Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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Perth doctor Mohammed Mustafa provides chilling account from hospitals of Gaza​

"I remember my first day," Dr Mustafa said.

"I went into the emergency department, and it was chaotic. There were hundreds of people. People that have chronic diseases that haven't been getting treated.

"There was a mass casualty event, so I rushed into the 'resus' [resuscitation] room.

"They started bringing in bodies of children that had been hit by a drone strike in a playground. There were about 10 bodies of children on the floor.

"When the families bring them in, they bring them wrapped in blankets.

"I remember the first blanket that I opened up. It was a child with his head missing. And I remember just freezing for about 15 seconds."
Most of the other medics on the ward at the time were students, so Dr Mustafa effectively became the leader of the emergency department on his first day.

"I remember nurses grabbing me by the shoulder, saying 'doctor, we need you', and I was just frozen in shock at what I was seeing. We had to make some really difficult decisions," he said.

"There were children on the floor bleeding out, and I had to pick which one I was going to focus my energy on.

"While I'm there, trying to resuscitate one child, I can see another child bleeding to death on the floor that I'm leaving to die.
"It's been really difficult to process."

Perth doctor Mohammed Mustafa provides chilling account from hospitals of Gaza​

"I remember my first day," Dr Mustafa said.

"I went into the emergency department, and it was chaotic. There were hundreds of people. People that have chronic diseases that haven't been getting treated.

"There was a mass casualty event, so I rushed into the 'resus' [resuscitation] room.

"They started bringing in bodies of children that had been hit by a drone strike in a playground. There were about 10 bodies of children on the floor.

"When the families bring them in, they bring them wrapped in blankets.

"I remember the first blanket that I opened up. It was a child with his head missing. And I remember just freezing for about 15 seconds."
Most of the other medics on the ward at the time were students, so Dr Mustafa effectively became the leader of the emergency department on his first day.

"I remember nurses grabbing me by the shoulder, saying 'doctor, we need you', and I was just frozen in shock at what I was seeing. We had to make some really difficult decisions," he said.

"There were children on the floor bleeding out, and I had to pick which one I was going to focus my energy on.

"While I'm there, trying to resuscitate one child, I can see another child bleeding to death on the floor that I'm leaving to die.
"It's been really difficult to process."

Yes, but Hamas!

Meanwhile in the Hamas-less West Bank, Israel have launcha Gaza-style cleansing campaign, besieging hospitals and detaining medical staff.


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Oh boy, you're going to roll with this too aren't you.

You're going to swallow the 'Hamas is everywhere, Iran are funding and arming Palestinians in the West Bank' shit as well.

You're going to look the other way while Israel just completely wipes Palestinians off the scraps of land they're clinging on to.
Oh boy, you're going to roll with this too aren't you.

You're going to swallow the 'Hamas is everywhere, Iran are funding and arming Palestinians in the West Bank' shit as well.

You're going to look the other way while Israel just completely wipes Palestinians off the scraps of land they're clinging on to.
"Israeli forces also conducted operations, including airstrikes, in Tulkarem and the Al-Faraa refugee camp. All of the locations are in the northern West Bank. Hamas said that 10 of its fighters had been killed in the West Bank"

Not even Hamas is denying this :embarrassedv1:

This is why you're always more informed reading junket journalism instead of whatever Breakthrough News is. Out of interest I checked them out and there's not a lot of info on them, but one of their hosts said this charming thing in the wake of October 7th:

"And as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time, until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters, and I'm sure they're doing very fine despite what the New York Post says".

That some great content to be amplifying and following on twitter.

Edit: what the heck is with that youtube thumbnail? Is there a way to share it without the thumbnail lol? :eekv1:
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"Israeli forces also conducted operations, including airstrikes, in Tulkarem and the Al-Faraa refugee camp. All of the locations are in the northern West Bank. Hamas said that 10 of its fighters had been killed in the West Bank"

Not even Hamas is denying this :embarrassedv1:

This is why you're always more informed reading junket journalism instead of whatever Breakthrough News is. Out of interest I checked them out and there's not a lot of info on them, but one of their hosts said this charming thing in the wake of October 7th:

"And as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time, until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters, and I'm sure they're doing very fine despite what the New York Post says".

That some great content to be amplifying and following on twitter.

Edit: what the heck is with that youtube thumbnail? Is there a way to share it without the thumbnail lol? :eekv1:

Where did Hamas say it was their men?
This is why you're always more informed reading junket journalism instead of whatever Breakthrough News is. Out of interest I checked them out and there's not a lot of info on them, but one of their hosts said this charming thing in the wake of October 7th:

"And as you might have seen, there was some sort of rave or desert party where they were having a great time, until the resistance came in electrified hang gliders and took at least several dozen hipsters, and I'm sure they're doing very fine despite what the New York Post says".

