Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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There's more evidence of IDF killing Israelis than there is of Hamas rape, and it's not even close.

They won't believe IDF killed Israelis unless it's forensically confirmed, but rumours and heresay of rape is confirmation enough for them.

But if their arguments are 'Hannibal Directive doesn't apply to civilians' and 'the IDF didn't know 100% there were hostages in that car' then they're not really trying hard to deny it.
There is evidence of some, very few, Israelis being killed by IDF fire, but friendly fire isn't a new thing and has nothing to do with the hannibal directive. Like nothing at all. Considering the chaos and complexity of the situation, it's surprising there weren't more incidents of friendly fire than what we know.
There's more evidence of IDF killing Israelis than there is of Hamas rape, and it's not even close.

They won't believe IDF killed Israelis unless it's forensically confirmed, but rumours and heresay of rape is confirmation enough for them.

But if their arguments are 'Hannibal Directive doesn't apply to civilians' and 'the IDF didn't know 100% there were hostages in that car' then they're not really trying hard to deny it.

They seem to think it can only be invoked by Hannibal Lecter himself. Otherwise it's just a regular Netanyahu directive.
They seem to think it can only be invoked by Hannibal Lecter himself. Otherwise it's just a regular Netanyahu directive.
Tell us in detail what you think happened, GP. How many Israelis did the ISF kill during the Oct 7th terror attack? How many were killed in an instance where the hannibal directive applied in that they knew a hostage was onboard a vehicle, or in the very vicinity they were firing at, but did it anyway in accordance with the directive? I don't need an exact number, but give me a ballpark. 1? 14? 50? 100? 200+?

In your words, let us know, through your extensive, well sourced, well credentialed twitter research, exactly what happened. I look forward to it.

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Tell us in detail what you think happened, GP. How many Israelis did the ISF kill during the Oct 7th terror attack? How many were killed in an instance where the hannibal directive applied in that they knew a hostage was onboard a vehicle, or in the very vicinity they were firing at, but did it anyway in accordance with the directive? I don't need an exact number, but give me a ballpark. 1? 14? 50? 100? 200+?

In your words, let us know, through your extensive, well sourced, well credentialed twitter research, exactly what happened. I look forward to it.

We've all seen the pictures of what the apache helicopters did to all the cars fleeing the music festival. And what the tanks did to the kibbutzs.

We've all seen the pictures of what the apache helicopters did to all the cars fleeing the music festival. And what the tanks did to the kibbutzs.

Our education system has a lot to answer for :(

But thank you for at least having the courage to put your opinion on record.
Jazny and Zidane still think all those cars were blown up by guns and rocks. Certainly not tanks and helicopters!

View attachment 2104042

They buried the evidence because cars are sacred in Israel.

The full ammunition compliment of 30mm cannon and Hellfire missiles of 28 attack helicopters, plus rearms.

That is thousands of rounds, hundreds of missiles.

70+ cars destroyed, with no idea of who the inhabitants were.
Tell us in detail what you think happened, GP. How many Israelis did the ISF kill during the Oct 7th terror attack? How many were killed in an instance where the hannibal directive applied in that they knew a hostage was onboard a vehicle, or in the very vicinity they were firing at, but did it anyway in accordance with the directive? I don't need an exact number, but give me a ballpark. 1? 14? 50? 100? 200+?

In your words, let us know, through your extensive, well sourced, well credentialed twitter research, exactly what happened. I look forward to it.
Could you answer this too?

Also give a run down on each death, how it happened and what type of bullet was used from which weapon and each person who fired it.

Thanks Jazny
Investigative journalists are coming up with similar estimates. But you only believe the ones that roll in mud?

Normally if you source a reporter, it's for the actual reporting they have done, not the random opinions they post on twitter. I read the same article, I read the UN report, I read the Haaretz article, I have seen nothing to support his random opinion, and he offered nothing in support of it.
Normally if you source a reporter, it's for the actual reporting they have done, not the random opinions they post on twitter. I read the same article, I read the UN report, I read the Haaretz article, I have seen nothing to support his random opinion, and he offered nothing in support of it.

