Victorian Covid Outbreak 2021

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If we had locked down at 10 cases last year we wouldn't of had to for 6 months. That's when the labor gov and health advisors f’ed up. They were too slow.

If the Andrews government didn't **** up Hotel quarantine in the first place we wouldn't have need to lock up at all! Disgraceful a lot of these some people that ****ed up last year are still in charge today!
Only in politics.
Dire??? Are you fleeting serious. Last years situation was dire. Stop promoting fear. Dire 😂😂😂😂
Last year was dire - and then they lost control of it.

The index case flew in from SA on May 6. 3 weeks later, on May 27, 12 new cases were discovered. 8 days after that, 4 new cases, with case numbers clearly coming down.

Last year, the index case tested positive on May 25. 3 weeks later, on June 15, there were 9 new cases. Within two weeks of that, we were recording over 50 cases per day.

We will see what the future holds but I dare say we won’t be seeing such an explosion.
If the Andrews government didn't fu** up Hotel quarantine in the first place we wouldn't have need to lock up at all!
Hotel quarantine had problems but they weren’t problems isolated to Victoria. It was a massive red herring - the part the Vic government properly ****ed last year was contact tracing, it was virtually non existent.
If we had locked down at 10 cases last year we wouldn't of had to for 6 months. That's when the labor gov and health advisors f’ed up. They were too slow.
Well done. Finally someone who admits they ****ed up. My response to the other poster is that this situation was not dire. Leaving it to long like they did last year was eventually a dire situation this situation was serious. Just like governments of all persuasions once you start using rediculous language all you do is put fear into people and once they’re over the fear comes resentment and then rejection to follow the correct path to move out of lockdown at the right time.
Hotel quarantine had problems but they weren’t problems isolated to Victoria. It was a massive red herring - the part the Vic government properly f’ed last year was contact tracing, it was virtually non existent.

The thing that frustrated me over what happen last year is that nobody took responsibility apart from throwing Jenny Makakos under a bus the rest all washed their hands on the matter and suddenly had amnesia when asked questions at the inquiry, Bloody disgraceful! Who can trust these people?

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The thing that frustrated me over what happen last year is that nobody took responsibility apart from throwing Jenny Makakos under a bus the rest all washed their hands on the matter and suddenly had amnesia when asked questions at the inquiry, Bloody disgraceful! Who can trust these people?
The modern day politician

The thing that frustrated me over what happen last year is that nobody took responsibility apart from throwing Jenny Makakos under a bus the rest all washed their hands on the matter and suddenly had amnesia when asked questions at the inquiry, Bloody disgraceful! Who can trust these people?

I am not sure why you expected any politician or political appointee to be trustworthy?
I am not sure why you expected any politician or political appointee to be trustworthy?

I don't but a little honesty for the public might save face a little, especially when its all bloody obvious who is to blame yet they just can't admit they did anything wrong! What does that tell ya? It tells ya they can get away with anything because they have been allowed to! partly due to our media, elites and the opposition libs being piss weak and not holding them accountable enough.
They would have never gotten away with that joke of an inquiry in Sydney that's for sure!
I don't but a little honesty for the public might save face a little, especially when its all bloody obvious who is to blame yet they just can't admit they did anything wrong! What does that tell ya? It tells ya they can get away with anything because they have been allowed to! partly due to our media, elites and the opposition libs being piss weak and not holding them accountable enough,
They would have never gotten away with that joke of an inquiry in Sydney that's for sure!

Yes this is true. Having a very weak opposition is bad, our Government can do whatever it likes. NSW is much closer and therefore the Government can't do whatever it likes.

Media gonna media, they just follow clicks.

Elites gonna elite, they care about making money only.
Yes this is true. Having a very weak opposition is bad, our Government can do whatever it likes. NSW is much closer and therefore the Government can't do whatever it likes.

Media gonna media, they just follow clicks.

Elites gonna elite, they care about making money only.

Media should do more than just follow clicks real journalism should always be holding politicians accountable, not holding them on pedestals like rock stars! I've seen to much of this shit with Dan Andrews and his ministers. The #istandwithdan crowd is bloody pathetic and an insult especially after what happen last year! and make no mistake it starts with the media.
It's a big problem with all politicians in todays world through. Some are treated like rock stars and there is nothing more that a politicians likes than being an attention seeker! Accountability is all they should be facing everyday because they serve us we don't serve them.
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Media should do more than just follow clicks real journalism should always be holding politicians accountable, not holding them on pedestals like rock stars! I've seen to much of this sh*t with Dan Andrews and his ministers. The #istandwithdan crowd is bloody pathetic and insult especially after what happen last year! and make no mistake it starts with the media.
It's big problem with all politicians in todays world through. Some are treated like rock stars and there is nothing more that a politicians likes than being an attention seekers! Accountability is all they should be facing everyday because they serve us we don't serve them.

We don't have very much 'real' journalism anymore. The internet killed that.
The thing that frustrated me over what happen last year is that nobody took responsibility apart from throwing Jenny Makakos under a bus the rest all washed their hands on the matter and suddenly had amnesia when asked questions at the inquiry, Bloody disgraceful! Who can trust these people?

It was utterly shameful how they weaseled their way out of that one.

They were getting hounded daily by the media on the topic pre commission findings and each day they deflected to “let the findings of the royal commission show the outcome” and then after all that time and effort they suddenly forgot what happened and literally the whole thing got swept under the rug and just carried with business as usual.

If someone died on a worksite from negligence of management do you think the judge would accept the “I don’t remember” response?
Of course not but how they got off so lightly from the griller really is beyond me.
These guys really are the most slimey assholes you could come across.

It’s something I personally can’t forgive and it will go down as a very dark moment in Victoria’s history.
It was utterly shameful how they weaseled their way out of that one.

They were getting hounded daily by the media on the topic pre commission findings and each day they deflected to “let the findings of the royal commission show the outcome” and then after all that time and effort they suddenly forgot what happened and literally the whole thing got swept under the rug and just carried with business as usual.

If someone died on a worksite from negligence of management do you think the judge would accept the “I don’t remember” response?
Of course not but how they got off so lightly from the griller really is beyond me.
These guys really are the most slimey assholes you could come across.

It’s something I personally can’t forgive and it will go down as a very dark moment in Victoria’s history.

Boils my blood thinking about it! I can never trust any of them! Do not put it past them to lock us down again in future either! Do not fall for the vaccination will get us out of this crap, it wont! As soon as there are cases again in future majority vaxxed wont matter, Restrictions and lockdowns will be enforced! They will always come up with new strains that a vaxx wont cover. They even said they are going for zero cases straight from the horses mouths! Do not fall for their BS!
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Because they’ve done a pretty bloody good job to get this under control from a pretty dire situation a week ago...
LOL. You honestly don't believe that do you? Was it really a dire situation last week?

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Victorian Covid Outbreak 2021

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