NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

How long before Musk & Trump have a major rift?

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  • Under six months

  • Under one year

  • Under two years

  • Not happening, never!

  • Not until Musk is ready to seize the Presidency

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Here is US Politics Pt 2

Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States on Monday 20th January, 2025 in Washington DC.

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Why do these conservative boomer memes always look like they were designed in the 1980's ?
I think the quality isn't important, because it's not the memes that they enjoy.

What they enjoy is what they imagine the reactions from 'the woke' will be when they see/read it.

They don't find the memes themselves to be that funny or clever. But they can imagine how triggered the soy cuck lib latte inner-city wokerrati, like me, will get when we see it.
That's the entertainment value.

It's like with ET's posts.
No one thinks they're clever or funny. But they enjoy what they imagine the reactions will be.

Everyone does it.
When I read about Clinton being awarded with a Presidential Medal of Freedom, for a moment I thought about posting it here. Because of how I imagined it would upset Trump supporters.
I don't think she deserves the award, and I don't care about the issue. But it's an easy wedge.

Have you checked out Trump's cabinet at all?

Not a medal but its the conservative equivalent of DEI. Billionaires need representation too I guess :tearsofjoy:
Billy Long has only been named to head the IRS because he's a fat, balding white male.
Affirmative action is destroying our countries!

More than happy for you to continue sharing this information in this thread.

But I think this could become a bigger issue, and might deserve its own thread if you wanted to make it?

I thought about doing that but there doesn't seem to be enough interest in the topic as far as I can see to justify it's own thread.
I thought about doing that but there doesn't seem to be enough interest in the topic as far as I can see to justify it's own thread.
I think the majority of people are agreeing with the 'conspiracy' side of this. In that there are more questions than answers.

So it's hard to get the usual back and forth.
You mean 'terms'? As in, the terms of the agreement?
Not literal borders that distinguish countries etc?

I know you don't actually read my posts. But I did clearly lay out the Taliban actively harming/killing/bombing etc after the 'plan', and how in October Trump still tweeted about withdrawing the rest of the troops.

So wtf are you talking about?

So... Afghanistan...
Bomb Afghanistan.

You don't even seem to understand what the Taliban are. What an insurgency is.

Gen Milley had been ordered by the Trump presidency to have no more than 2500 troops in Afghanistan by Jan 2021.
What PLAN???


Look at just June to October... And then look at Trumps public tweet in October...

What plan???

View attachment 2197870
Terms of the agreement established boundaries/borders.

The failure of Biden to execute a plan isnt evidence no plan existed you realise. In any sense when you go through the White House review of the situation the agreement made and what was executed were not the same its fair to say.

In February 2020, the United Statesand the Taliban reached a deal, known as the Doha Agreement, under which the UnitedStates agreed to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by May 2021. In return, the Taliban agreed to participate in a peace process and refrain from attacking U.S. troops and threatening Afghanistan’s major cities—but only as long as the United States remained committed to withdraw by the agreement’s deadline. As part of the deal,President Trump also pressured the Afghan government to release 5,000 Talibanfighters from prison, including senior war commanders, without securing the release of the only American hostage known to be held by
If you go through the White house investigation they actually mention options they had such as

into office he was confronted with difficult realities left to him by the TrumpAdministration. President Biden asked his military leaders about the options he faced,including the ramifications of further delaying the deadline of May 1. He pressed hisintelligence professionals on whether it was feasible to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistanand both defend them against a renewed Taliban onslaught and maintain a degree ofstability in the country. The assessment from those intelligence professionals was thatthe United States would need to send more American troops into harm’s way to ensureour troops could defend themselves and to stop the stalemate from getting worse. AsSecretary Austin testified on September 28, 2021, “If you stayed [in Afghanistan] at aforce posture of 2,500, certainly you’d be in a fight with the Taliban, and you’d have toreinforce yourself.”