It only takes a small amount of critical thinking to link the fleet of wrecked cars to the 28 apache helicopters.
Give it time, I'm sure you'll get there one day.
It only takes a small amount of critical thinking to link the fleet of wrecked cars to the 28 apache helicopters.
Give it time, I'm sure you'll get there one day.
The UN dropped the ball on that one, they should have contacted you for your thorough research in making guesses based on photos you saw on twitter with no expertise to even understand what you're looking at.
The UN dropped the ball on that one, they should have contacted you for your thorough research in making guesses based on photos you saw on twitter with no expertise to even understand what you're looking at.

So you think the 28 attack helicopters couldn't have possibly wrecked any of the cars they were shooting at?

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What exactly are you basing your version of events on?
The UN report from the ohchr which found no evidence that helicopters fired on vehicles around the nova festival, actually reading the Haaretz article, and the ABC article which contains no new information anyway.

There are zero grounds for believing friendly fire was even widespread on Oct 7th, let alone a directive to fire upon vehicles known to be carrying hostages.

It should be troubling to a rational person if your evidence for thinking otherwise comes from quote farming a few statements on a podcast or an interview, none of which support the idea that you espouse anyway, and what GP thinks an apache attack looks like.
Israel is not backed without question by the USA. That's simply not true. I will say this is a trope trotted out by Hamas consistently.

Why bring up Saudi Arabia at the all? Bizarre logic.

Iran has the 14th strongest military in the world.

In terms of missile power it dominates the ME

And it openly declares its desire to destroy Israel while being openly anti semitic.

It is surprising that some who claim to want peace never condemn Iran for this.

YOU claimed Iran is the strongest military in the ME. Last time I checked SA is in the ME. Not bizarre logic at all. And if USA doesn't unquestioningly back Israel, what have they been doing for a year while Israel commits endless war crimes? But even if you want to ignore that uncomfortable reality, Israel has F-35s. Do you know anything about their capabilities? Do you know much about the Iranian airforce? But even if you want to ignore THAT as well, Israel has nuclear weapons. Your statement was just bizarre and demonstrably wrong.
YOU claimed Iran is the strongest military in the ME. Last time I checked SA is in the ME. Not bizarre logic at all. And if USA doesn't unquestioningly back Israel, what have they been doing for a year while Israel commits endless war crimes? But even if you want to ignore that uncomfortable reality, Israel has F-35s. Do you know anything about their capabilities? Do you know much about the Iranian airforce? But even if you want to ignore THAT as well, Israel has nuclear weapons. Your statement was just bizarre and demonstrably wrong.

So much wrong with this post.

If you checked your facts you would discover that Saudi Arabia i3 23rd in global military strength. Iran is 14th.

To shut down your utterly stupid rhetoric here are the ME global military rankings

Both Turkey & Iran rank higher than Israel. These states are openly hostile towards Israel. Egypt also rates higher than Israel.

Moronic to mention nuclear weapons. Turkey has them, Iran probably does, Israel probably does

An absolute non factor in the Hamas / Israel war.

Maybe fact check things first before making outright false claims.

Also it's telling while the US pushes for cewse fire resolutions , sends over $10 billion in humanitarian aid to Gaza and has reduced weapon deliveries to Israel you incorrectly and falsely claim it is them who support Israel unconditionally.

While on the other hand Iran and its coalition openly declare their intent to wipe Israel off the map. This is of course not an issue for you in general.

In sorry to embarrass you here but it is clear you've been sucked in by Hamas propaganda.

Check facts first, investigate.
So much wrong with this post.

If you checked your facts you would discover that Saudi Arabia i3 23rd in global military strength. Iran is 14th.

To shut down your utterly stupid rhetoric here are the ME global military rankings

Both Turkey & Iran rank higher than Israel. These states are openly hostile towards Israel. Egypt also rates higher than Israel.

Moronic to mention nuclear weapons. Turkey has them, Iran probably does, Israel probably does

An absolute non factor in the Hamas / Israel war.

Maybe fact check things first before making outright false claims.

Also it's telling while the US pushes for cewse fire resolutions , sends over $10 billion in humanitarian aid to Gaza and has reduced weapon deliveries to Israel you incorrectly and falsely claim it is them who support Israel unconditionally.

While on the other hand Iran and its coalition openly declare their intent to wipe Israel off the map. This is of course not an issue for you in general.

In sorry to embarrass you here but it is clear you've been sucked in by Hamas propaganda.

