was unknowingly parroting a Nazi conspiracy as gospel (and one I likely discovered 'doing my own research' online, in spaces frequented by Neo Nazis), I'd certainly want to know.

Maybe that's just me though.

Again, Im here to help you. Not to demonize you, or 'win' any arguments.
I have repeatedly and expressly stated I do not think you are Nazis, or even antisemites. Not once have I painted you with the same brush.

I have expressly said, you blokes unwittingly are parroting modernized Nazi conspiracies, that the Nazis used as justification for the Holocaust.

Seeing as you're not actually antisemitic (or a Nazi) I would have thought you might find that interesting, and look into it a bit more, notice the striking similarities between the claims made on here of 'a cabal of international bankers and financiers, all with Jewish sounding names, tying to impose Socialism on the west and impose Marxism as part of a plot for world domination and subjugation of Western Culture' and the shit the Nazis were saying (as a hint, it's the same thing, only they were a lot more open about who this 'cabal of globalists, financiers, and bankers' really were).

Or in other words, maybe motivate you to examine those claims, where you got them (the internet, in spaces with open Neo Nazis floating around, praising Trump etc) and critically reevaluate them.

If I was unknowingly parroting a Nazi conspiracy as gospel (and one I likely discovered 'doing my own research' online, in spaces frequented by Neo Nazis), I'd certainly want to know.

Maybe that's just me though.

Again, Im here to help you. Not to demonize you, or 'win' any arguments.
Can you point to a post where I have made an unwittingly nazi post?

Please help me with my affliction oh Nazi whisperer.

And I dont think someone who thinks indigenous children should be taken from their mother for ideological reasons should remain a mod.

But maybe thats just me.
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So why did you tag me in the first place?

I said you were one of the idiots FlowersByIrene hangs out with online.

I didnt call you a Nazi. I called you an idiot that uncritically hangs out with people that do espouse antisemitic conspiracies, posting the odd curmudgeonly drivel, never quite getting what the people around you are talking about.

Because by your own admission, you don't even read the posts you respond to.

Really, at this stage, Im just paraphrasing you.

And the exact 'play dumb' reply I expected.

No seriously, what the **** are you on about with 'supporting removing Aboriginal children from parents over ideological differences'.

Did you just pluck that one out of your ass again?

Not only do I not know what you're talking about, I have no idea how you got there from what we were talking about.

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I said you were one of the idiots FlowersByIrene hangs out with online.

I didnt call you a Nazi. I called you an idiot that uncritically hangs out with people that do espouse antisemitic conspiracies, posting the odd curmudgeonly drivel, never quite getting what the people around you are talking about.

Because by your own admission, you don't even read the posts you respond to.

Really, at this stage, Im just paraphrasing you.

No seriously, what the **** are you on about with 'supporting removing Aboriginal children from parents over ideological differences'.

Did you just pluck that one out of your ass again?

Not only do I not know what you're talking about, I have no idea how you got there from what we were talking about.
Hint. Rhymes with Cough.

And i hang out with FlowersByIrene online as much as you do.

You are, as is usually the case, jumping at shadows.
I'm not being hypocritical; you're just being deliberately obtuse.

I said, 'As a liberal I believe the State can only make laws when those laws are reasonably necessary to protect people from harm and are proportionate to that harm'.

The 'harm' in question during COVID was 'tens of thousands of Australians dead, and the health system overwhelmed' and 'online misinformation peddled by conspiracy theorists cooking vulnerable isolated people into refusing to take a safe and efficacious vaccine'.

Vaccination mandates, lockdowns and mask orders were proportionate responses by a liberal State to those (very real, and very severe) harms.

Liberals don't argue for 'States making no laws'. We're not Anarchists. We argue the State has an obligation to make laws to prevent harm to individuals, in a proportionate manner to that harm.

That's why we have laws for driving on the road, against murder and theft and rape and assault, regulating trade and commerce, for family law and the list goes on and on and on.

Fascists have no such barrier. They make laws to protect 'the State', not the individual.
Do you believe in individual rights or not? The lockdowns weren't proportionate at all, in Vic we were locked down when a single 90+ year old man was in hospital with covid (you will be happy to know he survived).
Im not making excuses, Im saying the context is a little different.

If Israel bombed your house, and killed your family, I'd be a little more forgiving of antisemitic comments from you than I would some ****wad Neo Nazi suggesting 'Six million wasnt enough' because of some unfounded feat that Jews are 'trying to impose world Socialism on everyone'.
Criticise the banks in any way: You're a NAZI!
Chant 'gas the Jews': That's completely understandable

Never change Mal, not that I think you're capable of it.
Do you believe in individual rights or not? The lockdowns weren't proportionate at all, in Vic we were locked down when a single 90+ year old man was in hospital with covid (you will be happy to know he survived).
It could be Covid, monkeypox or Irritable Nazi Syndrone. Thegy dont care. They just need an excuse to be controlled.
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