NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

How long before Musk & Trump have a major rift?

  • Under one month

  • Under six months

  • Under one year

  • Under two years

  • Not happening, never!

  • Not until Musk is ready to seize the Presidency

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Here is US Politics Pt 2

Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States on Monday 20th January, 2025 in Washington DC.

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And more:

I mean it speaks for itself

With an annual budget of more than $47 billion, NIH is the largest single public funder of biomedical and behavioral research in the world. In fiscal year 2023, NIH funding generated an estimated $92.89 billion in economic activity.

Why is govt spending money on research to create "economic activity" as opposed to well revenue or profit. If you are a funder of research, you should be making a return on it... if you are not then who is? Thatds right, private business. We all know govt spends money on research and all profit goes to private business and not the govt who took all the risk themselves. That needs to change

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I mean it speaks for itself

With an annual budget of more than $47 billion, NIH is the largest single public funder of biomedical and behavioral research in the world. In fiscal year 2023, NIH funding generated an estimated $92.89 billion in economic activity.

Why is govt spending money on research to create "economic activity" as opposed to well revenue or profit. If you are a funder of research, you should be making a return on it... if you are not then who is? Thatds right, private business. We all know govt spends money on research and all profit goes to private business and not the govt who took all the risk themselves. That needs to change
Do you think the tax cuts for high net worth individuals / billionaires would generate anywhere near the same ROI?

The real issue is ceding technological advantage to rivals (e.g. China) and the long term implications of losing that advantage.
Do you think the tax cuts for high net worth individuals / billionaires would generate anywhere near the same ROI?

The real issue is ceding technological advantage to rivals (e.g. China) and the long term implications of losing that advantage.
Bit confused about first question sorry.

Technoogical advantage being ceded is a issue MUCH MUCH grander then NIH funding. Its a wide ranging issue that requires a massive cultural shift in private business. One basic bill isnt impacting this one bit im afraid as the issue is much deeper then that.

I think US is losing the race tenfold on the tech side. Both Bide/Trump both agreed on that. Both of them are bridging that gap but its 10+ years of work to do
Bit confused about first question sorry.

Technoogical advantage being ceded is a issue MUCH MUCH grander then NIH funding. Its a wide ranging issue that requires a massive cultural shift in private business. One basic bill isnt impacting this one bit im afraid as the issue is much deeper then that.

I think US is losing the race tenfold on the tech side. Both Bide/Trump both agreed on that. Both of them are bridging that gap but its 10+ years of work to do
Cutting finding by billions is the exact opposite way to bridge that gap though.

That's also assuming that dollars are the sole reason for scientific advancement, which I personally disagree with (hence the second article that touches on the link between productivity and standard of living).
Cutting finding by billions is the exact opposite way to bridge that gap though.

That's also assuming that dollars are the sole reason for scientific advancement, which I personally disagree with (hence the second article that touches on the link between productivity and standard of living).
I disagree that it can be fixed at the govt level however. Its a cultural shift outside of that im afraid.
Nope. Im bringing people back to the conversation they are trying to change....
Mate, I've been trying to keep it a bit more civil the last few days but honestly... you're a weapons grade moron, there's just nothing else to be said :drunk:

Here's the sequence of posts

You were talking about rabbit holes I believe Dogs_R_Us?

Shit I've seen posted on this site in bizarre attempts to mitigate daddy Elon's IRL kek session;
  • AOC delivering a speech gesticulating with her arm (with no sound by the way, not suspicious at all)
  • Harris waving at someone
  • A singer performing at a concert
  • Superman flying
  • a Buzz Lightyear articulated action figure with its arm up (I am not making this up )
  • edit: Biden drinking water
****ing gold, keep 'em coming guys
You forgot Biden falling down the stairs and landing in the shape of a swastika.
True, I did!

How has this broken so many conservative brains? Its unreal :drunk:
Cos of the contradictory tone of it. Trump falling down the stairs was pointed at as a key reason to not vote for him, then Biden fell down the stairs and got told that it doesnt matter anymore.