That some great content to be amplifying and following on twitter.

Edit: what the heck is with that youtube thumbnail? Is there a way to share it without the thumbnail lol?

Jesus Christ - are you denying any of the inforation in that video?

This is all over the news - I picked a tweet at random, there's nothing debatable about it. Weird behaviour.

Here is their intentions announced. Temporary evacuation.


Bulldozers have been digging up roads for months.

Israel had already killed 128 Palestinians, including 26 children, in the West Bank through airstrikes over the first three weeks of August.

We've endured a year of Israel boosters like you telling us this is all because of Hamas, if only they hadn't attacked and taken hostages. Everything was fine before Oct 7th. If they just surrender and return the hostages all of this will end.

Now we see what cooperation with Israel gets you. Fatah govern WB, not Hamas. Fatah denounced violence and work with Israel on security.

And this is the collective punishment that Israel will mete out to all Palestinians. Those who truly had nothing to do with Oct 7th. They're turning to the West Bank because they can't just stop. They've got to turn somewhere, otherwise they'll be forced to reflect on themselves.

When Israel achieve their goals, have annexed and settled Gaza and all of 'Judea and Samaria' - what will your response be Jazny?

It had to be done?

They started it/deserved it?

Who cares?
Where did Hamas say it was their men?
It's been widely reported in the real press. Hamas regularly makes announcements and press statements though I don't know where you can find them online. The Palestinian Health Ministry recorded 11 deaths and would not confirm wither the 11th was a fighter or not, the other 10 have been confirmed to be fighters by Hamas.

Hamas said 10 of its fighters were killed in different locations, and the Palestinian Health Ministry reported an 11th casualty, without saying whether he was a fighter or a civilian.

It's been widely reported in the real press. Hamas regularly makes announcements and press statements though I don't know where you can find them online. The Palestinian Health Ministry recorded 11 deaths and would not confirm wither the 11th was a fighter or not, the other 10 have been confirmed to be fighters by Hamas.

Hamas said 10 of its fighters were killed in different locations, and the Palestinian Health Ministry reported an 11th casualty, without saying whether he was a fighter or a civilian.

Who was Hamas, and did they say it in English?
I've been wrong about everything I have ever tried to correct him on though. I can feel him chuckling at me right now :(
Who was Hamas, and did they say it in English?
GP, I know you follow QUDS News on twitter so you probably are used to things you call "news" just fabricating stories out of thin air, but real journalists that work for respected news agencies like the AP tend to actually corroborate their stories before posting them. So you are very unlikely to see a retraction on that piece of information and at this point its widely reported. If you're hanging your hat on that being incorrect, you're almost certainly going to be disappointed.

This is essentially you right now
I've been wrong about everything I have ever tried to correct him on though. I can feel him chuckling at me right now :(

GP, I know you follow QUDS News on twitter so you probably are used to things you call "news" just fabricating stories out of thin air, but real journalists that work for respected news agencies like the AP tend to actually corroborate their stories before posting them. So you are very unlikely to see a retraction on that piece of information and at this point its widely reported. If you're hanging your hat on that being incorrect, you're almost certainly going to be disappointed.


I suppose sitting in a junket circle with IDF spokesman is technically a form of corroboration.

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You know I mean they are not governing the West Bank. Palestinians in the West Bank didn't commit that cardinal sin and vote them into power.

Still you will support the collective punishment of the inhabitants anyway, under the useful spectre of Iran.

This is just a pre-empitve invasion.

What are you talking about?

Terror operatives are burying and building IED's all over the West Bank.

You want to leave 100kgs of shoddily wired explosive material to randomly detonate if someone uses the wrong radio frequency in the wrong area?

Do you want someone to mistakenly use a fire extinguisher and accidentally destroy a building and everyone in it?
What are you talking about?

Terror operatives are burying and building IED's all over the West Bank.

You want to leave 100kgs of shoddily wired explosive material to randomly detonate if someone uses the wrong radio frequency in the wrong area?

Do you want someone to mistakenly use a fire extinguisher and accidentally destroy a building and everyone in it?

Is this worse than dropping hundreds thousands of 2000 pound bombs on refugee camps, schools and hospitals?
What are you talking about?

Terror operatives are burying and building IED's all over the West Bank.

You want to leave 100kgs of shoddily wired explosive material to randomly detonate if someone uses the wrong radio frequency in the wrong area?

