USAFL and others

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Well it raises a lot of questions - Who are they and how generous are they, and are they Sydney based.
Their combined financial resources must be to put modestly -ok.
To actually even influence the Giants and the AFL to even discuss it is no mean effort.
Havent they heard of the USAFL -If I was on the USAFL board and reading this info some inquiries would be made to the Giants to make at least some contact.
However if the fixture goes ahead they (USAFL) will be involved anyhow.
My thoughts on the US Sports market are - It is extremely competitive and has a lot of media noise attached, and minor sports tend to get drowned out in that noise.

To answer some of these questions -- the Orange County Bombers recently reached a deal with GWS and became the Orange County Giants. This would explain some of the exposure and interest there. I know there is some back and forth between the leagues but I'm not sure how far it's gotten.

Marketing ability and power has changed in the 15 years since the last AFL exhibition was played and 30 years since the last game in a permanent structure was played. There is the chance to market to a wider audience and bring in more people. They have to be willing to spend the money to put themselves into that advertising market or else it will be an exercise in entropy.
Marketing ability and power has changed in the 15 years since the last AFL exhibition was played and 30 years since the last game in a permanent structure was played. There is the chance to market to a wider audience and bring in more people. They have to be willing to spend the money to put themselves into that advertising market or else it will be an exercise in entropy.

It's always a question of underwriting. The last exhibition in L.A. was a small affair organised in conjunction with Austrade.
The Dockers will become the first WA Club to feature on US Network Fox Sports 1 in prime time with US Sports Leagues in shut down.
The game will be shown live at 8 pm this Saturday US West Coast time -July 4 2020 - and will be on 11pm US East Coast Time.
USAFL Brian Barrish said interest in the sport had been boosted since US Sports Shut Downs.
However of course a serious sustained push over there is needed in a super competitive sports enviroment.

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The Dockers will become the first WA Club to feature on US Network Fox Sports 1 in prime time with US Sports Leagues in shut down.
The game will be shown live at 8 pm this Saturday US West Coast time -July 4 2020 - and will be on 11pm US East Coast Time.
USAFL Brian Barrish said interest in the sport had been boosted since US Sports Shut Downs.
However of course a serious sustained push over there is needed in a super competitive sports enviroment.

When cable was starting up and acquiring content it used Australian Football and that was very popular
and arguably the reason behind the rapid expansion of Australian Football in the U.S.A.
When Australian Football was replaced by the big American sports then growth slowed considerably.
Half an AFL season must produce some boost in the absence of competition
but it isn't an automatic flow-on. USAFL clubs have to be operating and receptive to the situation.
according to the USAFL’s Club list, the code had 2000 participants in 2021 and 49 clubs, while the US Association of Rugby League says it has about 700 participants.

Brian Barrish @BarrishUSAFL

Replying to @JohnMKeynes1936 @footyindustryAU
Hi there. That figure of 2000 is correct, including a carnival in Texas where we had around 900 players, umpires, coaches, support staff, etc. The number includes players across the league who played during the year, as well as attendees of smaller sessions.

And just to clarify, that count of 900 are not one-offers. To play in that carnival you needed to have played three times during the regular season.

The USAFL continue to confuse potential aspirants.

"It has elements of soccer, football, rugby, basketball, volleyball, and a mosh pit," said the USAFL's media manager, Brian Barrish.

Potential players look at that description and say "do I have to know/have played all those sports to be competent players?"

Soccer - the amount of soccering is an extremely small and usually a "last resort".
No hands, heading the ball, no tackling and offside make for this to be an extremely poor comparison.
American Football - has receivers for the completion, passing interference, kicking and punting.
Over the top tackling requiring padding would be a definite deterrent to many.
Rugby - has some kicking and lots of tackling.
the focus on tackling in defensive patterns and the ever present off-side make for a poor comparison.
Basketball - WTF, apart from the tip-off where's the similarity ?
bouncing the ball like in basketball is counter-productive.
Volleyball - WTF, apart from the serve where's the similarity.

The mosh pit ? -WTF easily the WORST description ever.
The AFL is still trying to mitigate the effets of those 1980s bill & bash videos.
Extremely counter-productive.

Guys, stick with a simple explanation- Australian Football is an unique, free-flowing game that consists of running, kicking, catching, hand-passing and sometimes blocking or tackling.
The USAFL continue to confuse potential aspirants.

"It has elements of soccer, football, rugby, basketball, volleyball, and a mosh pit," said the USAFL's media manager, Brian Barrish.

Potential players look at that description and say "do I have to know/have played all those sports to be competent players?"

Soccer - the amount of soccering is an extremely small and usually a "last resort".
No hands, heading the ball, no tackling and offside make for this to be an extremely poor comparison.
American Football - has receivers for the completion, passing interference, kicking and punting.
Over the top tackling requiring padding would be a definite deterrent to many.
Rugby - has some kicking and lots of tackling.
the focus on tackling in defensive patterns and the ever present off-side make for a poor comparison.
Basketball - WTF, apart from the tip-off where's the similarity ?
bouncing the ball like in basketball is counter-productive.
Volleyball - WTF, apart from the serve where's the similarity.