Conservatives just wanted consistency of opinion from the left.... which is clearly a bridge too far

You interpreted the 'this' breaking conservative brains as Biden falling down the stairs, when its clear to anyone reading properly I'm talking about Elon's kek salute and the lengths his supporters are going to in attempted mitigation, the latest being Biden falling in the shape of a swastika apparently.

Ergo, you tried to change the subject in this instance. Read, mate. Understand. Parse the words and context, decipher meaning.
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I can go on and on. We are in 2025. We should be discussing 2025. The desire to talk about 2020 in a US Politics PT 3 thread is just the moving of the goalposts im afraid. Nothing that happened on J6 has changed. Topic was done and dusted in PT 2 really. Bringing it up again is just changing the topic cos the above topics are not good ones to discuss if you are a leftie.
Sorry mate, when people continue to bring up absolute falsehoods and bullshit concerning years prior I'm going to pull them up on it.

And don't they hate it lol
Mate, I've been trying to keep it a bit more civil the last few days but honestly... you're a weapons grade moron, there's just nothing else to be said :drunk:

Here's the sequence of posts

You interpreted the 'this' breaking conservative brains as Biden falling down the stairs, when its clear anyone reading properly I'm talking about Elon's kek salute and the lengths his supporters are going to in attempted mitigation, the latest being Biden falling in the shape of a swastika apparently.

Ergo, you tried to change the subject in this instance. Read, mate. Understand. Parse the words and context, decipher meaning.
Just another goalpost shift as always. Keep to a subject please. Its bloody hard when you change topic every 15 seconds
You are most definitely cooked. The legacy media has fried your brain.

Elon Musk: “my heart goes out to you”
Here's Elon saying my heart goes out to you at another time


You'll be amazed to know, somehow no one accused him of throwing the seig heil.

Wanna take another guess at who's brain has been fried by their chosen media intake mate? I assume there are mirrors in your house? :tearsofjoy:

The fact that leftist acolytes have had to scour the internet so hard to find a salute that more closely resembles the gesture he made it still has 'getty images' running across it tells me everything I need to know. It's such a rarely seen version of the original it makes me wonder who that group is. I've not seen this stated anywhere. Hillary's gesture below (where the straightened arm is held aloft for a long time) is a lot closer to a real Nazi salute.


Accusing leftists of having to 'scour the internet' while posting 3 altered videos of democrats not doing what Elon did is just chef's kiss

Forget the mirror, with this kind of self awareness you won't even show up in it :tearsofjoy:
bourbons these guys are infatuated with you.

They post about you more than almost anyone or anything else.

Their god just took office, LGBTQ+ are under renewed attack, Musk is throwing out accidental symbolism.
And yet STILL all they can talk about is YOU!

They love you.
I know mate. I think its related to their daddy complex.

Could also be some kind of humiliation kink, some of them really seem get something out of me publicly embarrassing them over and over again.

Whatevs, happy to help :tearsofjoy:

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You'll be amazed to know, somehow no one accused him of throwing the seig heil.

He has autism and aspies and he was probably realised how silly this looks, so he tried again and failed.

Don't make me feel sorry for him because between him and Trump, their power is almost too big to wrap my head around and I don't think we've seen anything like it before.

They do everything big including big risks so if they fail, they'll probably take everybody down with them.

Well the courts could shut a lot of it down using 'rules'. This wasn't going to happen in a live televised joint session now was it? Democrats had to stop that at all costs. In the end they outplayed Trump.
Yes mate, I understand - thats why I said 'stuff the courts couldn't wave away', quoting your own terminology - you know, the thing you then bolded in a reply and accused me of strawmanning over? :drunk:

Do you even remember what your point is any more? :drunk:

Well despite what Marc Elias keeps telling the legacy media and everyone else who'll listen, the Trump/GOP actually won more election lawsuits related to the 2020 election than they lost. It took years for some of them but that's the facts.
Yes, about observers being made to stand 15 feet away when it should have been 10, yuge things of this nature.

Wanna have a guess how many of those won cases alleged fraud? Hint: its a nice round number :tearsofjoy:

As usual your memory is defective when it suits your argument.