Do you want someone to mistakenly use a fire extinguisher and accidentally destroy a building and everyone in it?

I see, so you're invading, cleansing and killing them in order to save them!


Israeli terror operatives are so thoughtful.
It's been widely reported in the real press. Hamas regularly makes announcements and press statements though I don't know where you can find them online. The Palestinian Health Ministry recorded 11 deaths and would not confirm wither the 11th was a fighter or not, the other 10 have been confirmed to be fighters by Hamas.

Hamas said 10 of its fighters were killed in different locations, and the Palestinian Health Ministry reported an 11th casualty, without saying whether he was a fighter or a civilian.

All that artice says is the IDF say what happened.

What is does say though is

The 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank live under seemingly open-ended Israeli military rule, with the Western-backed Palestinian Authority administering towns and cities. Over 500,000 Jewish settlers, who have Israeli citizenship, live in well over 100 settlements across the territory that most of the international community considers illegal.

But hey, good on the IDF for stopping 10 of the Arab terrorists

You have no shame at all jazny
All that artice says is the IDF say what happened.

What is does say though is
Incorrect. It is citing Hamas themselves stating that 10 of their fighters were killed in the west bank. It's always funny what people in the west defend Hamas on when they don't even deny some of these things themselves. The only reason we are even disputing whether 10 Hamas fighters were killed in the West Bank is because Lunchlady said the West Bank is Hamas-less, but even now he has gone on to retract that, and he is a smart guy so he isn't going to deny the reporting. So there isn't much argument left. Hamas has a presence in the West Bank, and 10 of their fighters were killed in recent action.
But hey, good on the IDF for stopping 10 of the Arab terrorists

You have no shame at all jazny
What exactly are you mad about?
The first time I heard there was "no Hamas on the West Bank" was through a Piers Morgan interview with Bassem Yousef.

Hamas aren't in government there but they do have a presence.

Hamas: Background, Current Status, and U.S. PolicyHamas (or the Islamic Resistance Movement) is aPalestinian Sunni Islamist military and sociopoliticalmovement, and a U.S.-designated foreign terroristorganization (FTO). Hamas’s primary base of action andsupport is in the Gaza Strip, which it has controlled since2007. It also operates in the West Bank and Lebanon, andsome Hamas leaders and personnel live and/or work invarious Arab countries and Turkey.

The first time I heard there was no Hamas on the West Bank was through a Piers Morgan interview with Bassem Yousef.

Hamas aren't in government there but they do have a presence.

Hamas: Background, Current Status, and U.S. PolicyHamas (or the Islamic Resistance Movement) is aPalestinian Sunni Islamist military and sociopoliticalmovement, and a U.S.-designated foreign terroristorganization (FTO). Hamas’s primary base of action andsupport is in the Gaza Strip, which it has controlled since2007. It also operates in the West Bank and Lebanon, andsome Hamas leaders and personnel live and/or work invarious Arab countries and Turkey.

It's a weird hill for some of these posters to die on considering the only reason we are even discussing it is a retracted part of a post by Lunchlady (a claim he has made before too btw), but GP and Dapper are planting their flag hard on this for some reason. I guess it kind of sucks for them that yet another one of their talking points "but there is no Hamas in the West Bank" isn't true.
It's a weird hill for some of these posters to die on considering the only reason we are even discussing it is a retracted part of a post by Lunchlady (a claim he has made before too btw), but GP and Dapper are planting their flag hard on this for some reason. I guess it kind of sucks for them that yet another one of their talking points "but there is no Hamas in the West Bank" isn't true.

The PA wouldn't be real tolerant of them operating in the area they govern and Israel wouldn't tolerate them the areas they control.

They wouldn't be there in huge numbers. IMO.
The PA wouldn't be real tolerant of them operating in the area they govern and Israel wouldn't tolerate them the areas they control.

They wouldn't be there in huge numbers. IMO.
That's seems right although its hard to get those kinds of numbers. What's clear is they do operate there and have carried out terror attacks in the west bank in the past.
The PA wouldn't be real tolerant of them operating in the area they govern and Israel wouldn't tolerate them the areas they control.

They wouldn't be there in huge numbers. IMO.

They're not in any meaningful numbers. Yet.

No hostages to rescue there.

This is certainly making it impossible for Fatah and the PA to maintain peace. Israel really leaving no way to claim there is any benefit to working with them. Hamas popularity will soar as Abbas becomes even more of a joke.

Won't be surprised when people with no hope, nothing left to lose, resort to whatever armed struggle they can to resist their cleansing. Third intifada may be around the corner.

Israel will play the victim again.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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