USA team in AFL?

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The AFL should try to promote the U.S league some more in order to create more interest, but there's no chance of having a team in our league... Until teleportation is perfected. :)

I would like to see a NZ team down the line, though.

Exactly. All the AFL needs to do is get more support behind the USAFL. I have mates playing for Kansas City, Dallas, Orange County and Chicago and all say the AFL does not do much for them at all. The clubs themselves are all alligned to AFL clubs and even they do very little. To suggest the US is anywhere near ready for an AFL team is a joke. If they were that interested, the current USAFL teams would get more than wives and girlfriends to their games.
Victorian clubs whinge about 2 hour flights now, can't see them wanting to do a 20 hour flight once a year. :eek:

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I live in SF, California and I see no evidence of an ever-growing profile. In fact, I don't see any profile. It was very difficult to find a bar that had Setanta and therefore *could* show the AFL. None of them actually had a game on unless you asked them to put it on, and they could spare a screen.

To say that Aussie Rules is growing in the United States is a myth. If you look on their website, ( you can see a table with the number of games played each year.


So as you can see, the number of games played peaked in 2006 and has declined every year since. Although there are 2 months to go, the USAFL national championships has already been played, so I can't really see many games been added to the 2009 tally. In reality, they've played approximately 1/3 the games this year as they did in 2006 and 1/2 what they did in 2002. To say the game is growing is bullshit.

The expats in the US basically fund the USAFL and they are the ones who will ensure that the game survives in some form over there. AFL in the US wasn't started by Americans who loved the game - it was started by Australians who missed it. If the AFL doesn't do more to get behind it, it wont grow much beyond what it is now.
The AFL can only afford to prop up 1-2 teams at atime in non heartland areas.

If any country was to be considered its really only South Africa or NZ and you would not place a team in the AFL until their domestic leagues had built substantial teams/followings that a rep side would get support similiar to the Crows in Adelaide or WC in Perth. Anything else and it is an expensive dream.

An overseas team is a decade away maybe two if everything goes well in SAF or NZ.

Canada is more likely than the USA.
I'd put a team in India. It has the grounds, its closer, has a growing economy , 300 million tv sets, no real winter sport comp and they love everything australian.

Not sure about the weather though but if i was gonna go an overseas team i'd go for India.
The only way it would work (and of course it will never happen), would be if the US team played half of their season in Australia followed by teams travelling over with a weeks break afterwards.
Team in the USA

- 40 hours spent on a plane in a week, 4 hours in customs (US customs suck)

- HUGE tax rate as non American citizens

- after the tax, even the highest paid players in the club won't even make as much as NFL rookies

- let's not forget, the higher cost of living

- no oval grounds are available

- no market exists

However saying all that, let's do this because...... :rolleyes:
Its called the Australian Football League for a reason.....lets keep it that way.

if you wanna follow a sport that has branched out into NZ or wherever follow union or league
As an American who's been ruined for American sport by Aussie Rules, even I think this is a crap idea. The AFL would be much better served to use some of that TV money to have next season played on ESPN. What better way to attract more sponsor monies outside Australia in a weakening economy?

ESPN are sports marketing masters over. What they've done with fringe activities like poker and bowling is a case in point. Give them the qintessential gladitorial sport of AFL and watch out.
No weak economy here, the Australian economy has outridden the global meltdown and had strong positive growth.

MSNBC a few weeks back were saying to park your investment dollars in the Aussie dollar.

Were cooking baby!!!!!

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but the USA has endless possibilites and people do like our game there.

No American I spoke to in the 3 months I spent there had ever seen an AFL game of any kind.

When I told them about Aussie Rules they were convinced I was referring to Rugby.
well eric bana is trying his darndest to get the game some voice in the US, Charles Barkley mentioned it as well, maybe the AFL is doing some sort of campagn (not saying a team over there) but something
Modify the rules to say 12 a side, 3 bench. (3 backs, 3 forwards, 5 midfielders, ruck)
Shorten the quarters to 15 time-on.
Play on soccer/gridiron field size - or whatever size grounds are available. Unique dimensions are ok - the importance is length of ground (longer the better).

Use representative "amateur" format - get a college system running, with say 50 colleges spread around the country.

Throw 10 million a year at it. Chump change for what it can bring.

No serious athlete will go for it - but there might be 10,000 kids of athletic potential each year....only 250 or so will make NFL, NBA, etc. I presume that the next level down is also well beyond our AFL pay-structures.

It will only take a couple - but without pushing for establishment of USAFL on tv, and funding for colleges to take on AFL as a sport - it will be left to dwindle as the 'novelty' factor wears off.
maybe its vice versa, is probably nfl getting barkely to have a go at AFL because of all the positives Eric Bana is giving it.

Charles Barkley is in the NBA. I don't think they'd care too much about Eric Bana talking up AFL. Most Americans don't know what AFL is and aren't going to give two shits when they find out. They'll just see it as a silly game that silly Australians play. Kind of like us with the Irish and hurling. The United States is a country of almost 300 million people. They aren't going to see a game like Australian football as any sort of threat to their codes whatsoever. The 'threat' mentality is very much an Australian concept.
In the exceedingly unlikely event that a US team was feasible, it would be more feasible to assist the leagues and maybe a national league in the US. If an AFL team ever became a feasible, a series of regional semi-pro leagues or a national one would be.
It would grow the game just as much, and would not have all the travel and scheduling issues of a North American team in the AFL.
But there'll be 20 teams playing out of Grong Grong before either are actual options.
the people who play or follow afl in the US are nearly all australians who have moved over their.Their is no market and it will simply not happen in the next 100 year , most likely never.

another point is WE DONT WANT THE AFL TO TAKE OF IN THE USA.If the afl was to become one of the bigger sports in the USA they would set up their own competition and all of our good players would go and play over their as they would get much more money.
It should never happen. They should be allowed to develop their local league over there.
Although some help from the AFL wouldnt go astray. A tiny amount of support from the US would increase tv rights dramatically.
The AFL needs to learn how to make investements overseas to bring the dollars in.

Oh did anyone watch Funny People.... great movie ... good endorsement of football there.
haha ok i think we have all stated that this is a bad idea, but do u know what would be awesome if we had some players from the US playing in the afl. i watch a bit of NFL and i mean if we could get some of those blokes on board that would be excellent. i know money wise they are getting bucket loads more but c'mon who wouldnt wanna see some1 like larry fitzgerld taking a huge grab after getting hit lace out by Juddy or J. Selwood.:thumbsu::thumbsu::thumbsu:

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USA team in AFL?

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