Is it?
Joe Rogan (02:17:39):
Approval of?
Donald Trump (02:17:40):
Like for extensions of the voting, for voting earlier, for this, all different things. By law, they had to get legislative approvals. You don't have to go any further than that. If you take a look at Wisconsin, they virtually admitted that the election was rigged, robbed, and stolen. They wouldn't give access in certain areas to the ballots because the ballots weren't signed. They weren't originals. We could go into this stuff. We could go into the ballots or we could go into the overall. I'll give you another one.
Joe Rogan (02:18:14):
Are you going to present this ever?
Donald Trump (02:18:15):
Well, let me...
Joe Rogan (02:18:19):
Do you think in a-
Donald Trump (02:18:20):
Let me just give you one more before.
Joe Rogan (02:18:21):
Okay, go ahead.
Donald Trump (02:18:23):
51 intelligence agents come up that the laptop was from Russia. It turned out to be totally false. It wasn't-
So no, its exactly what I said it was :thumbsu:

Moving on to the part you've quoted, just let me get this straight - you think this response from Trump
Joe Rogan (02:31:06):
The 2020 elections, you say you have all this evidence that it was rigged. Why haven't you put this evidence in a consumable form?
Donald Trump (02:31:15):
I did.
Joe Rogan (02:31:15):
In what?
Donald Trump (02:31:16):
Oh, I did. I have books on it. And by the way, books have been written on it. We have an author named Hemingway who is a great writer, she wrote a book on it. But many books have been written on it. What's happened is judges don't want to touch it. They would say, "You don't have standing." They didn't rule on the merits. The merits never got there. The judges didn't have what it took to turn over an election.
is him presenting his evidence? :tearsofjoy:

"Books have been written on it", welp good enough for me, cheers Don for finally clearing that up :tearsofjoy:

**** me swinging, like seriously :drunk:
View attachment 2209706

Seems pretty Orwellian. Especially the bit about punishment for those who don't inform.

I assume the Conspiracy cohort are pretty outraged about this Government overreach.
Item no. 7824 of stuff MAGA would have spontaneously combusted over if Democrats did it.

They don't actually have any core beliefs or principles. Just clap like trained seals at whatever Donnie is churning out regardless of the intent or action.
edit: Aaaaannd right on cue, exhibit A :tearsofjoy:
Dude trump has been living in your head rent free for the last ~10 years. It is so bad I can't even type the phrase that has been coined to describe that level of psychological devotion, lest I be banned.
As previously noted, post stuff as detached from reality as you guys continually do about the guy, expect to be pulled up on it ¯\(ツ)

But what do you think of the comparative response in terms of the two displays?

Correctly, very different.

His expression was well received and mis/interpreted by white supremacists and the like. There's a real danger in that I think.

I'm still pretty sure he's no Nazi, he's clearly pro-Israel with the ADL giving his salute the all clear.

Most white supremacists are Jew hating antisemites, so he gets off the hook a bit there. That doesn't mean he's not a white supremacist on some level and that he'll break the mould.
First Ghost Patrol, now you? Tis a poor reflection of the aussie education system if you lads are genuinely unaware that biological sex is determined at conception. Check with your year 7 science teacher instead of trusting twitter!

Unless the argument is about the wording and a belief that it is stating the large/small reproductive cells are produced immediately at conception? In which case, consult your year 7 English teacher instead. Glad to help m8.
First Ghost Patrol, now you? Tis a poor reflection of the aussie education system if you lads are genuinely unaware that biological sex is determined at conception. Check with your year 7 science teacher instead of trusting twitter!

Unless the argument is about the wording and a belief that it is stating the large/small reproductive cells are produced immediately at conception? In which case, consult your year 7 English teacher instead. Glad to help m8.
Oh we're going to actually listen to science for once? That's quite the about face, ma'am.

Most white supremacists are Jew hating antisemites, so he gets off the hook a bit there. That doesn't mean he's not a white supremacist on some level and that he'll break the mould.

Modern white supremacy looks a bit different; they're still deeply opposed to the 'other'. It's just the hierarchy of 'other' has changed, 'Jew' isn't at the top of it any more for many of them. Or they dislike 'Jews' but like 'Israel'.
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