Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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How could it even be close to genocide? How many Israelis are there? How many Jews? How many of each were killed?

Intent is the main factor it seems according to the international genocide scholar association from my research into their work.

Germany lost 500,000 civilians in WW2. This is definitely not classed as genocide because a) they started the war and b) the target was destruction of the third reich.

Likewise Japan with their loss of 1 million civilians in WW2.
Intent is the main factor it seems according to the international genocide scholar association from my research into their work.

Germany lost 500,000 civilians in WW2. This is definitely not classed as genocide because a) they started the war and b) the target was destruction of the third reich.

Likewise Japan with their loss of 1 million civilians in WW2.
Intent is key to genocide.

Germany starting the war isn't a reason why genocide isn't leveled against allied forces though. International law always applies to protect civilians and combatants regardless for who is at fault, if the allies carpet bombed Germany with the intent of wiping out all Germans, that would be genocide regardless.
Maybe not what Jazny's opnion is but here is the International Genocide Scholar's Association report on the Gaza war

It is interesting that the report from them states the following:

Utilizing the framework of the 1948 UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, we see evidence of all five acts
of genocidal violence in the terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas

The report also notes:

View attachment 2108520

Is there any reason why someone who is allegedly as concerned about genocide as yourself has never acknowledged this report by the International Association of Genocide Scholars?

Lol that's not a report on the Gaza War by the International Association of Genocide Scholars. It's a 3 page policy brief by a single American, referencing an old Hamas charter.

There's nothing genocidal about removing the state of Israel, I tend to agree that's it's a failed experiment and needs to go, a murderous rogue ethnostate powered by racial and religious supremacy. No nation has a right to exist.

This is definitely not classed as genocide because a) they started the war

My dude.

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There's nothing genocidal about removing the state of Israel, I tend to agree that's it's a failed experiment and needs to go, a murderous rogue ethnostate powered by racial and religious supremacy.
Well thank god someone at least has the courage to go full mask off. I wonder how many likes you will get from people who flirt with these ideas then act indignant if they get called out.
No nation has a right to exist.
Except the future state of Palestine, right?
Well thank god someone at least has the courage to go full mask off. I wonder how many likes you will get from people who flirt with these ideas then act indignant if they get called out.

Nobody has to get hurt to achieve that. I know it's never going to happen, but it could occur peacefully.

Except the future state of Palestine, right?

If the future state of Palestine starts killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians, then no they also won't have a right to exist.
17,000 of them were Hamas terrorists, targeted. 23,000 civilian casualties, the human shields.


How are they human shields if Israel has shown for decades they have no problem slaughtering entire bloodlines of Palestinians? How many schools and refugee shelters full of women and children do they have to scour from the earth before you start to think maybe Hamas is not really hiding behind these people?

You think Hamas are holding their meetings on the beach? You think Hamas command posts are actually in tents, and not in their extensive tunnel networks?

Your 17,000 figure represents all male adult casualties in Gaza. That's who Israel count as terrorists - Palestinian men.

Lay off the condescension for a split second and stop relying on weasel words to dodge the question.

Why do you think it is not genocide, and looks more like a “normal war”? Why do you think multiple genocide scholars are incorrect in their assessments?
There is nothing about this situation that says "normal war". It's a completely one-sided assault - obliteration even - by one side on the other.
Lol that's not a report on the Gaza War by the International Association of Genocide Scholars. It's a 3 page policy brief by a single American, referencing an old Hamas charter.

There's nothing genocidal about removing the state of Israel, I tend to agree that's it's a failed experiment and needs to go, a murderous rogue ethnostate powered by racial and religious supremacy. No nation has a right to exist.
There is absolutely no doubt about the bolded bit for mine. But I disagree that removal is an option, somehow change has to be forced upon them. Of course that won't happen under current circumstances (ie blind support from the western world, particularly the USA). And change from within doesn't seem to be an option either, at least for the foreseeable future.
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Six UN workers were killed in an Israeli air strike on a Gaza school compound​

Six United Nations workers and several others were killed in an Israeli air strike on a school compound sheltering hundreds of displaced Palestinians in central Gaza.

The Al-Jaouni school is one of dozens that the agency runs and has been used as a shelter since the breakout of the war.

"It is home to around 12,000 displaced people, mainly women and children," the agency said.
I'm not sure how realistic it is for Israel to suddenly about face and become a secular country, or for Palestinians to accept becoming part of the country after what's been done to them for decades by that country.
People would have said the same about Malaysia, Indonesia too (although it's far more majority Islam). It would be a challenge for sure and would take a couple of generations to smooth out but it would be worth it IMO. Even better than a two-state solution.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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