The mosh pit ? -WTF easily the WORST description ever.
The AFL is still trying to mitigate the effets of those 1980s bill & bash videos.
Extremely counter-productive.

Guys, stick with a simple explanation- Australian Football is an unique, free-flowing game that consists of running, kicking, catching, hand-passing and sometimes blocking or tackling.

Actually, the USAFL is better than your description!

The USAFL's gets a person unfamiliar with our sport to start to imagine what it looks like. It doesn't say it takes everything from the other sports, but elements.

Your generic description is vague. If you asked someone who has never seen our sport to come up with what they think our sport is based on your description, they could come up with Rugby, as all those elements you described are in rugby (people can confuse handpass with throw)
It doesn't say it takes everything from the other sports, but elements.

What elements ?

Your generic description is vague.

On purpose, because no other game is similar to Australian Football except Gaelic Football.
That's the big point you have to get across- it's NOTHING like rugby.

My description is of the elements of the game - first level.
Second level is a description of the game - namely, the aim of the game is to move the ball by kicking, catching, running and hand-passing to get within range of scoring a goal by kicking the ball between two tall posts.

Then you add more detail.
Like you will find elements of Australian Football in other sports so playing Australian Football will benefit you as a cross-trainer.

Then you add more detail.
Australian Football is usually played on a large oval, with 18 players per team on the field ......
What elements ?

On purpose, because no other game is similar to Australian Football except Gaelic Football.
That's the big point you have to get across- it's NOTHING like rugby.

My description is of the elements of the game - first level.
Second level is a description of the game - namely, the aim of the game is to move the ball by kicking, catching, running and hand-passing to get within range of scoring a goal by kicking the ball between two tall posts.

Then you add more detail.
Like you will find elements of Australian Football in other sports so playing Australian Football will benefit you as a cross-trainer.

Then you add more detail.
Australian Football is usually played on a large oval, with 18 players per team on the field ......

Soccer - Kicking off the ground, positioning, the need to run for continuous periods of time to follow the play.
American Football - Running routes, "field general-ing", tackling.
Rugby - Elements of tackling and evading tacklers, connection with passing.
Basketball - The Tip offs, bouncing, aerial contests, blocking.
Volleyball - the hand passing, spoiling, positioning for crumbing and aerial contests.
Mosh pit - Continuous, physical, chaotic.

I'll even tack on ice hockey - continuous motion and hip checking.

That's a quick, easy, and frankly more interesting way than your drivel above.

How about we do things our way and you stop gatekeeping.
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How about we do things our way and you stop gatekeeping.

Gatekeeping ? I'm trying to help you as I have helped many AFCs around the world and it's a very simple idea.
When you have a person who absolutely nothing about the game, then the description of the game is very important.
Saying Australian Football has elements of other games can be daunting if you don't add the degree.

The amount of soccering in Australian Football is minimal and it's something we don't encourage and even banned in juniors.
Any mention of American Football and rugby is enough to scare off most potential players.
American Football - Running routes, "field general-ing", tackling.
You will completely stuff up an oval ball bounce by using a basketball bounce.
The volleyball serve is illegal in Australian Football
You are completely insensitive mentioning Mosh pit FFS.
Ice hockey - FFS. Why not add baseball - running, strategy, positional play avoiding being tagged.

At least you could mention Lacross - uniquely North American, lots of running, lots of passing, positional play and strategy etc.

Only one question. Do you speak for the USAFL or B.B. ?
You know, there is a reason why the USA is lacking when it come to Australian Football.
I can give examples and solutions if you want but I suppose you'll pass. (that's a handpass, not a rugby or NFL pass, basketball pass, volleyball pass, ice hockey pass, soccer pass or mosh pit grope.)
I'm trying to help you as I have helped many AFCs around the world and it's a very simple idea.

Only one question. Do you speak for the USAFL or B.B. ?
You know, there is a reason why the USA is lacking when it come to Australian Football.
I can give examples and solutions if you want but I suppose you'll pass. (that's a handpass, not a rugby or NFL pass, basketball pass, volleyball pass, ice hockey pass, soccer pass or mosh pit grope.)

Well... don't, because you're not helping.

I'm tired of Australians thinking that they can do things better than we can with regards to footy just because they grew up with the sport. I'm an American who has been following footy for 30 years, I talk to other Americans who are fans of the same sports that I am, and I've been successful in bringing numerous others into our sport and our league by doing what I've been doing for almost 15 years.

And I speak for the league. I wouldn't still be here after a decade if I what I did wasn't working.

Just because you run a fan page with the word "World" at the end of it doesn't entitle you to dictate what is right and what is wrong. My method works, and I won't have some random thinking he's better than I am just because of where he was born.

Stick to covering Australian Aussie rules football and leave growing the game overseas to those of us with our actual boots on the ground.