Check facts first, investigate.
Turkey and Iran have nuclear weapons now? What the hell are you talking about?

Interesting how Israel can strike Iran using advanced stealth weapons and delivery platforms while the much stronger Iran can't hit anything worth a damn in Israel. Interesting how America amasses firepower in the region any time SA is threatened. But yeah, Egypt and Iran are the Sleeping Tigers of global military dominance! Sometimes you need to critically analyse the 'facts' you read on the internet! Lmao!!!
Turkey and Iran have nuclear weapons now? What the hell are you talking about?

Interesting how Israel can strike Iran using advanced stealth weapons and delivery platforms while the much stronger Iran can't hit anything worth a damn in Israel. Interesting how America amasses firepower in the region any time SA is threatened. But yeah, Egypt and Iran are the Sleeping Tigers of global military dominance! Sometimes you need to critically analyse the 'facts' you read on the internet! Lmao!!!

Are you doubling down on your false claim ?

Lol. Diabolically bad posting on your behalf but hey who am I to stop you.
Interesting you can't address any of the facts, questions or notions I posted! :p

None except for the false claim you stated Israel is stronger militarily than Iran. You even threw up Saudi Arabia as alternative which was also proven to be a false claim.

The difference between my posting and your posting is unlike yourself I have quoted factual information with an explanation.

The best you can muster is "but Israel has nukes and some fighter jets". The reason you do this is because you are fully aware that your claims are false.

I can guaranteed any further responses from yourself won't contain factual information either.

In all this one who looks at things from a factual viewpoint must wonder why you as a poster seemingly has little problem with Iran, a stare that openly declares its intent to annihilate Israel isn't much of a problem for you.

While on the other hand you've falsely claimed that the US supports Israel unconditionally in committing an alleged genocide even though the US is the biggest donor of humanitarian aid to Gaza, has reduced weapons shipments, pursued cease fire resolutions and openly calls on Israel to pursue peace.

Considering the above facts I can see why you are disappointed why the US continues to supply Iron Dome to Israel. Your rhetoric is clear & obvious.
None except for the false claim you stated Israel is stronger militarily than Iran. You even threw up Saudi Arabia as alternative which was also proven to be a false claim.

The difference between my posting and your posting is unlike yourself I have quoted factual information with an explanation.

The best you can muster is "but Israel has nukes and some fighter jets". The reason you do this is because you are fully aware that your claims are false.

I can guaranteed any further responses from yourself won't contain factual information either.

In all this one who looks at things from a factual viewpoint must wonder why you as a poster seemingly has little problem with Iran, a stare that openly declares its intent to annihilate Israel isn't much of a problem for you.

While on the other hand you've falsely claimed that the US supports Israel unconditionally in committing an alleged genocide even though the US is the biggest donor of humanitarian aid to Gaza, has reduced weapons shipments, pursued cease fire resolutions and openly calls on Israel to pursue peace.

Considering the above facts I can see why you are disappointed why the US continues to supply Iron Dome to Israel. Your rhetoric is clear & obvious.
Perhaps you don't know what a F35 is, how it operates, and what it does. Or the deterrence value of nuclear weapons. Apologies.
Perhaps you don't know what a F35 is, how it operates, and what it does. Or the deterrence value of nuclear weapons. Apologies.

Not withstanding the fact that it isn't confirmed Israel or Iran has working nuclear weapons and that Turkey officially does they are a non factor here.

F35 or no F35 - Iran is superior to Israel militarily.
As is Turkey. As is Egypt. These are simple facts that make a mockery of your false claims and the more you continue to double down the more you embarrass yourself..
Not withstanding the fact that it isn't confirmed Israel or Iran has working nuclear weapons and that Turkey officially does they are a non factor here.

F35 or no F35 - Iran is superior to Israel militarily.
As is Turkey. As is Egypt. These are simple facts that make a mockery of your false claims and the more you continue to double down the more you embarrass yourself..
Talk about embarrassing yourself! Turkey hosts US nuclear missiles, as do several other NATO members. They don't have nuclear weapons. But maybe they'll convince USA to let them borrow them for an attack on Israel?

Israel has nuclear weapons, Iran doesn't. Fact. Furthermore, Iran's nuclear development program was destroyed by Israel. Iran and Egypt don't have much luck attacking and defending themselves against Israel, in spite of their military might!

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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