The option to return troops was available. It was the one that based on the failure of the agreement was to be taken. After all it was agreed by all the Taliban were weakened. They had 80,000 troops only. ANDSF had 300,000 + a list of reserves. They just didnt have any weapons unfortunately. They ended up in the hands of the 80,000 :( . Even at the height of its failure you need to remember. Biden said it was a success...

When President Biden announced his decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Afghanistan, some voices doubted that America would be on a safer and strongerfooting as a result. President Biden promised Americans that we would maintain anenduring capacity to address terrorist threats in Afghanistan without thousands of bootson the ground. In July 2022, he demonstrated that capability in the successful operationthat killed the emir of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri. In addition, when the PresidentBiden made his decision in 2021, he rightly recognized that the terrorist threat of todayis more diverse and diffuse than it was in 2001. His decision to leave Afghanistan freedup critical military, intelligence, and other resources to counter terrorist threats aroundthe world, including in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Yemen. The Administration has doneso successfully, including by eliminating ISIS leader Hajji Abdullah and a number of topISIS leaders in Syria and Somalia through continued U.S. counterterrorism efforts. Wealso remain committed to supporting significant humanitarian assistance and standingup for the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, and we will continue to condemnand isolate the Taliban for its appalling human rights record.

So after all, if this was a success according to Democrats, why are you arguing that it wasnt?

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Have you checked out Trump's cabinet at all?

Not a medal but its the conservative equivalent of DEI. Billionaires need representation too I guess :tearsofjoy:
Yes but that was the intention and aim.

Trump was 100% honest in that situation. We all knew Vivek/Musk were taking roles in his presidency. They got up on stage and spoke about it.

Did you see Soros on stage at a Harris rally telling us what his plans were? Nope. Why do you believe Musk is open to speaking his goals but Soros didnt get on stage to do the same? Does that pose a problem at all?

In the end, well yes it did pose a problem. Its why Trump won and Harris didnt. Harris didnt have the trust of the electorate. Hiding billionaires in the corner who dont explain their intentions and then to give them medals without explanation thereafter is simply going to cause division. The type of division that leaves us in 3 weeks time, a party that has absolutely zero leaders, none.
Terms of the agreement established boundaries/borders.

The failure of Biden to execute a plan isnt evidence no plan existed you realise. In any sense when you go through the White House review of the situation the agreement made and what was executed were not the same its fair to say.

If you go through the White house investigation they actually mention options they had such as

The option to return troops was available. It was the one that based on the failure of the agreement was to be taken. After all it was agreed by all the Taliban were weakened. They had 80,000 troops only. ANDSF had 300,000 + a list of reserves. They just didnt have any weapons unfortunately. They ended up in the hands of the 80,000 :( . Even at the height of its failure you need to remember. Biden said it was a success...

So after all, if this was a success according to Democrats, why are you arguing that it wasnt?
Thank you for reading some of the available information.

And thank you for adjusting your position accordingly.
And what a pertinent and important difference it is :tearsofjoy:
Well yes

On one side of the fence you got a voting group deciding who goes into the election as leader, on the other end you have George Clooney deciding who goes into the election as the potential leader of this nation

I think you know which party is controlled by special interests more.... I mean if George Clooney can single handidly change democracy with one letter then the party isnt really one that has potency or a steadfast plan
Umm nope. thats not what im doing. Im actually describing that Biden didnt follow through with the plan nor keep to the agreement....

We kind of know this cos he admitted it in the end you will find
I wasn't being sarcastic or insulting. I mean it.

It isn't easy, especially in highly charged online environments, to adjust your views based on new information you receive.

I really do think it's great, and more people should do it.
I wasn't being sarcastic or insulting. I mean it.

It isn't easy, especially in highly charged online environments, to adjust your views based on new information you receive.

I really do think it's great, and more people should do it.
To me you are admitting defeat in the argument in a weird way. I respect that also and think its great
Billy Long has only been named to head the IRS because he's a fat, balding white male.
Affirmative action is destroying our countries!

Isnt H1B visa issue just another form of DEI?