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How about we do things our way

And how far has that got the USAFL ?
Enlighten me on the great progress of the USAFL.
Enlighten me on your unique methods that made the USAFL such an under preformer considering all the resources available.
Is bullying people who are only offering support one of your methods ?
And how far has that got the USAFL ?
Enlighten me on the great progress of the USAFL.
Enlighten me on your unique methods that made the USAFL such an under preformer considering all the resources available.
Is bullying people who are only offering support one of your methods ?
It ain't bullying. You've criticized (not "offering support"), on numerous occasions, the approach with with we go about explaining the game. I'm responding to those criticisms.

Trot on.
I wouldn't still be here after a decade if I what I did wasn't working.

So was it your idea to promote Australian Football as "fun and fitness".
As an observer, this approach seemed to work. Is that a true assessment.

Stick to covering Australian Aussie rules football and leave growing the game overseas to those of us with our actual boots on the ground.

Well, I have travelled extensively around the world, playing, coaching, umpiring Australian Football games as well as material stuff.
That includes the good ol' U.S.A.
Most people are delighted that I have travelled to the opposite end of the world to see their club and offer assistance.
Now that the Covid thing has stabilised, I intend to continue those overseas excursions.

I can see that my statement of your description of Australian Football as "the worst I'd seen" has gotten under your skin.
I will continue my work, regardless of your approach.
You've criticized (not "offering support"), on numerous occasions, the approach with with we go about explaining the game. I'm responding to those criticisms.

On numerous occasions I have suggested that football people in the U.S.A. should adopt a simple hierarchical description of Australian Football.
nothing wrong with that hey.
Your description however was the "worst description of Australian Football i'd ever seen" (by someone associated with game).
Yes that was a definite criticism. I stand by it and wont retract it. It simply is the worst description of football by an official I've ever seen.
It's the worst of bad descriptions. It reminds me of those "biff and bash" videos that did so much harm to the long-term prospects of Australian Football overseas.
I can see that my statement of your description of Australian Football as "the worst I'd seen" has gotten under your skin.
I will continue my work, regardless of your approach.

Your approach would get under anyones skin.

How about everyone relax a little.
How about everyone relax a little.

Good to see you taking an interest in the development of Australian Football overseas.
Do you think we should adopt a simple hierarchical description of Australian Football ?
What do you think about "fitness through fun or similar ?
Now that I know the owner of the remarks I will do the right thing and p.m. any criticisms.
Good to see you taking an interest in the development of Australian Football overseas.
Do you think we should adopt a simple hierarchical description of Australian Football ?
What do you think about "fitness through fun or similar ?
Now that I know the owner of the remarks I will do the right thing and p.m. any criticisms.

taking an interest? In the past Ive written considerable amounts and conducted many interviews on the matter. Havent done for a while now, but the interest has never gone away.

I dont think a one size fits all description of Australian football isnt necessarily good, and I have to believe that people on the ground in these countries know far more than I do in my Adelaide office about the people they live with half a world away.
I dont think a one size fits all description of Australian football isnt necessarily good, and I have to believe that people on the ground in these countries know far more than I do in my Adelaide office about the people they live with half a world away.

From observation it seems the "fitness through fun" hit the spot with certain target.(people concerned with their fitness)
If company is selling a product it usually does so with an apt concise description and one that tries to stand out.
A car company doesn't sell a car buy saying it's got bits found in Ford, Mercedes, BMW, Tatra, Hyundai, Isuzu, Toyota ...
To me, some selling a sport suggesting it was like the following would evoke these reactions.

Soccer - do I spend all my time soccering a ball around ?
American Football - do I have to learn all these elaborate plays and purchase an expensive outfit ?
Rugby - do they have scrums, because I don't want my neck broken ?
Basketball - I'm too short for basketball !
Volleyball - so where do they put the net up ?
Mosh pit - I'm not into WWE at all.
Ice Hockey - is it something like Hurley, because Hurley is seriously dangerous ?
Here's how the Canadians describe Australian Football.

Fast. Fit. Fun.​

Australian Rules Football, or footy, is one of the most exciting games on grass. It’s fast, tough, and skillful, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever played before. We think it’s the best game in the world, and we know you will too once you’ve seen it in action!

The USAFL doesn't have a description on it's website but does have a video, "play footy", aimed at women.

The CNFA says "Born in Australia at the end of the 19th century, this complete and fun sport requires excellent physical condition, dexterity and courage".

AFLNZ says "Kick, catch, pass & bounce !"

AFL Germany has a high class video "what is footy ?" in German. This is probably the best introductory video I have seen for AFL.
Also used for AFL Ireland (in English).
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Here's how the Canadians describe Australian Football.

Fast. Fit. Fun.​

Australian Rules Football, or footy, is one of the most exciting games on grass. It’s fast, tough, and skillful, and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever played before. We think it’s the best game in the world, and we know you will too once you’ve seen it in action!

The USAFL doesn't have a description on it's website but does have a video, "play footy", aimed at women.

The CNFA says "Born in Australia at the end of the 19th century, this complete and fun sport requires excellent physical condition, dexterity and courage".

AFLNZ says "Kick, catch, pass & bounce !"

AFL Germany has a high class video "what is footy ?" in German. This is probably the best introductory video I have seen for AFL.
Also used for AFL Ireland (in English).

Slogans are for websites and letterheads. This guy was trying to explain it to the news media.

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USAFL and others

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