NWO/Illuminati US politics - Pt 3

How long before Musk & Trump have a major rift?

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  • Not happening, never!

  • Not until Musk is ready to seize the Presidency

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Here is US Politics Pt 2

Donald Trump was sworn in as president of the United States on Monday 20th January, 2025 in Washington DC.

Take Note

Anti-trans commentary will be deleted and warnings issued, that includes mockery and trying to pass it off as a joke.

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Nah mate , you're disengenuous and you don't accept facts or science. It's not about partisan politics ,it's about listening to experts and cutting carbon emmisions.
Anything else is just sticky tape taping over the cracks.

Which GHG is more important do you think - CO₂ or water vapour (keeping in mind that CO₂ makes up 0.04% of our atmosphere)?

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Yout whataboutism is not enough to cover for your American coal spruiking and climate denial.
You should be more authentic.
There was a deadly cold snap on the US last week that killed 4 people.

Why werent you in here screaming global warming is to blame then.

Fundamentally we are getting to the point of

Australian coal that burns in China - Not relevant
Australian coal that burns in Australia - Causing global warming

Make it make sense

The woke cultists aren’t rational.

You’re banging your head against a brick wall.

People like AP will live out their days yelling at clouds and chaining themselves to the freeway.

You can talk till you’re blue in the face it won’t make a difference unfortunately.
The woke cultists aren’t rational.

You’re banging your head against a brick wall.

People like AP will live out their days yelling at clouds and chaining themselves to the freeway.

You can talk till you’re blue in the face it won’t make a difference unfortunately.
The fossil fuel industry’s propaganda is working well I see.

What does woke have to do with climate policy? Or are you just another sap who regurgitates buzz words to cover-up intellectual deficiencies?
Some information about the fires, if anyone is interested.
Feel free to dismiss any or all of the information below, for whatever reason you can imagine.
I understand that it's "fact check" not "community notes", so there's an easy out.

I did try to source from a collection of areas... But if we're all being honest, the source of the information doesn't matter... If it doesn't support your position, then it's part of the global elite fake news blah blah blah.


The city was in the process of negotiating a new contract with the fire department at the time the budget was being crafted, so additional funding for the department was set aside in a separate fund until that deal was finalized in November. In fact, the city’s fire budget increased more than $50 million year-over-year compared to the last budget cycle​


The LAFD has a budget cut of $17.6 million, in the current fiscal year and fire chief Kristin Crowley told the Board of Fire Commissioners in a December 2024 memo, opens new tab that the cut, particularly on staff hours, would adversely affect the department’s capacity to prepare for emergencies like wildfires.​

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, however, said at a Jan. 9 press conference that no budget reductions were made that would have impacted the current wildfire situation.​
More than three years ago as war broke out in Ukraine, several California fire departments donated supplies such as hoses, nozzles, helmets and body armor to first responders in Ukraine, but the equipment and gear were described as “surplus,” “extra” and “used but good and operable.”​


What has Trump claimed?​

In a social media post on Wednesday, Trump said Governor Newsom "refused to sign the water restoration declaration put before him that would have allowed millions of gallons of water" to put out the fires.​
But the specific declaration he mentions doesn't appear to exist.​
The governor's press office issued a statement in response, saying: "There is no such document as the water restoration declaration – that is pure fiction."​
We've also searched for this document and been unable to find it.​
Newsom, a Democrat, has previously opposed efforts to redirect more water to southern California.​
This includes a 2020 presidential memorandum in which Trump sought to divert water away from Northern California to farmland further south.​
"California is not experiencing water supply shortages at the moment, not in southern California or elsewhere," says Daniel Swain, a climate scientist at the California Institute for Water Resources.​
"There is plenty of water in the reservoirs for firefighting or whatever you want to do with it," he adds.​
Although southern California is currently experiencing a drought, data shows its reservoirs are almost all currently above the historic average for this time of the year. None are at significantly low levels.​

Is there is 'no water for fire hydrants'?​

Trump has also said that there was "no water for fire hydrants".​
There have been reports that certain fire hydrants have run dry.​
This is down to high demand placing a heavy strain on the system, according to local officials and experts.​
In Pasadena, Fire Chief Chad Augustin said the area experienced a short period of time where pressure was low on a small amount of hydrants. All issues had been resolved, he added.​
"There are very localised incidents of this unfolding where the fire hydrants have had insufficient water pressure for firefighters to use them, but that's not because LA is running out of water," says Mr Swain.​
"There are thousands of firefighters and hundred of fire engines drawing upon water, and ultimately only so much can flow through pipes at a time."​

"The disaster isn't as bad as it is because there's a lack of resource, the reality is there's a limit to how effective wildland firefighting can be under extreme conditions like we experienced this week."

