Review Video Highlights - Preliminary Final - By Favourites

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We will when I get a second, building a house at the moment and most of my time has gone into that. I will be doing one with the best radio highlights of each point in the game so it's going to take a while but it'll be worth it at the end.

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We will when I get a second, building a house at the moment and most of my time has gone into that. I will be doing one with the best radio highlights of each point in the game so it's going to take a while but it'll be worth it at the end.

You're a legend Favs :thumbsu: If you're gonna hang up the boots you might as well go out with a bang!! End of an era on the board. We were really lucky to have two great vid artists in you and Mars going strong for so long.
We will when I get a second, building a house at the moment and most of my time has gone into that. I will be doing one with the best radio highlights of each point in the game so it's going to take a while but it'll be worth it at the end.

Would love the Radio Call Faves:thumbsu:
We will when I get a second, building a house at the moment and most of my time has gone into that. I will be doing one with the best radio highlights of each point in the game so it's going to take a while but it'll be worth it at the end.
Geez mate, get your priority's in order. :p Just joking, I look forward to it..
I have been hanging out for it since the Premiership win..

Also in advance to your final video, a massive thankyou for all the effort you have put in over the years, it hasn't gone un-noticed, as Quicky said we have been very lucky with yours and Mars' efforts. It's been great.
Thanks again.
Intro is done as is the video editting, it's all down to the audio editting which is taking a lot longer than I thought, should be out this week al fingers crossed.
I'm thinking about making a 2010 highlights video, just waiting until November 8 when I get my paws on the 2010 Victory Pack DVDs. If I do it I'll certainly post it up on here for your enjoyment &/or feedback.

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