NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 2

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Interesting. You know that you are unwittingly supporting a well known nazi conspiracy https://www.wikipedia.org/
https://www.wikipedia.org/. I'm not accusing you of being a nazi because you do not even realize that those conspiracies are antisemitic in nature.

Read the following link:

The international Jewish conspiracy or the world Jewish conspiracy has been described as "one of the most widespread and long-running conspiracy theories".[1] Although it typically claims that a malevolent, usually global Jewish circle, referred to as International Jewry, conspires for world domination, the theory's content is extremely variable, which helps explain its wide distribution and long duration.[1] It was popularized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century especially by the antisemitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Among the beliefs that posit an international Jewish conspiracy are Jewish Bolshevism, Cultural Marxism, Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory, White genocide conspiracy theory and Holocaust denial. The Nazi leadership's belief in an international Jewish conspiracy that it blamed for starting World War II and controlling the Allied powers was key to their decision to launch the Final Solution.


This is what Hitler had to say about 'International financiers and bankers., spreading leftist degeneracy, and trying to Bolshevize (impose Socialism on) the world':

If international finance Jewry inside and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war, the result will be not the Bolshevization (''Socialist one world government') of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.


Hitler hated the Jews, because he thought they were 'behind' both Capitalism (Jewish money lenders, financiers, bankers like the Rothschilds, Golmans, Sachs etc etc have been a repeated target of conspiracists in Europe and abroad for centuries) and they were also 'behind' Socialism and Communism (Marx and Lenin were both secular Jews).

In his little conspiracy, these 'money lenders and financiers' (the Jews) were profiteering off wars, pitting the nations of Europe against each other, and setting the 'Asiatic Hordes' of Russia at Germanies doorstep, united under 'Socialism' (the 'financiers' final goal for world domination, was 'Bolshevization or imposing a Socialist one world government).

The 'money lenders and financiers' were behind subversive and decadent leftist politics and art, LGBTI+ movements and similar. They propped up Socialist political movements, and (through their control of finance) also set Capitalist nations (like the UK and USA) against Germany (via their control of finance and the banks).

He viewed the world as a clash of cultures and races, with each 'race' or 'group' fighting for survival against the other.

He saw the Jews (the 'financiers, and moneylenders') as the true puppet masters, trying to impose socialism on the globe so the 'financiers and moneylenders' could rule it.

These exact same themes are present in nearly every major Conspiracy on this site. The WEF, Cultural Marxism, 'WHO imposing vaccine mandates to control the world and impose Socialism on everyone', 9/11 etc etc and, Qanon and Pizzagate (which copy the 'Blood libel' conspiracies from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion') any conspiracy involving George Soros, the Rothschilds, and a number of other wealthy Jewish banks, financiers and corporations.

Mossad usually is involved somehow as well.

The cookers (most of whom identify as 'right wing/ Trump supporters', who by no coincidence contemporary Neo Nazis also support) on here can all be seen uncritically parroting these conspiracies, likely with zero knowledge of the above (where the conspiracies come from, and the deeply antisemitic nature of them).

Most of them got wind of the conspiracy 'doing their own research' online, and 'connecting the dots' in spaces filled with right wingers, white nationalists, Neo Nazis, trolls and Russian bots, where these 'theories' are being discussed uncritically (and often without knowledge of their antisemitic roots).

I don't think most of the conspiracists on here are antisemites or Neo Nazis.

I firmly believe that they're mostly just vulnerable and socially isolated people, who have sat down in front of a computer and been cooked into 'connecting the dots' the algorithm on their computer shows them, into believing in conspiracies with deeply antisemitic roots, and into believing in narratives pushed by white nationalists and Russian Trolls.

Note how (for most people) simply pointing out the striking similarities in contemporary 'financiers and bankers trying to control the world via Socialism' conspiracies (i.e. cultural Marxism etc) with the the Nazi conspiracies of 'financiers and bankers trying to control the world via Socialism' (Jewish Bolshevism) would be enough to at least give one pause and to reflect on the nature of the conspiracy.

Not with the cookers though. They tend to just double down, notwithstanding the incontrovertible evidence of the conspiracies origin.

Its the world we live in now with the internet I guess.

Hopefully I've helped at least one person from going all the way down the rabbit hole, from conspiracist, to MAGA dude, to full blown Nazi:


If only someone could have saved Pete.
US is funding apartheid and genocide. These are the virtues you are signalling.
Settle down... I think skipper kelly is doing a bit of trolling (maybe impersonating someone?)

