Family & Relationships Visitors dropping in

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I love a good pop in, often do it if I'm driving past a mates house, but generally just for a quick chat, 5-20 minutes.

Staying for 5-6 hours and taking up a day is pretty strange.
I have a friend who always manages to pop in when a really good game of afl is on.

I'd just watch it anyway.

Thats what I do whenever someone decides that going to the pub while Port are playing is a good idea.

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I've done the whole party house thing before with people coming and going without being invited.

It was mad but after a while got sick of having everybody there all the time.

One night just as I'd finally gotten rid of everybody and was about to go to bed I one mate rocked up and I totally went off at him.

It wasn't even him that was hanging around all the time he was just the one I let rip at.

My tip is don't let it build up as you will flip your lid.

Tell them you want some peace and tonight isn't a good night and could they please call if they want to pop in.

You guys are a bunch of mother****ing tightarses. If a family member drops in, you look after them and show them a good time.

If older family members drop in, I'll make some tea and provide some snacks. If the younger members come in, I'll roll a J and buy a pizza.

Stop being *****.


Stop being so judgmental :rolleyes:

BTW - they have dropped in again. :(
This thread is hilarious :)
My only advice would be to ask them to ring as you've had to cancel plans a few times due to them just dropping in...
My only advice would be to ask them to ring as you've had to cancel plans a few times due to them just dropping in...

Allegedly they did send a message to my misses phone but she had it on silent and came over anyway.
The relatives on my dad's side are renowned for dropping in unannounced. None of us are too happy to see them (fake happyness!!), as they don't bathe and stink up the house.

If i am the only one home on the odd occasion when they drop in, i usually bolt from the lounge room, to the bedroom in the other end of the house. They usually hang around anywhere from 5 - 30 minutes :eek:, before leaving.

They also have a habit of trying to let themselves in, we do bolt the gate.... but that doesn't always stop them.
^^ That is just so rude!!! (Not being sarcastic either).

I honestly don't think there has ever been a time where I would just randomly show up to someone's house without ringing or texting first. Even my cousins who have just moved over from QLD have said "come over whenever" but I always text/ring first.

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When i was 11, My soccer coach (anywhere between late twenties and early thirties) came to my house completely uninvited from about 6.30 on a Saturday night and stayed till about 9.30 (WTF?!). It was well publicised at the time that he was leaving for good at the end of the year to do some work in Melbourne, but he definately didn't run it passed any member of the team that he'd stop over to each of our houses for a casual 3 hour chat before he left. I mean don't get me wrong the guy was very likable but the whole occasion was very odd and unsettling for my liking. I mean, there was footy to be watched!!!

And yeah some of my mates (one in particular) drop by alot, come into my house and say, "so what should we do?" :rolleyes:
Our neighbours have the habit of walking straight through the back door of our house unnanounced. They dont even ring the door. They just walk straight on in. WHAT...THE....****!

I need to make some more money quickly so I can move out. Then if that happens I can tell them to piss the **** off.
Our neighbours have the habit of walking straight through the back door of our house unnanounced. They dont even ring the door. They just walk straight on in. WHAT...THE....****!

I need to make some more money quickly so I can move out. Then if that happens I can tell them to piss the **** off.

Sounds like you need one of these

And yeah some of my mates (one in particular) drop by alot, come into my house and say, "so what should we do?" :rolleyes:

That's just utter madness, if they wanna be bored, be bored at home, don't bring us down with it.
When i was 11, My soccer coach (anywhere between late twenties and early thirties) came to my house completely uninvited from about 6.30 on a Saturday night and stayed till about 9.30 (WTF?!). It was well publicised at the time that he was leaving for good at the end of the year to do some work in Melbourne, but he definately didn't run it passed any member of the team that he'd stop over to each of our houses for a casual 3 hour chat before he left. I mean don't get me wrong the guy was very likable but the whole occasion was very odd and unsettling for my liking. I mean, there was footy to be watched!!!
Was i the only one that was disappointed/confused that this story didn't involve a single mum?
Am I the only one who gets pissed off at people (family members,friends, neighbors) who just casually drop in unannounced and stay for 5 or 6 hours straight and just sit there and watch TV.

I was just about to put season 3 of Mad Men and settle in for a quality afternoon of TV and then around 1:15pm my sister and her husband drop in. I've dropped enough hints for them to go home, in fact I've left them to talk to my partner and i've come onto the computer.

They do it every week, and even though she is my sister, i don't enjoy her company, so i don't care to talk to either of them. I want to scream at them to go the **** home.

Am I considered a rude if I do tell them, if so, how can i polity tell them. It's also a public holidays so i cannot just say, I've got somewhere to go. They will be here until 7 o'clock if not latter being Saturday night.

Gone, now lets here your stories on how you've dealt with horrible visitors who have stayed way to long.
Dude you need to stand up for yourself and tell them to call before coming or answer the door naked say you have someone over even if you don't.

It's very rude of people coming over without calling unless it's a emergency.You got to remind yourself your number 1 and what you want to do is your priority first and if they don't like it they can sook about it for a while.
You sound like a great brother and family member to have. Must be hard to have siblings that like to spend time with you. Here's a tip, lighten up and try to enjoy their company instead of carrying on like a petulant and rude little child.
You'll never know when you'll need the support of friends and family.
You got it wrong he probably see his family a lot.He probably works 5 days a week for 50 hours. He probably just like to get some time for himself to do his things.These things like going to clubs,pubs,concerts,strip joints picking up women.He also just like to sit back and relax and watch his DVD.Their really isn't much time when you work most of your life like he said they should call and stay for not to long.
You got it wrong he probably see his family a lot.He probably works 5 days a week for 50 hours. He probably just like to get some time for himself to do his things.These things like going to clubs,pubs,concerts,strip joints picking up women.He also just like to sit back and relax and watch his DVD.Their really isn't much time when you work most of your life like he said they should call and stay for not to long.

Your posts actually read like Tony Montana would say them. :thumbsu:

You guys are a bunch of mother****ing tightarses. If a family member drops in, you look after them and show them a good time.

If older family members drop in, I'll make some tea and provide some snacks. If the younger members come in, I'll roll a J and buy a pizza.

Stop being *****.
yeah, nah.

You're obviously close to your family and are happy for them to drop in unannounced. That's great but make an effort to understand others aren't like that.

I'm lucky, I don't have any family or friends who drop in unannounced or overstay their welcome. It's just the norm in the circles I am in. I'd get a bit pissed if family members or friends started dropping in unannounced. Anyone on this thread having a whinge - totally understandable.

And the OP - 6 hours. I'd just bring it up with the sister and say "hey listen, I work 5 days, i need nothing time on the weekend to recharge for work. That means sitting on the couch and watching TV. Alone. Please call before you come over and plaese don't stay for 6 hours unless it's for dinner and drinks, xmas lunch etc".

My partner expected me to go and stay at her sisters house on Xmas night. My answer was "go tell your sister that xmas day is a long day and at the end of it i want to relax by myself on the couch, sleep in my own bed with my own pillow, wake up when i wake up, walk around the house on boxer shorts when i wake up etc". My partner opted for an excuse but i would have no problem telling them how it is. I don't find it offensive or rude and wouldn't if someone said that to me.

Life too short to compromise your leisure time.
people who take over the house and use everything with out asking is rude.relative or not still rude.
I don't have a problem with this. I'd prefer my guests to help themselves to whatever they want (except my wife). It's just silly having a mate or family member asking if they can have a drink. "You know where the glasses are, go get yourself whatever you like whenever you like".

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Family & Relationships Visitors dropping in

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