But, this is all from 'officials', 'experts', "Fire Chiefs", "documents and records" etc. So I expect it all to be dismissed completely.
But maybe in a years time when all the evidence is indisputable, some readers here might look back and reconsider their positions.
They might even wonder why it's so dry and hot in winter, regardless of forestation.

Climate change is the change in the climate that leads to more and more extreme weather events. That's hot and cold.
So if you see someone still saying "global warming? Then why were there record snowstorms and deaths from the cold last year?!?"... Point out that they are confirming the increase in extreme weather events...


This is an article that can be used to help educate people from grades 2 - 12.
A number of unusually severe blizzards have hit the northeastern United States in recent years, making headline news. In February of 2010, the U.S. East Coast was hit by a winter storm dubbed “Snowmageddon” or “Snowpocalypse.” The storm caused blizzard conditions that brought the Washington, D.C., area to a standstill and broke snowfall records for the mid-Atlantic region. In January 2016, another historic and deadly blizzard, nicknamed “Snowzilla,” struck the mid-Atlantic region. Snowfall totals reached 0.3–0.9 meters (one–three feet), breaking records in Baltimore, Maryland; Washington, D.C.; New York City, New York; and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In January 2019, a polar vortex plunged the U.S. Midwest into Arctic conditions.​
Extreme weather events like these are predicted to become more intense thanks to climate change, despite the fact that winters are getting shorter, and global temperatures are on the rise.​
Scientists predict climate change could make blizzards more intense. A warmer atmosphere holds more moisture. This moisture eventually falls as precipitation—either as rain (when temperatures are warm) or snow (when temperatures are below freezing)—which results in more frequent and intense storms.​

On average, winters are getting warmer and shorter, with fewer places experiencing extremely cold temperatures. However, because the warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, blizzards are more likely to occur and be more severe in places where temperatures are still cold enough for snow​
Using sea water to fight fires introduces other problems. The salt water is very corrosive and can damage critical equipment in the water dumping planes. Can't really fill the trucks with it either because it can damage pumps etc. Then there's the damage to the environment (plants and raising overall soil salinity). So I think generally it's used as a last resort and even then only if the environmental conditions suit.
Yes I imagine that would be the case.

Yet they use it in aerial fire fighting, I believe. A bit of sea water dropped from a bucket vs destruction and death is an easy decision to make.
"The disaster isn't as bad as it is because there's a lack of resource, the reality is there's a limit to how effective wildland firefighting can be under extreme conditions like we experienced this week."
That's the impression I've gotten from the few reports I've read or watched.

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If anything I have been hyper critical of the disgraceful bordering on criminally negligent fire management of the California leadership.

Their stupidly and lack of focus has decimated significant areas of the city and left hundreds of thousands displaced.

And what a lot of you blokes don’t know is I’m probably the most environmentally aware poster in the entire thread, possibly even all of the non footy related section.

To help the environment I keep a tremendously well stocked worm farm in the back yard.

Once a year I go into the garage, pop the bonnets on me fourbies (I have 2 of them) get the air filters out and give them a decent whack against the wall to clear dust and debris, ensuring the intake system is in good nick.

I won’t have you questioning my commitment to the climates.
Mate, the idea you actually give a shit about California or Californians is beyond hilarious.

You wouldn't have written the name of the state on here without some combination of woke/dei/marxist/hellhole prefix before these fires. But any opportunity to play politics and get one over on the other 'side', heyo, look how much you care :tearsofjoy:

Nice performative tapdance and all but no one cares, we all know what you are. Give us a spell and **** off back to X for a while to suck off daddy Leon, yeah?
I don’t enjoy any failure. This isn’t a sport or a team. It’s people’s lives. Have some respect
The fact you're having this nice little chat with Easty, of all people. Literally the most 'team sport' guy on this thread.

Just wow dude. No wonder you have no idea what MAGA is and couldn't remember the terms of a bet you made yesterday :drunk:
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Could we NOT spray a big block of conspiracy theory X posts in here without any sort of comment or argument to tie them together? Thanks.
There goes half the posters on this thread...
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