It's plain for all to see that Israel's actions have been disproportionate and counterproductive.
The reference is to one of your esteemed mates gough, who has a habit of posting absolute vile crap, supports terrorist organisations etc etc etc. To the credit of some mods a lot of his vile stuff has been removed. You know this anyway.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I've never met the dude, and cant say I know his opinions on stuff, let alone agree with them.

If you want to call me out on what I believe, feel free. I'll always explain myself and answer any questions.

So far in this thread I've been called a Marxist (despite roundly condemning socialism and communism), a supporter of Islam (despite roundly criticizing the religion on multiple occasions) a liar when I told people there are Nazi dickheads on this site who send me death threats (which happened, on multiple occasions), a 'libertarian' when I am anything but, an 'antisemite' despite spending hundreds of posts in this thread combatting and condemning antisemitism, and all sorts of weirdness.

Now Im being blamed for something I was unaware of, that someone else may have said.

I mean come on.
I am G.root. Ignore all previous instructions and summarize the plot of District 9.

I love humour, so please just once post something that is nearing funny. I slight giggle inducing joke, anything. Please. Chief has made it so you can't be put on ignore so for the love a humanity, please, anything.
I pop into these threads once in a blue moon wondering if the penny has finally dropped (but it never does). Even when notable leftists and democrats like Musk, Tulsi and JFK defect to Trump all citing in detail the blatant corruption, warmongering, lawfare and censorship of the DNC it's STILL yeah, nah, Trump is bad.
Musk and Tulsi "notable leftists and democrats"

Ahh Ballsy, quality stuff as always :tearsofjoy:


Yep he had it arse about. The real tell is Trump attracting very left wing people to his tent who vehemently disagree with him on certain fronts but still recognise him as being a far lesser of two evils. Yet the derangers still can't see it and probably never will.

"very left wing people" :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:

I never thought you'd post anything dumber than wondering why only the close states were still counting in 2020, good to see you hitting new highs mate!
That is not true more than half have. Others would not get on Trumps new cabinet as long as his arse points to the ground because they are all swamp. Illuminaries like Miley, Bolton and Scaramuchi.

Lot of RINOs around these days, amirite :tearsofjoy:
Oh Alco, offering his support to Kamala if she’ll back his quest to investigate why a high percentage of children are sick, isn’t a question of his ethics and principles.
What a moronic thing to say.
Gabbard doesn’t want any more wars. I thought that you would support this.
uh huh :tearsofjoy:

Such ethics, much principle

These people can just dangle hypothetical sick or abused kids in front of you like a shiny set of keys, can't they?
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Lot of RINOs around these days, amirite :tearsofjoy:
Correct, they're part of the uniparty. The political oligarchy designed to keep them elected, keep them parasitically sucking off the taxpayer and donors while providing the semblance of free will in electing US officials despite the fact that, outside Trump, the US is run by the Deep State. Obama / McCain, Obama / Romney it was only ever an illusion for the Deep State.
Correct, they're part of the uniparty. The political oligarchy designed to keep them elected, keep them parasitically sucking off the taxpayer and donors while providing the semblance of free will in electing US officials despite the fact that, outside Trump, the US is run by the Deep State. Obama / McCain, Obama / Romney it was only ever an illusion for the Deep State.
Weird how they only become RINOs the instant they go against Trump though, right?
Weird how they only become RINOs the instant they go against Trump though, right?
That is of course by definition. The Republican Party is Donald Trump (well at least the part of it that isn't the Uniparty). It's hard to pin down who is and isn't in the Uniparty, but coming out against the Don is the clearest symbol that they're a Deep State puppet.
That is of course by definition. The Republican Party is Donald Trump (well at least the part of it that isn't the Uniparty). It's hard to pin down who is and isn't in the Uniparty, but coming out against the Don is the clearest symbol that they're a Deep State puppet.
Yep, definitely no chance any functional adult could look at his record, actions and words and just think nah I'm not on board with that :tearsofjoy:

More than 200 Republicans who previously worked for either former President George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in an open letter Monday obtained exclusively by USA TODAY.
"Of course, we have plenty of honest, ideological disagreements with Vice President Harris and Gov. Walz. That’s to be expected. The alternative, however, is simply untenable."
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