Kinda is I feel which is why MAGA Texans are complaining. The overall issue long term is H1B will be controlled by the Republicans, the DEI university wokeys are controlled by the Demcrats

Its a basic replacement theory taking place. A scary prospect for Democrats given they lost all houses and standing giving the Republicans a free go at complete the Democrat replacement path

We can pretend this is 2024-2028 and the Democrats will rise again but the reality wont be so generous. Trump will turn the establishment against the Democrat voters and will do so while already having a large lead. Id be alot more worried then you all are about this
Not sure why this is even bothering to continue. If any of this mattered, he wouldnt be president in 2 weeks time.

A courts job is to represent the public first and foremost. Its at a point in time where they are not doing that. If a court system isnt using the will of the people to make its decisions, then its up for exploitation

In 2 weeks time, Trump will just weaponise the court system like they did to him... which is dumb. Both should be fixing the broken system as opposed to the absurd game of musical chairs which leads nowhere

All they achieved in the last 4 years is setting themselves up to be targetted over the next 4 years. If they put in as much effort in fixing the system as they did in trying to jail Trump, they wouldnt be running scared by pardoning Hunter Biden and the like. Overall they just focused on the wrong problem. It cost them votes and it will cost them more then that over the next 4 years too as Trump gets his revenge
Isnt H1B visa issue just another form of DEI?
The H-1B visa is for specialty occupations, that do not allow migration.
It's for when a business in the US is unable to find specific people for specific and highly trained roles within the US, they are able to 'outsource' them.

DEI is "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion". Better known as affirmative action.
And it's in place to attempt to offset (believed) systemic inequality. (We don't need to agree on inequality, I'm just explaining the difference).
So if it's believed that an Aboriginal man and a non-Aboriginal man are equal, then it would make sense to see, roughly, an equal representation, per population, in any one industry.

As Aboriginal people are under-represented in almost all industries (for a multitude of reasons), businesses are encouraged to try harder to find qualified Aboriginal people for a role, even if they would be the 2nd or 3rd pick out of potential hires.

MAGA Texans
Can you tell me what MAGA Texans are? And how they differ from MAGA in general? Or Trump supporters in general.
I've seen you refer to Texas a lot.

Trump will turn the establishment against the Democrat voters

What is the 'establishment' to you?
The H-1B visa is for specialty occupations, that do not allow migration.
It's for when a business in the US is unable to find specific people for specific and highly trained roles within the US, they are able to 'outsource' them.

DEI is "Diversity, Equity & Inclusion". Better known as affirmative action.
And it's in place to attempt to offset (believed) systemic inequality. (We don't need to agree on inequality, I'm just explaining the difference).
So if it's believed that an Aboriginal man and a non-Aboriginal man are equal, then it would make sense to see, roughly, an equal representation, per population, in any one industry.

As Aboriginal people are under-represented in almost all industries (for a multitude of reasons), businesses are encouraged to try harder to find qualified Aboriginal people for a role, even if they would be the 2nd or 3rd pick out of potential hires.

Can you tell me what MAGA Texans are? And how they differ from MAGA in general? Or Trump supporters in general.
I've seen you refer to Texas a lot.

What is the 'establishment' to you?
This is a weird take. You keep telling us Trump is a threat to democracy, a threat to the way of life and now he is in power you are telling us he wont make any mistakes or do anything bad to use the system for his own benefit. The argument makes no sense

Im a Trump fan but I can admit he is going to weaponise the system for his own gain... so why cant you all?

H1B visas will be exploited like crazy to simply replace the illegals with whoever they want. That is the ultimate plan Elon/Vivek have as business men who perpetuate these ideals.

H1B is about power, DEI is about power. The ideals and actions behind it exist in a mild form but its not the actual full blown intention. DEI is about having Democratic voters in powerful positions. H1B will be about having Republican voters in powerful positions. It might not be liked, but its the truth im afraid.

Establishment = goverment agencies. You also got the billionaire brigade he has in power positions but they are being moulded to be one in the same. Having full blown control over government agencies because you control all aspects of the political landscape isnt anything to be sneezed at
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